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a-/an- == no; without; lack, 没有,缺少

amateur ['æmətə, ,æmə'tə:]不熟练的,业余的asocial [ei'səuʃəl],anharmonic [,ænhɑ:'mɔnik]不和谐的, anarchism ['ænəkizəm]无政府主义, acentric[ə'sentrik]无中心的, amoral [ei'mɔrəl] , asexual [ei'seksjuəl] 无性别的anonymous[ə'nɔniməs] adj. having no known name or identity or known source 匿名的

例句: anonymous authors anonymous donors an anonymous gift

a- == in; on; at; by; with;to 出于某种状态中

asleep [ə'sli:p] , ahead [ə'hed], abed[ə'bed], abloom[ə'blu:m] aside[ə'said]

abreast[ə'brest] adj. b eing up to particular standard or level especially in being up to date in knowledge;跟进;

adv. alongside each other, facing on the same direction肩并肩地

例句: kept abreast of the latest developments

They walked two or three abreast. 他们三三两两地并肩行走。

a-/an- /ac-/ af- / ag- == at; to加强意义,

aloud高声地, awake[ə'weik] v. 唤醒, aweary[ə'wiəri]疲倦的, annotate ['ænəuteit] v. 注释, announce v.

affright[ə'frait] , affix附加,贴上, affirm[ə'fə:m]

aggrandize[ə'ɡrændaiz] aggravate['æɡrəveit]aggrieve[ə'ɡri:v]

accustom [ə'kʌstəm] account 计算,算帐, accredit [ə'kredit] 信任, 委托acclaim[ə'kleim]欢呼,喝彩, accompany[ə'kʌmpəni] v.be associated with; go or travel along with; 伴随;和…一起发生(或存在); 陪同,陪伴

例句: Lightning usually accompanies thunder.

Please accompany me on my walk.

accomplish[ə'kʌmpliʃ, ə'kɔm-] vt. put in effect; to gain with effort实施;完成

例句: to accomplish one's mission

She seems to accomplish nothing.

ab-== from; away from 远离,不是,相反

abnormal [æb'nɔ:məl] abroad [ə'brɔ:d] abuse[ə'bju:z, ə'bju:s]

absorb[əb'sɔ:b, -'zɔ:b] 吸去,吸收abend [ə'bend] 异常终止

abandon[ə'bændən] vt.

1. forsake, leave behind; stop maintaining or insisting on; of ideas or claims放弃;弃绝;绝望;断念:

例句: We abandoned the old car in the empty parking lot.

例句: He abandoned the thought of asking for her hand in marriage.

2. [abandon oneself to] 放纵;纵情;无拘无束;使沉溺于:


ad- == to; toward; forward 表示朝着

adjoin[ə'dʒɔin]临近, adventure[əd'ventʃə, æd-] 冒险

adjust[ə'dʒʌst] vt.alter or regulate so as to achieve accuracy or conform to a standard; adapt or conform oneself to new or different conditions调整,调准; 适应[phr. ] adjust to 适应

例句: We adjusted our watch to local time.

He adjusted himself to new conditions.

advocate['ædvəkeit, 'ædvəkət] vt. speak, plead, or argue in favour of 倡导

例句: passionately advocate economic reforms

amphi- == 两、双, amphicar 水陆两用车, amphibian 水陆两栖的, amphitheatre 两边都可观看的剧场,圆形剧场

ante-== before 之前antecedent 先前的,先行的, antetype 先型,原型, anteport 前港,外港, anteroom 前室,接待室, antedate 比实际早的日期, antestomach 前胃

anti-== against pref. 表示“反对,抵抗”之义

antipathy[æn'tipəθi]反感, antifreeze['æntifri:z] antiwar anti-imperlialist[im'piəriəlist]

anti-ageing antitank[,ænti'tæŋk]反坦克的anti-virus

ap-/ ar- / as / at- == 加强或引伸意义

appoint指定,任命appraise评价,估价appease[ə'pi:z] 使平息,绥靖

assent[ə'sent] vi. 同意, assort[ə'sɔ:t]分类, assimilate[ə'simileit] 同化,吸收, assure[ə'ʃuə] 使确信,担保, associate[ə'səuʃieit]联合,结合,交往(+with)

attest证明, attract吸引

arrange [ə'reindʒ] v. put into a proper or systematic order ; plan, organize, and carry out (an event) 安排,布置

例句: arrange the books on the shelves in chronological order

Would you arrange a formal appointment for us?

[phr] arrange for准备好

例句: Please arrange for a taxi to collect us after the meeting.

assign [ə'sain] v. give sth to sb as a share of work to be done or of things to be used 分配任务或者东西(+ sth. to sb.)