当前位置:文档之家› 顾问聘用协议中英文版本




Employment Agreement


Party A (Employer):


Party B (Employee):


Party A: Shanghai BU Cultural Development Co., Ltd.


Legal representative:






Party B: **


Passport number:








Party A, Shanghai BU Cultural Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as BU Capital), will sponsor the Global Summit Forum for Young Entrepreneurs in the Qingpu District of Shanghai, China in the next two years in an effort to support young entrepreneurs both in China and around the world ,and intends to hire Party B, ***, former Prime Minister of Korea and President of the **h Session of the United Nations General Assembly, to serve as the Chief Advisor to the event. The two parties have entered into the following agreements regarding the aforementioned matters after friendly consultations:



Party A shall appoint Party B as Chief Advisor to the Global Summit Forum for Young Entrepreneurs and issue a Letter of Appointment to Party B (see the Annex).



Party B shall refer and recommend global political and business leaders as

well as NGOs to Party A, to increase the influence of the Forum.



During the Forum’s preparation period, Party B shall attend one or two preparatory meetings each year, advise on the Forum’s preparations, and help with resource acquisition.


When the Forum is in session, Party B shall attend the Forum and deliver speeches.


Party B will be invited to key events related to the Forum.


Party B’s image will appear on the publicity materials of the Forum. 7、基于乙方对此次论坛付出的感谢及尊重,甲方每年给予一定补


Party B shall be compensated by Party A each year for a certain amount as an appreciation for the contribution of Party B.



For events and conferences that require Party B’s presence, proper arrangements shall be made from beginning to end and Party B’s opinions shall be respected.



Party B shall authorize Party A to serve as its sole agent with respect to the Forum and exercise the corresponding rights.



Party A undertakes and warrants that Party A shall keep Party B’s business secrets and other information that Party A has obtained in signing and executing this Agreement strictly confidential.



Both parties shall fulfill their obligations set out in this Agreement. For matters not covered herein, the two parties shall sign a supplemental agreement through consultation.



常年法律顾问合同 Long-term legal counseling Agreement 甲方:(下称甲方)上海咨询有限公司 Party A: . (Here in after referred to as 地址: Address : 联系人 Con tact p erson 联系方式 Con tact nu mber : 乙方:上海正地律师事务所(下称乙方) Party B: Sha nghai Zheng DiLaw Firm (Here in after referred to as 地 址:上海市澳门路736弄1号6楼 Address: 6F.No.1,La ne 736,Aomen Road,sha nghai 联系电话 Con tact number : 64399013(fax) 本合约由上列甲乙双方于中华人民共和国上海市订立。 This Agreement is made and entered into by and between the two parties in Shanghai, the people ' s republic of China 鉴于甲方决定聘用乙方为其常年法律顾问,甲乙双方经友好、充分之协商,就聘请合约的 条款及内容达成如下协议: Whereas Party A decides to retain Party B as its Ion g-term legal coun sel, the p arties agreed the follow ing terms and con diti ons after frie ndly and thorough n egotiati on. 第一条聘用与期间 Article 1 Reta ining and service p eriod 1.1甲方聘请乙方作为常年法律顾问,聘用期间为壹年,从2016年1月1日至2016年 12月31日; Party A retai ns Party B as its Ion g-term legal coun sel, the service p eriod is one year, from 1 Ja nuary 2016 to 31 December 2016. 1.2乙方指定 _________ 作为主要联系人,负责跟进和处理甲方法律顾问事宜。 Party B assigns lawyer _______________ , _________ a s major coor dinators, they will be respon sible for followi ng law con sult ing affairs of Party A. 第二条服务内容及费用 Article 2 Service content and service fees 2.1本合约期(一年)的法律顾问费共人民币 The legal coun seli ng p rice of the agreeme nt (One year ) is RMB content is as follows: “ Party A ”) “ Party B ”) 万元整,包括如下内容: Yua n, the service


法律顾问合同书(范本) (2012 ) 顾问字第号聘请方(甲方):受聘方(乙方):为了适应工作的需要,甲方聘请乙方律师担任常年法律顾问。根据《中华人民共和国律师法》的有关规定,经双方协商订立如下合同:一、乙方指派律师为甲方的常年法律顾问,乙方律师以法律顾问的身份在本合同规定的工作范围内提供法律服务。二、乙方及其指派律师受甲方委托办理下列法律事务:1、就甲方在经营、管理方面的重大决策提出法律意见,从法律上进行论证,提供法律依据;2、草拟、修改、审查甲方在生产、经营、管理及对外联系活动中的合同、协议,以及其他有关法律事务文书和规章制度;3、办理一般非诉讼法律事务;4、参与重大经济项目谈判,审查或准备谈判所需的各类法律文书;5、提供与甲方活动有关的法律信息;6、就甲方提高经济效益,加强生产、经营、管理和对外联系活动中的有关问题,提出法律意见;7、协助甲方对职员进行法制教育和法律培训:如

劳动法、公司法、合同法;8、对甲方内部的行政管理工作提供法律意见;9、其他法律事务。 三、乙方及其指派律师应享的权利: 1、查阅与承办法律事务的有关的甲方内部文件和资料; 2、了解甲方在生产、经营、管理和对外联系活动中的有关情况; 3、列席甲方领导人召集的生产、经营、管理和对外活动中的有关会议; 4、获得履行法律顾问职责所必须的办公、交通及其他工作条件和便利:按不低于甲方部门经理之标准办理。四、乙方及其指派律师应尽的责任: 1、应当及时承办委托办理的有关法律事务,认真履行职责; 2、应当坚持以事实为依据,以法律为准绳的原则,依法顾问; 3、应根据本合同规定和甲方委托授权的范围进行工作,不得超越委托代理权限; 4、不得从事有损于甲方合法权益的活动,不得在民事、经济、行政诉讼或仲裁活动中担任对立一方当事人的代理人; 5、在其受聘的两个(或两个以上)单位之间发生争议时,应当进行调解但不得代理任何一方参加诉讼或仲裁; 6、对在工作中接触、了解到的有关

国际技术咨询服务合同 (中英文)

国际技术咨询服务合同(中英文) Technical Consultancy Service Contract 合同号:Contract No________________ 签订日期:Date of Signature:________________ 签订地点:Place of Signature:________________ 中国____________公司(以下简称委托方)为一方,______国______________ 公 司(以下简称为咨询方)为另一方,双方就_____________的技术咨询服务,授权双方代表按下列条款签订本合同。 This Contract is made and entered into through friendly negotiation by and between China____________________ (hereina fter referred to as “Client”), as one party, and____________________ (hereinafter referred to as“Consultant”),as the other party, concerning the technical consultancy service of__________, under the following terms and conditions: 第一条合同内容 Article 1 Contents of Technical Consultancy Service 1.1 委托方希望获得咨询方就_____提供的技术咨询服务,而咨询方愿意提供此项服务。 Whereas Client desires to obtain the technical consultancy service of from Consultant and Consultant has agreed to perform such services. 1.2 技术咨询服务范围详见本合同附件一。 The Scope of Technical Services is defined in Appendix 1. 1.3 技术咨询服务的进度安排详见本合同附件二。 The Time Schedule for the Services is shown in Appendix 2. 1.4 技术咨询服务的人员安排见本合同附件三。 The Manning Schedule is described in Appendix 3. 1.5 技术咨询服务自合同生效之日起_____个月内完成,将在_____个月内提交最终技术咨询报告,包括图纸、设计资料、各类规范和图片等。咨询方应免费通报委托方类似工程的最近发展和任何进展,以便委托方能改进该工程的设计。 Consultant shall complete the Services within__________months from the Effective Date of this Contract and furnish the final technical service report, including drawings, designing documents, all kinds of standards and photos, within____months. Consultant shall keep aware, free of charge, Client of the latest development of similar projects and any progress made in order to improve the designing of the project.


荣生?东方龙城经营管理顾问合同 签署合同双方: 湖北荣生房地产开发有限公司(以下简称“甲方”) 法定代表人:刘立军 地址: 深圳加美荣昌投资发展有限公司(以下简称“乙方”) 法定代表人:刘国如 地址:深圳市福田中心区23-1-6卓越大厦1401号 鉴于甲方拟聘请乙方为“荣生?东方龙城”项目的商业经营管理提供顾问服务, 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及相关法律法规的规定,甲乙双方本着平等自愿公平的原则,经过协商一致,兹就以下事项达成本合同: 1、下列附件为本合同不可分割的一部分,与本合同主文具有同等效力: (1)《商业经营管理顾问工作内容大纲》 (2)《商业经营管理顾问工作实施计划》 (3)《商业经营管理费用的预算报告及核算明细》 (4)《商业经营管理人员培训工作大纲》

(5)《商业经营管理人员定期培训实施计划》 (6)[其它待提供] 2、考虑到下文提及的甲方同意按合同注明的期限和方式向乙方支付约定的 款项,以此作为乙方履行服务的报酬,因此乙方在此向甲方保证按照本合同约定的条款提供全程商业经营管理顾问服务。 本合同谨于前文所书明之年月日,由立约双方根据有关的法律签署并开始执 行。 第一部分定义及释义通则 第1条定义 除上下文另有要求外,以下名词和用语,应具有如下的涵义: 1 . 1 “项目”是指甲方位于湖北孝感市荣生?东方龙城。 1 ? 2 “服务”是指乙方按照本合同约定就“荣生?东方龙城项目”的商业经营管理提 供的商业经营管理顾问服务。 1. 3其他待提供。 第2条释义通则 除因上下文另有需要外,本合同条款的释义应依以下通则处理: 2. 1本合同的章目、标题、附件的名称及附件中的标题只作为参考,不构成 本合同一部分,亦不能用作解释本合同条款。 2 . 2本合同中规定的最后期限如为非工作日,该期限自动顺延到下一个工作


顾问聘用协议 Employment Agreement 甲方: Party A: Shanghai BU Cultural Development Co., Ltd. 法定代表人: Legal representative: 地址: Address: 电话: Tel: 乙方:韩升洙 Party B: Han Seung-soo 护照号码: Passport number: 住址: Address: 电话: Tel: 鉴于: Whereas, 对中国乃至全球青年企业家成长的关注与支持,上海彼友文化发展有限公司(以下简称“BU资本”)在未来两年内将在中国上海青浦区发起“全球青年企业家高峰论坛”。就此高峰论坛,经双方深入交流,BU资本与第56届联大主席韩升洙总理本着友好协商的原则,就甲方聘请乙方担任顾问所涉事宜,签订本协议。 Party A, Shanghai BU Cultural Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as BU Capital), will sponsor the Global Summit Forum for Young Entrepreneurs in the Qingpu District of Shanghai, China in the next two years in an effort to support young entrepreneurs both in China and around the world ,and intends to hire Party B, Han Seung-soo, former Prime Minister of Korea and President of the 56th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, to serve as the Chief Advisor to the event. The two parties have entered into the following agreements regarding the aforementioned matters after friendly consultations: 1、甲方聘请乙方担任“全球青年企业家高峰论坛”总顾问,并向 乙方颁发《聘书》(见附件)。 Party A shall appoint Party B as Chief Advisor to the Global Summit Forum for Young Entrepreneurs and issue a Letter of Appointment to Party B (see the Annex).


法律顾问合同协议书英 文版 文件编号TT-00-PPS-GGB-USP-UYY-0089

Beijing YingKe Law Firm CONTRACT ON RETAINING LEGAL COUNSEL Party A: Address: Telephone: Fax: Party B: Beijing YingKe Law Firm Address: 6th Floor, Tower C, Dacheng International Center, No. 76, East 4th Ring Middle Road, Chaoyang District,Beijing, 100124 Telephone: Fax: Party A would like to retain Party B as its legal counsel, according to " Law on Legal Counsel of the People's Republic of China" The two parties through consultation hereby agree upon, and shall be bound by, the following terms:

Article Ⅰ Party A will designate 【】, as the lawyer employed by B, to work as A's legal counsel. 【】 will provide legal assistance and protect A's interests vested by law. Article Ⅱ Party B’s scope of responsibility ⅰ.Answer questions on legal issues from Client and give opinions or any advice on such issues; ⅱ. Upon the client’s request, Party B shall participate in commercial negotiations, in which Client is a party, and be concerned with drafting, modification, reviewing and examination of the legal documents such as contracts and agreements or preparing legal documents that is needed in the negotiations; ⅲ. Provide economic and legal informa tion pertain to the business operation of the client; ⅳ. Represent the client in the litigation of criminal, civil, economic and administrative cases; offer strategic legal advice in litigation and arbitration as a legal advisor, preventing or negating legal risk;


聘请常年法律顾问合同 Employment of Long-term Legal Counseling Agreement 本合同书双方当事人为: Both parties involved in this Agreement are as follows: 甲方: 地址: 法定代表人: 乙方: 地址: 法定代表人: 兹本合同之甲方同意聘请乙方作为常年法律顾问,并乙方同意接受甲方聘请提供常年法律顾问服务,双方经过协商之后,同意协议如下: This Agreement is hereby to certify that Party A agrees to assign Party B as its long- term law consultant, and Party B is willing to accept the consignment and provide long- term legal counseling service. After friendly negotiation, the parties agreed to the following terms and conditions on the consigning. -可编辑修改-

第一条:Article 1意向及总则 Intention and general principle 甲方同意聘请乙方作为常年法律顾问,乙方同意接受甲方聘请提供常年法律顾问服务。 Party A agrees to assign Party B as its long- term law consultant, and Party B is willing to accept the consignment and provide long-term legal counseling service. 第二条:Article 2 顾问律师 Consulting lawyers 乙方指派以黄海栩律师为主体的顾问组担任甲方之按照第一条所确定常年法律顾问。同时,因应甲方的法律事务,乙方得以安排相应的专业律师为甲方提供法律服务,维护甲方合法权益,甲方接受乙方指派之律师。 The Party B assign Lawyer Haixiang Huang as leading role in the consultant group to provide long-term counseling service for Party A as Article 1 mentioned. Meanwhile, should Party A request, Party B shall arrange corresponding professional lawyer to provide legal counseling service on legal affairs of Party A, protect legal rights of Party A, and Party A shall be willing to accept the lawyers designated by Party B. 第三条:Article 3聘期 Employment periods 双方同意聘期为一年,自2017 年6 月21 日始至2019 年6 月20 日止。 -可编辑修改-


#####酒店艺术品顾问合同 FUJIAN SHERATON HOTEL ART CONSULTANT CONTRACT 合同编号:C1016 Contract No. :C1016 合同签订地:福州, 中國 Place of Contract :Fujian, China 签订日期:2010年12月28日 Date :28 December 2010 委托单位(以下简称甲方): Name of client (hereinafter named “The Client”): Fujian Zhonggeng Group 地址:中国 Address : Fujian, China 电话:+86 Tel :+86 传真:+86 Fax :+86 顾问单位(以下简称乙方):奧沙藝術顾问有限公司 Name of Art Consultant (hereinafter named “The Art Consultant”): Osage Art Consultancy Ltd 地址: 香港九龍觀塘興業街20號聯合興業工業大厦4樓 Address : 4/F, Union Hing Yip Factory Building, 20 Hing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong 电话:+852 2345 0390 Tel :+852 2345 0390 传真:+852 2790 4480 Fax :+852 2790 4480 经甲、乙双方协商一致,甲方现决定委託乙方为酒店艺术品顾问,(以下简称“合同”)。合同条款和条件如下; The Client h ereby awards this Art Consultancy Agreement (hereinafter named “The Contract”) to the Art Consultant. The terms and conditions of the Contract are as follows: 1. 合同内容The Contract 1.1本合同将为##############酒店所有室內範圍之藝術設計和挑選. The contract scope includes art selection for all interior space art of Fujian Sheraton Hotel, China.


RETAINING CONTRACT 服务合同 Contract Number: 合同号 1.0The Parties 缔约方 This Retaining Contract ("Contract") dated on the February 28, 2009, in Chongqing, People’s Republic of China as of is entered into by and between: 本服务合同(以下简称合同)于2009年2月28日在中华人民共和国重庆市由以下双方订立: 1.1Chongqing Huansong Industrial (Group) Co. Ltd. (“Client”) 重庆环松工业集团(以下简称委托方) And 和 1.2Chongqing GuangXian Law Offices (“Advisor”) 重庆广贤律师事务所(以下简称顾问方) 1.3Client and Advisor shall hereinafter be referred to individually as the "Party" and collectively as the "Parties". 委托方和顾问方可单独称为“一方”,合称为“双方”。 2.0Backgrounds 缔约基础 2.1In accordance with the Lawyers Act and Contract Act of the People’s Republic of China, Client engages Advisor as its retained advisor to deal with the international legal and business affairs in its business operation. 根据《中华人民共和国律师法》和《中华人民共和国合同法》,委 托方聘请顾问方处理国际贸易中的法律和业务事项。 2.2Through coordination with the local government agencies and businesses of both America and China, Advisor has established relationship with American cooperator(s) and introduced such


SERVICE AGREEMENT OF ARCHITECT’S DESIGN, CONSULTANT AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT 建筑设计咨询及项目管理协议 美国建筑师事务所 / 业主 ARCHITECT / OWNER made as of the Twenty-ninth (29th) day of April in the year of Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-Four BETWEEN the Owner:(Name and address) Cerner Properties, Inc. 2800 Rockcreek Parkway Kansas City, Missouri 64117-2551 and the Architect:(Name and address) The Hollis & Miller Group, Inc. 5000 West 95th Street, Suite 100, Prairie Village, Kansas 66207-3363 For the following Project: (Include detailed description of Project, location, address and scope.) Associate Center and Related Campus Improvements Rockcreek Office Park 2800 Rockcreek Parkway, Kansas City, Missouri 64117-2551 CONTENTS 目录 ARTICLE 1 ARCHITECT'S RESPONSIBILITIES 建筑师的责任 1.1 ARCHITECT'S SERVICES 建筑师的服务内容 ARTICLE 2 SCOPE OF ARCHITECT'S BASIC SERVICES 建筑师的基本服务范围2.1 DEFINITION 定义


常年法律顾问合同 Long-term legal counseling Agreement 甲方:(下称甲方)上海咨询有限公司 Party A: . (Hereinafter referred to as “Party A”) 地址: Address: 联系人Contact person: 联系方式Contact number: 乙方:上海正地律师事务所(下称乙方) Party B: Shanghai Zheng Di Law Firm (Hereinafter referred to as “Party B”) 地址:上海市澳门路736弄1号6楼 Address: 6F.No.1,Lane 736,Aomen Road,shanghai 联系电话Contact number:64399013(fax) 本合约由上列甲乙双方于中华人民共和国上海市订立。 This Agreement is made and entered into by and between the two parties in Shanghai, the people’s republic of China 鉴于甲方决定聘用乙方为其常年法律顾问,甲乙双方经友好、充分之协商,就聘请合约的条款及内容达成如下协议: Whereas Party A decides to retain Party B as its long-term legal counsel, the parties agreed the following terms and conditions after friendly and thorough negotiation.


篇一:各类合同_中英文样本(含15份)1 中英文版法律顾问服务合同 法律顾问服务合同 legal counseling agreement 聘请方: (下称甲方) consigner: 地址: address: 法定代表人: legal representative: 受聘方: consignee: (hereinafter referred to as “party b”) 地址:上海市淮海中路283号香港广场26楼 address:26/f,hongkang plaza 283 huaihai road shanghai 本合约由上列甲乙双方于中华人民共和国上海市订立。 this agreement is made and entered into by and between the two parties in shanghai, the people’s republic of china 鉴于: whereas: 甲方为促进业务发展,防范法律风险,决定聘请乙方为其常年法律顾问; party a want to promote its business and keep away law risks, decides to assign party b as its long-term law consultant. 乙方系一家在中国境内注册设立并经中国政府特许、可持续运营的劳动法律服务机构,经与甲方商洽,同意接受聘请,担任其常年法律顾问; 为此, now, therefore 甲乙双方本着相互信任、合作共赢的原则,经友好、充分之协商,就聘请合约的条款及内容达成如下协议: the two parties based on principle of trusting and win-win cooperating, after friendly and thorough negotionation, the parties agreed the following terms and conditions on the consigning. 第一条聘约期间 article one consignment periods 1.1 甲方聘请乙方作为常年法律顾问的期间为壹年,自________至_______;聘期届满后,本合约自动终止。 party a consign party b as it’s long-term law consultant, the consignment period is one year, from _____________ to ___________, the agreement will terminate after expiration. 1.2乙方指定________作为主要联系人,负责跟进和处理法律顾问事宜。如因甲方的工作内容需要或_____出差在外地,乙方可另行指派其他专业人员提供法律服务。 the party b assign lawyer______ as major coordinator, he willbe responsible for following and settling law consulting affairs. if the working assignment of party a requires or lawyer______ are out to other cities on business, party b can assign other professional lawyer to provide legal service.1.3本合约聘期届满后,若甲方


CONTRACT ON RETAINING LEGAL COUNSEL This retaining Contract ("Contract") is entered into by and between MASA CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY (TIANJING)CO,LTD. ("Party A” hereinafter) and Beijing King & Partners partnership legal firm ("Party B" hereinafter). In accordance with Contract Law of the People's Republic of China and Law on Legal Counsel of the People's Republic of China, Party A engages Party B as its annually retained legal advisor to deal with the legal affairs in its business operation and management. The two parties through consultation hereby agree upon, and shall be bound by, the following terms: Article 1 Services Rendered by Party B The lawyers employed by Party B will supply services of assisting Party A in dealing with the daily legal matters, which including: a. Providing answers to legal questions, and providing opinion under law or issuing written legal opinion when necessary; b. Assisting in drafting, drawing, reviewing or amending contracts, constitution and other legal documents; c. Participating in contract consultation or negotiation with legal analysis and reasoning upon Party A's request; d. Signing, delivering or accepting legal documents as Party A’s commission; e. Upon Party A’s request, doing legal reasoning, providing solution, issuing lawyer’s letter, providing lawyer’s opinion for Party A’s conflicts that happened, facing or probably occur in the future; or participating in negotiation, arbitration, and intermediation involved with non-litigation activities; f. Upon Party A’s request, lecturing legal practice knowledge. g. Dealing with other legal matters agreed by two parties Without the agreement of both parties, the service scope of Party B does not include the legal matters of Party A’s holding companies, Share Companies, subsidiaries and other related enterprises. Without the agreement of both parties, the service scope of Party B does not include of neither the cases in the litigation or arbitration involving with economy, civil, intellectual property, labor, administration and criminal aspects; or the specific legal counsel matters involving with long-term investment, financing, corporation restructuring, M&A, bankruptcy, stock issuance and public offerings. Article 2 Obligations of Party B a. Party B will designate Lawyer Jing Yunchuan , Lawyer Zhang Xiuchun and Lawyer Sun Jianzhang as Party A’s retaining legal counsel. Party A agrees that the mentioned lawyers appoint other lawyers to cooperate with the appointments of the aforesaid legal


编号:_____________ 企业管理咨询顾问协议书 甲方:___________________________ 乙方:___________________________ 签订日期:_____ 年____ 月_____ 日

乙方: 地址: 根据《中华人民共和国公司法》、 《中华人民共和国合同法》等相关法律、法规的规定,甲 方决 定在企业基础管理、 组织管理、 人力资源管理 (包括人力资源规划、 人才招聘与评 选、 岗位管理、 绩效管理、 薪酬管理) 、企业发展战略、 企业文化建设五个方面聘请乙方作为常年管理咨询顾问, 乙方同意担任甲方的咨询顾问。甲乙双方在“平等自愿、互惠互利、长期合作”的原则基础上, 经友好协商,达成以下协议。 一、服务内容与服务方式: 乙方提供的常年管理顾问服务分为 _____________________________ 大类,日常管理顾问服务为基本 服务,专项管理咨询服务为选择性服务,是在日常管理顾问服务的基础上,乙方根据甲方需求, 利用自身专业优势,就特定项目提供专项的管理咨询服务。 (一)日常管理顾问服务 服务内容: 乙方为甲方提供企业基础管理、企业发展战略、组织管理、人力资源管理(包括人力资源规划、 人才招聘与评选、岗位管理、绩效管理、薪酬管理)、企业文化建设五个方面作为日常管理顾问 服务。 1、企业基础管理:对甲方公司相关管理制度、管理规范和管理流程的建立提供指导和咨询。 2、企业发展战略:对甲方公司总体战略、发展战略(经营模式、管理模式)与竞争战略的制定 和实施提供指导和咨询。 3、组织管理:对甲方公司组织结构的设置、三定工作(定岗、定编、定员)工作流程设计、组 织创新与变革提供指导和咨询。 4、人力资源管理:对甲方公司人力资源规划的制定、岗位管理体系、绩效管理体系与薪酬管理 体系的建立与创新,人才招聘与评选工作的开展及相关人力资源管理制度的实施提供指导和咨 询。 5、企业文化:对甲方公司的企业文化建设和创新提供指导和咨询,包括企业愿景目标、企业使 命、宗旨、经营理念、管理哲学的建立和创新。 服务方式: 乙方保证每个月至少 _______ 小时(每月 ______ 小时工作时间)驻点在甲方公司工作,甲方应为 乙方提供专用的办公设备,保证乙方工作的正常进行。 乙方应参与甲方组织召开的有关公司发展方面的会议, 每个季度至少一次, 并建设性的提出咨询 指导的建议和意见。 (二)专项管理咨询服务 1、管理培训:乙方为甲方提供现代管理观念、管理理论和管理与领导技能等方面培训服务。 2、专项管理咨询:对甲方要求在一定限期内对某个管理领域(基础管里、发展战略、组织管理、 企业文化与人力资源管理等) 取得重大突破, 或需要对这个管理领域进行创新和变革时, 乙方为 甲方提供专项的管理咨询服务。 服务方式 对于管理培训和专项管理咨询服务项目要另外单独立项, 特别对于专项管理咨询服务还必须签署 专项管理咨询的补充协议,补充协议与本协议具有同等法律效力。 甲方: 法定 代表人: 地址:


法律事务委托合同 (常年法律顾问) 甲方: 通讯地址: 联系电话: 乙方:通讯地址: 联系电话: 重庆市司法局 监制 重庆市律师协会

法律事务委托合同 (常年法律顾问) 委托人(以下简称甲方): 法 人代表: 受托人(以下简称乙方): 法人代表: 甲方因工作需要,为维护本单位的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国律师法》的有关规定,现决定聘请乙方指派的律师担任常年法律顾问。 甲、乙双方经友好协商,特订立本合同,以资共同遵守。 第一条乙方指派律师出任甲方的常年法律顾问。法律顾问应当根据事实与法律为甲方提供法律服务,维护甲方的合法权益。 第二条本合同约定的顾问服务期自年月日 起至年月日止。 第三条甲方选择乙方所指派的律师为甲方提供如下法律服务: 1、为甲方生产经营管理活动中岀现的法律问题提供咨询,既包括向 甲方提出口头建议意见,也包括向甲方出具书面法律意见书供甲方决策使用; 2、为甲方审査内部管理的规章制度,并就甲方的内部管理规章制度提供有关法律方面的设计与咨询服务,协助甲方増强内部管理的规范性和可操作性; 3、为甲方起草或审査重大经济合同、协议或其它重要法律文件,规避或防止潜在风险;

4、协助甲方对员工进行法制宣传教育和培训; 5、参与甲方的重大谈判或协商活动,协助甲方处理谈判与协商中的有关法律事务; 6、为甲方引进外资、技术转让、兴办合资或合作企业、股份转让、资产重组等项目提供法律可行性意见; 7、为甲方的重大经营活动或法律行动提供法律策划方案,包括: (1)工业产权的取得与保护; (2)市场占领与开拓; (3)形象确立与广告宣传表述; (4)债权债务安排与重组; (5)侵权损害赔偿与追讨; (6)重大投资决策风险预测与评估; 8协助甲方办理涉及调解、仲裁、诉讼和其它非诉讼案件所需要的各种法律手续。 甲方要求乙方指派律师作为具体参与有关仲裁、诉讼和非诉讼案件以及承担公司并购、合资、股权转让、企业股份制改造、投资项目法律风险控制等重大专项法律服务时,甲方应与乙方另行签订委托代理合同,并按照乙方的优惠收费标准向乙方支付律师费用。 第四条甲方的权利和义务 1、甲方应当真实、完整、客观地向律师介绍有关生产经营管理的情况,提供与甲方生产经营管理有关的文件材料: 2、甲方应当按照本合同约定的金额或计费方式和时间向乙方支付全部法律顾问服务费; 3、甲方应当为律师开展工作提供一切必要的便利; 4、甲方有权要求乙方及时更换在服务过程中不负责任、或认为不适

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