当前位置:文档之家› 英语口语正确称呼




1. Mrs. 或Mr


2)加于“姓名”(full name)或“姓”(surname,family name 或last name)之前,但不能单独加于“名”(Christian name,given name或first name)之前,即“Mr+名+姓”或“Mr+姓”。比如,一个叫John Smith(约翰·史密斯)的男子,我们可以称他为Mr John Smith(约翰·史密斯先生)或Mr Smith“史密斯先生”,但不能叫他为*Mr John(约翰先生)。

3)习惯上,英美人有时也用Mr自称。比如,打电话是常说This is Mr Smith speaking。对陌生人谈话,也常说I’m Mr Smith。


5)可加于“职位”(the title of office)名词之前,但不宜加于“职称”(the title of a technical or professional post)名词之前。比如,可以说Mr President(总统先生)或Mr Speaker(议长先生),但一般不说*Mr Engineer(工程师先生)或*Mr Professor


2. Mrs. 或Mrs


2)加于丈夫的“姓名”或“姓”之前,但不能单独加于“名”之前,即“Mrs+夫名+夫姓”或“Mrs+夫姓”。比如,一个叫Ellen Butler (艾伦·巴特勒)的女子,嫁给了一个叫James Carter(詹姆斯·卡特)的男子,我们可称她为Mrs James Carter(詹姆斯·卡特夫人)或“Mrs Carter”(卡特夫人),但不能叫她为*Mrs James(詹姆斯太太)。

3)但在法律文件里,则往往用她自己的名配以丈夫的姓,即“Mrs+本名+夫姓”。比如,上述女子,可用Mrs Ellen Carter(艾伦·卡特夫人)。此称呼亦适用于寡妇。

4)离婚女子,也常称Mrs,但往往用自己的姓名,即“Mrs+本名+本姓”。也有采用自己的姓或全名,再配以丈夫的姓,即“Mrs+本姓+夫姓”或“Mrs+本名+本姓+夫姓”的。比如,上述的女子离婚后,可用Mrs Ellen Butler(艾伦·巴特勒夫人)或Mrs Butler Carter (巴特勒·卡特夫人)或Mrs Ellen Butler Carter(艾伦·巴特勒·卡特夫人)。

3. Miss


2)加于“姓名”或“姓”之前,但不能单独加于“名”之前,即“Miss+名+姓”或“Miss+姓”。比如,一个叫Helen Mott(海伦·莫特)的姑娘,我们可以称她为Miss Helen Mott(海伦·莫特小姐)或“Miss Mott”(莫特小姐),但不能叫她为*Miss Helen(海伦小姐)。



4. Ms. 或Ms

该词是美国女权运动(Feminist Movement)的产物。上世纪中叶,美国的女权主义者(feminist)们认为,使用Miss或Mrs这类涉及个人婚姻状况的称呼语是对女性人权的侵犯。于是创造出Ms这个不



2)加于“姓名”或“姓”之前,但不能单独加于“名”之前。比如,一个叫Mary Simpson(玛丽·辛普森)的女子,我们可以称她为Ms Mary Simpson(玛丽·辛普森女士)或Ms Simpson(辛普森女士),但不能叫她为*Ms Mary(玛丽女士)。

1. sir

1)用于对男性的尊称,相当于汉语的“先生”或“阁下”。例如,:Can I help you, sir?(需要我帮忙吗,先生?)

2)大写时,可作非独立称呼语,加于“姓名”或“名”之前,代表英国的爵位之称,相当于汉语的“爵士”或“爵爷”。比如,Sir John White(约翰·怀特爵士)或Sir John(约翰爵士)。

2. madam 或ma’am



This way,please,madam!(请走这边,女士!)

2)大写时,可作非独立称呼语。比如,Madam Chairman(主席女士)。


1.Do you think China offers foreign business people great opportunities to fulfill their dreams? Why? 你认为中国为外国商人提供了实现梦想的巨大机会吗?为什么? 2.If offered an overseas assignment, would you like to work for your company at a foreign headquarters as long as required? 如果提供海外派遣,您愿意在国外总部工作吗? 3.What factors do you think contribute to the fulfillment of overseas assignments? 你认为哪些因素有助于完成海外任务? 4.What is the difference between E-commerce and the traditional business? 电子商务和传统商务有什么区别? 5.What are the benefits and limitations of E-commerce? 电子商务的好处和局限是什么? 6.Do you take it for granted that copyright should be protected by law? 你认为版权受法律保护是理所当然的吗? 7.Do you think it is criminal to adapt other's ideas in your own way and share them with your friends? 你认为以你自己的方式改变别人的想法并与你的朋友分享这些想法是犯罪吗? 8.What is corporate culture? How does culture affect the way we do business? 什么是企业文化?文化如何影响我们做生意的方式? 9.What are the advantages of online-communication? 在线交流的优点是什么? 10.Which way of communication do you prefer talking face-to-face or chatting online? Why? 你喜欢哪种交流方式面对面交谈或网上聊天?为什么? 11.The factors requisite for success may differ from one profession to another, what kind of elements may contribute to success in your opinion? 成功所需的因素可能因职业不同而有所不同,你认为哪种因素有助于成功? 12.Are you big fans of certain celebrities? Why or why not? 你是某些名人的忠实粉丝吗?为什么或为什么不呢? 13.What are the disadvantages of online-communication? 在线交流的缺点是什么? 14.Which way of communication do you prefer talking face-to-face or chatting online? Why? 你喜欢哪种交流方式面对面交谈或网上聊天?为什么? 15.As job hunters, what preparations should we make beforehand? 作为求职者,我们应该事先做些什么准备? 16.What is corporate culture? How do you get to know a company’s corporate culture? 什么是企业文化?你如何了解公司的企业文化? 17.Which do you think should receive priority in China, economic growth or environmental protection? Give your reasons. 你认为在中国,经济增长或环境保护应该优先考虑哪些问题?给出你的理由。 18.What do you think of love and marriage? 你觉得爱情和婚姻怎么样? 19.What should be considered when you decide to accept or decline a job offer? 当你决定接受或拒绝工作邀请时,应该考虑什么? 20.What is your plan for the future after graduation? Do you want to start a business or become an employee with a high salary? Why? 你毕业后的未来打算是什么?你想创业还是想成为高薪员工?为什么? 21.When hunting for a job, what do you choose, a big fish in a small pond or a small fish in a big pond? Why? 在找工作的时候,你会选择什么,小池塘里的大鱼还是大池塘里的小鱼?为什么? 22.List some hazards in our life that are related to the development of technology. Try to figure out some ways to avoid these hazards. 列出我们生活中与技术发展有关的一些危险。试着找出一些避免这些危险的方法。 https://www.doczj.com/doc/af2994949.html,pare planes and rail (road) transportation and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.


. 1、图形种类及概述法: 泛指一份数据图表: a data graph(曲线图)/chart/diagram/illustration/table 饼图:pie chart 直方图或柱形图:bar chart/histogram 趋势曲线图:line chart/curve diagram 表格图:table 流程图或过程图:flow chart/sequence diagram … 程序图:processing/procedures diagram 2、常用的描述用法 The table/chart diagram/graph shows (that) According to the table/chart diagram/graph As (is) shown in the table/chart diagram/graph As can be seen from the table/chart/diagram/graph/figures,

figures/statistics shows (that)…… It can be seen from the figures/statistics ^ We can see from the figures/statistics It is clear from the figures/statistics It is apparent from the figures/statistics table/chart/diagram/graph figures (that)…… table/chart/diagram/graph shows/describes/illustrates 3、图表中的数据(Data)具体表达法 数据(Data)在某一个时间段固定不变:fixed in time 在一系列的时间段中转变:changes over time ^ 持续变化的data在不同情况下: 增加:increase/raise/rise/go up …… 减少:decrease/grow down/drop/fall …… 波动:fluctuate/rebound/undulate/wave ……


英语口语话题简述 1.个人介绍 我叫李雷,16岁;九年级学生,今夏毕业; 学习英语将近四年,学习情况良好; 在北京出生,现在和父母住在上海; 我有一只狗,名叫埃迪,我很喜欢他。 My name is Li Lei, and I'm sixteen years old. I'm in Grade Nine. I will graduate this summer. It is almost five years since I began to learn English. I'm getting on well with it. I was born in Beijing. Now my parents and I live in shanghai. I have a dog called Eddie. I love him very much. 李雷是九年级学生,将于今夏毕业;数学很好,喜欢集邮; 他有礼貌,乐于助人,老师、同学都很喜欢他; 1994年出生于上海;他现在和祖父母生活在一起。 Li Lei is a ninth grade student. He will graduate this summer. He's very good at Maths, and he enjoys collecting stamps. Li Lei is polite and helpful. Both his teachers and classmates like him very much. Li Lei was born in Shanghai in 1994. Now he lives with his grandparents. 2.学校生活


学习日常英语口语的方法 学习日常英语口语的方法第一,如何用英文简单界定一个东西的技巧。 美国人和美国人交谈80%是想告诉对方what is a book 。我们中国人从小学到大学的课本尽管词汇难度不断加深,但思维逻辑结构却只停留在一个水平上。中国人常说where is the book?很少有人说what is a book?而美国的小学生就开始问:what is the book?这种where is the book?只是描述阶段,连哑巴也能做到。但是我想连大学生也很难回答what is a book?因为中国传统英语教学模式没有教会学生表达思想的技巧。 第二,如果已经学会界定,但理解还有偏差,那就要训练how to explain things in different ways. 一种表达方式对方不懂,美国人会寻找另一种表达方式最终让对方明白。因为事物就一个,但表达它的语言符号可能会很多。比如水,世界上就这一个事物,但却有多种符号来表达它。如果一个人懂8种语言,那他在世界上被别人理解的机会就会大得多。用汉语说"水"别人不懂,用德语说别人也不懂,但用英语说water,别人可能就懂了。这就要多做替换练习。传统的教学方法也做替换练习,但这种替换不是真替换,只是语言层面的替换,而不是思维层面的替换。比如,i love you,按中国的替换方法就把you 换成her,my mother,them等,这种替换和小学生练描红没有什么

区别。这种替换没有对智力构成挑战,没有启动思维。换到最后也不知道到底在love 谁,现实生活中也不能这么随便love(笑声)。这种替换句子的基本结构没变,我听不懂i love you,肯定也听不懂i love her。如果替换为i want to kiss you.i want to hug you.i've a crush on you.i will show my heart to you等,或者给对方讲电影《泰坦尼克》,告诉对方that is love,这样一来对方可能就明白了。这才叫真正的替换。 也就是说用一种不同的方式表达同一个意思,或者对方听不清楚,举一个简单易懂的例子来表达,直到对方明白。 对,比如爱因斯坦讲相对论,他用科学术语讲,除了科学家之外是没人听得懂的,所以爱因斯坦就用一个通俗的例子把相对论讲了出来。他说,什么叫相对论呢?两个lovers在一起,一小时相当于一分钟,而两个仇人呆在一起,一分钟相当于一小时,就这是相对论。他这样一讲,我想没有人不会明白相对论的。 第三,我们必须学会美国人怎样描述东西。 从描述上来讲,由于中美的文化不同会产生很大的差异。我们描述东西无外乎把它放在时间和空间两个坐标上去描述。但美国人对空间的描述总是由我及外,由里及表。而中国人正好相反。美国人说"我向雪山走去",中国人就会说"我从雪山走来"。时间上来说,中国人是按自然的时间顺序来描述。我们描述一个东西突然停住时,住往最后说的那个地方是最重要的。我们听评书常说,欲知后事好何,请听下回分解,中国人很认可这种压轴戏、抖包袱式的方式,而美国人听到这里可能会把收音机砸了:我听的就是what happened,但发生了什么我不知道,还要让我下回再


1.Map(地图、天体图、布局图、专用图、图谱)Battle map 作战地图 Highway map 公路图 Genetic map 基因图谱 2.Figure(图形、平面图) Geometric(al) figure 几何图形 Dimension figure 尺寸图 Plane figure 平面图 3.Pattern(图案、图型、图样) Checkboard pattern 棋盘型图案 Recording pattern 录像图型 Circular pattern 圆形图样 4.Sketch(草图、略图、简图) Eye sketch 目测草图 Topographic sketch 地形略图 Dimensional sketch 尺寸简图 5.Scheme/shematic(图解、示意图、流程图、电路图)Flow scheme 流程图 Induction scheme 感应电路图 6.Draft(草图) Chisel draft 雕刻前在石头上画出边缘轮廓草图 7.Curve(曲线图表) Algebraic curve 代数曲线 Comfort curve 湿度舒适曲线 8.Graph(曲线图表) Funtional graph 函数图(亦称plot) Bar graph 条形图(也称chart) 9.View(视图) Plane view 平面视图 10.Geometry(几何图) Plane geometry 平面几何 Solid geometry 立体几何图 11.Chart(航海图、图表) Aeronautical chart 领航图 Demographic data chart 人口统计图表 Pie chart 饼图 Bar chart 柱图 12.Drawing(工程图、插图) Drawing 建筑图 Explanatory drawing 说明(插)图 https://www.doczj.com/doc/af2994949.html,yout(布局图、规划图) 1、图形种类及概述法: 泛指一份数据图表:


图表表达句型(1) 1. At a slower rate... 以较低的速度…… 2. It reflects the great differences that exist between...在……之间反应了巨大的差异 3. These figures were overwhelmingly greater than the corresponding figure of... 这些数据远远大于XXX的相关数据 4. It can be seen from the chart that significantly...-er (比较级)...than... 由图可以看出,XXX明显更…… 5. In all locations, A outnumbered B... 在所有方面,A都比B…… 6. These two pie charts (饼状图) show the differences between two groups of... 这两个饼状图显示了两组XXX之间的不同之处 7. The first point to note is the huge increase (in the number of)... 首先要注意的就是(数据方面的)巨幅增加 8. A is more than... times (bigger) than B . ?A比B多(大)XXX倍。 9. The biggest loss was to A, which decreased from... to... of the whole. 损失最大的是A,整体上,它从XXX降至XXX 10. The biggest gains (in graduate numbers) were made by A which, as a group, have increased by over...A获得了最大的效益,整体上,它增长了… 11. To sum up, ... 总之,…… 12. This bar chart displays the numbers of... 该柱状图显示了XXX的数据 13. The chart reflects several trends. 该图显示了如下几种趋势…… 14. But... we see a different trend emerging. 但是……我们发现了另一种趋势慢慢浮现 15. When we compare..., we see... 当比较……我们会发现…… 16. This suggests increased educational opportunities for women in higher education. 这一点表明女性接受高等教育的机会得到增加。 17. According to the graph, ... 根据曲线图…… 18. The proportion of... 所占比例……


怎么练好英语口语? 我推荐一个方法叫“影子练习法”(shadowing),对于在没有老外可以对练的情况下,可以短期快速提高英语的听说水平。 具体方法可以参考Quora文章:How do I improve my English speaking skills in a very short time?,或者How can I improve my listening skills in English?。也可以参考本人的文章《影子练习法:提高听力速度、口语发音的一种“另类”方法》,链接:影子练习法:提高听力速度、口语发音的一种“另类”方法。 为了方便,我把我的文章粘贴在此(其余两篇英文的就不贴了,怕版权问题): ==================分割线====================在《我和英语的故事》一文种,我介绍了自己英语后起后学的经历,得到了一些朋友的回应和鼓励。在此表示感谢。然而正如我文中所讲,我的英语并不完美。我学习英语的过程中,因为起点低,需要克服许多困难,尤其是中国人英语的通病——听力速度和口语发音。 即便大学时期有机会幸运地在国外求学,我仍然经常碰到跟不上老外语速的情形,无论是谈话、还是看电视、电影。常常刚听清楚一个单词,就把前后的内容统统忽略掉了。因而交流起来甚感吃力。除此以外,我还有口语发音的问题。我开口就是中式英语发音,想改但一直没能够成功的纠正过来,因为总觉得舌头转不过来。 后来有幸通过同声传译的学习,接触到了“影子练习法“(shadowing)。影子练习,顾名思义,那是几乎同步跟读英语录音,形影不离的复述原话。影子练习法每天训练15分钟,给同传学生锻炼口音、听力,并且提高语速、语感,以便在同声传译的时候,确保跟上并一字不漏地听清楚原话。此乃同声传译的第一步。


英语口语学习的几点建议不少人认为发音好就代表口语好,口语好就代表英语好。实际上,如果只是工作需要,发音真的有那么重要吗?所谓的英语的口语,其实包含四方面的内容,其中重要性排行:流利度>表达准确度>发音>腔调。 流利度 方法建议就是自己和自己说英语,每天头脑里总会要想些问题,你试着把自己想的东西一句一句翻译成英语,你和别人说话的时候,说完那些话之后,你心里默默的想一想这些话我用英语应该怎么说,遇到不会的马上可以用手机查字典。不出三个月你心里想的每一句话或者日常的沟通,都可以熟练的用英语说出来。 还有一个办法,就是每天用英语写几百字。每天人的英文写作其实是代表他的英语口语的最高水平,不要说自己英语口语不好,归根到底,其实是写作不行。你能够说出来的东西,你一定能够立马知道怎么写,但是你写的东西你不一定立马能够说出来,但是为什么还要练习写作呢?因为大部分时候你说不出来是因为你写都不知道怎么写。写作实际上能够根本改善你遣词造句的能力,当你写作都很熟练了,你脱口而出自然不会是问题。 表达准确度 只要是两个人面对面沟通,只要你不结巴、保持流利,始终能够把话说清楚的,老外如果听不懂他会继续问你,直到听懂为止。所以刚练习英语口语的朋友,可以把这部分顾虑暂时先打消,等你流利了再来改也没问题的。所有表达的准确度问题,都不是口语问题,都是

你英语基础问题。 发音准确度 这方面的重要程度远远没有流利度那么高,但练习要花费相当的苦工。如果仅仅只是为了应付工作,建议不要花费太多时间在发音上面,因为中国人的发音哪怕再烂其实外国人还是能理解的。外企HR似乎更加看重流利程度一点。大部分在外企工作的中国人发音简直是弱爆,但是丝毫不影响工作沟通。所以英语基础不好的人,拼命去练发音,无异于舍本逐末。 如果你一定要知道发音怎么练习,可以简单说一两点。 中国人被拼音误导很深,认为和拼音长得差不多就是和拼音一样的发音,结果才导致了浓浓的中国风发音。不要把音标当拼音。你把所有的长元音全部拆开成两个元音来发音,比如like 的i(ai), 坚决不要发成中文的"爱“,要先发a 后发i, 中间过渡平滑,听起来像"拉一可”。经常有人说这个单词明明按照音标读了,但是怎么读都有一股浓浓的中国风,就是找不出原因,原因就在这里。 如果你对这些区别只是停留在了解的阶段,那是帮助不了你改善发音的,必须要重复练习(一个发音反复练习几百次就有效了)。


1. Topic: foreigner living in China Situation: A Chinese reporter is interviewing with an American who has lived in China for more than a year. They are talking about the cultural differences between China and America as well as the positive and negative aspects of living in China. Cues: positive; negative; responsible; cheap; friendly; travel; lack of privacy; too much curiosity; overcrowded; pollution; food safety C : You live in China for a long time . Can you tell me what do you think about China? T : Well, china , in my opinion ,has many positive sides but also have many negative sides. C : OK, can you tell me some advantages about china? T : Chinese always are friendly and responsible . The goods in store are very cheap and there are many good places to travel. C : What about the negative sides ? T : Some roads in China are too busy , and it is always overcrowded when the car accdient happened. Apart from that pollution in china is more and more serious. And there still have some problem in food safety. 2. Topic: favourite movie stars Situation: Two friends are talking about their favourite movie stars.


对于线性图表的描述 上升 1.对于上升趋势的描述: a.可以使用的动词或动词词组:to increase ;to go up;to rise;;to grow;to jump;to leap;to soar;to shoot;to pick up b. 可以使用的名词:an increase;a growth;a jump;a soar;an upward trend 2. 对于上升到某个位置的描述: a. 1. a. 中的动词+to+具体数据。 b. 1. a. 中的动词+to+the peak of+具体数据。 c. 1. a. 中的动词+reaching the peak of +具体数据。 d. 1. a. 中的动词+reaching + 具体数据。 e. to peak at +具体数据 f. to climb to + 具体数据 3. 对于上升的程度的描述: a. 1. a. 中的动词+by +具体数据。 b. 1. a. 中的动词+副词。 下降 1. 对于下降趋势的描述: a. 可以使用的动词或动词词组: to fall;to decrease;to go down;to slide;to collapse;to decline;to drop

b. 可以使用的名词: a collapse;a decrease;a fall;a decline;a drop 2. 对于下降到某个位置的描述: a. 1. a. 中的动词+to+具体数据。 b. 1. a. 中的动词+to+the bottom of+具体数据。 c. 1. a. 中的动词+reaching the bottom of +具体数据。 d. 1. a. 中的动词+reaching + 具体数据。 3. 对于下降程度的描述: a. 1. a. 中的动词+by +具体数据。 b. 1. a. 中的动词+副词。(见 对于平稳的趋势的描述: 可以使用的动词或动词词组: to hardly change;to have little change;to keep steady;to level off;to remain constant;to stay the same 表示程度的副词: 1. 程度较大: Considerably; dramatically; greatly; markedly; obviously; quickly; rapidly; sharply; significantly; suddenly 2. 程度较小: Slightly; gradually; slowly; steadily 时间的嵌入


在线学基础英语口语、常用英语口语 这些都是比较基础的英语口语,都非常常用,感兴趣的可以在线学一下: 一、 Greetings 问候语 1. Hello! / Hi! 你好! 2. Good morning / afternoon / evening! 早晨(下午/晚上)好! 3. I'm Kelly. 我是凯莉。 4. Are you Tom? 你是汤姆吗? 5. Yes, I am. / No, I'm not. 是,我是。/ 不,我不是。 6. How are you? 你好吗? 7. Fine, thanks. And you? 很好,谢谢,你呢? 8. I'm fine, too. 我也很好。 9. How is Lily / your wife / your husband? 莉莉好吗?/你妻子好吗?/你丈夫好吗? 10. She is very well, thank you. 她很好,谢谢。 11. Good night,Sunny. 晚安,珊妮。 12. Good-bye, Mike. 再见,迈克。

13. See you tomorrow. 明天见。 14. See you later. 待会儿见。 15. I have to go now. 我必须走了。 二、Expression In Class 课堂用语 16. May I come in? 我能进来吗? 17. Come in, please. 请进。 18. Sit down, please. 请坐。 19. It's time for class. 上课时间到了。 20. Open your books and turn to page 20. 打开书,翻到第20页。 21. I'll call the roll before class. 课前我要点名。 22. Here! 到! 23. Has everybody got a sheet? 每个人都拿到材料了吗? 24. Any different opinion? 有不同意见吗? 25. Are you with me? 你们跟上我讲的了吗? 26. Have I made myself clear? 我讲明白了吗?


As can be seen from the table given above, popular fiction is most popular with Chinese students, accounting for 65.9% of book circulation in the library. General Nonfiction takes up 18.2%, while books concerning science, technology and education, only 10.8%. In contrast, books of art, literature and poetry only have a circulation of 5.1%. Several reasons contribute to their reading preferences. Firstly, popular fiction is fascinating to the young students. Secondly, books about science and technology are usually too complex and difficult to read. They often contain many special terms which most students can’t understand. Finally, in today’s market economy, much more emphasis is laid on practical and vocational books rather than art or poetry. When it comes to me, poetry and art are my favorites. Such kind of books can nourish my mind, broaden my horizons and render me a fresh feeling. Reading a piece of good poetry tends to relieve my burden, and lessen my tension, making me more creative and dynamic. It gets me into an imaginary world, fresh and beautiful. I just love that feeling!(179 words) My View on Reading Extensively Nowadays few of us read extensively after we leave school. This tendency is rather disturbing, for one should know that reading extensively are no less necessary to one’s mental life than fresh air to one’s physical life. From reading extensively, we can derive companionship, experience and instruction. First and foremost, a good book is our faithful friend. It can increase our contentment when we are cheerful and happy, and lessen our pain when we are sad or lonely. Furthermore, reading extensively can also offer us a wide range of experiences. In reading we may join tourists marveling at incredible power of Niagara Falls, mingle with the happy throngs strolling in the Paris boulevards and experience the bitterness or joy of people in different lands and in different times. Few of us can travel far from home or live long over one hundred, but all of us can live many lives through the pages of books. The last but not the least, reading extensively can increase our intellectual ability, broaden our minds and make us wise. Though with the advent of TV and Internet, books are no longer read as extensively as they once were, nothing can replace the role that reading extensively plays in our lives. (206 words) It is obvious in the graph/table that the rate/number/amount of Y has undergone dramatic changes. It has gone up/grown/fallen/dropped considerably in recent years (as X varies). At the point of (接近)X1, Y reaches its peak value of …(多少). What is the reason for this change? Mainly there are … (多少) reasons behind the situation reflected in the graphic/table. First of all, …(第一个原因). More importantly, …(第二个原因). Most impo rtant of all, …(第三个原因). From the above discussions, we have enough reason to predict what will happen in the near future. The trend described in the graph/table will continue for quite a long time (if necessary measures are not taken括号里的使用于那些不太好的变化趋势). 图表作文经典句型总结


话题简述部分 1. 学校生活School life 例一 1.杰克是一名八年级学生,就读于伦敦附近的一所学校。 2.他最喜欢的学科是中文,他认为学习外语很有趣。 3.学校每学期有一个“读书周”,他和他的同学们喜欢这个“读书周”,他们可以读到学校图书馆的许多书和杂志。他很喜欢他的学校。 Jack is a Year 8 student at a school near London. His favourite subject is Chinese. He thinks learning foreign languages is fun. His school has a Reading Week every term. Jack and his classmates love it. They can read many books and magazines from the school library. Jack loves his school very much. 例二 1.南希14 岁,是七年级学生。 2.她每周放学后打两次排球。她喜爱这项运动,花很多时间练习。 3.每周一南希去“同伴俱乐部”,在那里,老生给新生讲学校生活情况。她的同伴朱莉帮助她全面了解新学校情况。朱莉是她的好朋友。 Nancy is 14 years old. She's in the seventh grade. Twice a week, she plays volleyball after school. She loves this game and spends a lot of time practising. Every Monday, Nancy goes to the Buddy Club. There, older students talk to new students about school life. Her buddy Julie helps her learn all about her new school. Julie is her good friend. 2. 爱好与学业Hobbies and studies 例一 1. 我有许多爱好,喜爱游泳、唱歌和购物,目前旅游是我的最爱。 2. 不过每天我有很多家庭作业,做作业花费很多时间,我没有时间用在爱好上,对此我真的感到遗憾。 3. 我不想因为家庭作业而放弃全部爱好。 I have many hobbies. I love swimming, singing and shopping. At the moment, travelling is my favourite hobby. However, I have a lot of homework every day. I spend so much time doing my homework that I cannot find any time for my hobbies.I really feel bad about it. I don't want to give up all my hobbies because of my homework. 例二 1.迈克迷恋足球,喜爱看足球比赛,当然也喜爱踢足球。 2.放学后,他经常和同学们一起踢一小时左右的足球,他的父母不喜欢这一点,要求他在五点半之前回家。 3.他认为花些时间在爱好上是很重要的,希望能得到父母的支持。 Mike is crazy about football! He loves watching football matches. Of course, he loves playing football too. He often spends about one hour playing football with his classmates after school. His parents don't like this and have asked him to go home before 5:30. He thinks it is important for him to spend some time on his hobbies. He wishes he could have his parents' support. 3. 饮食Diet 例一 1.为了更健康,我已改变了饮食。 2.以前我很少吃水果、蔬菜,喜欢糕点、糖果和可乐。 3.现在早餐时我总是吃一根香蕉、一些面包,喝一杯牛奶;午餐时通常吃鱼和蔬菜。


Subject : I want to get the picture. 第一,迷你对话 A: Could you tell me the significance of these flowers? I want to get the picture. 你能给我讲讲这些话的意义吗?我想了解一下。 B: Lily means beauty. Violet means modesty. Carnation means devoted love. 百合代表美丽,紫罗兰代表谦虚,康乃馨代表忠诚的爱。 第二,地道表达 get the picture 1. 解词释义 Get the picture表示明白发生了什么事情,了解目前的进度。短语中的picture是指脑海里对事情目前的状态,情况、事态的了解。当你明白了某件事情或心里对某事已经有了个大概轮廓的时候,就可以用get the picture来表示了。 2. 拓展范例 e.g. Luke never tells you the whole story, but you always get the picture. 卢克从不告诉你事情的来龙去脉,但你总会弄明白是怎么回事。

e.g. Your wife ran away with your best friend. Now do you get the picture. 你的老婆跟你好友私奔了,现在你知道了吗? e.g.I get the picture you two want to be left alone together. 我现在明白了--你们俩想单独在一起。 e.g. But to get a full picture of what is happening you cannot read the party organ. 不过,要了解眼前发生的事的全貌你不能只读党的机关刊物。 更多英语学习方法:企业英语培训https://www.doczj.com/doc/af2994949.html,/

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