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南京爱唯易周日进SAT托福培训 2014年6月SAT考试填空题周老师独家回忆 @Hongkong 观塘 给大家回忆一下填空, 排名不分先后: 1. 两个的争论非常heated,但是非常courteous,答案为intense 和civil 2. 动物征服寒冷用各式各样的方法,但是人类用一种方法就超越他们surpass 3. 被告编造的故事反而是hinder了自己的defense,让律师也不相信他了。 4. 紧张会刺激疾病的产生,但是微量的紧张会加强自己,fortify 5. 一个发现了动物一起生活的什么东东,共生:symbiosis 6. 一个人说自己在商业上的牛逼是未被证实的,很多人遵循他的意见都破产了。acumen。。。unwarranted 7. 不能抹去的,难以忘却的回忆。indelible 8. 一个牛逼的人混合了当代和什么什么风格音乐,amalgamate 9.叔叔的拜访很surprising,但是他还是热心欢迎,delighted 10.大家都是对成功的科学吹牛逼,一个人表达了tempered的看法,认为failure对于之后的成功也很重要 11. 大家对于一本书是hail,认为是非常杰出的 12. 一个人不是很lenient,仁慈,对任何transgression都严厉处罚 13. 双方的division非常大,达到了schism的程度。 14. 一个人虽然有点taciturn,但是却非常tenacious,因为不说目标,但是会坚定追求 15. 一个什么program让大家engage,这样就revitalize很多人了。 16. 纸质书不是dead,但也是moribund,慢慢死亡 17. 一个人表现出condescend,但是大家对于他的air of superiority不予理睬 18. epiphany,原文说的是突然意识到什么。


2018年6月SAT数学每日练习题:几何应用题今天三立在线教育SAT网为大家带来的是2018年6月SAT数学每日练习题之几何应用题的相关资讯,备考的烤鸭们,赶紧来看看吧! Vera is planning to use exactly 112 feet(ft) of fencing as the border of a rectangular garden. If the width of the garden is 1/3 of the length of the garden, what is the width of the garden? A.7ft B.14ft C.28ft D.42ft 答案:B 解析:Choice B is correct. 宽是长的三分之一,长就是宽的3倍,则栅栏的宽 =112/(2X4)=14ft 2018SAT数学考点清单 列一次等式、不等式,解方程。需要注意的是二元一次方程的解的情况,线性规划问题,含绝对值的不等式等; 比率、比例、百分数、单位换算、利率问题;数据分析可以分为四大板块看,即各种图表的数据描述、抽样和实验等获取数据的方法、概率计算、数据估计等; 多项式及其分解因式、二次方程、二次函数、分式计算、无理式计算,函数图形及相关性质,复合函数;

角三角形中三角函数的定义,圆的解析式,弧长和扇形面积的计算,复数定义及运算。 2018年6月SAT数学每日练习题:几何应用题 Vera is planning to use exactly 112 feet(ft) of fencing as the border of a rectangular garden. If the width of the garden is 1/3 of the length of the garden, what is the width of the garden? A.7ft B.14ft C.28ft D.42ft 答案:B 解析:Choice B is correct. 宽是长的三分之一,长就是宽的3倍,则栅栏的宽 =112/(2X4)=14ft 2018SAT数学考点清单 列一次等式、不等式,解方程。需要注意的是二元一次方程的解的情况,线性规划问题,含绝对值的不等式等; 比率、比例、百分数、单位换算、利率问题;数据分析可以分为四大板块看,即各种图表的数据描述、抽样和实验等获取数据的方法、概率计算、数据估计等; 多项式及其分解因式、二次方程、二次函数、分式计算、无理式计算,函数图形及相关性质,复合函数;


2015年1月24日SAT真题解析 2015年1月24日SAT真题解析下载: https://www.doczj.com/doc/c73445259.html,/SAT/SATyuedu/20150126/344670.html?seo=wenku1262参加2015年1月24日SA T考试的考生们对自己的考试还满意吗?小马过河老师团队给大家精心准备的2015年1月24日SAT真题解析现已免费发布,考生们赶紧点击下载使用吧。 2015年1月24日北美地区SAT写作真题: Is it courageous to show vulnerability or to show strength? SAT写作真题解析: 此次的SAT写作题目,是一个选择疑问句,而句内是对行为属性的判定。拆解开来分别是“Showing vulnerability is courageous.”和“Showing strength is courageous.”所以这个SAT写作题目问的是显露弱点和优势这两种行为哪个更勇敢? 考生能联想到的是目前正经历的传统教育中经常被灌输的的“要考好”、“你看别人家的孩子……”、“别人都去你怎么不去?”的“争先恐后”思想。竞争和压力的成长和学习环境中总是被动或者主动的在展示“优点”和“强大”。由此,想到The Joy Luck Club中女儿Waverly弹奏钢琴和参加弈棋比赛展现自己优点才华的场景。那么不同的读者在这里看到的故事是不同的,有人觉得Waverly展示自己的才华并非所愿,这种行为也没有给她带来好处。由此回到题目中对改行为的判定,落到是否courageous这个属性上来。我们最基本的学习和竞争中,展现自己的才华和强大都是必要的,比如考生们在申请学校的文书中也是极尽所能的在做这件事。

2015年6月SAT真题(北美)section 7

1.The entertainer was know for his------: he gave essentially the same solid performance night after night for twenty years. (A)Bluntness (B)Arrogance (C)Obedience (D)Generosity (E)Consistency 2.Transoceanic navigation is so------coastal navigation that the development of the former from the latter required------new instruments rather than modifying older ones. (A)contingent on .. perfecting (B)different from .. inventing (C)divorced from .. rejecting (D)separate from .. repairing (E)inferior to .. exploiting 3.It is widely------,almost to the point of being conventional wisdom, that movies have experienced and overall------in quality; exceptions are generally regarded as happy accidents. (A)assumed .. decline (B)denied .. drop (C)known .. improvement (D)overlooked .. lapse (E)hoped .. rise 4.Once regarded as an accurate, or------, representation of reality, the well-known painting is now consideration to be an entirely------creation. (A)faithful .. imaginative (B)distorted .. confusing (C)outdated .. fictional (D)precise .. practical (E)artificial .. sufficient 5.Many teachers------jargon: they avoid specialize terminology, explaining difficult concepts in term that students understand. (A)manifest (B)divulge (C)propagate (D)invoke (E)eschew Questions 6-9 are based on the following passage. Passage 1


2012年1月SAT真题句子填空全文翻译精讲 2012.1 真题 1. Jacob felt great ______ about his upcoming trip to Brazil; indeed, he could hardly contain his enthusiasm. A. concern B. uncertainty C. confusion D. generosity E. excitement 中文释义:雅各布对于即将开始的巴西之旅感到非常兴奋,确实是这样,他几乎难以抑制他的热情。 题意解析:分号后是对前半句的进一步解释说明,表明雅各布对于巴西之旅很期待,因此他的感受应该是比较兴奋,E项正确,A项意思是关注,B项是不确定,C项是混乱,D项是慷慨大方,均不合句意。 词汇解释: upcoming:即将到来的;forthcoming, approaching contain:1. 包含comprise, include;2. 控制;to keep within limits; 3. 容纳;to have with, hold; 4. 牵制;check, halt 2. The professor’s classroom manner was quite_____, never revealing the warmth and playfulness she showed in private. A. witty B. sincere C. lively D. formal E. friendly 中文释义:这位教授的课堂举止非常严肃,和她在私下里表现出的热情风趣一点也不一样。题意解析:never作为连接词表明前后半句句意相反,教授私下的表现与课堂上不同,从后半句中可以看出平时比较热情,于是课堂上时就应该是严谨认真,所以D项正确。A项意思是机智的,B项是真诚的,C项是活泼的,E项是友好的,均不合题意,所以排除。 经典例句:Over the years, teaching methods have changed and become less formal. 这几年来,教学方法已有改变,不是那么正式了。 词汇解释: reveal:显示,揭露;to make (something secret or hidden) publicly or generally known 3. Instead of taking notes during the interview, the journalist recorded the celebrity’s remarks on tape and later ______them. A. disavowed B. transcribed C. anticipated D. retracted E. recollected 中文释义:这位记者在采访中并没有记笔记,而是用磁带录下这位名人的言论,之后再转录下来。 题意解析:从句意可以看出该记者在采访时不做笔记而是录下来,也就意味着录完以后再记录,由此推出正确选项是B转录。A项意思是拒绝否认,C项是预期期望,D项是撤销,E 项是回忆,想起,均不合题意,所以排除。 4. Like several other important advances in medicine, penicillin was a somewhat____discovery resulting from _______combination of blind chance and technical expertise. A. progressive .. a reliable B. wonderful .. an unlucky C. untimely .. a profitable D. ordinary .. an unfortunate E. accidental .. a favorable 中文释义:正如其他重大医学进展一样,青霉素是由机遇与专业技术相结合的意外发现。

美国取消6月SAT所有国际考场 国际考生措手不及

SAT美国主办方近日突然宣布取消六月份本土之外的所有国际考场,对于申请2018年秋季入学的中国申请者而言影响不小。 23日,素有“美国高考”之称的SAT(美国学术能力评估测验)主办单位美国大学理事会给每一位注册了2017年6月参加SAT考试的学生发了一封邮件,通知考生将取消美国本 土之外的所有国际考场的考试,这其中包括中国学生经常去的新加坡,泰国,中国香港、台湾等地区的考场。 在SAT取消六月国际考场考试后,许多网友都发文表示朋友圈内被这一突如其来的消息刷屏了。有网友感慨,现在连进个考场都难了。还有网友表示,“SAT一月份考试取消了部分成绩,六月份考试整个取消,留学形势愈加严峻”。 此外,在考生们收到的邮件中,主办方同时宣布2017至2018年以及2018-2019年国际SAT考试由原来的六次减少为四次,考试日期分别为2017年的10月、11月和2018年的3月、5月。 SAT主办单位美国大学理事会的文化传播主管乔斯?里奥斯在接受记者采访时表示,此次采取的措施是主办方为打击作弊而实施的“最有力、最直接的措施”。 他告诉记者,目前官方正在考虑增加登记5月份考试的考位,以便能够让尽可能多的学生参加考试。 泄题不断

SAT减少考试次数美媒称为打击刷分 据报道,SAT减少考试次数是为减少考生的刷分(为获高分多次参加考试)现状,也避免题库使用频率高而造成真题过多外泄导致的刷题及作弊。 据介绍,研发一套试题大概需要花费几十万美元,而且需要很长时间。因此,SAT的考题会循环使用。当学生考完试后,考场会将试题回收。美国大学理事会每年会公布一部分考题,剩下未公布的考卷会在以后的考试中继续使用。美国国内SAT的考题往往会再次出现在亚洲举办的考试中。正因如此,SAT的作弊现象屡见不鲜,尤其在海外。 路透社称,过去3年内,美国高中生参加的SAT考试中,至少有5次包含已在网上广泛泄露的题目。即使是被重新设计过的题目,在开考前几天也会在网上出现。 官方回应 考虑增加5月考试考位登记截止到4月7日 SAT主办单位美国大学理事会的文化传播主管乔斯?里奥斯接受记者采访时表示,此次采取的措施是主办方为打击作弊而实施的“最有力、最直接的措施”。 里奥斯表示,已经接到了登记参加6月国际考场考试的学生的询问,官方也给予这些学生多种替代选择。里奥斯告诉法晚记者,如果学生登记了参加今年6月国际考场的考试,他们将会收到退款,可以进行重新登记。目前登记5月考试的时间截止日期为4月7日。


2008年1月份SAT考题分析 By 李现伟lxw0257111@https://www.doczj.com/doc/c73445259.html, 第一部分:填空题 section 2 1. 扣voting rights, 只有suffrage表示“选举权”之意。 restitution:赔偿 solace:n 安慰 levy:n 征税 2. 冒号题,对后文解释的总结,statistical data所以就是demographic(人口统计)。conjectural:a 推测的 anecdotal:a 逸闻趣事的 qualitative:a 性质上的 3. and构成小连接,能和independence相匹配的只有autonomy。independent:: autonomous compromise: v 妥协 servility: n 奴性 persevere: v 坚持 competence: n 能胜任 acquiesce: v 默许 banality: n 陈腐 recant: v 放弃 conformity: n 墨守成规。 4. 冒号题,对后面的总结,“只具有形式而没有功用”对应的单词是vestigial(遗迹的)。ostentatious: a. 假装的,虚伪的 prodigious: a. so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe相当大的 invasive: a 侵略性的 kinetic: a 有活力的 5. 特殊人物(idealist)或者说取反:idealistic(理想主义的)<> pragmatic(注重实效的)。condone:原谅,indulgent:放纵的 6. in contrast to引起取反,strident(说话严厉的)<> gentle(待人温柔和善的),容易错选的是stoic:坚忍的(表示禁欲,相当于ascetic,temperate等) conciliatory:a. doing something that is intended to make someone stop arguing with you 调和的,conciliatory <> confronting(对抗性的) 7. 冒号题,找对应,与arguing about对应起来的只有polemical(爱争吵的)和quarrelsome,第一空填反义词,而haphazard(偶然的)没任何意义,只有resolute(坚决的)可以。philanthropic:慈善的;steadfast:a 坚定的;acquiescent:默许的 8. 逗号题,现在分词进行解释,能与unadorned words相匹配的只有economical(节约的)。incantatory:a 咒语的,魔咒的 disaffected:a 不满的 unstinting:a 无限制的 evenhanded:a 公平的 section 5 1.读一下顺一遍,就知道第二空不会填好词。 endorse:v 背书支持;abridge:缩短;


2016 年 6 月大学英语四级考试真题(第三套) Directions:In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. Signs barring cell-phone use are a familiar sight to anyone who has ever sat in a hospital waiting room. But the 26 popularity of electronic medical records has forced hospital-based doctors to become 27 on computers throughout the day, and desktops —which keep doctors from bedsides — are 28 giving way to wireless devices. As clerical loads increased, “something had to 29 and that was always face time with patients,” says Dr. Bhakti Patel, a former chief resident in the University of Chicago’s internal-medicine program. In fall 2010, she helped 30 a pilot project in Chicago to see if the iPad could improve working conditions and patient care. The experiment was so 31 that all internal-medicine program adopted the same 32 in 2011. Medical schools at Yale and Stanford now have paperless, iPad-based curriculums. “You’ll want an iPad just so you can wear this” is the slogan for one of the new lab coats 33 with large pockets to accommodate tablet computers. A study of the University of Chicago iPad project found that patients got tests and 34 faster if they were cared for by iPad-equipped residents. Many patients also 35 a better understanding of the illnesses that landed them in the hospital in the first place. 选项: A) dependent B) designed C) fast D) flying E) gained F) give G) growing


Section 1 Prompt 1 Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below. Most human beings spend their lives doing work they hate and work that the world does not need. It is of prime importance that you learn early what you want to do and whether or not the world needs this service. The return from your work must be the satisfaction that work brings you and the world's need of that work. Income is not money, it is satisfaction; it is creation; it is beauty. Adapted from W.E.B. Du Bois, The Autobiography of W.E.B. Du Bois: A Soliloquy on Viewing My Life from the Last Decade of Its First Century Assignment: Is it more important to do work that one finds fulfilling or work that pays well? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations. Prompt 2 Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below. If we are dissatisfied with our circumstances, we think about changing them. But the most important and effective changes—in our attitude—hardly occur to us.


2017年6月ACT北美真题分析 英语部分 74C作为北美卷,英语和阅读的文章难度都要稍高于平均水平。 英语部分第一篇讲述作者在宠物医院观察陌生女子与其宠物蜥蜴的关系,1964东京奥运会美国10000米运动员Mills成长史和夺金过程; 有声电影Foley声音录制法的发展和特点; 普林斯顿大学学者Bassler对于细菌之间交流的研究以及伦敦地铁线路图的绘制。 其中,前两篇作为人文社科类,阅读理解类型题目的难度较大,占比较高。比如第二篇文章23题挑出一个副词rather问它对文章表达的影响。文章的增删题目难度也比较大,有的题目暗示答案的地方里题目很远,或者不像我们期待的那样有比较明显的线索,要求考生对文章的主旨和作者的意图有很细致的把握。 同时,英语部分基本覆盖了我们平时所有常见考点,难度适中。比如标点符号运用和句子结构的关系,主谓语配合,时态配合,连词运用,同位语解释说明,名词从句,简洁原则等。这些题目都可以通过系统复习语法点轻松拿下。 相比之下,74C的词汇题就比较具有挑战性。虽然涉及词汇没有生僻词,但是四个选项意思非常相近,就要求考生对词汇的使用习惯、含义色彩和语境都有良好的把握。这也提示了我们在扩充词汇量的时候不要一味追求难词、大词,而也要把自己对已经熟悉的单词模棱两可的印象弄清楚。做词汇题的时候也不要只纠结词汇本身或者词汇所在的那个短语,二是要结合句子和段落主旨选择最合适的选项。 总之,根据74C来看,我们要是想在ACT英语考试中取得一个比较好的成绩,在接下来的复习中除了将语法点掌握扎实之外还要提高阅读量,训练自己对文章主旨、作者意图的理解能力。 数学部分 74C的数学部分对于中国学生来说比较容易。 复杂的知识点比如复数、矩阵还有难度较高的统计都没有涉及。覆盖的考点有基本概率,比例,排列组合,解方程,基本平面几何,函数的根、定义域值域、增长率,基本幂指对运算,基本三角函数,基本不等式等,不过可能涉及到一些我们不太熟悉的词汇(锐角直角钝角三角形,等距等)。 同时,部分有应用背景的题目阅读量稍大。虽然数学是我们的强项,但是复习的时候仍然不


2008年1月份SAT考题分析 By https://www.doczj.com/doc/c73445259.html, SATbbs是国内首个SAT考生自发建设的公益交流平台,无任何中介背景,致力于国内学生SAT考试交流,分享SAT考试经验,真题及美国本科申请交流。 第一部分:填空题 section 2 1. 扣voting rights, 只有suffrage表示“选举权”之意。 restitution:赔偿 solace:n 安慰 levy:n 征税 2. 冒号题,对后文解释的总结,statistical data所以就是demographic(人口统计)。conjectural:a 推测的 anecdotal:a 逸闻趣事的 qualitative:a 性质上的 3. and构成小连接,能和independence相匹配的只有autonomy。independent:: autonomous compromise: v 妥协 servility: n 奴性 persevere: v 坚持 competence: n 能胜任 acquiesce: v 默许 banality: n 陈腐 recant: v 放弃 conformity: n 墨守成规。 4. 冒号题,对后面的总结,“只具有形式而没有功用”对应的单词是vestigial(遗迹的)。ostentatious: a. 假装的,虚伪的 prodigious: a. so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe相当大的invasive: a 侵略性的 kinetic: a 有活力的 5. 特殊人物(idealist)或者说取反:idealistic(理想主义的)<> pragmatic(注重实效的)。condone:原谅,indulgent:放纵的 6. in contrast to引起取反,strident(说话严厉的)<> gentle(待人温柔和善的),容易错选的是stoic:坚忍的(表示禁欲,相当于ascetic,temperate等)


2014年6月英语四级长篇阅读原文来源及答案 本文节选自2013年4月《大西洋月刊》(The Atlantic)上的一篇同名文章《触屏一代》(The Touch Screen Generation)。 On a chilly day last spring, a few dozen developers of children’s apps for phones and tablets gathered at an old beach resort in Monterey, California, to show off their games. One developer, a self-described “visionary for puzzles”who looked like a skateboarder-recently-turned-dad, displayed a jacked-up, interactive game called Puzzingo, intended for toddlers and inspired by his own son?s desire to build and smash. Two 30?something women were eagerly seeking feedback for an app called Knock Knock Family, aimed at 1-to-4-year-olds. “We want to make sure it?s easy enough for babies to understand,” one explained. The gathering was organized by Warren Buckleitner, a longtime reviewer of interactive children’s media who likes to bring together developers, researchers, and interest groups—and often plenty of kids, some still in diapers. It went by the Harry Potter–ish name Dust or Magic, and was held in a drafty old stone-and-wood hall barely a mile from the sea, the kind of place where Bathilda Bagshot might retire after packing up her wand. Buckleitner spent the breaks testing whether his own remote-control helicopter could reach the hall?s second story, while various children who had come with their parents looked up in awe and delight. But mostly they looked down, at the iPads and other tablets displayed around the hall like so many open boxes of candy. I walked around and talked with developers, and several paraphrased a famous saying of Maria Montessori?s, a quote imported to ennoble a touch-screen age when very young kids, who once could be counted on only to chew on a square of aluminum, are now engaging with it in increasingly sophisticated ways: “The hands are the instruments of man?s intelligence.” What, really, would Maria Montessori have made of this scene? The 30 or so children here were not down at the shore poking their fingers in the sand or running them along mossy stones or digging for hermit crabs. Instead they were all inside, alone or in groups of two or three, their faces a few inches from a screen, their hands doing things Montessori surely did not imagine. A couple of 3-year-old girls were leaning against a pair of French doors, reading an interactive story called Ten Giggly Gorillas and fighting over which ape to tickle next. A boy in a nearby corner had turned his fingertip into a red marker to draw an ugly picture of his older brother. On an old oak table at the front of the room, a giant stuffed Angry Bird beckoned the children to come and test out tablets loaded with dozens of new apps. Some of the chairs had pillows strapped to them, since an 18-month-old might not otherwise be able to reach the table, though she?d know how to swipe once she did. Not that long ago, there was only the television, which theoretically could be kept in the parents’bedroom or locked behind a cabinet. Now there are smartphones and iPads, which wash up in the domestic clutter alongside keys and gum and stray hair ties. “Mom, everyone has technology but me!” my 4-year-old son sometimes wails. And why shouldn?t he feel entitled? In the same span of time it took him to learn how to say that sentence, thousands of kids? apps have been developed—the majority aimed at preschoolers like him. To us (his parents, I mean), American childhood has undergone a somewhat alarming transformation in a very short time. But to him, it has always been possible to do so many things with the swipe of a finger, to have hundreds of games packed into a gadget the same size as Goodnight Moon. In 2011, the American Academy of Pediatrics updated its policy on very young children and


2016年6月大学英语四级真题及解析完整版 Section A Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. Questions 26 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard. Physical activity does the body good, and there?s growing evidence that it helps the brain too. Researchers in the Netherlands report that children who get more exercise, whether at school or on their own, 26to have higher GPAs and better scores on standardized tests. In a 27of 14 studies that looked at physical activity and academic28, investigators found that the more children moved, the better their grades were in school, 29in the basic subjects of math, English and reading. The data will certainly fuel the ongoing debate over whether physical education classes should be cut as schools struggle to 30on smaller budgets. The arguments against physical education have included concerns that gym time may be taking away from study time. With standardized test scores in the U.S. 31in recent years, some administrators believe students need to spend more time in the classroom instead of on the playground. But as these findings show, exercise and academics may not be 32exclusive. Physical activity can improve blood 33to the brain, fueling memory, attention and creativity, which are 34to learning. And exercise releases hormones that can improve 35and relieve stress, which can also help learning. So while it may seem as if kids are just exercising their bodies when they?re running around, they may actually be exercising their brains as well.

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