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七年级英语试卷及答案七年级英语试卷(试卷满分:12019 考试时间:90分钟)题

号 I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII 得分第一部分听力技能(共


的答案回答问题。听下面5段对话,每听完一个对话后,做一个小题。()1. What’s

that? A. B. C. ()2. What’s Tina’s number?

A. B. C. ()3. Where are Yuan You and Li Lei? A. They’re in China.

B. They’re in USA.

C. We don’t know. ()4. What’s the boy’s last name?

A. Green.

B. Miller.

C. White. ()5. Whose map

is this? A. It’s Bill’s. B. It’s Tony’s. C. It’

s Mike’s. 听第六段对话,做第6-7小题。总分()6. Who’s Jenny? A.

Alan’s sister B. Alan’s friend. C. Gina’s friend ()

7. Alan and Alice are__________ . A. cousins(表兄妹). B. friends.

C. classmates (同学). 听第七段对话,做第8-9小题。()8. The boy’s name is

__________ . A. Jim Brown. B. Jim Smith. C. Jim Green.

()9. Grace’s phone number is __________ . A. 157-4368. B.

175-4386 C. 157-4386 听第八段对话,做第10-12小题。()10. What’

s the girl’s first name? A. Brown. B. Mary. C. Dale. ()11. What’

s the boy’s last name? A. Green. B. Brown. C. Dale ()

12. What color is Dale’s jacket? A. Pink. B. Yellow.

C. Blue. 听第九段对话,做第13-15小题。()13. What’s the name of the girl? A.

Gina. B. Linda. C. Tony. ()14. What’s this in English? A. It’

s a cup. B. It’s a map. C. It’s a key. ()15. Linda’s last

name is__________ . A. Smith. B. Miller. C. Green.



First name (16) _________. Last name (17) ___________. Things A(18)

_______and a green pen. Phone number (19) _____________ . His friend’s phone number

(20) _______________. 书面测试(共100分) V. 辨音(共5小题,每小题1分,满分

5分)从A、B、C三个选项中选出画线部分读音不同的选项。 ( )21. A. name B.

map C. and ( )22. A. nine B. five C. six ( )23. B.

orange C. zero ( )24. B. she C. Yes ( )25. A. cup

B. ruler

C. number VI. 选择填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) ( )26.

下列几组字母中,按字母表顺序排列的一组是__________。 A. CFD B. QRS

( )27. 下列字母的小写形式占上中格的是__________。 A. L B. Y

C. F ( )28. 全部是元音字母组合的是_________。 A. AEV B. LOV C. EIO

( )29. ---How_____Dale? ---He is fine. A. am B. is C.

are ( )30. It’s _______ quilt. _______quilt is blue. A. a ;The B.

a ; A C. the ; A ( )31.--- _________. ----It’s blue. is

the pen? B. Is your pen blue? C. What color is your pen?

( )32.--- What ----ItA. a ’s _______UFO. ’s this? B. an

C./ ( )33. ---What’s this in English? ----_______. A. It’

s a book. B. This is Li Lei. C. I’m Li Feng. ( )34. 下列

字母的发音中元音因素/ai/的是_______。 A. Aa B. Yy C. Ll

( )35. “停车场”的英文缩写是_____. A. P B. kg

( )36. --- ____ name is Bob? What’s _____name?. A. I; you B. My;

your C. I; your ( )37._______his phone number? A. What ’s

( )38. That is your red ruler and this is ______ ruler. A. blue me B.

my blue C. the blue my ( )39. Is Kate your sister? --- _____. She

is my cousin. A. No, it isn’t. B. Yes, she is C. No, she isn’

t. ( )40. _____ is Jane. ______phone number is 286-7986.. ; she B.

She; Her C. Her; She VII. 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) 41

name is Jim Brown. I 42 13 years old. I’m 43 English. My English teacher’

s name 44 Bill Smith. I have 45 friends, Tom and Mike. I 46 likes white.

Mike 47 black. 48 is that? It’s 49 orange. What 50 is it? It’s

orange. ( )41. A. I B. My C. You ( )42. A.

is B. am C. Are ( )43. B.

a C. The ( )44. B. are C. is ( )45. A. one B. two C. a ( )46. A. like

B. likes

C. are ( )47. B. likes

C. is ( )48. A. How B. What’s C. What ( )49. A.

a B. an C. the ( )50. A. color B. map C. letter VIII . 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分


中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳选项。 A ★第2页共8页

Hello!My name is John Brown. I’m from England. I’m an English teacher. I’m

in Bejing International School. My telephone number is Hao, Alice and YingZi are

my students. I’m Zhang Hao. My English name is Peter. I’m eleven years old.

I’m from Beijing. My telephone number is 8876-5342. Alice Brown is my name.

I’m twelve. I’m from Canada. My Mom is a teacher. My telephone number is 7342-6979.

I’m YingZi. I’m fourteen years old. I’m from Japan. 5673-6918 is my telephone number.

( )51. Where is John Brown from_____? A. England B. China

C. America ( )52. Peter is a _________ A. boy B.

teacher C. student ( )53. Alice is a girl. Her telephone number

is________. A.5673-6981 B. 8876-6432 C. 7342-6979

( )54. How old is Yingzi?________ A. 11 B. 12 C. 14 ( )55. 下面哪一个选项是不正确的?______. A. John Brown is an

English teacher. B. Zhang Hao is from China. C. Alice is a teacher.

B ★★ Hi, I’m Chen Na. My English name is Grace. This is my pencil box. It’

s red. What’s in it? A ruler and a pen. The ruler is yellow. The pen is blue. What’

s this? Ah, it’s a key. It’s white. It’s in my pencil box,too. ( )56. Chen

Na’s English name is______? A. Alice . C. Grace

( )57. What color is the pencil box? A. Red B. Yellow C. Blue. ( )58. The_______is not in the pencil box? A. Key. B.

Map. C. ruler. ( )59. The ruler is _______? 第3页 A.

red. . C. white. ( )60. The _______is white. A. key. B. Pencil box. C. ruler. C 任务型阅读(10分) The Spring