当前位置:文档之家› 最新整理翻译阅读作业答案学习资料



Passage One

Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.

It is difficult to imagine what life would be like without memory. The meanings of thousands of everyday perceptions, the basis for the decisions we make, and the roots of our habits and skills are to be found in our past experiences, which are brought into the present by memory.

Memory can be defined as the capacity to keep information available for later use. It not only includes "remembering" things like arithmetic or historical facts, but also involves any change in the way an animal typically behaves. Memory is involved when a rat gives up eating grain because he has sniffed (嗅出)something suspicious in the grain pile.

Memory exists not only in humans and animals but also in some physical objects and machines. Computers, for example, contain devices for storing data for later use. It is interesting to compare the memory storage capacity of a computer with that of a human being. The instant access memory of a large computer may hold up to 100,000 "words"—string of alphabetic or numerical characters—ready for instant use. An average U.S. teenager probably recognizes the meaning of about 100,000 words of English. However, this is but a fraction of the total amount of information that

the teenager has stored. Consider, for example, the number of faces and places that the teenager can recognize on sight.

The use of words is the basis of the advanced problem-solving intelligence of human beings. A large part of a person's memory is in terms of words and combinations of words. But while language greatly expands the number and the king of things a person can remember, it also requires a huge memory capacity. It may well be this capacity that distinguishes humans, setting them apart from other animals.

57. Which of the following is TRUE about memory?

[A] It helps us perceive things happening around us every day.

[B] It is based on the decisions we made in the past.

[C] It is rooted in our past habits and skills.

[D] It connects our past experiences with the present.

58. According to the passage, memory is helpful in one's life in the following aspects EXCEPT that ________.

[A] it involves a change in one's behavior

[B] it keeps information for later use

[C] it warns people not to do things repeatedly

[D] it enables one to remember events that happened in the past

59. What is the author's view about computers and human beings in terms of intelligence?

[A] Computers have better memory than a child does.

[B] Computers are as intelligent as a teenager is.

[C] Computers can understand as many as 100,000 words.

[D] Human beings are far superior to computers.

60. What is the major characteristic of man's memory capacity according to the author?

[A] It can be expanded by language. [C] It may keep all the information in the past.

[B] It can remember all the combined words. [D] It may change what has been stored in it.

61. Human beings make themselves different from other animals by _______.

[A] having the ability to perceive danger

[B] having a far greater memory capacity

[C] having the ability to recognize faces and places on sight

[D] having the ability to draw on past experiences

Passage Two

Questions 62 to 66 are based in the following passage.

"Family" is of course an elastic word. But when British people say that their society is based on family life, they are thinking of "family" in its narrow, peculiarly European sense of mother, father and children living together alone in their own house as an economic and social unit. Thus, every British marriage indicates the beginning of a new and independent family— hence the tremendous importance of marriage in British life.

For both the man and the woman, marriage means leaving one's parents and starting one's own life. The man's first duty will then be to his wife, and the wife's to her husband. He will be entirely responsible for her financial support, and she for the running of the new home. Their children will be their common responsibility and theirs alone. Neither the wife's parents nor the husband's, nor their brothers or sisters, aunts or uncles, have any right to interfere with them—they are their own masters.

Readers of novels like Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice will know that in former times marriage among wealthy families was arranged by the girl's parents, that is, it was the parents' duty to find a suitable husband for their daughter, preferably a rich one, and by skillful encouragement to lead him eventually to ask their permission to marry her. Until that time, the girl was protected and maintained in the parents' home, and the financial relief of getting rid of her could be seen in their giving the newly married pair a sum of money called a dowry(嫁妆). It is very different today. Most girls of today get a job when they leave school and become financially independent before their marriage. This has had two results: a girl chooses her own husband, and she gets no dowry.

62. What does the author mean by "'Family' is of course an elastic word"?

[A] Different families have different ways of life.

[B] Different definitions could be given to the word.

[C] Different nations have different families.

[D] Different times produce different families.

63. For an English family, the husband's duty is ________.

[A] supporting the family while the wife is financial

[B] defending the family while the wife is running the home

[C] financial while the wife is running the home

[D] independent while the wife is dependent

64. Everything is decided in a family ________.

[A] by the couple [C] by brothers and sisters

[B] with the help of their parents [D] with the help of aunts and uncles

65. What is TRUE concerning the book Pride and Prejudice?

[A] It is the best book on marriage.

[B] It is a handbook of marriage.

[C] It gives quite some ideas of English social life in the past.

[D] It provides a lot of information of former time wealthy families.

66. With regard to marriage in Britain, present day girls differ from former time girls in ________.

[A] the right to marry [C] choosing husbands

[B] more parental support [D] social position

Passage One

57. D 推断题。由文章第一段可知,在我们过去的经验中可以找到对日常各种看法的理解、我们做决定的基础、我们习惯的根源以及我们所掌握的技能,而所有这些经验都通过记忆和现在联系在了一起,所以D正确。

58. C 细节题。本题可采用排除法。A、B、D三项在文章第二、三段中均有提及,而原文中并没有提出C(记忆告诫人们不要重复做事情),故选C。

59. D 推断题。由文章第三段中的...teenager probably recognizes... 100,000 words... this is but a fraction of the total amount of information that the teenager has stored 可知,电脑与青少年都有10万单词的记忆量,但对于青少年来说,这只占大脑信息存储量的一小部分,言外之意是人脑优于电脑,所以D正确。

60. B 细节题。文章最后一段第三句明确指出,语言可以极大地扩展人类记忆事物的数量和种类,第四句又说这一特点使人有别于动物,由此可知这是人类记忆力的主要特点,所以A正确。

61. B 细节题。由文章最后一句指出人类强大的记忆力使人区别于其他动物,故选B。

Passage Two

62. B 语义题。本题主要考查从下文猜测词义的能力,即对elastic的理解。由下文But引出的并列句可猜测出英国人对家庭的概念不同于其他国家的人,由


63. C 细节题。由文章第二段第三句可知,在英国家庭中,男人是女人的财政支柱(responsible for her financial support), 女人负责管家,所以C正确。

64. A 推断题。由文章第二段最后一句可知,没有任何人能干涉夫妻俩的事——他们是自己的主人,由此可知,家里的事由夫妻俩做主,所以A正确。

65. C 推断题。由文章第三段可知,《傲慢与偏见》讲述了当时的婚姻状况——有钱人的婚姻都由女方的父母做主,这是当时英国社会生活的一个方面,所以C正确。

66. D 推断题。文章第三段谈到了过去和现在的女孩在决定婚姻中地位的不同,并指出现在的女孩结婚前经济就可以独立,婚姻自由,由此可知,她们的社会地位比以前有了很大提高,所以D正确

87. Living in the desert has many problems, ________________________(缺水并不是惟一的问题).

88. The production ________________________ (增加到每月500吨)by the end of this month.

89. Some children put much emphasis ________________________(有足够的钱以便到外面去痛快享受).

90. Please ________________________(不要忘记让你姐姐到超市买一些牛排).

91. The students now ________________________ (宁愿上网,也不愿意到图书馆去看书).

87. of which the lack of water is not the only one

依照给出的中文,可译为the lack of water is not the only problem,但已给出的英文部分已经是个完整的句子,所以译文应以从句的形式出现。缺水是many problems中的一个问题,故使用表示所属关系的of+which结构来引导。缺水也可译为water shortage。

88. will have risen / will rise to 500 tons per month


89. on having enough money to enjoy themselves outside

put emphasis on / upon是固定短语,意为“强调,注重”,后接名词或动名词。

90. don't forget to ask your elder sister to buy some steak in the supermarket


91. prefer netsurfing to reading in the library

“宁愿……而不愿……”通常用prefer (doing) sth. to (doing) sth.的结构来表示,要注意的是,该结构中的to是介词,后面应跟名词或动名词。


英语阅读理解带翻译10篇精选 英语阅读理解带翻译10篇:给予 Like most people, I was brought up to look upon life as a process of getting. It was not until in my late thirties that I made this important discovery: giving-away makes life so much more exciting. You need not worry if you lack money. This is how I experimented with giving-away. If an idea for improving the window display of a neighborhood store flashes to me, I step in and make the suggestion to the storekeeper. One discovery I made about giving-away is that it is almost impossible to give away anything in this world without getting something back, though the return often comes in an unexpected form. One Sunday morning the local post office delivered an important special delivery letter to my home, though it was addressed to me at my office. I wrote the postmaster a note of appreciation. More than a year later I needed a post-office box for a new business I was starting. I was told at the window that there were no boxes left, and that my name would have to go on a long waiting list. As I was about to leave, the postmaster appeared in the doorway. He had overheard our conversation. “Wasn’t it you that wrote us that letter a year ago about delivering a special delivery to your home?” I said yes. “Well, you certainly are going to have a box in this post office if we have to make one for you. You don’t know what a letter like that means to us. We usually get nothing but complaints.” 像绝大部分人,我长大看待生命是一个过程获得。直到我在30月底,我作出这个重要发现:给予,距离使我们的生活如此更令人兴奋的。您不必担心如果缺乏资金。这是我尝试让-消失。如果一个主意,


《翻译(一)》作业参考答案 I. 1.打破记录 2.武装到牙齿 3.酸葡萄 4.君子协定 5.开放政策 6.冷战 7.低声 8.文火 9.占 10.原因 11.消灭 12.交待清楚13.和风 14.软水 15.添煤 16.捏造 17.修好 18.收拾一下 19.软水 20.呢帽 21.好 22.正好 23.右 24.申冤。 II. 1.“一定会把他造就成一个堂堂男子汉”,杰克说“就是应该上大学嘛!” 2.重建家园和保卫家园是我们的职责。 3.这些问题显然使得这位头脑迟钝的发言人感到意外,他立刻显得张口结舌。 4.我的回答并不躲躲躲闪闪。 5.外面一团漆黑,大雨倾盆。 6.他们根本没有答复,这是不足为奇的。 7.在走过市区的时候,他们看见了一座宏伟的酒店。 8.他经常来。 9.他对这个城市完全陌生。 10.这完全是胡说。 11.那个园会真是圆满极了。 12.淡淡的太阳从海上升起。 13.“我知道, 这是在抓救命稻草”, 他无可奈何地说. 14.他的靴子时常闪闪发光. 15.他开了眼界,并懂得了一些名堂. 16.他满脸皱纹, 皮肤很黑,头发灰白稀疏. 17.他们之间存在着种种非常尖锐的问题. 18.我们应学会如何分析问题和解决问题. 19.我们深信,社会主义制度终究会代替资本主动义制度。 20.他回来时,收音机仍然开着。 21.他们将为盲人和聋人修建一所学校。 22.我们感到,解决这个复杂的问题是困难的。 23.我们高度珍视同发展中国家的友好关系。 24.他们在关键时刻的行为给他留下了深刻的印象。 III. A 这是一个最好的历史时期,这又是一个最坏的历史时期; 这是一个充满智慧的年代,这又是一个不乏愚蠢的年代; 这是一个富有信仰的时代,这又是一个轻易怀疑的时代; 这是一个光明普照的季节,这又是一个黑暗笼罩的季节;


Unit 1 general description of literature reading and translation 1.Definition of Literature Literature is a general term for professional writings in the form of books, papers, and other documentations. As an important means for preserving knowledge, literatures have become precious resources or treasures for the mankind, which have greatly contributed to the social progress of the human race. 2.Classification of Literature 1) Textbooks(课本) a kind of professional writing(一种专业的写作) 2) Monographs(专著) various viewpoints and discussions 3) Papers(论文) the theoretical analysis and experimental description title, author, affiliation, abstract, keywords, introduction, theoretical analysis and/or experimental description, results and discussion or conclusion, acknowledgments, references 4) Encyclopedias(百科全书) every branch of knowledge 5) Periodicals (期刊) a series of publications 6)Special Documentation(特殊文档) all the printed materials 3.Linguistic Features of Scientific Literature stylistically (文体上) scientific literature is a kind of form writing; syntactically(结构上)scientific literature has rigorous grammatical structures and in most cases is rather unitary; Morphologically(语法上)scientific literaure is featured by high specialization,the use of technical terms and jargons ,unambiguous implication and the fixed sense of the word Principles or Criteria of Translation Whenever principles or criteria of translation are under discussion in China, Yan Fu’s three- character guide”-----xin, da, ya, namely, faithfulness (信), expressiveness (达), and elegance (雅). These three principle has always been regarded as a plumb-line for measuring the professional level of translation and a goal for translators to strive after. However, in the application of this principle, people come to find some unsatisfactory aspects of the three-character guide and have put foreword a variety of new standards or criteria of translation. Despite a variety of opinions, two criteria are almost unanimously accepted by all, namely, the criterion of faithfulness/accuracy (忠实/准确) and that of smoothness (流畅). We may also take these two criteria as the principle scientific literature translation. By faithful/accuracy, we mean to be faithful not only to the original contents, to the original meaning and views, but also to the original form and style. By smoothness, we mean not only easy and readable rendering, but also idiomatic expression in the target language, free form stiff formula and mechanical copying form dictionaries. Unit 2 professional papers 2.1.Definition of professional papers A professional paper is a typewritten paper in which professionals present their views and research findings on a chosen topic. It is variously known as the “research paper”, “course paper”, “thesis paper” or “library paper”. The task of the author of a paper is essentially the same: to read on a particular topic, gather information about it, and report the findings in it. 2.2.Classification of professional papers


文言文阅读练习(一) 晏子为齐相,出。其御①之妻从门间而窥。其夫为相御,拥大盖,策驷马②,意气扬扬,甚自得也。既而归,其妻请去③。夫问其故。妻曰:“晏子长不满六尺,身相④齐国,名显诸侯。今者妾观其出,志念⑤深矣,常有以自下⑥者。今子长八尺,乃为人仆御。然子之意,自以为足。妾是以求去也。” 其后夫自损抑⑦。晏子怪而问之,御以实对⑧。晏子荐以为大夫。 注释:①御:马夫。②驷马:四匹马拉的车。③去:离开,这里指离婚。④相:担任国相。⑤志念:志向和思考的东西。⑥自下:谦虚。⑦自损抑:克制自己,保持谦卑。⑧对:回答。1.解释下列短语。(1)意气扬扬: (2)名显诸侯: 2.用现代汉语写出下面两个句子的意思。 今者妾观其出,志念深矣,常有以自下者。 3晏子是古代名相,结合选段,用自己的话 .....说说他选用人才的有何标准。 答案:1.(1)趾高气扬,得意洋洋,手舞足蹈,得意忘形等;(2)在诸侯各国都有很大的名声。2.今天我看他出门,虽然志向远大,深谋远虑,却总是显出自己很谦虚的样子。 3、晏子的标准则是:有了缺点能虚心接受意见,并及时加以改正。 (二) 孝公①既用卫鞅②,鞅欲变法,恐天下议己。 令既具,未布,恐民之不信,已乃立三丈之木于国都市南门,募民有能徙置北门者予十金。 民怪之,莫敢徒。复曰“能徙者予五十金”。有一人徙之,辄予五十金,以明不欺。卒下令。令行于民期年,秦民之国都言初令之不便者以个数。于是太子犯法。卫鞅曰:“法之不行,自上犯之。”将法太子。太子君嗣也不可施刑刑其傅公子虔③黥④其师公孙贾。明日,秦人皆趋令。行之十年,秦民大说,道不拾遗,山无盗贼,家给人足。民勇于公战,怯于私斗,乡邑大治。秦民初言令不便者有来言令便者。 (节选自《史记·商君列传》) 注释:①孝公:秦孝公。②卫鞅:人名,即商鞅。③虔;人名。④黥:古代的一种肉刑。11.与文中“将法太子”的“将”字意思相同的一项是(2分) ( ) A.左将.军王凝之妻也<《咏雪》) B.爷娘闻女来,出郭相扶将.(《木兰诗》) C.晓雾将.歇,猿鸟乱鸣(《答谢中书书》) D.扶苏以数谏故,上使外将.兵(《陈涉世家》) 12.给文中画曲线的句子用“/”断句。(2分) 太子君嗣也不可施刑刑其傅公子虔黥其师公孙贾 13.用现代汉语翻译文中画直线的句子。(2分) 14.从本文看,卫鞅变法成功的原因之一是 。 答案:8.(1)到、靠近(2)的 (2分。每小题1分) 9.(1)穷尽、完结(2)贫穷(穷困) (2分。每 小题1分) 10.太守陶醉于四季山水景色之美;陶醉于太平盛世,政治清明。(为山水之景而醉,为 滁人欢乐而醉,为宴会的丰盛而醉,为宴会中宾客的欢乐而醉)(2分) 11.C(2分) 12.太子(/)君嗣也/不可施刑/刑其傅公子虔/黥其师公孙贾(2 分。画对后3处得2分,画对后3处中的2处得1分,画对后3处中的1处不得分) 13.百姓认为(觉得)这件事很奇怪,没有人敢移动(它)。(2分。全句连贯、顺畅得1 分,“怪”字翻译正确得1分) 14.取信于民。(1分。写“讲求诚信、违法必究、执法严明、效果明显”等均可) 观月(有删改) ◆张孝祥 ①月极明于中秋,观中秋之月,临水胜;临水之观,宜.独往;独往之地,去人远者又胜也。…… 今余之游金沙堆(1),其具是四美者与? ②盖余以八月之望过洞庭,天无纤云,月白如昼。沙当洞庭青草之中,其高十仞,四环之水, 近者犹数百里。余系船其下,尽却(2)童隶(3)而登焉。沙之色正黄(4),与月相夺;水如 玉盘,沙如金积;光采激射,体寒目眩。阆风、瑶台、广寒之宫,虽未尝身至其地,当亦如是而 止耳。盖中秋之月,临水之观,独往而远人,于是.为备。书以为金沙堆观月记。 注释:(1)金沙堆:在洞庭湖与青草湖之间,是由湖沙堆积而成的小岛。(2)尽却:全部 退去。(3)童隶:书僮仆役。(4)正黄:纯黄。 6.写出“天无纤云,月白如昼”的大意。 7.解释文中加点的“宜”和“是”的意思。 8.作者所说的“四美”具体指什么?请用第②段中的原话回答。 9.文中有一个四字词与“中秋”的意思完全相同,请写出这个词。 答案:6、天上没有一点云彩,月光明亮如同白昼 7、宜:适合是:此、这 8、沙之色正黄, 与月相夺;水如玉盘,沙如金积;光采激射,体寒目眩。 9、八月之望 [甲] 既加冠,益慕圣贤之道,又患无硕师名人与游,尝趋百里外,从乡之先达执经叩问。先达德 隆望尊,门人弟子填其室,未尝稍降辞色。余立侍左右,援疑质理,俯身倾耳以请;或遇其叱咄, 色愈恭,礼愈至,不敢出一言以复;俟其欣悦,则又请焉。故余虽愚,卒获有所闻。 [乙] 人之为学,不日进则日退。独学无友,则孤陋①而难成。久处一方,则习染而不自觉。不幸 而在穷僻之域,无车马之资②,犹当博学审③问,以求其是非之所在,庶几⑤可得十之五六。若 既不出户,又不读书,则是面墙之士,虽有子羔、原宪⑥之贤,终无济于天下。子曰:“十室之 邑,必有忠信如丘者焉,不如丘之好学也。”夫以孔子之圣,犹须好学,今人可不勉⑥乎? (节选自顾炎武《与友人书》) [注解]①[孤陋]片面、浅陋。②[资]盘缠。③[审]详细。④[庶几]差不多。⑤[子羔、原宪] 孔子的弟子。⑥ [勉]勤勉,努力。


2007年考研英语阅读理解部分翻译真题译文+题目翻译 但为君故 但为君故 整理组

Text 1 如果你打算在2006年世界杯锦标赛上调查所有足球运动员的出生证明,那么你很有可能发现一个引人注目的巧合:优秀足球运动员更可能出生于每年的前几个月而不是后几个月。如果你接着调查世界杯和职业比赛的欧洲国家青年队的话,那么你会发现这一奇怪的现象甚至更明显。 什么可以解释这一奇怪的现象呢?下面是一些猜测:a)某种占星术征兆使人具备更高的足球技能;b)冬季出生的婴儿往往具有更高的供氧能力,这增加了踢足球的持久力;c)热爱足球的父母更可能在春季(每年足球狂热的鼎盛时期)怀孕;d)以上各项都不是。 58岁的安德斯?埃里克森是佛罗里达州立大学的一名心理学教授,他说,他坚信“以上各项都不是”这一猜测。在瑞典长大的埃里克森,一直研究核工程,直到他认识到,如果他转向心理学领域,他将会有更多机会从事自己的研究。他的首次试验是在大约30年以前进行的,与记忆相关:训练一个人先听一组任意挑选的数字,然后复述这些数字。“在经过大约20小时的训练之后,第一个试验对象(复述)的数字跨度从7个上升到20个,”埃里克森回忆说。“该试验对象不断进步,在接受大约200个小时的训练后,他复述的数字已经达到80多个。” 这一成功,连同后来证明的记忆本身不是遗传决定的研究,使得埃里克森得出结论,即记忆过程是一种认知练习,而不是一种本能练习。换句话说,无论两个人在记忆力能力上可能存在怎样的天生差异,这些差异都会被每个人如何恰当地“解读”所记的信息所掩盖。埃里克森确信,了解如何有目的地解读信息的最佳方法就是一个为人所知的有意练习过程。有意练习需要的不仅仅是简单地重复一个任务。相反,它包括确定明确的目标、获得即时的反馈以及技术与结果的浓缩。 因此,埃里克森和他的同事开始研究包括足球领域在内的广泛领域中专业执行者。他们收集了能够收集的所有资料,不只是表现方面的统计数据和传记详细资料,还包括他们自己对取得很高成就的人员进行的实验室实验结果。他们的研究得出了一个非常令人惊奇的结论——我们通常称为天分的特征被高估了。或者,换句话说,专业执行者――无论是在记忆还是手术方面,在芭蕾还是计算机编程领域――几乎总是培养的,而不是天生的。 21. 文中提到足球运动员中的出生现象是用来__________. A 强调职业训练的重要性 B 聚焦世界杯上的足球巨星 C 引出什么决定了杰出表现这个话题 D 解释为什么一些足球队比其他足球队表现好


Exercise Unit 4 Translate the following passages into Chinese To a few of us here today, this is a solemn and most momentous occasion. And yet in the history of our nation it is a commonplace occurrence. The orderly transfer of authority as called for in the Constitution routinely takes place as it has for almost two centuries, and few of us stop to think how unique we really are. In the eyes of many in the world, this every-four-year ceremony we accept as normal is nothing less than a miracle. Momentous: very important, serious Mr. President, I want our fellow citizens to know how much you did to carry on this tradition. By your gracious cooperation in the transition process, you have shown a watching world that we are a united people pledged to maintaining a political system which guarantees individual liberty to a greater degree than any other. And I thank you and your people for all your help in maintaining the continuity which is the bulwark of our Republic. Bulwark: person or thing that support The business of our nation goes forward. These United States are confronted with an economic affection of greater proportions. We suffer from the longest and one of the worst sustained inflations in our national history. It distorts our economic decisions, penalizes thrift and crushes the struggling young and the fixed-income elderly alike. It threatens to shatter the lives of millions of our people. Affection: disease Idle industries have cast workers into unemployment, human misery and personal indignity. Those who do work are denied a fair return for their labor by a tax system which penalizes successful achievement and keeps us from maintaining full productivity. But great as our tax burden is, it has not kept pace with public spending. For decades we have piled deficit upon deficit, mortgaging our future and our children’s future for the temporary convenience of the present. To continue this long trend is to guarantee tremendous social, cultural, political and economic upheaval. Key: 对于今天在场的我们几个人来说,这是一个庄严、极其重要的时刻。然而,在我国历史上,这又是一个平常的事。差不多两个世纪以来,根据宪法的幽囚有条不紊地移交权力,此次照例进行。我们当中几乎没有谁会停下来想一想,我们确实是多么独特。这四年一次的就职典礼我们习以为常,可在世界上许多人看来,完全是个奇迹。 总统先生,我希望我的同胞们知道你为保持/延续这个传统作出了多大的努力。在举世注目之下,你在权力交接过程中给予的(精诚)合作,想世人表明,我们是一个团结的民族,坚决贯彻我们的政治制度,它保证个人能够享受比任何其他政治制度下都要大的自由。我感谢你和你的手下人为保持连续性而给予的所有帮助,这中连续性是我们共和国的支柱。 我国的事业总是向前发展的。合众国面临着极大的经济困难。我们现在遭受到我国历史上历

文献阅读与翻译 第一章译文参考

U1 General Description II. Translation 1. Put the following sentences into Chinese, using either literal or free translation. 1) It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity; it was the season of the Light, it was the season of Darkness; it was the spring of Hope, it was the winter of Despair; we had everything before us, we had nothing before us; we were all going to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way. 这是最美好的时期,这是最坏的时期,这是智慧的年代,这是愚蠢的年代,这 是从满信仰的时代,这是顾虑重重的时代,这是光明的季节,这是黑暗的季节,这是富有希望的春天,这是充满绝望的寒冬;我们拥有一切,我们一无所有; 我们正笔直走向天堂,我们正笔直走向地狱。 2) A greeting card can warm a heart, hold a hand, lend an ear, pat a back, light up a face, tickle a funny bone, dry an eye, surprise a child, woo a sweetheart, toast a bride, welcome a stranger, wave a good-bye, shout a bravo, blow a kiss, mend a quarrel, ease a pain, boost a morale, stop a worry and start a tradition. 一张小小贺卡可以温暖一颗心,握紧一双手,倾听肺腑言,轻拍友人背;它另 人喜洋洋,撩得心痒痒,抹去泪汪汪;它给孩子以惊喜,给恋人以温纯,给新 娘以祝福,给路人以欢迎;它可用以挥手道别,高声喝彩,遥寄飞吻,也可用 以弥补嫌隙,减轻痛苦,提高士气,解除忧虑,开创一种新风尚。 2. Put the following passage into Chinese. As an important means for preserving knowledge, various literatures have become precious resources or treasures for the mankind, which have greatly contributed to the social progress of the human race. Professional literatures have been regarded as “intangible assets” of the whole world because they are, on the one hand, the summary, generalization, and development of the achievements obtained on the basis of previous experiences or studies; and on the other hand, they have been accumulated and handed down from generation to generation. In this sense, therefore, all kinds of literature are records of precious research findings and academic achievements, and the crystallization of human civilization. 作为一种重要的知识储备手段,各类文献已成为宝贵的资源宝藏,大大促进了 人类社会的进步。 专业文献一向被认为是全世界的“无形财产”。因为一方面它们是对前人的经验 或研究成果的总结,概括和发现;另一方面,又是人类长期积累、世代相传的


课外文言文阅读(练习篇) 一】晏子之御 晏子为齐相,出。其御①之妻从门间而窥。其夫为相御,拥大盖,策驷马②,意气扬扬,甚自得也。 既而归,其妻请去③。夫问其故。妻曰:“晏子长不满六尺,身相④齐国,名显诸侯。今者妾观其出,志 念⑤深矣,常有以自下⑥者。今子长八尺,乃为人仆御。然子之意,自以为足。妾是以求去也。” 其后夫自损抑⑦。晏子怪而问之,御以实对⑧。晏子荐以为大夫。 注释:①御:马夫。 ②驷马:四匹马拉的车。 ③去:离开,这里指离婚。 志向和思考的东西。⑥自下:谦虚。⑦自损抑:克制自己,保持谦卑。⑧对:回答。 1.解释下列短语。 1)意气扬扬: 2)名显诸侯: 2.用现代汉语写出下面两个句子的意思。 今者妾观其出,志念深矣,常有以自下者。 3.选出理解 和分析有误的一项。( A.本文是寓言,简短精练,含义深刻,含蓄地表明观点、说明道理,说服力强。 B.本文非常细腻地叙述了一个故事,虽鲜明生动,但读者难以把握作者的真实意图。 国家大臣,似乎也不够慎重。 4.晏子是古代名相,结合文段,用自己的话说说他选用人才的标准是什么。 二】子鱼论战 1.解释加点词的意思。 宋人既.成列( 文中“宋师败绩”是因为宋公错失了发动进攻的时机: ④相:担任国相。⑤志念: 用这样的手法推荐 宋公及楚人战与泓(①)。 宋人既成列,楚人未既(②)济(③)。司马(④) 曰:“彼众我寡,及 其未既济也,请击之。”公曰: “不可。”既济而未成列,又以告。公曰:“未可。”既陈(⑤)而后击 之,宋师败绩。 注释】( 1)泓:泓水 2)既:尽,完了 3)济:渡过 4)司马:统帅军队的最 高长官,这里指子鱼。 5)陈:同“阵”,摆好阵势。 2.翻译下面的句子。 彼众我寡,及其未既济也,请击之。 3.用原文语句答题。( 3 分)


1.A strange thing happens to nearly everybody at night(英语阅读理解) A strange thing happens to nearly everybody at night. They turn off the lights, pull up the covers and close their eyes. Six or seven sleeping hours later, they wake up again. Strange, isn't it? 一个奇怪的事情发生在几乎每个人身上,并且都在晚上。他们关上灯,拉上了窗帘和闭上他们的眼睛。六或七小时的睡眠后,他们再次醒来。奇怪,不是吗? Sleep is a great puzzle. Scientists and doctors would like to talk about why one can't fall asleep. They are not so sure what causes sleep. 睡眠是一个伟大的谜。科学家和医生谈谈为什么不能入睡。他们不知道什么是睡眠的原因。 You will sleep best both when you are in good health and when you don't eat too much or too little. No worries and a comfortable place to sleep are important, too.你会睡得最好当你身体健康时,你不要吃太多或太少。不用担心,一个舒适的睡眠环境是重要的。 Strange things happen during sleep. For example, you often move. You would feel tired ever if you didn't move. You also dream. Part of your brain is still awake when you dream. Dreaming happens when the memory and imagination parts of your brain are still awake. 奇怪的事情发生在睡眠期间。例如,你经常搬家。你会觉得累,如果你没有动。你也做梦。你大脑的一部分仍然是清醒的时候,您也做梦。做梦时发生的记忆和想象的部分你的大脑仍然清醒。 Don't worry if you dream. Some great stories and poems were finished while the writers were dreaming. 别担心,如果你有梦想。一些伟大的故事和诗歌的作家会完成梦想。 根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)、误( F) 。 1. A strange thing happens to only someone at night.T 2. Scientists and doctors are both sure what causes people's sleep.F 3. When you are in good health, you can sleep very well at night.T 4. The writer means that some dreams are good for people.T 5. If you eat too much or too little before sleep, you won't sleep well.T 2. At the Barber's Shop 在理发店 Jack went to a barber's shop and had his hair cut, but when he came out, he 杰克去一家理发店剪了头发,但是当他出来时,他 was not happy with the result. When his friend Bob saw him, he laughed 是不满意的结果。当他的朋友鲍波看到他时,他笑了 and said, "What has happened to your hair,Jack?" 说,“你的头发怎么了,杰克?” Jack said, "I tried a new barber's shop today, because I wasn't quite satisfied 杰克说,“我今天尝试了新的理发店,因为我不是很满意 with my old one, but this one seems even worse." 旧的,但是这一次似乎更差。” Bob agreed. "Yes, I think you're right, Jack. Now I'll tell you what 他同意了。”是的,我想你是对的,杰克。现在我要告诉你 to do when you go into a barber's shop next time: look at all the barber's hair, 做的时候,你走进一家理发店下时间:看所有理发师的头发, find out whose hair looks worst, and then go straight to him."


翻译作业(1)答案 1.壮族(the Zhuang ethnic minority)是中国人口最多的少数民族,约有1900万人。 With a population of about 19 million, the Zhuang ethnic minority is the largest minority group in China. 2.超过90%的壮族人居住在广西,其余分布在云南,广东,贵州和湖南等南方省份。 Over 90 percent of the Zhuang people live in Guangxi while the rest is distributed in southern provinces in China like Yunnan, Guangdong, Guizhou and Hunan. 3.壮族人有自己的语言。壮语主要分为南北两大方言。 The Zhuang people has its own language which is mainly divided into southern dialect and northern one. 4.由于南方地区气候温和,雨量(rainfall)充足,壮族的主要农产品是热带和亚热带(subtropical)作物,如水稻和玉米。 The Zhuang people’s agricultural products are tropical and subtropical crops such as rice and corn due to the mild climate and abundant rainfall in southern China. 5.大多数壮族人的日常食物与汉族的并无多大差别。 The daily food of most Zhuang people is of little difference from that of Han people. 翻译作业(2): 改革开放政策(the reform and opening up policy)使中国经济迅猛增长,令中国社会发生巨大变化。同时,越来越多的农民工(rural migrant worker)离开农村到城市工作,在城市中担任建筑工人,工厂工人,餐厅服务员和司机。他们跟城市劳动者一起,把中国变成了世界工厂,为中国经济的快速增长做出了巨大贡献。然而,这一庞大群体却面临诸多问题,如缺乏工伤赔偿和子女就学难等。 词汇难点: 农村:countryside 建筑工人:construction worker 为...做出贡献:contribute to 工伤赔偿:workplace injury compensation Reform and opening up policy that China's rapid economic growth, the Chinese society has changed dramatically. At the same time, more and more migrant workers from rural to urban jobs, as a construction worker in the city, factory workers, restaurant staff and drivers. They together with city workers, factory of China into the world, made a huge contribution to China's rapid economic growth. However, the large group faces many problems, such as lack of inductrial injury compensation and the children go to school difficult. The policy of reform and opening up to Chinese rapid economic growth, the China


《伤仲永》阅读附答案 一、 伤仲永 金溪民方仲永,世隶耕。仲永生五年,未尝识书具,忽啼求之。父异焉,借旁近与之,即书诗四句,并自为其名。其诗以养父母、收族为意,传一乡秀才观之。自是指物作诗立就,其文理皆有可观者。邑人奇之,稍稍宾客其父,或以钱币乞之。父利其然也,日扳仲永环谒于邑人,不使学。 余闻之也久。明道中,从先人还家,于舅家见之,十二三矣。令作诗,不能称前时之闻。又七年,还自扬州,复到舅家问焉。曰:“泯然众人矣。” 李贺作诗 (李贺)七岁能辞章,韩愈、皇甫湜(当时著名文人)始闻未信,过其家,使贺赋诗,援笔辄就如素构(早就构思好的),自目曰《高轩过》,二人大惊,自是有名。 每旦日出,骑弱马,从小奚奴(带着小僮仆。奚,xī),背古锦囊,遇所得,书投囊中。未始先立题然后为诗,如他人牵合(牵强符合)程课(固定的格式)者。及暮归,足成之……(母)见所书多,即怒曰:“是儿要呕心乃已耳!” 1.从这两则文言文中可以看出仲永与李贺的共同点是。2分) 2.仲永的最后结局是“泯然众人矣”,而李贺则成了我国唐代著名的诗人。他们童年时的相同点和成年后的不同结果,给你的启发是(4分) 3.将下列文言句子译成现代汉语。(9分) (1)稍稍宾客其父: (2)其文理皆有可观者: (3)是儿要呕心乃已耳: 4.《李贺作诗》选段中与《伤仲永》选段中“指物作诗立就”一句意思相近的句子是(2分) 参考答案: 1.他们小时都很聪明。(意思对即可给分) 2.回答要点:(1)后天努力的重要性;(2)家庭环境及教育的重要性。以上两点,只要答对一点即可得满分,能从其它方面回答,言之有理,可酌情给分。 3.(1)渐渐地请他父亲去做客;或:渐渐地以宾客之礼接待他父亲;或:渐渐地以他父亲为宾客。 (2)那诗的文字和道理都有值得一看的地方;(3)这孩子要呕出心才会停止! 4.援笔辄就如素构。 二、 [甲]王子曰:仲永之通悟,受之天也。其受之天也,贤于材人远矣。卒之为众人,则其受于人者不至也。彼其受之天也,如此其贤也,不受之人,且为众人;今夫不受之天,固众人,又不受之人,得为众人而已耶? (节选自《伤仲永》) [乙]人之为学,不日进则日退。独学无友,则孤陋①而难成。久处一方,则习染而不自觉。不幸而在穷僻之域,无车马之资②,犹当博学审③问,古人与稽④,以求其是非之所在,庶几⑥⑤可得十之五六。若既不出户,又不读书,则是

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