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Unit 7 In the future


1、sign v. 签名signature n.

2、secret adj. 秘密的;保密的secretly adv. 秘密地;保密地secretary


3.able adj. 有能力的

◆ was/were able to do sth.

◆ manage to do sth. (经过努力)而能做…

◆ succeed in doing sth.

4.in the future 在未来in future 在(从现在起)不久的将来

5.hope n. & v. 希望hopeful adj.有希望的hopeless 无望的

hopefully adv. 有希望地hopelessly 无望地

◆ My hope is to be a teacher in the future. 我的希望是做一名教师。

◆ I hope that I will be a teacher in the future. 我希望将来能成为一名教师。

◆hope to do … 希望做某事

6.keep v. 保持

◆keep sb./sth. + adj.

keep sb. healthy 保持某人健康keep the room clean 保持房间干净

◆keep sb./sth. in /under/ behind sp. 使某人/某物处于某一个位置

After school, I’ll keep the boy in my office. 放学后,我将让这位男孩呆在


She always keeps her ring in the secret place. 她总是把她的戒子放在这个



◆keep doing sth. 一直做某事

He keeps writing his diary. 他一直写日记。

7.no air or water 既没有空气也没有水(否定句中的“和”用”or”)

◆We’ve got no bread or milk.我们既没有面包也没有牛奶。

◆There are no tomatoes or potatoes in the fridge. 冰箱里既没有西红柿也没有土豆。

8. talk about sth. 谈论某事

talk to/with sb. 和某人谈话

9. enter a new century 进入一个新世纪

10. live on other planets 生活到其他的星星上

11. grow vegetables in space stations 在宇宙空间站种蔬菜

12. speak the same language 说同一种语言

◆speak at the meeting 在会上发言

Did he speak at the meeting yesterday ? 昨天他在会上发言了吗?

◆say sth. at the meeting 在会上讲些事情

What did he say at the meeting yesterday? 他昨天在会上说了什么?

13. take pills for meals 服药片代替吃饭

◆ take exams 参加考试

◆take part in …参加活动…

◆ take o ff one’s coat 脱下某人的外套

◆ The plane takes off. 飞机起飞。

14. cities under the sea 海底的城市

15. learn from computers at home 在家里的电脑上学习

16. understand each other better 更好互相地理解

17. travel to other planets in spacecraft 乘宇宙飞船去其他的行星旅游

18. in ten years’ time = i n ten years

19.terrible air pollution 糟糕的空气污染

20. make a time box 做一个时间盒

21.write down one’s hopes 写下某人的愿望

22. seal sth. with tape 用胶布密封某物

23. become an astronaut 成为一名宇航员

24. perhaps 也许(maybe, probably )

Perhaps the plane will take off in three hours. 也许飞机将在三个小时后起


Maybe the plane will take off in three hours.

The plane will probably take off in three hours.


1. 一般将来时

There will be no class meetings this coming Friday. 本周五将没有班会课。

Alice will fly to America next month. 爱丽斯下月将去美国。

2 I think so./ I don’t think so.

3. I hope that…

4. There will be enough food for everyone.

5. What do you think will happen in the future ?

6. Perhaps people will be able to…

Unit 8 A more enjoyable school life


1. a enjoyable school life快乐的学校生活

enjoyable adj. 有乐趣的,使人快乐的,令人愉快的(后缀-able构成形容词,表示“可能的”)

We’d like a more enjoyable school life. 我们想要更有乐趣的学校生活。

enjoy v. 欣赏;享受----joy n. 高兴;欢乐

2.an ideal job 一份理想的工作

ideal adj. 理想的,完美的,最合适的

My ideal flat is the one with three bedrooms, two living rooms and two bath rooms. 我理想中的公寓是三室、二厅、二卫。

3. a modern laboratory 现代化的实验室

modern adj. 现代化的----反义ancient adj.古老的