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Unit1 Paraphrase:

1.We ’ re 23 feet above sea level.

2.The house has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has ever caused any damage to it.

3.We can make the necessary preparations and survive the hurricane without much damage.

4.Water got into the generator and put it out. It stopped producing electricity, so

the lights also went out.

5.Everybody goes out through the back door and runs to the cars!

6.The electrical systems in the car (the battery for the starter) had been put out by water.

7.As John watched the water inch its way up the steps, he felt a strong sense of guilt because he blamed himself for endangering the whole family by deciding not to flee inland.

8.Oh God, please help us to get through this storm safely

9.Grandmother Koshak sang a few words alone and then her voice gradually

grew dimmer and finally stopped.

10.Janis displayed the fear caused by the hurricane rather late.

1.每架飞机起飞之前必须经过严格的检查。( check out)

Each and every airplane must be checked out thoroughly before taking off.


空气。(waste incineration plant, concerned about)

The residents were firmly against the construction of a waste incineration plant in their neighborhood because they were deeply concerned about the air pollution emitted by the plant.

3.在这个地区,生态工程的投资额高达数十亿。(mount to)

In this area, investment in ecological projects mounted up to billions of yuan.

4.干枯的河道里布满了大大小小的石块。( strewn with )

The dry riverbed was strewn with rocks of all sizes.

5. 虽然战争给这个国家造成巨大的损失,但当地的文化传统并没有消亡。(perish )Although war caused great losses to this country, its local cultural traditions did not perish.


( demolish)

To make space for modern high rises, a lot of ancient buildings with ethnic

cultural features had to be demolished.

7.在地震中多数质量差的房子的主体结构都散架了。( disintegrate )

The main structures of most of the poor -quality houses disintegrated in the earthquake.


( vanish)

His wonderful dream vanished into the air, although he tried hard to achieve his goals.

Unit2 Paraphrase:

1.They were so absorbed in their conversation that they seemed not to pay any

attention to the people around them.

2.At last the taxi trip came to an end and I suddenly found that I was in front of

the gigantic City Hall.

3.The traditional floating houses among high modern buildings represent the

constant struggle between old tradition and new development.

4.I suffered from a strong feeling of shame when I thought of the scene of

meeting the mayor of Hiroshima wearing my socks only.

5.The few Americans and Germans seemed just as restrained as I was

6.After three days in Japan one gets quite used to bowing to people as a ritual to

show gratitude.

7.I was about to show my agreement by nodding when I suddenly realized what

the meaning of his words. His words shocked me out my sad dreamy thinking.

8....and nurses walked by carrying surgical instruments which were nickel plated

and even healthy visitors when they see those instruments could not help shivering.

9.I have the chance to raise my moral standard thanks to the illness.

1.礼堂里一个人都没有,会一定是延期了。(must) There is no

one in the hall. The meeting must have been put off.

2.那座代建筑看上去很像个碟。(much like)

3.四川和湖北在北方人听起来很相似,有以区。( much the same as) Sichuan

dialect sounds much the same as Hubei dialect. Therefore, it is sometimes

difficult to tell one from the other.

4.一看念碑就想起了在斗中死去的好友。(the very)

The very sight of the monument reminds me of my good friend who died in the


5.他陷入沉思之中,没有理会同伴在些什么。( to be oblivious of)

He was absorbed in thought that he was oblivious of what his friends were

talking about.

6.他干的事与她毫无关系。( to have ⋯ to do)

What he did had nothing to do with her.

7.她睡不着,女儿的病使她心事重重。( mind)

She couldn ’ t fall asleep because her daughter’ s illness was very much on her mind

8.件事期以来一直我放心不下。(mind )

I have had the matter on my mind for such a long time.

9. 他喜些聚会,喜与年人交往并就各种交意。(to rub

shoulders with)

He loves such parties at which he could rub shoulders with young people and

exchange opinions with them on various subjects.

10. 几分以后大家才悟他中的含意。( sink in)

It was only after a few minutes that his words sank in.

11. 土壤散着青草的气味。( to smell of)

The soil smells of fresh grass.

12. 我可以占用你几分?(to spare)