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Balance Sheets 资产负债表

Non-Current Assets 非流动资产

Property, plant and equipment 物业, 厂房及设备Investment properties 投资物业

Intangible assets 无形资产

Property held for development 待发展物业

Investment in subsidiaries 投资子公司

Interests in jointly controlled entities 投资合营公司

Interests in associate 投资联营公司

Investment in securities (non current assets) 证券投资Deferred taxation 递延税项资产

Sub-total 小計

Current Assets 非流动资产

Inventories of properties 物业存货

Other inventories 其它存货

Debtors, deposits and prepayments 应收贸易及其它应收款Amount due from holding company 应收控股公司

Amount due from fellow subsidiary 应收联属公司

Amounts due from subsidiaries 应收子公司

Amounts due from JCE / associates 应收合营公司/ 联营公司Amounts due from related companies 应收关连公司Amounts due from minority shareholders 应收少股东Amount due from shareholders 應收股東款

Investments in securities (current assets) 证券投资

Prepaid tax 预付税款

Bank deposits, pledged 银行存款(抵押)

Bank balances, deposits and cash 银行结余及现金

Sub-total 流动资产小計

Current Liabilities 流动负债

Trade and other payables 应付贸易及其它应收款

Sales deposits received 销售定金

Amounts due to subsidiaries 应付子公司

Amounts due to immediate holding 应付控股公司

Amounts due to fellow subsidiaries 应付联属公司

Amount due to JCE/associates 应付合营公司/ 联营公司Amounts due to related companies 应付关连公司

Amount due to shareholders 应付股东款

Amount due to minority shareholders 应付少股东

Bank borrowings, due within one year 银行借款(一年内)

Other borrowings, due within one year 其它借款(一年内)

Income tax payable 应付所得税

Sub-total 小計

Capital and Reserves 资本及储备

Paid-up capital 资本

Retained earnings b/f 年初未分配利润

This year's profit 本年度纯利

Dividend 股息

Reserve appropriation 利润分配-提取储备基金

Statutory reserve 法定储备

Capital reserves 资本公积-股权投资准备

Property revaluation reserve 投资物业重估储备

Sub-total 所有者权益小計

Minority interests 少股东权益

Non-Current Liabilities 非流动负债

Bank borrowings, due after one year 银行借款(一年以上)

Other borrowings, due after one year 其它借款(一年以上)

Long term payables 长期应付款

Deferred taxation 递延税款

Sub-total 小計


Turnover 营业收入

Business Tax 主营业务税金及附加

Cost of sales 营业成本

Gross Margin 经营毛利

Other operating income 其它业务收入

Interest Income 利息收入

Gain from investment in securites 投资收益

Change in fair value of investment properties 投资物业公平价值之溢利Other operating expenses 其它业务支出

Selling expenses 营业费用

Administrative expenses 管理费用

Provision on investment in securities 持有作买卖之投资公平价值之溢利Finance costs 财务费用

Share of results of jointly controlled entities 应占合营公司业绩Taxation 税项

Minority interests 少股东损益

This year's (profit) loss 本年度利纯