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made? A.2,500 years ago B.More than 3,000 years ago C.About 2,000 years ago ()15.What was n ot allowed to do there? A, Smok ing

B. Taking photos



( )7.Why has n ' ' t Jenny come yet? A.Because she forgot the date B.Because she C. Because she changed her mind ( )8.Why is the woman

movi ng away A.The house is not big eno ugh B.He n eighbor makes too much no ise


时间:2012/7/7 9:32:34

来源:宁夏教研网 点击:62 讨论:0 初三英语模拟试卷(一)班级




(5分)()1.A.Yes, I do.

B.No,l don '' t

C.No, never (

)2.A.Yes,I thi nk B.Yes,you should do them by yourself

C.I don '' t know ( )3.A.Sorry, I have n '' t B.Oh ,n ever mind

C. No, thanks (

)4.Yes, I agree

with you B. Certa ini y.This way, please C.Yes, itr ''s very nice of you.(

)5.A.Tha nk

you. B. Yes, please C. You are right II. 听对话, 选择正确答案。(5分)()6.What

kind of music does the man like? A.Loud music

B.Soft music

C. Rock music

wasn '' t invited

C. She does n

'' t like her old house ( )9.What color is the man ''s dog? A. Yellow

B. Black

C. White ( )10.What did the girl ” s father give her A. A radio B.An

MP5 player

C. A pair of shoes Ill.

听长对话,选择正确答案。 (5分)听下面一段长对

话,回答第 11----12

小题()11.When did the man borrow the DVD? st week


C.Two weeks ago (

)12.Why did the man borrow The DVD? A.T

learn En glish B.To spe nd his weeke nd C. To make friends with the woma n


面一段长对话, 回答第 13----15

小题()13,where did the boy go last weekend? A.T

the museum

B.To the park

C. To the cin ema (

)14.Whe n was the big

“Ding ”

Copying IV.听短文,选择正确答案。(10 分)()16. The speaker thinks music is

an ______ p art of her life. A.excit ing B. amaz ing C. importa nt ( )17.What kind

of music does the speaker like? A.Rock and dance music B. Rock and pop music

C.Jazz and country music ( )18.Who likes dancing? A. The speaker B. The speaker ''s classmate C. The speaker ‘ ’ s best friend ( )19.What does the speaker ‘ ’ s mother th ink of country music? A relax ing B. Bori ng C. Cool ( )20.How many people ” s ideas about music are mentioned? A. 4 B. 5 C.6 I.Choose the best answer ( )1.ln China, we are used to eating _________________ chopsticks and spoons.

A. on


C.with ______________________________

D.without ( )2.I don '' t know to use knife

and fork at the dinner table. A.how B.why C. what D. where ( )3.The stude nts _____ to litter scraps of paper over the floor. A.are not supposed B.must not C.have D.doesn '' t supposed ( )4.They always _______ more time reading English after class. A. spend B.take C.cost D.pay ( )5.I '' d rather to the zoo.Because I like animals. A.going B.to go C. go D. we nt ( )6.Soft colors like pink and light blue make people ______.Soft lighting makes people

look ____ A. relaxed, good B. well, good C. good, well D. relaxed, bad

()7.A: When shall we meet? B:Let ' ' s _______ it 8:00.1s that all right? A.begin