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Book2 Unit1

1.△ cultural /'kʌltʃərəl/ adj. 文化的(常用于名词前)

Do you know what a cultural relic is? 你知道什么是文物?(P1)

2. △ relic /'relik/ n. 遗物;遗迹;纪念物

Do you know what a cultural relic is? 你知道什么是文物?(P1)

3.rare /reə/ adj. 稀罕的;稀有的;珍贵的

Does a cultural relic always have to be rare and valuable? 文物必须是稀有且珍贵吗?(P1)

4. valuable /'væljuəbl/adj. 贵重的;有价值的

5.survive /sə'vaɪv/vi. 生存;存活;继续存在

Is it enough to have survived for a long time?已经存留很长时间就足够了吗?(P1)6.vase /vɑ:z/ n. 花瓶;瓶

Are cultural relics only objects like vases or can they be buildings too?


7.dynasty /ˈdɪnəsti/ 美/ˈdaɪnəsti/ n. 朝代;王朝

the Ming Dynasty vase明朝的花瓶(P1)

8.△ dragon /'dræɡən/n. 龙

9.△ amber /'æmbə/ n. 琥珀;琥珀色

Have you ever seen a piece of amber? 你见过琥珀吗?(P1)

10.in search of 寻找

in search of the amber room 寻找琥珀屋(P1)

12.amazing /ə'meɪzɪŋ/adj. 令人吃惊的

Frederick William Ⅰ,the King of Prussia , could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history .普鲁士国王腓特烈·威廉一世绝不可能想到他送给俄罗斯人民的厚礼会有一段令人惊讶的历史。(P1)

13.select /sɪ'lekt/vt. 挑选;选择

The amber which was selected had a beautiful yellow-brown color like honey.


14.honey /'hʌni/ n. 蜜;蜂蜜;(爱称)亲爱的;宝贝

15.design /dɪ 'zaɪn/ n. 设计;图案;构思; 意图

The design of the room was in the fancy style popular in those days .


16.fancy /'fænsɪ /adj. 奇特的;异样的vt. 想象;认为;想要

17.style /staɪl/n. [C,U] 风格;方式;类型; [C] 款式

18.decorate /'dekəreɪt/v. 装饰;装修

It was also a treasure decorated with gold and jewels.它也是用金银珠宝装饰起来的珍品。(P1)

19.jewel /'dʒu:əl/n. [常用复数]珠宝;宝石

20.artist /'ɑ:tɪst/n. 艺术家

It was also a treasure decorated with goldand jewels , which took the country's best artists about ten years to make. 它也是用金银珠宝装饰起来的珍品。一批国家最优秀的艺术家用了大约十年的时间才把它完成。(P1)

21.belong /bɪ'lɒŋ/vi. 属于;是……的成员

belong to 属于;是……的成员;是……的一部分(不能用于进行时态和被动语态)However, the next King of Prussia ,Frederick William I, to whom the amber room belonged, decided not to keep it. 然而,下一位普鲁士国王,腓烈特·威廉一世,这个琥珀屋的主人却决定不再要它了。(P2)

22.in return 作为报答;回报

In return , the Czar sent him a troop of his best soldiers.


23.reception /rɪ'sepʃn/n. [U]接待;接见[C]招待会;欢迎会

About four metres long, the room served as a small reception hall for important visitors .


24.at war 处于交战状态

This was a time when the two countries were at war .这是两国交战的时期。(P2)25.remove /rɪ'mu:v/vt. 移开;拿开(常和from连用);开除;脱去(衣服等)

Before the Nazis could get to the summer palace , the Russians were able to remove some furniture and small art objects from the Amber Room .


27.wooden /'wʊdn/adj. 木制的; 呆板的

In less than two days 100,000 pieces were put inside twenty-seven wooden boxes .


28.doubt /daʊt/ n. 怀疑;疑惑vt. 怀疑;不相信