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开始Begin, start, begin with, spring, start up, set off on, break out, strike up, originate from,Initiate, launch, originate, sprout; unfold; unleashoutset, onset,Rudimentary, elementary,

出现Appear, appear to be, emerge, arise, loom, turn out, show up, com out, come into sight/view, come forth

发生Happen, occur, take place, come about,Happening occurrence

产生,创造create, produce, bring about, yield, give birth to, bear, bring into being, generate, beget,germinate;Invent, innovate, renovate, plan, design, imagine, conceive, devise, formulate, imagine, envision,

建立Found, set, built up, construct, institute, constitute, set up, establish

制造,组成Make, make up, produce, construct, turn out, manufacture, form, shape, compose, compile, concoct, fabricate


Copy, duplicate, reproduce, multiply.


Grow, develop, breed, bring up, nurture, cultivate, hone, raise, foster, (主动)Develop, advance, progress, move forward, go forward, proceed(自我成长)Burgeon, flourish, thrive, bloom, blossom, boom, prosper;

保持,延续Continue, last, carry on, keep on, keep, remain maintain retain Perpetuate,Persevere, stick with, insist on, persist in,Continuous, incessant, permanent, constant, steady, unbroken, perpetual, everlasting, eternal, lasting, unending, uninterrupted, undying, immortal, invariable,

存在,生存Exist, found, stand, lay in, be rooted in,be embedded in,Substance, matter, object, material, stuff, things, entity,individual, creature, beings,Topic, subject, issue, theme, gist, item, content, point, Extant, existing, in existence, substantive, ubiquitous, omnipresent, universal,survive,outlive,outlast, remain alive,Endure, undergo,

从有到无,结束,停止stop,finish, be over, cease, discontinue, wind up, bring to an end(close, halt), end,come to an end, end up, terminate,quench,quell,run out, expire, conclude

adjourn/dissolve/lull/subvert,abortaive,Surcease, cessation,impasse, deadlock, logjam,

stalemate,Ultimate, final, eventual,Abeyance, suspend, interruption, brake, halt, pause,

死亡,毁灭Perish, annihilate, kill, exterminate, take life, slay, hatchet, slaughter, assassinate, famish, smother, throttle, strangle, stifle, decimate,Die, pass away, perish, expire, run out,decease, death, demise, Defunct, moribund, dying,Fatal, formidable, deadly, fatality.

取消,废除550Cancel, annul,call off, do away with,Abolish, desuetude, disuse, abandon, repeal, revoke, invalidate, rescind, nullify,Obsolete, out of date, outmoded, out of fashion, old-fashioned,


Remove,erase,delete, extinguish, exterminate, eliminate, eradicate, extirpate, efface,clear away, throw away, do away with, wipe out, get rid of , rule out,Obliterate, expurgate, expunge, purify, purge,

破坏Destroy, damage, wreck, devastate, raze, ravage, knock down, demolish, vandalize, tear down, ruin, spoil, dilapidate,Perdition,detrimental,harmful, injurious,topple down/inclement/

伤害Damage Bruise, mar, maul, do harm to, injure, wound, hurt, impair, harm, hurt, wound, harm, break, fracture, maim, cripple, mangle, mutilate;cut, gash, fracture, break

灾祸Disaster, catastrophic, calamity, cataclysm, carnage, massacre, holocaust, decimate, wreck, accident,Misfortune, hapless, mishap,

逐渐消亡Rot way, perish, decay, disintegrate, decompose, deteriorate, molder, aggravate, worsen, exacerbate, corrupt,Rotten, decayed, corrupt, damaged;decrepit ,decrepitude, dilapidate



能力,强,权力Enable, facilitate, empower, entitle, enhance,Strengthen, reinforce, sustain, countenance, consolidate,Able, be capable of doing , competent, potent, omnipotent, puissant, resourceful,Ability, capability, capacity, skill, forte,competence, faculty,Intelligence, aptitude, flair, talent,Clever, bright, talented, astute, wisdom, wise, smart, acumen,Hegemony, puissance, resource, power, energy, authority, influence, impact, supremacy, potency, strength, force, vigor;