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1:Hebrew---Israelite---Jew Jew---Jewish---Judaism



3:The fall of man: Adam and Eve、the Garden of Eden

4: Noah’s Ark

5:Moses(a famous Hebrew leader) 、Exodus、40 years、the mountainous Sinai、Ten Commandments

6:While in Babylon in the 6th century B.C., the Hebrews, now known as Jews, formed synagogues(大会堂) to practise their religion.

7:如今有多少犹太人?15 million

8:Jesus 出生地:那瑟勒死亡地:耶路撒冷郊外髑髅地·各各地

Baptism: 30 years、John baptist

9:Diocletian destroyed、Constantine and the Edict of Milan in 133、Theodosius official

10: the new testament(新约):the birth、 teaching、 death(The Crucifixion 耶稣被钉十字架)、resurrection of Jesus

11:现代英语两大宝库:the English Bible and Shakespeare

12:228 years

13:the Code of Chivalry:to protect the week, to fight for church, to be loyal to his lord, to respect women of noble birth.

14:half civilized Germanic tribes: Visigoths, the Franks, the Angle and Saxons, the Vandals

15:Feudalism(封建主义) the Manor(庄园) serfs(农奴) Charles Martel in 732.

16:After 1054, the Roman Catholic church and Eastern Orthodox church 17:three groups in feudalism: clergy(牧师最高) lords peasants(农民最低)

18:the crusades(十字军) 8 times 200 years

By 1291, the moslems had taken over the last Christain stronghold. 19:Emperor of the Romans(神圣罗马皇帝): Charlemagne(查理曼大帝)

20:Alfred the Great(Anglo-Saxdon) contributed to medieval European culture

21:real scientific progress began in the 12th and 13th centuries. Roger bacon(a monk) is an advocate of scientific research.Opus maius, and encyclopedia(自然哲学总则)

22:National Epics: Beowulf(Anglo-saxon/英国) Song of Roland(French/法国)


Geoffrey Chaucer(杰弗里乔叟) and the Canterbury tales(坎特伯雷故事) 23:Romanesque(罗马建筑) Gothic(哥特式建筑):stained glass windows are the Holy Scriptures



1:Two Major Elements in European Culture

European culture is made up of many elements, which have gone through changes over the centuries. Two of these elements are considered to be more enduring and they are: the Greco-Roman element, and the

Judeo-Christian element.

However, there has been a complex interplay between the two, which adds to the richness of the culture.

2:Why should Chinese students of English bother about European culture? Well, English culture is a part of European culture and language cannot be learned without some knowledge of the culture Behind it.

Further, European culture itself is a part of world culture. Some knowledge of it is necessary to us as citizens of the world, particularly when our country is going ahead with modernization and taking an active part in world affairs.

3:Ten Commandments(摩西十诫)

1)You shall have no other gods before me.


2)You shall not make for yourself an idol.不可为自己雕刻偶像。

4)Observe the sabbath day and keep it holy. 守安息日为圣日。

5)Honor your father and mother. 孝敬父母。

6)You shall not murder. 不可杀人。

7)Neither shall you commit adultery. 不可奸淫。

8)Neither shall you steal. 不可偷盗。

9.)Neither shall you bear false witness against your neighbor.