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AB;进来。请。Come in,please.

CD:早上好,很高兴遇到你们。Good morning ,nice to meet you.

AB:很高兴遇见你们,请坐,nice to meet you too , take your seat.

CD:非常感谢。Thanks very much .

A::不用谢,首先告诉我们你们的号码. No , thanks . first ,tell me your number .

C:我的号码是2。My number is 2.

D:我的是4..my number is 4.

B:很好。告诉我你们的名字。Fine ,tell me your name .

C:我的名字叫XXX。很高兴来到贵公司面试。My name is XXX, I’m happy coming here for this intereview.


A:好的,我来介绍一下,这位是面试官XXX,我是经理XXX。OK. Let me introduce,this is manager XXX, and I’m manager XXX.

B:这次有我们主持这次面试。你们多大了?this time .we hold this interview.



A:你们的加庭住址在哪?where do you live in ?

C:青岛崂山区松岭路99号。Songling numbeer 99 ,laoshan ,Qingdao .

D:我也是。Me too.

B:原籍呢?where do your original family live in ?



A:很好,我想知道你们的专业?well.what is your major

C:英语专业。My major is English .

D:工商管理。my major is business administration

B:你们从哪一所大学毕业?Which university are you attending?

C;我毕业于青岛科技大学。I graduated ftom qingdaokejidaxue .


A:很巧,你们是校友。It’s great ,you are schoolmate.


B:你们有学位证书吗。Do you have bachelor degree?

D:有的,我有工商管理硕士。Yes , I received my MBA degree .

C:我有英语学士学位I received my bachelor degree

A:你们的英语不错。You have a pretty good English .

CD:谢谢。Thanks .

A:不用谢。No ,thanks .

B;你们最喜欢什么课程?what course did you like best?


D经理课程,我上学时对这十分的感兴趣,我认为这十分有益于我现在的工作。Project management. i was very interested in this course when i was a student. and i think it…s very useful for my present work.

C:英语口译,我认为我能流利的和外国人进行对话。Spoken engkish ,I can use a fluent English

chat with English.

A:你们的强项是什么。what are your greatest strengths?

C:我不会紧张在面对重大情况,我的心理素质。I will never nervous when I meet important condition .

D:我曾经,在外国的大学经修过工商管理。I have study in abroad .

A:想应聘什么职位?which position do you want?

C:销售人员。Position of sales.

D:经理助理. Manager’s assistant.

B:你们有工作经验吗?do you have a work experience?

C:yes ,I have part time at a big corporation .

D:是的,我曾经进入过国际大公司进行实习。I have studied this course in the international business training center of the company.

A:好吧,你们曾经获得过什么荣誉吗?参加过什么比赛获得了什么奖项。Ok ,do you have any honor about your major, for example,have you ever attend some competitions?

C:我参加过国家大学生英语比赛,获得一等奖,这是我的证书。Yes. This is my qualifications certificate.


D:我参加过省里举办的工商管理研讨会,发表过文章,获得了第一名,这是我的证书。I have attend a meeting of my major ,and I written an article which get the number 1.this is my diploma. B:好的。

A:你们的经历非常好。你们为什么选择本公司?you have an great experience, but , Why did you choose this corporation?

C:在这儿的工作环境号,还是一个大公司,待遇优厚,能获得很多机会。Here is a good environment and this is a big corporation ,here is high salary.

B:你呢?how about you ?

D:在这儿共工作离家近,并且工资高,能对口我的专业。公司有先进的的企业文化,here close to my home ,and I can use my knowledge in work.

A:恩。你们的业余兴趣是什么?en ,ok, what about your amateur interest?

C:我喜欢和家人一起去爬山,在星期天。I like climb mountain at Sunday.

D:我喜欢看电影,和家人在一起看电影很幸福。I like movie ,I think it is happy to wtch movie with my home .

B:你们的性格怎么样?What kind of character do you think you have?

C:我认为我是乐于助人的,I think I‟m patient. and I‟m ready to help others.

D:我是乐观的。I think I‟m Optimism

A:你们的弱点是什么?what about your weakness?

C:我不擅长使用电脑。I don’t well in computer.

D:我有些害羞,我不太喜欢和刚认识的人说话。I‟m a little shy. I may be uncomfortable talking with the people whom i have just met for the first time.

B:你们自己能够和他人一起完成合作任务吗?can you achieve a task by yourself or in a group?



A:这非常好,你们的薪资期望是多少?What are your salary expectations?

C:4000元每个月。4000 yuan per month .