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1、From the hill he looked down on the peaceful landscape。

2、That boy may be smart, but he has no personality。

3、That region abounds with rain all the yael round.

4、We all admire her for the way she saved the children from the fire.

5、It is our duty to preserve the environment from pollution

6、We sprit the wood into long thin pieces.

7、Crops are grown in rural areas.

8、The play was an undoubted success.

9、He is famous for his Port rants of many great men.

10 She retains a clear me moray of her school days

1、The leader beckoned others to folly mo him.

2、The officer inspired his men to be brave.

3、I cant not give you a precise date.

4、He gave much reflection to the problem but still had no answer.

5、The lease is explicit in saying the rent must be paid by the 5th of

every month

6、The idea was embedded in her mind

7、They live in isolation.

8、The presumed him to be dead.

9、The company fell short in reaching its sales goals

10.John collaborated with his father in writing the book

翻译:Unit 1. 1,我极想知道他去过哪些地方。(be dying to)

I am dying to know where he has been to .

2,存货鸡蛋都卖完了。(sell out)

The eggs in stock are sold out 。

3.在走红之前,他大约在20部影片中露过面。(land the big break)He had appeared in about 20 films before landing the big break.

4.上大学是我人生重要的转折点。(turning point)

Going to college is becoming a turning point in my life。


The ship abandoned floated aimlessly on the sea、

6.Jane和David一起去了购物广场。(along with )

Jane went along with David to the shopping mall.


All of us passed the math exam with the exception of Tom。


Speak out definitely what you are thinking about .

Unit 2

1,企图损人利己的人不会有好下场。(at the expense of)

Those who try to profit at the expense of others will come to no good end 。

2,她总是一心想着自己的幸福。(be preoccupied with)

She is always preoccupied with her personal well——being


Please don't try to impose your wishes on us 。

4,这位母亲有5个幼小的小孩需要照管.(on one's hands)

The mother has five young children on her hands,

5,这所学校注重学生独立解决问题的能力。(put emphasis on)This school puts emphasis on students' ability to solve problems independently。

Unit 3

1,他们在地里干了一整天的活,累得疲惫不堪。(wear out )They were worn out after a long day working in the field。

2你认为这位新经理怎么样?(make of)

What do you make of the new manager ?

3政府的首要任务是着手解决经济问题。(come to grips with )The governments’first task is to come to grips with the economy。

4,他们的婚姻终于破裂了。(fall apart)

Their marriage finally fall apart。




Unit 4

1,该系列讲座可自然分为三部分。(fall into )

The lecture series falls naturally into three parts。


The painting is undoubtedly genuine。

3,该公路与铁路平行。(in parallel with)

The roads runs in parallel with the railway。


This style of architecture originated with the ancient greek 。


We retained the original fireplace when we decorate。


The building are well integrated with the landscape。

Unit 5

1,汽车销售是份艰辛的工作,但那是我的生机,(bread and butter)Selling cars is hard work but it is my bread and butter。

2,这几天地毯供不应求。(fall short of)

The supply of carpets fall short of demand these days。

3,导游叫我们过去看看那幅画。(beckon sb to)

The tour guide beckon us over to look at the painting。

4.Mary 错误的认为她会获得那份工作。(assume)

Mary mistakenly assumed that she would get that job。

5.Mike 从父母那里继承了一大笔钱。(considerable)

Mike inherited a considerable amount of money from his parents。


He kept silence at this crucial moment。


This paper entitles my lawyer to handle all my legal。


The prisoner was released from jail when his sentence was up。