当前位置:文档之家› 劳动合同翻译(中英对照)


Labor Contract



Party B (laborer) Name: Gender:

Nationality: Education degree:


Hukou: __________(provision) __________(county) ________township (town)___village _______group


ID No. of Party B: □□□□□□□□□□□□□□



Correspondence address of Party B:


To establish the labor relationship between the parties and clarify the rights and obligations of the parties, Party A and Party B hereby enter into the labor contract pursuant to the rules of the law, regulatory rules and rules and regulations of the Labor Law and the Labor Contract Law through the equal and voluntariness consultations with the following terms and conditions for the parties to mutually abide by:


I. Contract term

1、本合同为固定期限劳动合同,合同期限为年(自200 年月日起至20


The contract is the fixed-term labor contract, with the contract term of ________(years) from (MM DD 200___ to MM DD 20___), herein the probation of the _______months( from MM DD YY to MM DD YY).


2.During the contract term, if the party B participates the training, and the bonded term of work (service) stipulated under the training agreement are over the contract term, the contract term is extended to the maturity of the agreed work (service) term under the training agreement.


II. Job descriptions and working place


1. Party B agrees to engage in_____________(post, work posts) according to needs of the Party A. Party B shall guarantee to finish the various working contents of the posts with quality and quantity. The location of Party B is within the territory of the Hanyan county.


Party A may promote or demote the posts of party B and adjust the working post or location of Party B according to production and working needs and the physical condition and working capacity and performance of party B and Party B is willing to accept the arrangement of Party A.


III. Working hours and leaves


After the mutual consultations of the parties, the working hour system shall be subject to the No.______ of the following:


Perform the standard work hour system.


According to the manufacturing and operation feature of the industry, perform the comprehensive working hour system after approval of the labor security department.


Party B is entitled to have the legal holidays stipulated by the country.


IV Labor remuneration


Party B provides the normal work and Party A ensures that the basic salary paid to Party B shall not be lower than RMB ________Yuan/month.


Regarding those who exercise the piece wage, their wage shall be based on the principle of “more pay for more work”. Overtime work of Party B shall be paid according to the rule.


If the point (review) or the annual pay salary system is performed, the salary shall be calculated according to the result of the performance appraisal.


The salary of Party B during probation is RMB ________Yuan/M.


Party A may adjust the salary level of Party B according to the operation condition, internal rules system, appraisal result, work tenure, punishment and rewards records and change of the post of Party B etc. but

it shall not be lower than the salary standards stipulated by the country.


Party A shall pay the salary of Party B by month in currency.


V Labor discipline


Party B has been aware of the rules and regulations of Party B stipulated according to the law and abide by it strictly.

2、乙方应遵守职业道德,不得损害甲方利益。Party B shall abide by the professional ethics which shall not injure the interests of Party A.


VI Social insurance and welfare


Party A shall deal with the relevant formalities of social security for Party B according to the country and local policies and take up the relevant liabilities.

2、乙方的福利待遇按国家及甲方的规定执行。The welfare of Party B shall be subject to the rules of the country and Party A.


VII Labor protection, labor condition and occupational harm prevention and cure


Party A shall equip Party B with the necessary safety protection measures and issue the necessary labor protection articles according to the needs of the post and the rules of the labor safety and hygiene.


During the labor process, Party B shall abide by the safety operation procedure to prevent the accidents during the labor process, decrease the occupational harm and consciously protect the assets such as the tools of the Party A. It is strictly forbidden to make the operation by violating the rules.

3、甲方应当建立、健全职业病防治责任制度,加强对职业病防治的管理,提高职业病防治水平。Party A shall set up and optimize the occupational disease cure responsibility system, enforce the management over the occupational disease and promote the cure level of the occupational disease.


VIII. Education and training


Party A shall provide Party B with the occupational education and skill training according to the actual condition of the Company and relevant rules of the country on the occupational education and post permit. Party B shall enter into the training agreement with Party A additionally for the training taken.


IX. Revocation, modification and termination of the labor contract


If the parties revoke, modify, terminate and extent the labor contract, they shall perform them according to the relevant rules of the Labor Contract Law and the country, province and city etc.


After the mutual consultations of the parties, the contract may be modified in writing.


If Party B has one of the circumstances under article 39 of the Labor Contract, Party A is entitled to revoke the labor contract.


If party B requires to revoke the labor contract, they shall inform Party A in writing with thirty (30) day pre-notice (The person under probation needs a pre-notice of three(3) days and the professional people with the pre-notice of six months).


Upon the revocation or termination of the labor contract, Party A shall issue the certification for revocation or termination of the labor contract to Party B and deal with the relevant formalities for the laborer within fifteen (15)days. Party B shall make the work handover within ten (10) days after issuance by Party A of the certificate of revocation or termination of the labor contract. Regarding any economic compensation, they shall be paid upon the handover of the work according to the rules of the country.


X. Responsibilities for violating the labor contract

1、本合同一经签订,甲乙双方应严格执行。任何一方违反规定解除劳动合同的,应当向对方赔偿因违约造成的经济损失。Once the contract is entered into, the parties shall strictly perform it. Regarding any party who violate the labor contract and raise the revocation, they shall compensate the other party for the economic losses arisen.


Regarding party B who violates the contract to revokes the contract, during the contract term (including the post transfer), if Party A invests

in Party B’s occupational technology or development training, Party B shall pay the Party B with the penalty according to the agreement. If there is no training agreement, it shall be subject to the relevant rules of the country.

3、乙方因违章作业或失职行为给甲方造成损失的,甲方有权追究乙方赔偿责任,并按违纪行为给予处理。If Party B causes losses to Party A due to the operation violating the rule or negligence behavior, Party A is entitled to recourse Party B with the compensation responsibilities and punish the violating behaviors.


XI . Labor disputes settlement and miscellaneous



Regarding the labor disputes arisen of the parties during the performance of the contract, they shall be solved through consultations or intervened by the trade union of the unit or applied for the medication from the labor dispute coordination committee in the town. Regarding those who fail to reach the agreement or are not willing to be intermediated, they may file the arbitration from the Labor Dispute Arbitration Committee from Hanyan country. Regarding those who don’t agree with the arbitration, they may file the law suite from the people’s court.


Party B shall not disclose the commercial and technology secrets of Party B and shall not take advantage of Party A’s technology or assets to develop the products with others.


Party B promises his correspondence address of the contract shall be the address that Party A sends the letters or mails to Party B. If any letters or mails are not returned or undeliverable after Party A sends them, it

is deemed that they have arrived at Party B.


The contract has the law force immediately after being executed and the parties shall perform it strictly accordingly. Regarding the unsettled matters of the contract or anything contradicted with the rules of the country or the province in future, they shall be subject to the relevant rules.


The contract will come into force after signature or seal of the parties and be made in duplicate with each party holding one copy.


Party A(seal of the unit) Signature of Party B:


Signature of the legal representative


(or agent)

合同订立日期:200 年月日

Date: MM DD 200


1.Sales Agreement The agreement, (is) made in Beijing this eighth day of August 1993 by ABC Trading Co., Ltd., a Chinese Corporation having its registered office at Beijing, the People’ Repubic of China (hereinafter called “Seller”) and International Tradi ng Co., Ltd., a New York Corporation having its registered office at New York, N.Y., U.S.A. (hereinafter called “Buyer”). 2.WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Seller is engaged in dealing of (product) and desires to sell (product)to Buyer, and WHEREAS, Buyer desires to purchase(product) from Sellers, Now, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: 3.Export Contract This Contract is entered into this 5th day of August 1993 between ABC and Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Seller”) who agrees to sell, and XYZ Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Buyer”) who agrees to buy the following goods on the following terms and condition. 4.Non-Governmental Trading Agreement No. __This Agreement was made on the_day of_19_, BETWEEN _ (hereinafter referred to as the Seller) as the one Side and _ (hereinafter referred to as the Buyer) as the one other Side. WHEREAS, the Seller has agreed to sell and the buyer has agreed to buy _ (hereinafter referred to as the Goods ) the quantity, specification, and price of which are provided in Schedule A. IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 5.Contract For Joint-Operation Enterprise __ COMPANY LTD., a company duly organized under the Law of __ and having its registered office at (hereinafter called “Party A”) AND __ COMPANY LTD., a company duly organized under the Law of __ and having its registere d office at (hereinafter called “Party B”) Party A and Party B (hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”) agree to jointly form a Co-operation Venture Company (hereinafter referred to as the “CVC”) in accordance with “the Laws of the People’s Republic of C hina on Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment” and the “Regulations for the Implementation of the Laws of the People’s Republic of China on Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment” and other applicable laws and regulations. 6.MODEL CONTRACT Contract No. Date: Seller: Signed at: Address: Cable Address: Buyer: Address: Cable Address: The Seller and the Buyer have agreed to conclude the following transactions according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: https://www.doczj.com/doc/c11833581.html, of Commodity: 2.Specifications: 3.Quantity: 4.Unit Price: 5.Total Price: U.S.$: 6.Packing: 7.Time of Shipment: days after receipt of L/C. 8.Loading Port & Destination Port: From via to . 9.Insurance:


Labor Contract Name of company: Beijing Jiguang Shengda Technology Co., Ltd. (Party A) Name of employee: SUN Qian (Party B) According to the laws and regulations of Labor Law of P.R.C., the contract is made to be abided by the both parties based on equality and free will. 1. Employment Period The contract duration is 2 years. The contract shall take effect from Apr. 2, 2001 to Apr. 1, 2003. 2. Job Content Party A appoints Party B as Manager in Printer Business Department. 3. Labor Protection and Working Conditions Party A is required to provide Party B with the conditions of labor safety and sanitation, and necessary labor protective equipment to Part B according to relevant regulations of the state and government. 4. Working Time According to the relevant regulations of the state and government, Party B works 40 hours a week and 8 hours a day averagely. Party A shall promise Party B at least a day off per week. Party A can prolong the working time by negotiating with Party B in case of business need, but the extended time is not permitted to be more than the longest extended working time regulated by the state.


编号:_______________本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载 劳务合同(劳动合同)翻译中英文对照 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 日期:___________________

第一条:合同双方 甲方: 乙方: 第二条:甲乙双方经友好协商就乙方向甲方派遣临时性宴会服务人员(以下简称乙方 劳务人员)事宜,特签定本合同。 第三条:本合同自年月日起,至年月日止。合同期满前一个月双方协商续 签或终止事宜,如未续签,本合同期满自动终止。 第四条:双方的权利、义务、责任 1、甲方有权要求乙方组织的劳务人员符合甲方提供的工作岗位要求,且身体健康,无慢性病 史,并持有本年度卫生防疫站所发健康证。 2、甲方有权根据昼预定情况,要求乙方及时派出劳务人员,并要求乙方保证 人员数量。 3、甲方要求乙方派遣的劳务人员需要具备一年以上工作的工作经验,且年轻在20-25岁之间。 4、乙方劳务人员的各项社会保险(包括医疗保险及人身伤害保险)的缴纳及人事档案及相关 事宜的办理由乙方负全部责任,乙方违反该约定而造成的一切后果均由乙方负全部责任。 5、甲方有义务对乙方派出的劳务人员进行与岗位相适应的专业培训和教育。 6、甲方有义务对乙方劳务人员的工作表现通知乙方,并协调处理相关事宜。 7、乙方有权要求甲方按劳动法和相关政策、法规,维护乙方劳务人员的合法权益。 8、乙方劳务人员如在工作中发生较重工伤事故,甲方应给予及时、积极的抢救,并及时通知乙方。 需做工伤鉴定的,应由乙方请有关部门做工伤鉴定,并由乙方处理善后事宜。乙方劳务人员的工伤事 故甲方负有直接责任的,甲方按照责任的比例负责善后事宜。 9、乙方有责任按甲方要求及时提供符合甲方要求的劳务人员,所派劳务人员应无违纪和犯罪记 录,品行良好。对于乙方派出的劳务人员,甲方一旦发现其有不良记录或在工作中违反劳 动纪律、违反甲方的规章制度或不能胜任甲方工作要求的,甲方可要求乙方随时更换。 10、甲方在有临时变动或突发事件发生前,需在提前_8_至_10_小时内通知乙方。如不能在规 定的时间内通知乙方,给乙方造成的经济损失,由甲方全部负责; 第五条:劳务费用及相关事宜


Labor Contract No. 乙方(劳动者)姓名:性别:民族:文化程度: Party B (laborer) Name: Gender: Nationality: Education degree: 户籍所在地:省县乡(镇)村组 Hukou: __________(provision) __________(county) ________township (town)___village _______group 乙方身份证号码:□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ ID No. of Party B: □□□□□□□□□□□□□□ □□□□ 乙方通讯地址: Correspondence address of Party B: 为确立双方的劳动关系,明确双方的权利和义务,甲乙双方根据《劳动法》、《劳动合同法》等法律、法规、规章的规定,经双方平等协商,自愿同意签订本劳动合同,并共同遵守本合同所列条款: To establish the labor relationship between the parties and clarify the rights and obligations of the parties, Party A and Party B hereby enter into the labor contract pursuant to the rules of the law, regulatory rules and rules and regulations of the Labor Law and the Labor Contract Law through the equal and voluntariness consultations with the following terms and conditions for the parties to mutually abide by: 一、合同期限 I. Contract term 1、本合同为固定期限劳动合同,合同期限为年(自200 年月日起至20 年月日止),其中试用期为个月(自年月日起至年月日止)。


合同编号:YTO-FS-PD229 翻译劳务合同通用版 In Order T o Protect Their Own Legal Rights, The Cooperative Parties Negotiate And Reach An Agreement, And Sign Into Documents, So As To Solve Disputes And Achieve The Effect Of Common Interests. 标准/ 权威/ 规范/ 实用 Authoritative And Practical Standards

翻译劳务合同通用版 使用提示:本合同文件可用于合作多方为了保障各自的合法权利,经共同商议并达成协议,签署成为文件资料,实现纠纷解决和达到共同利益效果。文件下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用。 甲方(雇主) 单位名称: 经济类型: 注册号: 地址: 联系电话: 乙方(雇员) 姓名: 性别: 身份证号: 家庭住址: 联系电话: 甲方聘请乙方为具体项目的翻译,乙方同意提供相应的服务,双方在平等自愿、协商一致的基础上,同意订立本劳务合同,共同遵守本合同所列条款。 一、合同期限和服务内容 1、本合同自双方签署后生效,任一方提前____个工作

日通知对方或在具体项目结束后即可终止本合同。合同终止时,除约定的劳务费外,甲方无需支付任何与终止相关的补偿金。 2、根据甲方具体项目需要,乙方为甲方提供相应的翻译服务(包括但不限于________)。 二、服务时间与报酬 无固定服务时间,乙方根据甲方的通知安排,提供服务。 劳务报酬为人民币________元/小时,结算周期由双方另行商定。甲方支付给乙方的劳务报酬在代扣代缴乙方相应的个人所得税后通过银行汇款的形式支付给乙方。 三、双方的权利、义务 1、甲方应按时支付乙方劳务费用。 2、乙方应对在提供翻译过程中获得的甲方及甲方客户、甲方专家的任何信息予以保密,未经甲方书面同意,不得公开或披露给任何第三方或利用该信息获得经济利益。 3、双方合作期间,如乙方拟就职于与甲方具有竞争关系的公司,应在正式就职前立即通知甲方,并立即终止双方之间的合作。 4、乙方是独立承包商,在任何情况下均不得视为甲方的代理、雇员、合伙人。乙方仅为甲方提供翻译服务,甲


乙方:姓名:性别:出生日: Party B:Name Sex:Date of Birth: 家庭住址:所属地区: Address:Sub District: 通讯地址:电话: Post Address:Contact Phone: 维蒙特工业(广东)有限公司(甲方)聘用乙方为甲方劳动合同制员工。根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》、《广东省劳动合同条例》、《维蒙特工业(广东)有限公司章程》以及中国和广东省已颁布并可公开得到的有关法律法规,甲乙双方本着自愿平等、协商一致的原则,签订本合同。 According to the Labor Law of the P.R. China, as well as the Personnel Regulations of Guangdong Labor Contract, Valmont Industries (Guangdong) Ltd. employs Party B (the employee) as a contract employee. Both parties to this contract sign on the basis of equity, free will, and mutual benefits. 第1条合同期限 Contract Period 1.1本合同有效期自200___年___月___日至200___年___月___日止(含试用期____个月)。 The contract period of employment will be valid from ____/____/_____ (M/D/Y) to ____/____/______ (M/D/Y). During which the period of _______ months will be considered as probationary employment. 1.2在试用期内,甲方发现乙方不符合录用条件的,甲方可以即行解除本合同。 Party A has the right to terminate Party B’s Labor Contract immediately without notification if Party B does not prove to be suitable through the period of probationary employment. 第2条工作岗位、任务 Positions, duties & Responsibilities 2.1 甲方安排乙方在________________部门_____________岗位工作,覆盖岗位为_________________ Party A (the employer) employs Party B (the employee) in the capacity of 2.2 乙方必须按照甲方规定的岗位职责和要求全面完成指标和任务,并接受甲方对其进行的有关考核测评。 Party B is required to fulfill his/her responsibilities completely and accurately as described by Party A and accept performance measurement handled by Party A 2.3 甲方根据生产经营需要及乙方的工作技能和表现,可变更乙方的工作,乙方须服从甲方的调动,如无正当理由,不服从调动 者,甲方可辞退乙方,解除其劳动合同。 Party A has the right to adjust Party B’s position according to the actual business situation and the performance of Party B. Party B must accept Party A’s arrangement. 第3条工作条件、劳动保护 Labor Conditions & Labor Protection 3.1 甲方实行每周40小时工作制。对特殊岗位可实行不定时工作制。 Party B’s normal working time will not exceed 40 hours per week, whereas it’s flexible for some special position holders. 3.2 甲方因生产经营原因需要乙方加班时,乙方应服从。同时甲方应按规定支付乙方加班费报酬作补偿。 If it is necessary for Party A to request Party B to put in overtime, Party B must be subordinated to request of Party A. Party A shall provide Party B with economic compensation according to relevant regulations. 3.3 甲方为乙方提供必要的工作条件,根据国家劳动法则提供符合中国政府规定的劳动安全卫生条件和提供必要的劳动保护用品, 保证乙方在人身安全及个体不受危害的环境条件下工作,对女职工及未成年工按《劳动法》的规定酌情予以特殊劳动保护。 Party A must provide Party B with a safe and non-toxic working environment, necessary safety measures to guarantee safe working conditions of Party B, according to National Safety and Sanitation Standards. Party A shall provide special protection measures for female and underage employees according to the Labor Law. 3.4 甲方认为乙方的健康状况将会对工作或其他员工造成不利影响时,甲方有权按制度采取相应的措施,并有权要求乙方进行健 康检查,乙方不应拒绝。 If Party A thinks Party B’s healthiness will effect to the work or other staffs, Party A will have the authority to correspond and will have the authority to ask Party B to have a physical check-up, at same time the Party B should not to refuse. 3.5 乙方在被聘用期间,甲方负责对乙方进行岗位职责、技能、安全规程、职业道德及相关规章制度的教育和培训,乙方须积极 配合,并根据岗位职责要求努力提高自身的技能。 Party A is in charge of various training such as technical training, Position principles, safety operations, Company’s regulations and provision, etc. within the employment period. Party B shall accept the training with positive attitude for raising his/her work efficiency. 第4条劳动报酬 Payroll


合同翻译常用句型和词汇 1. 详细货物清单Detail supply list 2. 合同价格Con tract value 序号item 型号model 尺寸size, dime nsion 数 量amount, unit 单价un it price 总价total price 备注remark 货物,运费freight, tran sportatio n 合同总额(含安装费与税金) Con tract amount in cl. VAT & in stallatio n 3. 付款条件payme nt con diti ons, payme nt terms 4. 交货地点delivery place 5. 发货期delivery time

6. 安装条款installation clause 7. 验收条款inspection clause 8. 保证条款guarantee clause 9. 不可抗拒条款Force Majeure Clause 10. 违约条款Breach clause 11. 其他条款Miscellaneous clause 12. 买卖双方信息buyer and seller information a long-term contract 长期合同a short-term contract 短期合同completion of contract 完成合同contract for future delivery 期货合同contract for goods 订货合同contract for purchase 采购合同contract for service 劳务合同labor contract 劳动合同contract note 买卖合同(证书),买卖契约contract of arbitration 仲裁合同 con tract of carriage /Carriage Con tract 运输合同Passe nger Carriage Con trac客运合同Cargo Carriage Contract 货运合同 Technology Contract 技术合同 Tech no logy Developme nt Con tract 技术开发合同 Tech no logy Transfer Con tract技术转让合同 Tech nical Co nsulti ng Con tract技术咨询合同 Tech nical Service Con tract技术服务合同 Safekeep ing Con tract保管合同 Warehous ing Con tract 仓储合同 Age ncy Appo in tme nt Con tract 委托合同


劳动合同,翻译 篇一:劳动合同翻译(中英对照) Labor Contract No. 乙方(劳动者)姓名:性别:民族:文化程 度: Party B (laborer) Name: Gender: Nationality: Education degree: 户籍所在地:省县乡(镇)村组 Hukou: __________(provision) __________(county) ________township (town)___village _______group 乙方身份证号码:□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ ID No. of Party B: □□□□□□□□□□□□□□ □□□□ 乙方通讯地址: Correspondence address of Party B: 为确立双方的劳动关系,明确双方的权利和义务,甲乙双方根据《劳动法》、《劳动合同法》等法律、法规、规章的规定,经双方平等协商,自愿同意签订本劳动合同,并共同遵守本合同所列条款:

To establish the labor relationship between the parties and clarify the rights and obligations of the parties, Party A and Party B hereby enter into the labor contract pursuant to the rules of the law, regulatory rules and rules and regulations of the Labor Law and the Labor Contract Law through the equal and voluntariness consultations with the following terms and conditions for the parties to mutually abide by: 一、合同期限 I. Contract term 1、本合同为固定期限劳动合同,合同期限为年(自200 年月日起至20 年月日止),其中试用期为个月(自年月日起至年月日止)。 The contract is the fixed-term labor contract, with the contract term of ________(years) from (MM DD 200___ to MM DD 20___), herein the probation of the _______months( from MM DD YY to MM DD YY). 2、合同期间乙方如参加培训,培训协议约定的工作(服务)期限超过本合同期限的,合同期限变更至培训协议约定的工作(服务)年限满止。


1.Sales Agreement The agreement, (is) made in Beijing this eighth day of August 1993 by ABC Trading Co., Ltd., a Chinese Corporation having its registered office at Beijing, the People’ Repubic of China (hereinafter called “Seller”) and International Trading Co., Ltd., a New York Corporation having its registered office at New York, N.Y., U.S.A. (hereinafter called “Buyer”). 2.WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Seller is engaged in dealing of (product) and desires to sell (product)to Buyer, and WHEREAS, Buyer desires to purchase(product) from Sellers, Now, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: 3.Export Contract th This Contract is entered into this 5 day of August 1993 between ABC and Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Seller”) who agrees to sell, and XYZ Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Buyer”) who agrees to buy the following goods on the following terms and condition. 4.Non-Governmental Trading Agreement No. __ This Agreement was made on the_day of_ 19_, BETWEEN _(hereinafter referred to as the Seller) as the one Side and _ (hereinafter referred to as the Buyer) as the one other Side. WHEREAS, the


Labor Con tract Name of pany: Beiji ng Jigua ng She ngda Tech nology Co., Ltd. (Party A) Name of employee: SUN Qian (Party B) Accord ing to the laws and regulatio ns of Labor Law of P .R.C. , the con tract is made to be abided by the both parties based on equality and free will. 1. Employme nt Period The con tract durati on is 2 years. The con tract shall take effect from Apr. 2, 2001 to Apr. 1,2003. 2. Job Co ntent Party A appo ints Party B as Manager in Prin ter Bus in ess Departme nt. 3. Labor Protecti on and Work ing Con diti ons Party A is required to provide Party B with the conditions of labor safety and sanitation, and necessary labor protective equipment to Part B according to releva nt regulatio ns of the state and gover nment. 4. Worki ng Time Accord ing to the releva nt regulati ons of the state and gover nment, Party B works 40 hours a week and 8 hours a day averagely. Party A shall promise Party B at least a day off per week. Party A can prolong the work ing time by n egotiati ng with Party B in case of bus in ess n eed, but the exte nded time is not permitted to be more than the Iongest extended working time regulated by the state. 5. Labor rem un erati on and Welfare Treatme nt (1) Party A should pay the salary in form of curre ncy RMB 3,000 on time and positi on allowa nee RMB 1,000 per month without deducti on and default. (2) In addition to the salary, Party B can get bonus of certain amount. The standard of delivering bonus is: depending on the operation status of the department and individual performance, and offered at the beginning of the ing year. ⑶ If Party A exte nds the work time, Party A should pe nsate Party B 150% salary for the overtime. If Party A arran ges Party B to work duri ng rest days, Party A should pe nsate Party B 200% salary. If Party A arran ges Party B to work duri ng legal holidays, Party A should pen sate Party B 300% salary.


翻译劳务合同范本整理版 甲方 单位名称: 经济类型: 注册号: 地址: 联系电话: 乙方 姓名: 性别: 身份证号: 家庭住址: 联系电话: 甲方聘请乙方为具体项目的翻译,乙方同意提供相应的服务,双方在平等自愿、协商一致的基础上,同意订立本劳务合同,共同遵守本合同所列条款。 一、合同期限和服务内容 1、本合同自双方签署后生效,任一方提前____个工作日通知对方或在具体项目结束后即可终止本合同。合同终止时,除约定的劳务费外,甲方无需支付任何与终止相关的补偿金。 2、根据甲方具体项目需要,乙方为甲方提供相应的翻译服务。 二、服务时间与报酬 无固定服务时间,乙方根据甲方的通知安排,提供服务。 劳务报酬为人民币________元/小时,结算周期由双方另行商定。甲方支付给乙方的劳务报酬在代扣代缴乙方相应的个人所得税后通过银行汇款的形式支付给乙方。 三、双方的权利、义务 1、甲方应按时支付乙方劳务费用。 2、乙方应对在提供翻译过程中获得的甲方及甲方客户、甲方专家的任何信息予以保密,未经甲方书面同意,不得公开或披露给任何第三方或利用该信息获得经济利益。 3、双方合作期间,如乙方拟就职于与甲方具有竞争关系的公司,应在正式就职前立即通知甲方,并立即终止双方之间的合作。 4、乙方是独立承包商,在任何情况下均不得视为甲方的代理、雇员、合伙人。乙方仅为甲方提供翻译服务,甲方不对其进行任何劳动管理。甲方无义务为乙方提供任何社会保险或其他员工性质的福利。 5、任何一方违反上述规定的,应向对方承担因此所造成的损失。 四、争议处理 1、因履行本合同发生的争议,双方协商解决,协商解决不成的,任何一方均有权向有管辖权的法院提起诉讼。 2、本合同未尽事宜,双方可另协商解决。 3、本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,双方签署后生效。 甲方: 代表/代理人: _______年___月___日 乙方: _______年___月___日

翻译(笔译)合同 (中英文)

合同编号:Contract No. 甲方: Party A: 乙方:Party B: 乙方为甲方提供翻译服务,甲乙双方确认提供的联系方式准确无误。经双方协商一致,特签订本合同,以资恪守。 Party B shall provide Party A with translation service and both parties confirm that the contact information provided hereunder is accurate. The parties, on the basis of consensus, have entered into the Agreement as follows: 一、翻译项目名称:Translation Project: 二、合作价格: Price: 字数计算办法及译件规格要求:WORD文档以字符数不计空格为准,书写稿以含标点 符号与阿拉伯字数的手工点数为准;文本框或图片中的文字另行计算。 Word count measures and source text specifications: Word count shall be subject to "Number of characters excluding spaces" for a WORD document; manual count of characters including punctuation and Arabic numbers for a manuscript; characters in text boxes and pictures shall be counted separately. 三、付款方式: 合同签订之日甲方预付50%定金,交稿三天内按实际翻译费用向乙方 支付余款 Payment Term: Party A shall pay Party B 50% of the contract amount as a deposit within three days from the date of signature, and pay the balance according to the actual translation fees within one week after delivery of the translation.


翻译劳务合同完整版 In the legal cooperation, the legitimate rights and obligations of all parties can be guaranteed. In case of disputes, we can protect our own rights and interests through legal channels to achieve the effect of stopping the loss or minimizing the loss. 【适用合作签约/约束责任/违约追究/维护权益等场景】 甲方:________________________ 乙方:________________________ 签订时间:________________________ 签订地点:________________________

翻译劳务合同完整版 下载说明:本合同资料适合用于合法的合作里保障合作多方的合法权利和指明责任义务,一旦发生纠纷,可以通过法律途径来保护自己的权益,实现停止损失或把损失降到最低的效果。可直接应用日常文档制作,也可以根据实际需要对其进行修改。 甲方(雇主) 单位名称: 经济类型: 注册号: 地址: 联系电话: 乙方(雇员) 姓名: 性别: 身份证号: 家庭住址:

联系电话: 甲方聘请乙方为具体项目的翻译,乙方同意提供相应的服务,双方在平等自愿、协商一致的基础上,同意订立本劳务合同,共同遵守本合同所列条款。 一、合同期限和服务内容 1、本合同自双方签署后生效,任一方提前____个工作日通知对方或在具体项目结束后即可终止本合同。合同终止时,除约定的劳务费外,甲方无需支付任何与终止相关的补偿金。 2、根据甲方具体项目需要,乙方为甲方提供相应的翻译服务(包括但不限于________)。


劳动合同 Labor Contract 甲方名称(用人单位):【】 单位地址:【】 法定代表人(单位主要负责人):【】 Party A's name (Employing unit): 【】 Company address: 【】 Legal Representative (Authorized Representative) : 乙方姓名: 家庭住址(或户籍地址): 身份证号码: Party B's name: Home address (or household register address) : ID card number: 根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》、《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》、《上海市劳动合同条例》以及有关法律、法规和政策,甲方和乙方(以下各自称“各方”,共同称“双方”)遵循平等自愿、协商一致的原则,签订本劳动合同,以确立劳动关系,明确双方的权利和义务,并共同遵守。各方的权利和义务如下: According to "The Labour Law of the People's Republic of China," "The People's Republic of China Labour Contract law," "Shanghai Labour Contract Regulations," and other relevant laws, regulations and policies, Party A and Party B (below termed "each party," together termed "both parties") shall adhere to the principles of equality and consensus, and will sign this labour contract in order to establish a working relationship and to define the rights and obligations of both sides. The rights and obligations of each side are as follows: 第一条劳动合同期限 Article 1 Labour Contract Time Period 1.1 本合同期限类型为期限劳动合同。 1.1 This contract is for a(n) [unlimited / limited] time period. 1.2 合同期限自年月日至年月日止。 1.2 Contract term is from______ Year_____Month_____Day to_____Year_____Month____Day. 1.3 自合同生效之日起个月为试用期。 1.3 _______ month(s) will serve as the probationary period from the day this contract goes into effect. 第二条工作岗位、工作职责 Article 2 Work Position and Duty 2.1 甲方安排乙方到___________部门,担任________职位,乙方必须按甲方确定的职务说明书的工作内容,按时、按质、按量完成甲方分配的工作(生产)任务; 2.1 Party A arranges for Party B to work in________department, serving as___[position]_____. Party B, according to the Party A-approved stipulations for the particular post as stated in the work manual, must complete assignments for Party A on time and according to certain quality and quantity standards; 2.2甲方根据生产经营的需要以及依据乙方的能力(专业、技能、健康)和工作表现,可在协商一致的基础上调整或重新分配乙方的工作职位,如乙方同意被分派到一个不同的职位,则甲方有权根据该职位的要求和该职位的市场情况重新审定和调整乙方的报酬。

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