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A Model of Competitive Advantage

Material Source: Strategic Management Journal, Mar., 1993

Author: Margaret A. Peteraf


A basic assumption of resource-based work is that the resource bundles and capabilities underlying production are heterogeneous across firms. One might describe productive factors in use as having intrinsically differential levels of 'efficiency'. Some are superior to others. Firms endowed with such resources are able to produce more economically or better satisfy customer wants. Heterogeneity implies that firms of varying capabilities are able to compete in the market-place and, at least, breakeven. Firms with marginal resources can only expect to breakeven. Firms with superior resources will earn rents.

Ricardian rents

Heterogeneity in an industry may reflect the presence of superior productive factors which are in limited supply. They may be fixed factors which cannot be expanded. More often, they are quasi-fixed, in the sense that their supply cannot be expanded rapidly. They are scarce in the sense that they are insufficient to satisfy demand for their services. Thus, inferior resources are brought into production as well. This is the familiar Ricardian argument. It may be understood most clearly by assuming that firms with superior resources have lower average costs than other firms. These low cost firms have somewhat inelastic supply curves, in that they cannot expand output rapidly, regardless of how high the price may be. High prices, however, do induce other less efficient firms to enter the industry. Such firms will enter and produce so long as price exceeds their marginal cost. In equilibrium, industry demand and supply are in balance, high-cost firms breakeven, and low-cost firms earn supra normal profits in the form of rents to their scarce resources. Firms are price takers and produce at the point where price equals marginal cost. The high returns of efficient firms cannot be attributed to an artificial restriction of output or to market power. Neither do they depend upon uniqueness or even rarity in the absolute sense. It is theoretically possible for rents to be earned by a number of equally efficient producers, so long as an efficiency differential remains between

them and other producers. What key is that the superior resources remain limited in supply. Thus, efficient firms can sustain this type of competitive advantage only if their resources cannot be expanded freely or imitated by other firms. Consider what happens if this is not so. Increased production by additional efficient producers will shift the supply curve out. This will drive down the equilibrium price, forcing marginal firms to leave the market. Remaining firms will produce at the point where price equals both marginal cost and average cost. As a result, rents will be dissipated and only normal returns will be earned by efficient producers. The Ricardian model is often thought of with respect to resources which are strictly fixed in supply. But it may be applied as well to quasi-fixed resources, which are of much greater importance. These are resources which, while limited in the short run, may be renewed and expanded incrementally within the firm that utilizes them. Utilization of such resources may in fact augment them. Prahalad and Hamel describe how core competencies, particularly those which involve collective learning and are knowledge-based, are enhanced as they are applied. Such resources may provide both the basis and the direction for the growth of the firm itself. Current capabilities may both impel and constrain future learning and investment activity. Incremental growth and renewal of such limited resources, however, is not inconsistent with a Ricardian view of rent and competitive advantage.

Monopoly rents

The condition of heterogeneity is equally consistent with models of market power and monopoly rents as it is with the Ricardian story. What distinguishes monopoly profits from Ricardian rents is that monopoly profits result from a deliberate restriction of output rather than an inherent scarcity of resource supply. In monopoly models, heterogeneity may result from spatial competition or product differentiation. It may reflect uniqueness and localized monopoly. It may be due to the presence of intra-industry mobility barriers which differentiate groups of firms from one another. It may entail size advantages and irreversible commitments or other first mover advantages. There are numerous such models. What they all have in common is the supposition that firms in favorable positions face downward sloping demand curves. These firms then maximize profits by consciously restricting their output relative to competitive levels. These are models of market power. Unlike Ricardian models, many are 'strategic' in that firms take into account the behavior and relative position of their rivals. Apparently homogeneous firms may also earn monopoly rents. Cournot behavior exhibited by identical rivals. So may collusive

behavior, tacit or otherwise. But these kinds of behaviors are facilitated by fewness of numbers and therefore depend on barriers to entry. Asymmetries must exist between incumbent. This is a notion attributable to organizational economics. Consider also models of dominant firm behavior, firms and potential entrants. In this case, the heterogeneity occurs across these two groups of firms.

Imperfect mobility

Resources are perfectly immobile if they cannot be traded. Dierickx and Cool discuss several examples of this sort. Resources for which property rights are not well defined or with 'bookkeeping feasibility' problems fall into this category. So do resources which are idiosyncratic to the extent that they have no other use outside the firm. Other kinds of resources may be described as imperfectly mobile. These are resources which are tradeable but more valuable within the firm that currently employs them than they would be in other employ. Resources are imperfectly mobile when they are somewhat specialized to firm-specific needs. Montgomery and Wernerfelt use the concept of switching costs to discuss how firm-specific investments may cement the trading relationship between a firm and the owners of factors employed by the firm. These investments by the resource owners may be regarded as a sunk cost which may inhibit the factor's exit from a firm. These costs give the firm a greater claim on the resource in question. Cospecialized assets may be another case in point. These are assets which must be used in conjunction with one another or which have higher economic value when employed together. To the extent that they have no other equivalent uses and to the extent that at least one of the assets is firm-specific, their mobility is limited. Other resources may be imperfectly mobile simply because the transactions costs associated with their transfer are exceedingly high. Because immobile or imperfectly mobile resources are nontradeable or less valuable to other users, they cannot be bid away readily from their employer. They remain bound to the firm and available for use over the long run. Thus, they can be a source of sustained advantage. Furthermore, the opportunity cost of their use is significantly less than their value to the present employer. This is an important point and one which will be developed further in the next section. It implies that any Ricardian or monopoly rents generated by the asset will not be offset entirely by accounting for the asset's opportunity cost. I use opportunity cost, here, in a sense slightly different from the conventional use of the term. Conventionally, it refers to the value of a resource in its next best use. Here, I mean it to refer to the value of the resource to its second-highest valuing

potential-user. The use to which the potential user may wish to put it may be exactly the same. This difference between the value of a resource to a firm and its opportunity cost is also a form of rent. Pareto rents, also called quasi-rents, are the excess of an asset's value over its salvage value or its value in its next best use. Following Klein et al., I use the term 'appropriable quasi-rents' or 'A-Q rents' to refer to the excess of an asset's value over its value to the second-highest valuing potential user or bidder for the resource. Klein et al. demonstrate that it is entirely possible for a resource to generate A-Q rents in the absence of either Ricardian or monopoly rents. Resources need not be rare or inimitable for them to be differentially valuable to possible users. On the other hand, such assets may make a firm less responsive and flexible in the face of environmental or technological changes which upset a previously held advantage. Specialization is a two-edged sword. Rent is not a sufficient indicator of competitive advantage. There must be monopoly or Ricardian rents generated as well. A-Q rents are appropriable in the sense that they need not be paid out to the resource for the user to retain its services. Were the user to appropriate the whole of the A-Q rents, the resource could earn no more elsewhere. It may be more accurate, however, to recognize that the rents will be shared between the factor owners and the firm employing them. First, one might as easily view the firm as tied to the use of specialized factors, since it cannot substitute generic factors at equal cost. This implies that the situation might be characterized best as a bilateral monopoly, in which the distribution of rents is indeterminate. Secondly, it should be recognized that the rents are in fact jointly produced and are as much due to the firm as to the factor. A specialized factor cannot be so productive apart from the firm. Therefore, its super-productivity is attributable as much to the context and other elements of the firm as to the factor itself. The firm and the factor are, in essence, a team. Caves states that rents are not entirely passed on to factors which are not traded on the open market. In a similar vein, Rumelt has argued that 'the rent on factor is not logically or operationally separable from the profits of the firm'. These two facts that imperfectly mobile resources will remain available to the firm and that the rents will be shared by the firm-are the key features of imperfect factor mobility. They, in turn, make imperfect factor mobility a necessary condition for sustainable competitive advantage. In addition, imperfect factor mobility is a particularly important component of the model because such resources are less likely to be imitable than other kinds. Furthermore, the opportunity cost of such assets, as defined above, does not offset the rents. But even together with heterogeneity and ex

post limits to competition, imperfect factor mobility is not yet sufficient for sustained competitive advantage.

The cornerstones of competitive advantage

In sum, four conditions must be met for a firm to enjoy sustained above-normal returns. Resource heterogeneity creates Ricardian or monopoly rents. Ex post limits to competition prevent the rents from being competed away. Imperfect factor mobility ensures that valuable factors remain with the firm and that the rents are shared. Ex ante limits to competition keep costs from offsetting the rents. This model is intended to highlight the importance of each of these conditions, as distinct from one another, and to explicate the particular role that each plays in creating and sustaining rents. It is not meant to imply, however, that these four conditions are entirely independent of one another. They are, in fact, related conditions. Heterogeneity is the most basic condition. It is the sine-qua-non of competitive advantage and has long been a fundamental concept of strategic management. For these reasons it deserves special emphasis. The model tells us that heterogeneity is necessary for sustainable advantage, but not sufficient. For rents to be sustained, we required ex post limits to competition as well. One can imagine heterogeneity without ex post limits to competition. Firms may have short-lived and unsustainable readily-imitated differences. It takes a greater stretch of the imagination to conceive of ex post limits to competition without heterogeneity. For the most part, ex post limits to competition imply heterogeneity, although heterogeneity does not imply ex post limits to competition. Heterogeneity underlies the condition of imperfect mobility as well. Again heterogeneous resources need not be imperfectly mobile. But it is hard to imagine any imperfectly mobile resources which are not also heterogeneous in nature. Resources which are immobile because of their idiosyncratic or firm-specific nature are certainly heterogeneous. Resources which are immobile due to ill-defined property rights or the lack of a market might possibly be homogeneous. Once again, however, imperfect mobility, for the most part, implies heterogeneity as well. Finally, it is important to recognize that the productivity of superior resources depends upon the nature of their employment and the skill with which a strategy based on resource superiority is implemented.


一、介绍一个竞争优势的分析模型 徐星投资张东伟推荐一本书《企业战略博弈》,很不错。 若某行业不存在竞争优势,最终起决定作用的是经营效率;若企业存在竞争优势,企业的战略决策,更应该是为了管理竞争优势,维持护城河或者打造更厚的护城河,从而保持公司超过市场平均水平的盈利能力。市场是逐利的,如果一个行业没有竞争壁垒或者很多的竞争壁垒,很容易被新进入者打破市场竞争格局,竞争加剧使行业盈利水平下降,不会比总体社会资本收益率高多少,甚至更差。 作者认为真正的竞争优势只有少数几种类型。竞争优势可能来源于先进的生产技术和/或更好的资源渠道(供应优势),也可能来源于消费者偏好(需求优势),或者是规模经济与某种程度的消费者偏好的组合(供应与需求相互作用)。此外还有来自于政府干预带来的优势,如进入许可等。笔者认为作者在模型中提出作为竞争优势的具体某点可以探讨,比如是不是全面、这些具体的点对多种行业分析有多大的适应性等。但作者从供应、需求以及供给需求相互结合的角度谈竞争优势,这种分析框架还是很有包容性的。 (一)供应优势:低竞争成本 拥有潜在对手无法复制的低成本结构,是在位企业最重要的竞争优势之一,这种优势会阻止大部分明智的企业进入这个市场。低成本结构来源于什么? 1、来源于低投入成本。在全球化发展日趋迅速甚至变成地球村的时代,拥有低投入成本竞争优势的企业很多。但有些是资源独占性企业,优势可以持续存在,比如一些独占资源的矿业。还有一些公司拥有更好的原材料渠道或者地理位置,也会带来一定的竞争优势。 2、来源于专有技术或生产工艺。最基本的形势是受专利保护的产品系列或生产过程,这个都容易理解,比如很多工业制品、医药制品等,在专利保护期内,拥有很强的竞争优势。在具有复杂生产过程的行业中,学习和经验是降低成本的主要途径,并关系到产品的质量、产品成品率。但技术更新过快的行业,生产工艺的优势就可能算不上壁垒,因为获得的经验积累可能迅速过时,因而损坏成本优势。很多电子产品产品就是如此,电视、手机、半导体等。另外,就是技术进步缓慢但产品的生产工艺不够复杂或者技术含量低的产品也难以有持续竞争优势,比如面包机、豆浆机、微波炉等。而复杂的工艺比如化工行业烟台万华却可以保持很多年。 (二)需求优势:客户忠诚 这种客户忠诚度,包括客户真正的忠诚比如对某个品牌的喜欢,更包括被迫忠诚比如是因为没有办法或者代价太高。 1、习惯。比如对一些品牌的依赖,而往往这些品牌不仅仅是通过打广告提高知名度来获得的,还有文化渊源、历史沉淀等。我们可以注意一下,市场上充斥着大量有品牌但不能获得高于平均水平回报率的品牌,大多品牌不能成为竞争优势。口味爱好很好的竞争优势,比如某个牌子的香烟、某个牌子的酒,细微的差别都能被客户察觉,并习惯性依赖。只有当购买频繁并且实际上无意识地进行的


附件5 论文及外文翻译写作格式样例 附录1 内封格式示例(设置成小二号字,空3行) 我国居民投资理财现状及发展前景的研究 (黑体,加粗,小二,居中,空2行) The Research on Status and Future of Inhabitants’ Investment and Financial Management in China (Times New Roman体,加粗,小二,居中,实词首字母大写,空5行) 院系经济与管理学院(宋体,四号,首行缩进6字符) 专业公共事业管理(宋体,四号,首行缩进6字符) 班级 6408101 (宋体,四号,首行缩进6字符) 学号 200604081010 (宋体,四号,首行缩进6字符) 姓名李杰(宋体,四号,首行缩进6字符) 指导教师张芸(宋体,四号,首行缩进6字符) 职称副教授(宋体,四号,首行缩进6字符) 负责教师(宋体,四号,首行缩进6字符) (空7行) 沈阳航空航天大学(宋体,四号,居中) 2010年6月(宋体,四号,居中)

附录2 摘要格式示例(设置成三号,空2行) 摘要(黑体,加粗,三号,居中,两个字之间空两格) (空1行) 我国已经步入经济全球化发展的21世纪,随着市场经济的快速增长和对外开放的进一步深化,我国金融市场发生了巨大的变化。一方面,投资理财所涉及到的领域越来越广,不仅仅是政府、企业、社会组织进行投资理财,居民也逐步进入到金融市场中,开始利用各种投资工具对个人、家庭财产进行打理,以达到资产保值、增值,更好的用于消费、养老等的目的;另一方面,我国居民投资理财观念逐渐趋于成熟化、理性化;同时,其投资理财工具以及方式手段亦越来越向多元化、完善化发展。 本论文以我国居民投资理财为研究对象,综合运用现代经济学、金融学和管理学的理论;统计学、概率学的方法和工具,主要对我国居民投资理财的历史演变、发展现状、意识观念、存在的问题和主要投资理财工具进行了分析和探讨,并提出了改善和促进我国居民理财现状的对策和建议,指出了普通居民合理化投资理财的途径。 摘要以浓缩的形式概括研究课题的内容,摘要应包括论文的创新性及其理论和实际意义。摘要中不宜使用公式、图表,不标注引用文献编号。中文摘要在300-500字左右。(首行缩进两个字符,宋体,小四,行距最小值:22磅)(空1行) 关键词:(宋体,小四,加粗,左缩进:0)投资理财资理财工具通货膨胀(宋体,小四,每个关键词之间空两格,关键词的个数在3到5个之间)


销售部胜任力模型构建问卷统计分析报告 一、样本基本信息 此次问卷调查共发放问卷15份,回收问卷15份,所回收的问卷全部有效,有效回收率为100%。 根据调研对象的职位不同,对样本进行分类,此次调查的样本分布状况如下: ,2代表“不太重要”,3代表“一般”,4代表“比较重要”,5代表“非常重要”。以下同。 二、关键的知识要求 产品知识:包括产品的名称、性能与特点、主要优点、销售状况、与其他公司产品相比的优劣势、价格特点等。 公司知识:包括行业知识、公司文化(发展历史、价值观等)、组织结构、基本规章制度和业务流程等。 行业知识:行业发展状况、行业新闻及重大事件、竞争对手情况、相关行业的情况。 营销知识:营销心理学、价格管理、预测与调研、品牌管理、客户服务及管理、电话营销、礼仪公关。 专利知识:对专利的理解,每个产品对应的专利点的了解。 从上述四幅图中可以看出,产品知识、公司知识、行业知识、营销知识、专利知识是销售部人员认为最为重要的五个知识要求。

三、关键的行为能力 创新能力:不受陈规和以往经验的束缚,不断改进工作和学习方法,以适应新观念、新形势发展的要求。不断的有新的销售策略、新的销售方法。 分析判断能力:从市场信息收集、整理到分析运用的全程处理能力。对已知的事实进行分析推理,看问题能抓住事情的本质。通过观察分析很快就能抓住了解全貌,敏锐,能很快发现关键问题,抓住要害。 沟通能力:正确倾听他人意见,理解其感受、需要和观点,并做出适当反应的能力。 计划能力:对工作目标有一定计划,工作前做好充分准备。工作能按部就班的进行。 客户管控能力:有效地与业务伙伴和客户建立良好的工作关系,并运用各方方面的资源完成工作的能力。 人际交往能力:对人际交往保持高度的兴趣,能够通过主动热情的态度,以及诚恳、正直的品质赢得他人的尊重和信赖,从而赢得良好的人际交往氛围的能力。 市场开拓能力:为达到市场开拓目的而具备的沟通、组织等方面的技能与知识。能够与客户、行业协会及中间商进行业务讨论,收集市场对产品的需求,提出产品改进建议。 市场预测能力:密切关注市场,通过对市场变化中反映出来的现象、数据信息等,进行分析处理,用以了解市场变动的趋势、了解客户的需求、指导自己的工作。 谈判能力:在谈判中有效的达成公司的目标,并最大限度地争取和维护公司的利益的能力。 问题解决能力:为了达到最终的结果能够从不同角度分析问题,寻求答案的能力。遇到问题时,能自主地、主动地谋求解决,能有规划、有方法、有步骤地处理问题,并能适宜地、合理地、有效地解决问题。 学习能力:发展自己的专业知识,与他人分享专业知识和经验,学习专业知识的能力。能根据自身学习需要,采用适当的技术手段和方法,获取、加工和利用知识与信息。 应变能力:为应对将来可能面临的困难和挑战,提前采取预防措施或做好相应思想准备的能力。反应迅速,能很好处理突发事件,随机应变,能控制局面。 影响力:说服或影响他人接受某一观点或领导某一具体行为的能力。


岗位胜任模型 个人特征结构,它可以是动机、特质、自我形象、态度或价值观、某领域知识、认知或行为技能,且能显著区分优秀与一般绩效的个体特征的综合表现。 中文名岗位胜任模型性质模型作用确保个人完成工作特点显著区分优秀与绩效 目录 1 定义 2 基本内容 3 建立岗位胜任模型步骤 ?定义绩效标准 ?选取分析效标样本 ?获取效标样本有关胜任特征的数据资料 ?建立岗位胜任模型 ?验证岗位胜任模型 4 作用 ?工作分析 ?人员选拔 ?绩效考核 ?员工培训 ?员工激励 定义 20 世纪中后期,哈佛大学的戴维·麦克米兰(David·McClelland)教授的研究成果,使人们看到现代人力资源管理理论新的曙光,为企业人力资源管理的实践提供了一个全新的视角和一种更有利的工具,即对人员进行全面系统的研究,从外显特征到内隐特征综合评价的胜任特征分析法。这种方法不仅能够满足现代人力资源管理的要求,构建起某种岗位胜任模型(competency model),对于人员担任某种工作所应具备的胜任特征及其组合结构有明确的说明,也能成为从外显到内隐特征进行人员素质测评的重要尺度和依据,从而为实现人力资源的合理配置,提供了科学的前提。 基本内容 1.知识

某一职业领域需要的信息(如人力资源管理的专业知识); 岗位胜任模型岗位胜任模型 2.技能 掌握和运用专门技术的能力(如英语读写能力、计算机操作能力); 3.社会角色 个体对于社会规范的认知与理解(如想成为工作团队中的领导); 4.自我认知 对自己身份的知觉和评价(如认为自己是某一领域的权威); 5.特质 某人所具有的特征或其典型的行为方式(如喜欢冒险); 6.动机 决定外显行为的内在稳定的想法或念头(如想获得权利、喜欢追求名誉)。 建立岗位胜任模型步骤 定义绩效标准 绩效标准一般采用工作分析和专家小组讨论的办法来确定。即采用工作分析的各种工具与方法明确工作的具体要求,提炼出鉴别工作优秀的员工与工作一般的员工的标准。专家小组讨论则是由优秀的领导者、人力资源管理层和研究人员组成的专家小组,就此岗位的任务、责任和绩效标准以及期望优秀领导表现的胜任特征行为和特点进行讨论,得出最终的结论。如果客观绩效指标不容易获得或经费不允许,一个简单的方法就是采用“上级提名”。这种由上级领导直接给出的工作绩效标准的方法虽然较为主观,但对于优秀的领导层也是一种简便可行的方法。企业应根据自身的规模、目标、资源等条件选择合适的绩效标准定义方法。


国家竞争优势,又称“国家竞争优势钻石理论”,“钻石理论”。由哈佛大学商学院教授迈克尔·波特在其代表作《国家竞争优势》中提出,属于国际贸易理论之一。国家竞争优势理论既是基于国家的理论,也是基于公司的理论。国家竞争优势理论试图解释如何才能造就并保持可持续的相对优势。 钻石理论模型 : 包括:1.生产要素 它包括:人力资源;自然资源;知识资源;资本资源;基础设施 2.需求因素 国内需求条件是特定产业是否具有国际竞争力的另一个重要影响因素。一是本国市场上有关产业的产品需求若大于海外市场,则拥有规模经济,有利于该国建立该产业的国际竞争优势。二是若本国市场消费者需求层次高,则对相关产业取得国际竞争优势有利。因为老练、挑剔的消费者会对本国公司产生一种促进改进产品质量、性能和服务等方面的压力。三是如果本国需求具有超前性,那么为它服务的本国厂商也就相应地走在了世界其他厂商的前面。 3.相关和支持产业因素 即与企业有关联的产业和供应商的竞争力。

4.企业组织、战略和竞争状态因素 它们是指一国国内支配企业创建、组织和管理的条件。 国家经济发展四个阶段 波特认为,国家经济发展可分为四个阶段,即生产要素导向阶段、投资导向阶段、创新导向阶段和富裕导向阶段,其中前三个阶段是国家竞争优势发展的主要力量,通常会带来经济上的繁荣,第四个阶段则是经济上的转折点,有可能因此而走下坡。 它给我们的启示是:在开放型经济背景下,一国产业结构状况并不是一成不变的,各国产业发展具有很强的能动性和可选择性,固有的比较优势不应成为谋求增强国际竞争优势的障碍。 中国的竞争优势主要是在制造业 中国制造业的竞争优势分析:一国特定产业的发展及其竞争优势又受“机遇”与“政府”因素影响,“政府”因素所带给产业的影响可正可负,此点对于政府产业政策制定应有重要涵义。下面就根据“钻石体系”理论来分析我国能在制造产业上获得的国际竞争优势。生产因素优势从生产因素方面来看,我国具备低成本制造的要素。首先,人力资源充足,人力成本低。农村大量富余劳动力可以源源不断地为城市提供低成本的低技术产业工人。这一项是发达国家制造业难以逾越的。同时,近几年来,我国高等教育发展迅速,受过高等教育的年轻人的数量连年大幅增长,这对我国制造业的未来发展尤为重要,因为我国制造业不仅有低附加值的劳动密集型产业,还要有高附加值的技术和资本密集型产业。其次,我国民营经济已经完成了最初的原始积累,也吸引了大量的外资,资本资源也相对充足。最后,我国政府自改革开放以来就重视基础设施建设,高速公路、电信设施、电力建设等在发展中国家是最先进的,这对整个经济的发展,当然也包括制造业的发展起到了最基本的支持作用。我国正在经历城市化和工业化的进程,需要建设大量的基础设施。城市人口面临人均收入消费正从温饱型向享受型和发展型过渡,对房地产、汽车、数码电子等的需求旺盛,同时,随着农民收入的提高,


沈阳工业大学本科生 毕业设计(论文)外文翻译撰写要求与格式规范 根据《沈阳工业大学毕业设计(论文)工作的规定》,对本科生毕业设计(论文)外文翻译要求如下: 一、参加毕业设计(论文)的学生必须翻译一篇外文原文资料(外语专业除外)。 二、外文文献应由指导教师审定,必须与所学专业及毕业设计内容密切相关。 三、外文文献应选自学术期刊、学术会议的文章、著作及其他相关材料,并列入毕业设计(论文)的参考文献。 四、外文文献要不少于一万二千个外文印刷符号(约三千汉字)。 五、指导教师应对学生外文翻译与毕业设计内容的相关性、翻译量及翻译的准确性等进行综合评价,手写不少于40字的评语并签名。 六、外文原文可以复印,也可以打印电子期刊原文。 七、译文采用A4纸印刷,边距:上下2.54厘米,左3.50厘米,右2.5厘米,左侧装订。大标题黑体小三号字,一级标题黑体四号,二级标题黑体小四号,正文宋体小四号。 八、装订顺序依次为封面、原文、译文、指导教师评语。 教务处 2016年3月

本科生毕业设计(论文)外文翻译 学院:文法学院 学号:140607214 专业班级:环境设计1402班 学生姓名:辛萌 指导教师:王磊 2018年3 月14 日

Landscape planning and design of residential green space 1 topic sources The project comes from the social production practice of the instructor. 2 purpose and significance of research 2.1 the purpose of the study The modern residential district is increasing with unprecedented speed and quantity, and the landscape design of residential area is becoming more and more important. The landscape is usually in a variety of ways to meet different users. The goal of the design is to create a space that combines society, environment, culture, aesthetics and practical functions. Therefore, the landscape is a system of living, dynamic, ecological and cultural. The landscape design of residential area is closely related to our relationship. It has its own characteristics and development trend. With the rapid development of modern Chinese cities, global integration has made frequent international exchanges and highly shared information. How to assimilate the latest technological achievements and design trend of the world with conditional self concept is one of the common concerns of contemporary designers. The purpose of this study is to analyze the landscape planning and design of modern residential areas at home and abroad, and to summarize the landscape planning and design scheme suitable for the two phase of Ziyun government. For the fusion of classical and modern, Qucuqujing, with European style as the theme, to learn the essence China garden, ideal residential environment, the creation of ecological environment protection and sustainable development, to create a good living environment for residents. 2.2 significance of research The survival of mankind is inseparable from the necessities of life, and the content and content of life are all generated by living. This kind of living activity is called "the first activity of the city" in the Athens charter. As the main place of human activity - the residential area, it bears our needs for a good life. The advantages and disadvantages of human living environment not only relate to people's quality of life and health, but also reflect the culture of the city. As an index of improving the quality of people's life, urban landscape plays a decisive role. Landscape design of residential area has also become an indispensable part of urban landscape system. The design of an


平安保险公司A类管理干部胜任素质模型 2012年1月

目录 一、简介 2 二、模型结构 3 三、胜任素质定义与层级 5 结果导向 6 适应调整7 监控能力8 影响能力9 团队领导10 组织理解11 战略导向12 建立创新组织13 归纳思维14 组织文化认同15 积极心态16 责任心17 重诺言18 学习领悟19 人际理解20

一、简介 作为中国金融界的飞速发展的企业,平安保险努力在激烈的竞争中保持健康的发展势头,迎接中国加入WTO后保险业面临的挑战。储备干部体系的完善是管理人员整体水平的提高的一个关键。为了建立一个高效率的管理干部发展和储备系统,A类管理干部胜任素质模型明确界定了作为优秀的平安管理干部需要具备的能力和行为特征。 胜任素质(COMPETENCY)方法是由国际知名的美国哈佛大学心理学教授McClelland博士倡导创立的。“胜任素质”是能区分在特定的工作岗位、组织环境、和文化氛围中个人工作表现的任何可以客观衡量的非技术性的个人特征。胜任素质是在国际上,特别是先进企业中得到普遍认可和广泛应用的管理干部选拔、培养和发展的有效方法。 A类管理干部胜任素质模型是由平安项目小组与昱泉管理顾问(上海)公司团队合作,经过严格的研究开发努力的结果。模型建立过程严格遵循胜任素质方法的基本准则和操作要求。分析与平安公司优秀的管理业绩直接挂钩的管理行为模式。该模式与平安的实际情况密切结合,直接服务于平安的发展战略和商业目标,促进平安管理干部的职业生涯发展。 该模型建立在广泛深入搜集的第一手材料的基础上。平安各级管理干部提供了大量的客观数据。通过对各种数据的详细分析,形成具有十五项胜任素质的平安A类管理干部胜任素质模型。


基本竞争优势模型 [编辑] 一、国内外研究现状述评 中外学者对竞争优势进行了大量研究。其中,西方学者研究中较有影响的有: ①亚当·斯密的绝对优势 论(内生比较利益说)、大卫·李 嘉图的比较优势论和赫克歇尔- 俄林的资源要素禀赋学说,其核 心是比较优势。

②克鲁格曼(1985)的研究结论:以规模经济为基础的比较优势也是国家之间贸易的动因。 ③海默的垄断优势理论、巴克莱(P.J.Buckley)和卡森(M.Casson)的内部化理论和邓宁(J.H.Dunning)的国际生产折衷理论对竞争优势的跨国投资视角的研究。 ④科特勒认为,加强企业的营销管理能力,可以提升企业的竞争优势。 ⑤M.E.波特的产业竞争优势理论:《竞争战略》确定了分析产业和竞争对手的理论框架,提出了著名的竞争力分析五要素模型。《竞争优势》阐述了企业可以选择和推行三种基本战略以创造和保持竞争优势的方法,建立了价值链。《国家竞争优势》(1990)认为国家应该创造一个良好的经营环境和支持性制度,以

确保投入要素能够高效地使用和 升级换代。钻石理论的六要素分 析框架,对产业国际竞争力(优势) 研究做出了非常有价值的贡献。 ⑥哈默和普拉哈拉德(1990) 提出企业的竞争优势来源于企业 的核心能力。 ⑦安德鲁斯等提出的SWOT 分析法。 ⑧戴维德·梯斯(David Teece,大卫·梯斯)(1998)强调, 企业必须通过创新以适应环境获 取竞争优势。 近年来,国内有关竞争优势研究的主要观点有: ①陈佳贵(2003)指出,在新 的竞争格局中培育竞争优势,政 府要创造公平竞争环境和必要条 件,企业要学习和适应新的竞争 规则,提升国际竞争力。


毕业设计外文资料翻译 学院:电子工程学院 专业班级:自动化071 学生姓名:陈新鹏学号:030713103 指导教师:马娟丽 外文出处:Multi-focus Image Fusion Algorithms Research Based on Curvelet Transform 附件:1.外文资料翻译译文; 2.外文原文 指导教师评语: 签名: 年月日

基于曲波变换的多聚焦图像融合算法研究 摘要:由于光学透镜聚焦深度的限制,往往很难得到一个包含所有相关聚焦目标的图像。多聚焦图像融合算法可以有效地解决这个问题。基于广泛应用的多聚焦图像融合算法的分析,本文提出一种基于多聚焦图像融合算法的曲波变换。根据曲波变换分解的不同频率区,分别讨论低频系数和高频系数的选择规律。本文中低频系数和高频系数被分别与NGMS(就近梯度最大选择性)和LREMS(局部区域能量最大的选择性)融合。结果表明,提出的多聚焦图像融合算法可以获得和图像聚焦融合算法相同的图像,在客观评价和主观评估方面较其他算法有明显的优势。 关键字:曲波变换;多聚焦图像;融合算法 1.简介 如今,图像融合被广泛应用于军事、遥感、医学和计算机图像等领域。图像融合的主要目的将来自两个或更多相同场景的信息相结合以获得一个包含完整信息的图像。比如,廉价相机的主要问题是我们不能获得不同距离的每个目标以获得一个聚焦所有目标的图像。因此,我们需要一种多聚焦图像融合方法来聚焦和获得更清晰的图像。 经典融合算法包括计算源图像平均像素的灰度值,拉普拉斯金字塔,对比度金字塔,比率金字塔和离散小波变换(DWT)。然而,计算源图像平均像素灰度值的方法导致一些不期望的影响例如对照物减少。小波变换的基本原理是对每个源图像进行分解,然后将所有这些分解单元组合获取合成表示,从中可以通过寻找反变换恢复融合图像。这种方法显然是有效的。但是,小波变化只能通过变换边缘特征反映出来,却不能表达边缘的特点。同时,也因为它采用各向同性所以小波变化无法显示边缘方向。由于小波变换的限制,Donoho 等人提出了曲波变换的概念,它采用边缘作为基本元素,较为成熟并可以适应图像特征。此外,曲波变换具有各向异性和有更好的方向,可以提供更多图像处理的信息。 通过曲波变换的原则我们知道:曲波变化除了具有多尺度小波变换和地方特色外,它还具有方向特征和支持会话的基础特征。曲波变化可以适当代表图像边缘和相同逆变换精度的光滑区。继曲波变化低波段和高波段融合算法系数的研究后,提出一种思想:低-带系数采用NGMS方法和不同的方向高带系数采用LREMS方法。 2.第二代曲波变化 第二代曲波变换和第一代的曲波变换不同的是,没有导入脊波变换的实施过


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the theoretic framework, this paper takes WONG LO KAT and JIA DUO BAO herbal tea as an example, and researches the strategy on brand positioning and relevant marketing mix of it. Through analysis on the prevention sense of WONG LO KAT herbal tea, it was positioned the beverage that can prevent excessive internal heat in body, a new category divided from the beverage market. the process of brand positioning of it in Consumers brain was finished. Based on this positioning strategy, WONG LO KAT reasonably organized and arranged its product strategy, price strategy, distribution strategy and promotion strategy, which not only served for and further consolidated the position of preventing excessive internal heat in body, but also elevated the value of brand. The JDB and WONG LO KAT market competition brings us enlightenment. Reference the successful experience from the JDB and lessons from the failure of the WONG LO KAT.,Times New Roman. 【Key Words】Brand positioning; Marketing mix; Positioning Strategy; enlightenment, lessons;ABC (本页为英文文献摘要,关键词两项一起单独一页,字体为:Times New Roman,小四号,1.5倍行距)


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韩国**对经济影响的分析① 原作者名可直接用英文 经济学 061*班 2006*****6 张三[译] [摘要] 本文研究的目的*******的影响。在探讨*****影响各行业的产出、就业、收入、增值和进口中应用了投入产出模型。*******************。根据研究的结果,得出结论*********的作用。 [关键词] ***** 投入-产出模型 **效应 **效应 一、引言 在当今经济全球化***************。 ********** 表一 1998年到2000年外国参展商在韩国举办会展的数量 种类2000 会展数量百分数(%) 1999 会展数 量 百分数 (%) 1998 会展数 量 百分数 (%) 至少 50 50–99 100–299 300–499 500–999 1000 或更多总和179 42 51 10 6 4 292 61.3 14.4 17.5 3.4 2.0 1.4 100 146 53 59 12 13 4 287 50.8 18.5 20.5 4.2 4.5 1.4 100 154 47 51 6 8 1 267 57.7 17.6 19.0 2.2 3.0 0.4 100 来源:韩国******组织(2001) 或表一(略) 本研究的目的是为了调查********对经济的影响。 ①Samuel Seongseop Kim,Kaye Chon,Kyu Yoop Chung.Convention industry in South Korea: an economic impact analysis[J].Tourism Management,2003,(24).


毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译 系别:电子信息系 专业:通信工程 班级:B100309 姓名:张杨 学号: B 外文出处: 附件: 1. 原文; 2. 译文 2014年03月

An Introduction to the ARM 7 Architecture Trevor Martin CEng, MIEE Technical Director This article gives an overview of the ARM 7 architecture and a description of its major features for a developer new to the device. Future articles will examine other aspects of the ARM architecture. Basic Characteristics The principle feature of the ARM 7 microcontroller is that it is a register based load-and-store architecture with a number of operating modes. While the ARM7 is a 32 bit microcontroller, it is also capable of running a 16-bit instruction set, known as "THUMB". This helps it achieve a greater code density and enhanced power saving. While all of the register-to-register data processing instructions are single-cycle, other instructions such as data transfer instructions, are multi-cycle. To increase the performance of these instructions, the ARM 7 has a three-stage pipeline. Due to the inherent simplicity of the design and low gate count, ARM 7 is the industry leader in low-power processing on a watts per MIP basis. Finally, to assist the developer, the ARM core has a built-in JTAG debug port and on-chip "embedded ICE" that allows programs to be downloaded and fully debugged in-system. In order to keep the ARM 7 both simple and cost-effective, the code and data regions are accessed via a single data bus. Thus while the ARM 7 is capable of single-cycle execution of all data processing instructions, data transfer instructions may take several cycles since they will require at least two accesses onto the bus (one for the instruction one for the data). In order to improve performance, a three stage pipeline is used that allows multiple instructions to be processed simultaneously. The pipeline has three stages; FETCH, DECODE and EXECUTE. The hardware of each stage is designed to be independent so up to three instructions can be processed simultaneously. The pipeline is most effective in speeding up sequential code. However a branch instruction will cause the pipeline to be flushed marring its performance. As we shall see later the ARM 7 designers had some clever ideas to solve this problem. Instruction Fig 1 ARM 3- Stage pipeline


重庆科技学院学生毕业设计(论文)外文译文 学院建筑工程学院 专业班级土木应08(3) 学生姓名谭梳琪 学号2008540402

译文要求 1.外文翻译必须使用签字笔,手工工整书写,或用A4纸打印。 2.所选的原文不少于10000印刷字符,其内容必须与课题或专业方向紧密相关, 由指导教师提供,并注明详细出处。 3.外文翻译书文本后附原文(或复印件)。

外文原文出自:R.帕克、T.波利编著的《钢筋混凝土结构》中的417-423页 7.4 有腹筋钢筋混凝土梁的抗剪机理 7.4.1腹筋的作用 梁内有了像箍筋这样的腹筋之后,不会从根本上改变前面所描述的抗剪机理。作为梁作用的主要元件的混凝土悬臂这时将像被拉住的悬臂那样工作。除去有骨料咬合、销栓和悬臂的弯曲作用所联合承担的粘结力ΔT之外,还有一部分粘结力ΔT′能够由习惯上所说的“桁架作用”来承担。在这个桁架中,悬臂起斜向压杆的作用(见图7.14)。 图7.14 起斜压杆作用的混凝土悬臂 箍筋的存在在其他许多方面对梁作用也是有益的,它通过以下方式对抗剪机构的强度发挥作用: 1.改进销栓作用。箍筋能够有效地支承在它附近与弯剪裂缝相交的纵向钢筋。 2.通过桁架作用产生的斜压力C d抵消悬臂块体内的弯曲拉应力。 3.限制斜裂缝在弹性范围内的张开程度,从而使由骨料咬合作用传递的剪力得以维持 和增强。 4.当箍筋布置得足够密时,能对混凝土提供约束,从而特别是在受拱作用影响的部位 提高其抗压强度。 5.当在锚固区内由于销栓力和锚固力的作用而形成劈裂裂缝时,能防止粘结遭到破 坏。 总之,可以说,做了适当的细部设计的腹筋将能保持梁的整体性,并因而能够保持前面已经详述的梁机构的强度V e,从而使更多的建立V s能由桁架机构来承担。 7.4.2桁架机构 一个平行弦桁架与一个有腹筋混凝土梁之间在抗剪作用方面的相似性是混凝土结构的一个古老的概念。这种由Morsch[7.2.23]在本世纪初所假定的相似性的含义是,等效桁架的腹杆是由起拉杆作用的箍筋和走向平行于斜裂缝的、通常是与梁轴成45°角的混凝土压杆所组成的。混凝土的弯曲受压区和弯曲受拉钢筋构成这种比拟铰接桁架的上弦和下弦。桁架的内力只需根据平衡条件就能确定。这个桁架的性能与前已详述的“理想梁作用”相似到了如此地步,以至它能承受分散于弯曲受拉钢筋方向上的各个虚拟铰接点处的粘结力ΔT′,从而以不变的内力偶臂长来抵抗变化的外弯矩。 在梁内伴随着梁作用或拱作用以及桁架机构而出现的变形之间是不协调的。这种按惯例不予考虑的应变不协调性在趋近极限(即塑形)状态时越来越不显著。 图7.15中的比拟桁架描绘了腹筋以β角倾斜于水平线的一般情况。它也可以用来表示有桁架所承担的外剪力V s与各内力之间的关系。承受压力的C s的斜压杆与水平线的交角为

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