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如果这是个美国的团队,他们可能会很生气,而且不可能等 待十多分钟—这是最多的了。他们会给我留个口信,要求从新安 排会谈时间,为什么?因为美国式的约会安排有严格的结束时间 和开始时间。如果你开始得晚了,不超出约定的结束时间你就不 可能完成手头的业务。 • 如果你对于美国工作、与美国人做生意或作为美国人在海外的 公司工作等情况不熟悉,下面就你在约会和守时方面的日常行为 提出了几项建议,它们一定能帮助你与美国同事愉快相处。 • 要提前安排会议和约见时间-----要提前几天,一周,甚至一个 月。始终要对见面会谈约定好时间,不要突然出现还指望人家有 时间和你交谈。 • 如果你觉得约见有可能迟到几分钟,就打电话告知对方你会迟 到。要计划好自己的时间,避免在最后时间临时改变计划。
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re-schedule firm Overseas Colleagues in-person

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cultural annoy serious punctual well-kept Somehow log appointment Message attitude
Punctuality Pays!

One of the cultural differences that tends to annoy Americans has to do with understanding of punctuality. Getting ahead at work starts with getting to work on time! If you come from a culture that has a more relaxed view of time, you’re likely to be surprised at how serious Americans are about time. While not all Americans are punctual all the time, the society as a whole operates on the basis of well-kept schedules. This is true in personal and community life as well as in U.S. business culture. Here’s a real-life story that happened to me recently. I had scheduled a business meeting with a team India, but had somehow forgotten to log it into my schedule. Arriving at my office 30 minutes after the appointment, I found a voice message telling me the tem was waiting for me in the meeting room. Being afraid that I had missed the appointment, I hurried in, and found them happily chatting together. Their attitude was “Ah! You’ here! We can start now!”

Plan your own time so that you can be punctual for appointments you have made. Avoid changing plans at the last minute.

有一种常会惹恼美国人的文化差异可能关系到对守时的不同理解。要 想升职就要从准时上班做起。 如果你来自一个对时间观念比较宽松的文化环境,那么美国人对 待时间的认真态度就很可能使你感到惊讶。尽管不是有的美国人都是 守时,但是社会整体是在严格遵守时间的基础上进行的。无论在个人 生活、社区生活还是美国商业文化中都是如此。 下面是最近发生在我身上的一个真实故事。我本来安排了和一个来自 印度的团体进行商业会晤,可是不知怎么的,忘了把它记在我的日程 表上。我到办公室时比约定时间晚了30分钟,发现有个电话录音,说 那个团队在会议室等我。由于害怕我已经错过这次约会,我赶紧跑进 会议室,却发现他们正在一起开玩新地聊天。他们的神态是在说: “啊呀,你来了!咱们现在可以开始了!”
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A young artist showed my masterpiece to the great artist Coehlo ask. Coehlo pointed out a few he is not satisfied with. " Thank you very much. The young painter said: " tomorrow I will change. " Coehlo asks excitedly: " why tomorrow? You want to change to tomorrow? If you were to die this evening? " Coehlo shows how to cherish the time.

If the team had been American, it’s likely they would have been annoyed, and unlikely they would have waited more than 10 minutes-at the most. They would have left me a message asking to re-schedule the meeting. Why? Because American-style appointments have a firm end as well as start time, and if you start late you won’t be able to finish the business at hand without running beyond the scheduled ending time. If you’re new to working in the United States, doing business with the U.S. , or working for an American company overseas, here are a few tips for your everyday behavior around appointments and punctuality. They are sure to help you get ahead with your American colleagues: Schedule meetings and appointments in advance-a few days, a week, even a month in advance. Always make appointments for in-person meetings. Don’t just show up and expect people to make time to talk with you. If you think you’re going to be more than a few minutes late for any appointment, call and let the other party know you’re running late.
科特迪瓦总统给最守时公民奖励6 万美元别墅
据英国媒体10月8日报道, 为了深化“时间就是金钱”这 个观念,科特迪瓦总统洛朗· 巴 博出资请当地的一家公共公司 Baidu Nhomakorabea办了一个名叫“守时之夜” 的活动,奖励那些特别守时的 商业人士和公务员。值得一提 的是,只要你能证明自己是个 最守时的人,就可以获得一幢 价值6万美元的别墅。
• 一位青年画家把自己的作品拿给大画家 柯罗请教。柯罗指出了几处他不满意的地 方。 ”谢谢您!”青年画家说:“明天我全 部修改。”柯罗激动地问:“为什么要明天? 你想明天才改吗?要是你今晚就死了呢?” 可见柯罗是多么珍惜时间。

In the United States of America society within the time agreed to arrive on time, is one of the most important social etiquette. Most people think that is not within the time agreed to reach is not polite. In addition, most of the social activities, especially those to the other house guest, guests either earlier or later than the appointed hour, it tends to cause inconvenience.
翻译: 在美国社会能在约定的时间内准时 到达,是一个最重要的社交礼仪。大多 数人认为不能在约定的时间内到达是不 礼貌。此外,大多数社会活动,特别是 那些到别人家中做客的,客人来早于或 晚于约定时间,它往往造成不便。
Time flies Time is money Time has wings Time cures all things Time works wonders Tomorrow never comes ...
• 时间飞快,一寸光阴一寸金 • 时间就是金钱 • 时光飞逝 • 时间能医治一切 • 时间可以创造奇迹 • 明天不尽头,明日何其多