初三英语总复习之 时态(附详解)

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1. So far, the population of this city ________ 7,120,000.

A. are

B. is

C. has been

D. has

2. He ________ wait until the rain ________.

A. won’t, will stop

B. won’t, stop

C. will, stops

D. will, will stop

3. —Did you go to Mi chael’s birthday party yesterday?

—No, I________.

A. didn’t invite

B. wasn’t invited

C. am not invited

D. haven’t invited

4. —I don’t know if Louise ________.

—She ________ if it doesn’t snow, I think.

A. comes; will come

B. comes; comes

C. will come; will come

D. will come; comes

5. —Do you know why Robinson ________ to college this year?

—He has changed his mind.

A. won’t go

B. didn’t go

C. doesn’t go

D. hasn’t gone

6. —Where is Mr Morgan?

—He ________ to the station. He’ll be back in an hour.

A. goes

B. go

C. has gone

D. will go

7. —What are you doing?

—We ________ flowers in the garden.

A. water

B. watered

C. have watered

D. are watering

8. —What did you do last night?

—I ________ the World Cup Soccer Championship.

A. watch

B. am watching

C. watches

D. watched

9. David ________Shanghai for more than three months.

A. went to

B. has been to

C. has been in

D. has gone to

10. —Did you go to Jack’s birthday party?

—No, I ________.

A. didn’t invite

B. wasn’t invited

C. haven’t invited

D. am not invited

11. Hurry up! The play ________ for ten minutes.

A. has begun

B. had begun

C. has been on

D. began

12. Don’t worry. She ________ you a call as soon as she ________Shanghai.

A. will give, reaches

B. gives, will get to

C. will give, arrive in

D. gives, will get

13.—What did the teacher say just now?

—He said that the earth ________round the sun.

A. went

B. goes

C. going

D. will go

14. He turned off the lights and then ________ the classroom.

A. leaves

B. will leave

C. is leaving

D. left

15. Wang Ping ________his homework and now he is watching TV.

A. has finished

B. finishes

C. is finishing

D. finished


1. C。由so far可知谓语应用现在完成时,且the population of. . . 作主语,谓语应用第三人称单数。

2. C。整个句子是not. . . until. . . 结构表示“直到……才……”之意。后面until

从句应用一般现在时态,主语为the rain,谓语动词用单数形式。

3. B。这组对话的意思是:“昨天你参加迈克尔的生日宴会了吗?”“没有,我没有受到邀请。”该题测试动词的被动语态和时态。根据句中提供的情景:问的是过

去发生的动作,答语也要用一般过去时,这样就可排除后面两个选项。根据主语 I 是“邀请”这一动作的承受者,要用被动语态,可排除A项。

4. C。这组对话的意思是:“我不知道路易丝是否会来。”“我认为如果不下雪,她就会来。”该题测试动词时态。根据“不知道……是否……”,说明“还没有来”,因此,要用将来时,这样就可以排除A、B两项。答语是个含条件状语从句的复合句,从句中用了一般现在时,主句就要用一般将来时,这样就可排除D项。

5. A。这组对话的意思是:“你知道鲁宾逊为什么今年不上大学吗?”“他改变了想法。” 该题测试动词时态。 this year 是一个表示将来时间的时间状语,且He has changed his mind表示“现在他改变了想法”是“今年将不上大学”的原因,故正确答案为A。

6. C。这组对话的意思是:“摩根先生在哪儿?”“他去车站了,一小时后回来。”该题测试动词时态。表示到某个地方去了,现在还没有回来,要用现在完成时。

7. D。这组对话的意思是:“你们正在干什么?”“我们正在花园里浇花。”该题测试动词的时态。问句是现在进行时, 答语也要用现在进行时。这四个选项中只有D 项是现在进行时。

8. D。这组对话的意思是:“昨天晚上你干了什么?”“我看了世界杯足球锦标赛。”该题测试动词的时态。last night 是表示过去的时间状语,要用一般过去时。

9. C。由for more than three months这一时间状语可知表示“在某地呆了多久”,故选C。

10. B。此题易误选A。这是由于忽略语境和草率做题造成的。很多同学一看到问句中的did或答语中的no,马上就选择了A。其实,这里的语境为“你参加了杰克的生日聚会吗?”“没有,我没有被邀请”。故正确答案为B。

11. C。此题易误选为A。这是由于思维定势引起的,很多同学一看到for ten minutes就想到用现在完成时。其实,begin是非持续性动词,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。与表示一段时间的状语连用时,必须使用持续性动词或状态动词。正确答案为C。又如:

误:He has bought the car for three years.

正:He has had the car for three years.

12. A。此题易误选为B或C。选B的同学是由于没有注意到as soon as的用法,as soon as引导的是时间状语从句,时间状语从句中要用一般现在时代替一般将来时。选C的同学是由于没有注意到从句的主语是第三人称单数。正确答案为A。

13. B。此题易误选为A。这是由于思维定势引起的,因为主句中用了过去式,那么很多考生认为从句也要用表示过去的某种时态。其实,当宾语从句所表示的内容是客观真理或自然现象要用一般现在时,无论主句用什么时态。正确答案为B。

14. D。此题易误选为A。这是由于草率做题,没有注意turned是过去式的结果,正确答案为D。

15. A。此题易误选为B或C或D。这是由于思维定势引起的。有些人一看到句子中的now就认为用一般现在时和现在进行时都可以,后面不是也用了is watching这样的现在进行时形式吗?有些人认为应该是做完了作业才看电视,完成作业是已经过去的动作,因此要选D。


()1.We’ll go swimming if the weather______fine tomorrow.

A. is

B. was

C. will be

D. is going to be

()2.It______five years since he has left for Beijing.

A. was

B. has been

C. is

D. is going to be

()3.Please don’t leave the office until your friend______back.

A. came

B. comes

C. have come

D. will come

()4.By the end of last year he______about 1500 English words.

A. learns

B. learned

C. was learning

D. had learned

()5.Listen! Someone______in the next room .

A. cried

B. crying

C. is crying

D. has cried

()6.You must tell him the news as soon as you______him.

A. see

B. sees

C. will see

D. is seeing

()7.He told me that he______to see us the next day.

A. comes

B. came

C. will come

D. would come

()8.We can’t find him anywhere . Perhaps he______home.

A. is going

B. went

C. has come

D. would come

()9.The teacher told us that the sun______bigger than the earth.

A. is

B. was

C. has been

D. will be

()10.Could you tell me where the railway station______?

A. was

B. is

C. will be

D. would be

()11.He often______his clothes on Sundays.

A. washing

B. washes

C. has washed

D. wash

()12.I’m Chinese. Where______from?

A. do you come

B. you are coming

C. you come

D. are you coming

()13.May______to school.

A. never walks

B. is never walking

C. walk never

D. never is walking

()14.We will start as soon as our teacher______ .

A. comes

B. will come

C. come

D. is coming

()15.How long ago______playing football?

A. have you stopped

B. had you stopped

C. did you stop

D. do you stop

()16.It______ hard when I left my house .

A. is raining

B. rains

C. was raining

D. will rain

()17.I think this question______to answer.

A. easy

B. is easy

C. was easy

D. will easy

()18. Don’t talk so loudly . Your father______.

A. sleeps

B. is sleeping

C. slept

D. had slept

()19.How many people does the doctor know who______of the disease (疾病?

A. are dying

B. is dying

C. has died

D. dies

()20.I______my homework now.

A. finish

B. finished

C. have finished

D. had finished

()21.He______for three years.

A. has joined

B. has been in the army

C. joined

D. has served the army

()22.His grandfather______for thirty years.

A. died

B. was dead

C. has been dead

D. has died

()23.I______ from my brother for a long time.

A. not have heard

B. have not heard

C. have heard not

D. do not hear

()24.Maths, one of the most important subjects, ______always interested him.

A. has

B. have

C. are

D. is

()25.—Did your brother go to America last year? —______.

A. No , he did never go there

B. No , he has never gone here

C. No , he never was there

D. No , he’s never been there

()26.He______ that factory since 1958.

A. has left

B. has worked in

C. has gone from

D. has come to

()27.Our teacher______to Beijing three times.

A. went

B. had gone

C. has gone

D. has been

()st week John______his leg.

A. felt and broken

B. fell and broke

C. feels and breaks

D. fallen and broken

()29.Jack______his thick coat because it was snowing.

A. puts on

B. put on

C. takes on

D. took on

()30.He______the picture on the wall.

A. hanged

B. hung

C. has hanged

D. was hanged

()31.Next month______twenty five.

A. has my sister

B. my sister will be

C. my sister shall have

D. my sister is going to be

()32.You______her again in a few weeks.

A. will see

B. have seen

C. had seen

D. have been seen

()33. By the end of last term we______English for two years.

A. have studied

B. have been studied

C. would studied

D. had studied

()34.Mrs Brown______in New York for three years before she went to London.

A. lived

B. had lived

C. has lived

D. will live

()35.When we arrived , the dinner______.

A. already began

B. has already begun

C. had already begun

D. was just begun

()36.I will go home for the holiday as soon as I______ my exams.

A. will finish

B. finish

C. finishing

D. finished

()37.When______, I’ll talk to him.

A. does Peter come

B. Peter will come

C. Peter comes

D. can Peter come

()38.My sister______to see me . She’ll be here soon.

A. comes

B. is coming

C. had come

D. came

()39.They said they______our answer the next day .

A. had heard

B. would hear of

C. would hear

D. will hear

()40.The old man said that light______faster than sound.

A. went

B. will go

C. travels

D. will travel


1-5 A B B D C 6-10A D C A B 11-15 B A A A C 16-20C B C A C 21-25B C B D D 26-30B D A B A 31-35B A B B C 36-40 B C B C C