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2017-2018学年高一下学期期末考试备考满分冲刺专题专题二必修3重点句型针对训练一、单句语法填空1. I can’t have you

__________(speak) to your mother in that rude manner. You must apologize to her immediately. 2. Who would you like to have __________(go) with you? 3. You’d better have you eyes

__________(examine) tomorrow. 4. "Do you have any clothes __________(wash)?"the servant asked. 5. (2015•福建改

编)However, life can be great when you are not busy finding fault _____________ it. 6. ________________is known that the best violin in the world is made in Italia. 【答案】 1. speaking 2. go 3. examined 4. to be washed 5. with 6. It 二、英汉互译1. 有些人认为英语很难学。

___________________________________________________________ ______________________ 2. This maths problem is very difficult to work out.

___________________________________________________________ ______________________ 3. 中国是所有亚洲国家中最大的一个。

___________________________________________________________ ______________________ 4. I’ll post that letter whatever Wilson says.

___________________________________________________________ ______________________ 5. 我要把这本书给需要的人。

___________________________________________________________ ______________________ 6. He lay in bed, awake.

___________________________________________________________ ______________________ 7. 他们在雪地里待了几天,又冷又饿。

___________________________________________________________ ______________________ 8. Wet or fine, he got up at six and took

a walk in the park.


______________________ 【答案】 1. Some people think that English is difficult to learn. 2. 这道数学题很难解出来。 3.

①China is larger than any other country in Asia. ②China is larger than any of the other countries in Asia. ③China is larger than the others in Asia. ④China is larger than any of the others in Asia. 三、完成句子 1. 很显然,他是在和我们开玩笑。 ____________________________ he is playing a trick on us.

2. 纪念那位科学家的晚会很可能在下周二召开。

____________________________ the party in memory of that scientist is to be held next Tuesday. 3. 一个人学习外语时犯

错误是很自然的。It’s natural that one

____________________________ when learning a foreign language.

4. 在6月28号之前交上你的文章是很重要的。 It is important that you ____________________________ in your article before 28th, June.

5. 据报道,献血对健康有好处。

____________________________ donating blood does good to health. 6. 我想起来了,你煮的面条味道还真不错!

____________________________ the noodles you cooked tasted good. 7. 我不允许你那样搞恶作剧。I won’t have you

____________________________ like that. 8. I find

____________________________. 我发现这份工作非常令人满意。 9. When he came to himself, he found ____________________________. 当他醒来时,他发现自己被一群男孩子围着。 10. In the school hall, where _____________________________, some students are busy preparing for it. 在学校大礼堂将举行一次会议,有几个学生正忙着做准备。(be to do) 11. They have three times as many cows ____________ we have. 他们拥有三倍于我们的奶牛。 12. My house is twice the size ____________ my parents’. 我的房子的面积

是我父母的两倍。 13. The room is ____________________________