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牛津8A Unit 4单元测试卷



( )1. - ________ the idea sounds !

A. How crazy

B. What crazy

C. How crazily

D. What crazily

( )2. The brush may be _______ useful tool for you to make thin gs.

A. /

B. a

C. an

D. the

( )3. Not only I but also Jim _______ to go to the dancing less ons at weeke nds.

A. want

B. wants

C. like

D. are wanting

( )4. When you go out, please don't ______ the TV _______ .

A. make; ope n

B. keep; turn on

C. leave; on

D. let; on

( )5. When the firema n hurried there, the whole build ing ______ s moke.

A. was filled with

B. fill of

C. full of

D. was full with

( )6. When the doorbell rang, Jim stopped _______ computer games and _______ the door.

A. play ing; ope n

B. to play; ope n

C. to play; ope ned

D. play ing; ope ned

( )7. I pla n to _______ the old pictures-a nd _______ s ome new on es.

A. put dow n; put up

B. take dow n; put up

c. put dow n; put on D. put away; put on

( )8. -How many _______ do you have at school every year?

-About seve n.

A. courses

B. subjects

C. less ons

D. classes

( )9. Turn right here, _______ go straight on, _______ y ou'll find the park in front of you soon.

A. and; /

B. /; and

C. and; then

D. then; and

( )10. "Gardo n" is an ______ spelli ng. It must be "garde n".

A. un correct

B. correctless

C. discorrect

D. in correct


There is a little duck. His n ame is Becky. Every day Becky and his mother go to a small

1 __ . Becky's mother likes swim ming in it. But Becky sits on the bank and

2 his mother swim.

His mother calls him, "Becky, it's time for you to 3 to swim." Becky puts his feet in the water and says, "The water is too 4 ." "Yes, Becky," says his mother, "it is cold, but you must lear n to swim."

"I don't like it," says Becky. "I'm not going to swim." "But all ducks swim," says his mother. "Not this duck." an swers Becky. 5 he sits dow n on a pile of sand and watches his mother swim.

One day, Becky's mother calls, " 6 , Becky, I see a big cat." Becky sees the cat. It is a big cat, "Run fast," calls his mother. Becky runs fast. " 7 into the water," calls his mother. Becky jumps into the water. He tries 8 to swim to his mother.

"You are 9 now," says his mother. The cat can't swim, so he can't 10 Becky." Good boy, Becky. You can swim now," says his mother. "Yes, Mum. I am glad I can swim." says Becky.

( )1. A. hill B. river C. garde n D

. house

( )2. A. sees B. enjoys C. watches D

. has

( )3. A. lear n B. like C. go D

. come

( )4. A. hot B. dirty C. cold D

. clea n

( )5. A. First B. Then C. But D

. Secon d

( )6. A. Look up B. Look out C. Look like D

. Look for

( )7. A. Pour B. Turn C. Jump D

. Run

( )8. A. hard B. difficult C. quick D

. fast

( )9. A. dan


B. free

C. safe

D. busy

( )10. A. win B. catch C. relax D

. enjoy



The boy ope ns a jar of pea nut butter. He spreads the pea nut butter onto a slice of bread. Then he ope ns the refrigerator and takes out a jar of grape jelly. He spreads the jelly on top of the pea nut butter. He put the jar back into the refrigerator. He puts ano ther slice of bread on top of the pea nut butter and grape jelly. Now he has a san dwich. He ope ns the refrigerator aga in. He pours himself a big glass of milk, and puts the milk back into the refrigerator. He puts the san dwich on a plate. He carries the plate and the glass of milk over to the di ning room table. He sits dow n. He turns on the TV and takes a big bite out of his san dwich.

( )1. We can lear n _______ f rom the boy.

A. how to make a san dwich

B. how to make breakfast

C. how to enjoy a san dwich

D. how to spread the pea nut butter

( )2. We n eed ______ to make a san dwich like the boy's.

A. pea nut butter, grape jelly, slice, refrigerator

B. grape, bread, butter, milk

C. peanut butter, grape jelly, bread

D. jelly, peanut, slice

( )3. The underlined word " spread" in the passage means __________ in Chinese.





( )4. The boy _________ in the dining room.

A. turns off the TV

B. watches TV and takes his sandwich from the refrigerator

C. has the sandwich and juice

D. watches TV and enjoys the meal made by himself

( ) 5. We can infer from the passage that

A. the boy is very happy

B. to make a meal is very easy for everyone

C. sandwich is very delicious

D. it's important to put everything in the fridge


Cars are lots of fun, but they could also be dangerous. We have to be careful when we drive them or sit in them.

It's always a good idea to wear your seat belt( 安全带) when you're in a car. Why? Think about this example: You put an egg on a skateboard and give it a push. If the skateboard hits a stone, it will stop, but the egg won't. It will fly through the air, hit the ground and break.

Now, think what will happen if you tie the egg to the skateboard. When the skateboard hits a stone, the egg won't go flying. It will stay safely on the skateboard.

Volvo, a famous Swedish car maker, made the seat belts widely used in the 1950s.

Air bags are also very important for car safety, because sometimes a seat belt isn't enough.

If the car is going really fast and runs into something, seat belts could even hurt the people who wear them. Most new cars have air bags in front of and next to the seats. When a car hits something, its air bags will come out quickly in less than one second to keep the people inside safe.

( )6. The passage mainly tells us _________ .

A. two important ways to keep safe in cars

B. how air bags work to make cars safe

C. how seat belts work to make cars safe

D. why we must tie the egg to the skateboard

( )7. The writer gives the example of the egg to _________ .

A. tell us that eggs are easy to break

B. show how to wear a seat belt

C. show why it's important to wear a seat belt in a car

D. tell us what a skateboard is

( )8. We need to wear seat belts in cars because __________ .

A. we are interested in them

B. they can stop us from hitting other cars

C. they can help us stay safely on the seats

D. they are made of strong materials

( )9. Air bags are important for cars because _________ .

A. they are made of plastic

B. they can help us to keep safe in cars

C. they can keep cars running slowly

D. they are put in front of and next to the seats

( )10. Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?

A. It won't be dangerous if there are seat belts or air bags in a car.

B. Now most new cars still have only one air bag.

C. When a car hits something, its air bags will come out a few minutes later.

D. Volvo made the seat belts widely used in the 1950s.


Chen Guangbiao was born in Jiangsu in July, 1968. He is the chairperson of a company in Jiangsu. Now he is one of China's richest men and he has donated a great amount of money to charity projects. He says he will donate everything he has to charity after he dies.

When people are in need of help, he will appear at once. He helped people during the Wenchuan earthquake, the Yunnan earthquake and the Taiwan earthquake. He also gave a helping hand in Japan's earthquake. He has built many Hope Primary Schools to support the education in poor areas.

He doesn't do charity for honour. He wants to encourage more people to make contributions to charity. After announcing he would donate everything to charity after his death, many busiriessme n, overseas(海夕卜)Chin ese people and com mon people en couraged by him have also promised to do something for charity.

As a philanthropist( 慈善家), he is asked for helping every day. Sometimes he gets very tired, but he has never stopped caring about charity.

So far, he has received a lot of awards, including Pioneer of the Year, and National May Day Labour Medal( 全国五一劳动奖章). He is considered as one of China's top philanthropists. ( )11. The passage is probably taken from _______________ .

A. a newspaper

B. a novel

C. a detective story

D. a science book

()12. He says he will donate _____ to charity after he dies.

A. nothing

B. some schools

C. everyth ing he has

D. his whole compa ny

()13. What does he do charity for?

A. He does charity for mon ey.

B. He does charity for pleasure.

C. He wants to ask people to help him.

D. He wants to en courage more people to con tribute to charity.

()14. Which of the follow ing is NOT men ti oned in the passage?

A. He is from Jia ngsu.

B. He has visited many coun tries.

C. He has helped many people in n eed.

D. He has got a lot of awards.

()15. The passage mainly talks about ______ .

A. earthquakes

B. Hope Primary Schools

C. Pion eer of the Year

D. Phila nthropist Chen Guan gbiao


1. Can you give me some _____ (建议)on how to keep fit?

2. He broke his leg yesterday. He is _____ (不能)to take part in the sports meeting

3. They will ______ (装饰)the Christmas tree with colourful lights.

4. We have fun ____ (完成)the work together.

5. They like _____ (涂)their rooms white to keep calm,

6. -D0 you know the man on the c ____ ?-Oh, it's my favourite football player.

7. Children should go to school i _____ of going to work to make a living.

8. It's not easy for some of us to make s with new words.

9. The letters “ USA's ______ for "U ited States of America".

10. First, I will make some _____ .This is Tom, my new friend. This is my cous in, James.


Here is how to m 1 a fruit salad. If you want to make your salad look c 2 , you should p 3 differe nt colours of fruits, such as apples, watermel on, grapes, pears. Please r _____ 4 to wash the fruit first. Next, cut them into small p 5 a nd mix them in a bowl, after that you can put them on a p 6 . Then a 7 some salad cream on them w 8 a spoon. Now, a

colourful fruit salad is r 9 a nd you can enjoy it a 10 or share it with your friends if

you would like to.

1. ______

2. _________

3. _________

4. _________

5. _________



The doctor ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ ______ many times but fails .

2.做DIY 活是需要时间的,所以你最好不要没有耐心。

It ______ time _______ ______ a DIY job, so ______ _____ ______ be _____ .


_______ the ______ of all kinds of _____ ______ salads ______ ______ .4.他不小心犯了许多拼写错误。

He was not ______ ______ ______ ______ so many _______ _____ .


My house has _______ ______ ______ . Can you _______ it _______ ______when you have time?

七、书面表达。(20 分) 下周是你朋友Kitty 的生日,你打算给她自制一个生日贺卡,根据以下提示,把你的计划和制作过程写到你的日记上。



3.再叠( fold) 几个星星装饰一下;4.在贺卡的里面写内容。

要求:文章不少于70 词,注意日记的格式。


一.1~5 ABBCA 6~10 DBABD

二.1~5 BCACB 6~10 BCACB

三.1~5 ACBDA 6~10 ACCBD 11~15 ACDBD

四. 1. advice 2. unable 3. decorate 4. completing 5. painting 6. cover 7.instead

8. sentences 9. stand 10. introductions

五. l. make 2. colourful 3. prepare 4. remember 5. pieces 6. plate 7. add 8. with

9. ready 10. alone

六. 1. advises him to give up smoking 2. takes; to do; you'd better not; impatient 3. Mixing; fruits;

colours makes; more colourful 4. careful enough to make; spelling mistakes

5. a power cut; repair; for me

七. Friday, 12 June Sunny

Kitty's birthday is coming. I plan to make a birthday card for her. Here are the tips for making the card :

1. Make the card with a cardboard, cut it into two hearts, then put them together. Make sure it

can open. It is the card shape, so it should be big enough.

2. Draw a birthday cake and stick it on the cover.

3. Fold a few stars to decorate the card.

4. Write "Happy Birthday, Kitty" in the card.

2020年牛津译林版8A英语八年级上册Unit 4 Do it yourself单元同步试卷及答案

8A Unit4单元测试卷 第一卷选择题(共60分) 一、听力(每小题1分,共20分) 第一部分听对话回答问题(每小题1分,计10分) 本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你仍有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。 1.What are they going to make? A. B. C. 2. Where is the boy going? A. B. C. 3. How did they go to Sanya? A. B. C. 4. What does the man need for that? A. B. C. 5. Who has the most rubbers? A. Jack. B. Daniel. C. Nancy. 6. When did the early bus leave? A. At 6:35. B. At 6:30. C. At 6:25. 7. How long will the two people stay there? A. All day. B. All the afternoon. C. All the morning. 8. Where did the woman go last week? A. The zoo. B. The water park. C. The Space Museum. 9. How did Mary spend her weekend? A. She played volleyball with her friends. B. She stayed in bed and watched TV. C. She went to the cinema. 10. What’s the most important for the boy’s friend? A. Being clever. B. Being honest. C. Being good-looking. 第二部分听对话和短文回答问题 你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。每段对话或短文后各有几道小题。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你仍有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的答案。 听一段对话,完成第11-12小题。 11. What does the man want to know about the trip? A. Where to go. B. When to leave. C. How much to pay. 12. What will the man probably do? A. He will visit the countryside. B. He will stay in China for the whole holiday. C. He will stay at home for two weeks. 听第一篇短文,回答第13-15小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。 Online shopping Present situation(现状) a 13 way of shopping liked by young people Advantages(优点) easy can 14 time and money Disadvantages(缺点) hardly enjoy the fun of shopping with friends bad for 15 13. A. good B. funny C. popular 14. A. take B. save C. cost 15. A. eyes and back B. back and legs C. eyes and legs 听第二篇短文,回答16-20题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 16. Why did the boy decide to put up a bookshelf for his dad? A. Because he loves reading. B. Because he likes playing computer. C. Because he likes DIY. 17. Who came to help him and brought some tools? A. Tom. B. Simon. C. Daniel. 18. How long did it take them to finish the work? A. Half an hour. B. An hour. C. More than an hour. 19. What colour did they paint it? A. Yellow. B. Black. C. Blue. 20. How do they feel with their work? A. Happy. B. Unhappy. C. Bored. 二.单项选择(15分) ( ) 21.I think English is ______ useful language, and it’s also ______ important language. A. an, a B. a, an C. an, the D. a, the ( ) 22. Dr. Ma has helped a lot of people with eye problems see again in the of his life. A. sense B. way C. course D. form 1

牛津译林版八年级英语上册 Unit4单元测试卷(有答案)

8A Unit 4 Do it yourself单元测试卷 一、单项选择(本题共15小题,每题1分,共15分) 1. --- Can you help me repair my bike? --- ______. I’m coming. A.Of course not B. Thank you C. No problem D. You are welcome 2. My father advised me ______ it again. A.try B. trying C. to trying D. to try 3. --- I’m worried about my English. --- ______ harder, ______ you will catch up with your classmates. A.Working; and B. Work; and C. To work; or D. Worked; or 4. --- Tom, ______ any sugar to my coffee. --- OK. What about some milk in the coffee? A.doesn’t add B. didn’t add C. not add D. don’t add 5. Not only I but also my friend Simon ______ the secret. A.Know B. knows C. don’t know D. isn’t know 6. When you go out, please don’t ______ the computer ______. A.leave; open B. keep; off C. leave; on D. let; on 7. When the fireman hurried there, the whole building ______ smoke. A.fill with B. was filled with C. was full with D. full of 8. When the doorbell rang, Jim stopped ______ computer games ______ the door. A.playing; open B. to play; open C. to play; opened D. playing; to open 9. --- It’s a secret between us. Don’t tell others. --- Sure, I ______. A.do B. will C. don’t D. won’t 10. There are many clothes shops on one side of the street and many shoe shops on _______. A.other B. others C. another D. the other 11. Be careful! Try to make as ______ mistakes as you can. A, many B. few C. much D. Little 12. --- Mum, can I go to play for a while? --- Why not? Your homework is almost ______. A.finishing B. finishes C. finished D. Finish 13. Max and his online friend had fun ______ on the Internet last night. A.chat B. to chat C. chating D. Chatting 14. The light in our classroom ______. So we’re waiting for someone to ______ a new one. A.did wrong; put up B. went wrong; put on C. did wrong; put off D. went wrong; put in 15. --- Lucy, I will stay in Nanjing for ______ next month. --- Great! A. some time B. sometime C. sometimes D. some times 二、完形填空(本题共10小题,每题1分,共10分)


牛津译林版八年级英语上册 Test for Uni t Four 8A (考试时间:45 分钟, 满分 100 分) 一. 按音标写出单词(每小题 1 分,计 10 分) 1. /ɪnˈstr ʌk ʃn/ _____________ _________ ___________ ___________ __________ 6. / d'va ɪz/ 7. /'str ɔ:b r ɪ/ 8. /ˈf ɪn ɪʃt/ 9. /ˈp ɒs bl/ 10. /k m'pli:t/ _____________ _________ ___________ ___________ __________ 二.单项选择(每小题 1 分,计 15 分) 2. /'s ɪz z/ 3. /ɪgˈzæktli/ 4. /ɪnˈsted/ 5. /m ɪ'ste ɪk/ ( )1.---Tom, please read the first story to us. ---I’m sorry, Mr Wang. I ______my storybook at home thismorning. A. forget B. took C. left D .brought ( )2.---Is there __________left in the fridge? ---Only some eggs. A. nothing else B. else anything C. something else D. anything else ( ( )3.You’d _______stop _______the work. Y o u look too tired. A. better; do B. better ;doing C. better not; doing D .better; to do )4.---The box is too heavy to carry. What’s in it? --- Oh, it is ________ books. A. filled with B. covered with C. used for D. asked for )5. We shouldn’t _______our hopes. Everything will be better. ( ( A. put up B. cheer up C. fix up D. give up )6.---May I borrow your dictionary, Sandy? ---_________. But you have to return it this afternoon. A. No problem B. I’m sorry C. I hope not D. I’m not sure )7.---Please don’t make any noise in the reading room. ( ---____________. A. Sorry, I won’t. B. Sorry , I can’t. C. Yes, I won’t. D. OK, I didn’t. )8.The news is really _________, and everyone is _______. A. exciting; exciting B. exciting; excited C. excited ; exciting D. excited; excited )9.The more careful you are, _________mistakes you’ll make in the exam. ( ( ( ( A. the fewer B. the few C. the little D. the more )10.You’d better _________ to the old like that, it’s ________. A. not to speak ; polite B. not speak; polite C. not speak; impolite D. not to speak;impolite )11.You ______the teacher carefully and then answer the questions__________. A. should listen to; correctly C. should hear; correct B. should listen ;correctly D. should listen to ;correctly ( )12.She stayed at home_____ the meeting last Sunday. A. instead of attend B. instead of attending D. because of attend C. because of attending ( ( ( )13.I need some paper, glue and _______. A. three pairs of scissors B. three pairs of scissor C.three scissors D. three pair of scissors )14.What does the sign_____? A. say B. speak C. write D. talk )15._____Tom ____Mary speaks good Chinese. So they can communicate with these Chinese students very well. A. Neither; nor B. Not only ; but also C. Both ;and D. Either ;or

牛津译林版8A Unit 4 Do it yourself考试测试卷(有答案)

牛津译林版8AUnit 4 Do it yourself测试卷 (有答案) 一、根据句意及首字母完成单词 1. I had a cold yesterday.The doctor a to take a rest. 2. All the students will a the meeting. 3. Don't worry. I will c my work next week. 4. The car won't start. Can you f it? 5.He is too busy.Let me go i . 答案: advised attend complete fix instead 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空 6. Nobody teaches me English. I learn it all by (my). 7. Why does she always make (mistakes)? 8. I advise you ( leave ) now. 9. The man kept the girl ( wait) for an hour. 10. It was (possible) for anyone to get in because no one knew the password.

答案: myself mistakes to leave waiting impossible 三、单项填空 11. Tell the children unhealthy food.It’s bad for their health. A. not to eat B.not eating C. to eat D. eating 12. Mrs Brown is nice. Every day she tried to cook for me during my stay in Canada. A. something different B. anything different C. different anything D. different something 13. -Jack, is maths difficult to learn in high school? -Sure. No subject can be learned well hard work. A. without B. through C. by D. with 14. -Dad, why should I stop computer games? -For your health, my boy.

译林版牛津英语8A Unit4 Do it yourself 单元知识点讲解+测试卷(附答案)

8A Unit 4 Do it yourself 单元重点知识点总览 1、 had better用法 ①had better do sth. ②had better的否定形式是在其后加not ③had better的疑问句是吧had提前 2、instead用法 ①instead是副词,意为“代替,替代”,在句子中做状语,通常位于句末, 如果位于句首,则要用“,”与句子后面隔开。 ②instead of意为“而不是,代替”,后面接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,还 可以接与前面对等的形容词、副词或介词短语等。 3、once用法 ①once用作副词,也可意为“一次”。t wice, three times, four times… ②once用作连词时,意为“一旦……就……”,用于连接时间状语从句;意 为“只要”,引导条件状语从句。 3、put短语 put away 放好,收起来,处理掉,放弃,抛弃 put on 穿上,把……放在……上,上演,表演 put off 推迟,拖延,扔掉,脱掉 put into 使进入,把……翻译成 put down 放下,拒绝, put out 扑灭 put in 放进 put back 放回 4、advice与advise ①advice是不可数名词,意为“建议,意见” a piece of advice; two pieces of advice ②advise是及物动词,意为“建议” advise doing sth.意为“建议做某事”He advised us to sell the house. advise sb. to do sth I advise waiting till the right time. 5、make用法 ①make sb. / sth. + adj.意为“使某人/某物……” ②make sb.+ do(动词原形,在主动语态中不加to)sth. 意为“使某人做某事” ③常见的由make构成的短语 make a mistake 犯错误 make a noise 吵闹,弄出噪声 make friends with 与……交朋友 make a face 做鬼脸 make a living 谋生,维持生活 make fun of 取笑,嘲笑 make sure 确信,务必,弄清楚 make up one‘s m ind 下定决心 make up 弥补,构成,编造 make…into把……变成

牛津译林版八年级上册英语 Unit4单元测试(有答案)

八年级英语8A Unit4单元测试 一.单项选择: ( ) 1. _______ good advice you gave us! Thank you very much. A. What B. What a C. How D. How a ( ) 2. Some of the fruit will quickly turn brown if you ________ the windows and the door ______ for some time. A. forget; opened B. leave; open C, keep; close D. have; closed ( ) 3. —How well does she make the birthday card? —She doesn’t want to do it by herself. She plans to ask someone else to do it, ___. A. yet B. instead C. too D. either ( ) 4. —Mr. Wang, would you please tell me the result of the test? —Good job! You made ______ mistakes. A. a little B. little C. a few D. few ( ) 5. My cousin Jim lives in the same building. He lives three floors ______ me. A. about B. over C. on D. above ( )6.Would you please pass me the ? I’d like to cut the paper into halves. A. rope B. glue C. tape D. scissors ( )7.— As your closest friend, I will try every way to help you. —It’s really kind of you to say so. A. important B. possible C. difficult D. expensive ( )8.To save water, please don’t the water running when you are not washing things. A. get B. make C. stop D. leave ( )9.— Tom, any sugar to my coffee. — OK. What about some milk in the coffee? A. doesn’t add B. didn’t add C. not add D. don’t add ( )10. If you really want to lose some weight, I advise you fast food. A. stopped eating B. stopping eating C. to stop to eat D. to stop eating ( )11. _______ smoke, dad. It is not allowed(不被允许)here. A. Don't be B. Don't C. Not to be D. Be not ( )12. Not only the parents but also their child_______ the secret. A. knows B. know C. don't know D. isn't know ( )13. She didn't feel_______ last week, but she is_______ now. A. good; much more healthy B. well; much healthier C. good; healthier D. well; more healthy ( )14. -Shall I tell Mary about it tomorrow? -No, you_______ I told her about it yesterday. A. shouldn't B. mustn't C. needn't D. wouldn't ( )15. -Can you join in the dance tomorrow evening? -_______. A. Yes, you can B. No, of course I can't C. Yes, I'm afraid so D. No, I'm afraid not 二.完形填空: As a housewife (家庭主妇), I love watching TV. I love different kinds of 1 . I watched the

牛津译林版 初二英语八年级上册8A Unit4单元测试卷含答案

8A Unit4 Do it yourself 单元测试卷 班级____________ 姓名__________ 一、词汇检测(10分) l. Look! There is a big air_______(气球)flying high in the blue sky. 2. Peter was sad because he made a_______ (可怕的) mistake. 3. The doctor_______(建议)me to do more exercise yesterday. 4. He tied(系) himself around a_______(绳索) before climbing up the rocks. 5. I'm too thirsty. Please_______(使充满)the glass with juice for me. 6. Please read these_______(指示) carefully before you start to fix the toy car. 7. This kind of wine is made of_______(葡萄). 8. -Will President Xi_______ this meeting? -No, he is too busy. But Li Keqiang will come. 9. -Can you leave your sister alone at home? -No, she is_______ to look after herself because she is only four years old. 10. -Is it_______ for us to finish it before this weekend? -No, no one can finish it in such a short time. 二、单项填空(20分) ( ) l. You_______ see a doctor. You've got a bad cold(重感冒). A. will B. are going to C. had better D. could ( ) 2. Max and his online friend had fun_______ on the Internet last night. A. talking B. to talk C. talk D. to talking ( ) 3. He often does everything_______, No one knows what he plans_______. A. himself; do B. himself; to do C. herself; to do D. herself; do ( ) 4. When the movie star_______, the fans cheered. A. reached B. arrived C. got D. past ( ) 5. Students should practice_______ English as often as they can. A. talking B. speaking C. saying D. telling ( ) 6. -Let's go shopping_______ staying at home, shall we? Good idea. A. as well as B. as well C. instead D. instead of ( ) 7. He likes writing to his penfriends, but it_______ a lot of time. A. spends B. used C. takes D. pays ( ) 8. -Wendy, _______ some cakes if you're hungry.-OK. Thanks. A. eat B. eating C. eats D. to eat ( ) 9. _______ the salad in the fridge for a while can make it_______ nicer. A. Keeping; taste B. To keep; to taste C. Keep; taste D. Keeping; to taste ( )10. -Andy, please remember to give my best wishes to your father when you see him.

牛津译林版英语8A Unit4 Do it yourself 单元测试卷(D)含答案

牛津译林版英语8A Unit4 Do it yourself 单元测试卷(D)含答案 班级____________ 姓名__________ 一、听力测试(10分) A)根据你所听到的对话,选择正确答案 ( ) 1. Who made the fewest model planes? A. Sandy. B. Simon. C. Daniel. ( )2. What did Peter mean? A. He asked the girl to leave. B. He asked the girl to give a talk. C. He thought half an hour wasn't enough. ( )3. What's Bob's hobby? A. Cooking. B. Reading. C. Playing ball games. ( )4.What is Susan like? A. She's helpful. B. She's polite. C. She's funny. ( )5. Why didn't the boy go to Beijing Amusement Park yesterday? A. He was too busy to do it. B. He didn't like it. C.He went there twice. B)根据你所听到的对话,选择正确答案 ( )6. Where does the woman want to go? A. To Xi'an. B. To Beijing. C. To Suzhou. ( ) 7. What language can the man speak? A. Japanese and English. B. Chinese and English. C. Chinese and Japanese. C)根据你所听到的短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表 ( ) 8 A. her parents B. her classmates C. her cousins ( ) 9. A. two hours B. one hour C. two and a half hours ( )10. A. sang and danced B. had meals C. took photos and sang 二、单项填空(15分) ( ) l. It took me_______ to finish my homework yesterday. A. sometime B. some time C. sometimes D. some times ( ) 2. It's_______ most wonderful film of all so I want to see it for_______ second time A. the; a B. the; the C. a; the D. a; a ( ) 3. There are so many wonderful courses for us_______ in this college. A. to take B. take them C. to take them D. to take one ( ) 4. He had a great time_______ with his friend, and they had some time_______ about their study last Sunday.


牛津8A Unit 4单元测试卷 (时间:90分钟满分:100分) 一、单项选择。(每小题1分,计10分) ( )1. - ________ the idea sounds ! A. How crazy B. What crazy C. How crazily D. What crazily ( )2. The brush may be _______ useful tool for you to make thin gs. A. / B. a C. an D. the ( )3. Not only I but also Jim _______ to go to the dancing less ons at weeke nds. A. want B. wants C. like D. are wanting ( )4. When you go out, please don't ______ the TV _______ . A. make; ope n B. keep; turn on C. leave; on D. let; on ( )5. When the firema n hurried there, the whole build ing ______ s moke. A. was filled with B. fill of C. full of D. was full with ( )6. When the doorbell rang, Jim stopped _______ computer games and _______ the door. A. play ing; ope n B. to play; ope n C. to play; ope ned D. play ing; ope ned ( )7. I pla n to _______ the old pictures-a nd _______ s ome new on es. A. put dow n; put up B. take dow n; put up c. put dow n; put on D. put away; put on ( )8. -How many _______ do you have at school every year? -About seve n. A. courses B. subjects C. less ons D. classes ( )9. Turn right here, _______ go straight on, _______ y ou'll find the park in front of you soon. A. and; / B. /; and C. and; then D. then; and ( )10. "Gardo n" is an ______ spelli ng. It must be "garde n". A. un correct B. correctless C. discorrect D. in correct 二、完形填空。(每小题1分,计10分) There is a little duck. His n ame is Becky. Every day Becky and his mother go to a small 1 __ . Becky's mother likes swim ming in it. But Becky sits on the bank and 2 his mother swim. His mother calls him, "Becky, it's time for you to 3 to swim." Becky puts his feet in the water and says, "The water is too 4 ." "Yes, Becky," says his mother, "it is cold, but you must lear n to swim."


8A Unit 4提优检测卷 (满分:100分考试时间:100分钟) 一.单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) 1. Rita her mother know my address. They often drop by my home. A. Not; but B. Both; and C. Either; or D. Not only; but also 2. 一Mum, the Chinese medicine tastes . 一But, dear, it is good for your health. A. good B. well C. terrible D. terribly 3. Boys, don't lose in playing Angry Birds. It is bad for your eyes to play computer games for a long time. A. himself B. yourself C themselves D. yourselves 4. 一Do you know how to the nose, the mouth and sharp teeth to make a pumpkin lantern? 一Of course. Let me show you how to do it. A. cut out B. look out C. find out D. work out 5. You be impatient when you do a DIY job. This needs

some time and patience. A. shouldn't B. needn't C. wouldn't D. may not 6. 一I my bicycle myself. 一Good! But I think you need to have some tools first. A. am going to repair B. repaired C. am repairing D. repair 7. 一Don't touch the wet paint, please. 一. I didn't see the notice "Wet Paint". A. Yes, I do B. No, I don't C. Sorry, I will D. Sorry, I won't 8. 一Mum, could I have some biscuits? 一,dear. Dinner is ready. A. Yes, please B. No, thanks C. You'd better not D. I hope so 9. 一You never exercise. 一. I walk for over an hour every day. A. No, I don't B. Yes, I do C. Yes, I am D. No, I'm not 10. You look quite tired. You'd better a good rest. A. stop having B. to stop to have C. to stop having D. stop to have


8A Unit4单元测试卷 班级姓名___________ 一、听力部分(共20小题,每小题1分,计20分) A)听对话回答问题。 ( ) 1. Why is watermelon not good for fruit salad? A. B. C. ( ) 2. Where does Johm want to go tomorrow? A. B. C. ( ) 3. What are they talking about? A. B. C. ( ) 4. Who has the least juice? A. B. C. ( ) 5.Why does John choose May as her best friend? A. Because she can keep a secret. B. Because she can tell funny jokes.

C. Because she is always ready to help. ( ) 6. Has Ted ever been to Hawaii? A.Yes, he did. B.No, he hasn't. C.Yes, he has. ( ) 7. How much did an old car cost? A.$ 2,000. B.$ 3,000. C.$ 4,000. ( ) 8. Who is the tallest, Bob, Jim or Li Lei? A.Bob. B.Li Lei. C.Jim. ( ) 9. Which festival are they talking about? https://www.doczj.com/doc/a819228074.html,ntern Festival. B.Spring Festival. C.New Year. ( ) 10. What did Sam do first after college? A.He traveled in Europe. B.He went to work. C.He stayed at home. 第二部分听对话和短文答题(计10分) 你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。 听一段对话,回答第11---12小题。答题完毕,请等待"嘀"的信号,进入第一篇短文。( ) 11. What club does the man want to join? A.The chess club. B.The art club. C.The football club. ( ) 12. What can the man do? A.He can swim. B.He can sing. C.He can play football. 听第一篇短文,回答13--15小题。请根据短文内容。选择正确的答案,完成信息记录表。答题完毕,请等待"嘀"的信号,进入下一篇短文。 John’s Day Morning playing the guitar and writing 13 with

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