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I The following sentences are in scrambled order. Some of them have to be combined by the connectives listed below. Combine those sentences first. Then arrange all the sentences in good orders so that they go together to form a paragraph.

1. So, in my opinion, among the four necessities, transportation is the big problem for every one of us at present.

2. According to the Chinese, there are four necessities.

The four necessities are requisites for human life.

The four necessities are clothing, food, shelter and transportation.

3. Shelter used to be a problem.

It has become much improved in the meantime.

4. The elderly desire that there are fewer bicycles ,fewer motorcycles, and fewer cars bustling about.

5. The first three are more or less resolved.

6. The big problem now seems to be transportation for the government officials.

The big problem now seems to be transportation for the people.

7. The executives hope for something.

Their cars are not held up in the traffic for too long.

8. Indeed, we are now at a stage.

We are comfortably clothed.

The attention of some of us has even turned to the fashion of our clothing.

9. The working people wish for buses. The buses are not too crowed.

10.As for food, we have edibles galore to satisfy our appetite.

11.The cyclists yearn for something.

The cyclists are not pushed about by motor cyclists.

Connectives: which, where, but, that, both…and…

II Put the following sentences into the proper order to form a note making arrangements. Work in groups of two or three.

5 August,20___

Dear Dr. Baker,

Thank you.

A car will be sent to bring you to the university at 1:30 p.m.

As previously arranged, you are invited to deliver a lecture on humanism at our university sometime in August.

Your lecture is now scheduled for Monday ,14 August, at the University Auditorium.


Mary Cooper


My Suggestions for the Teaching Reforms in Our Department

Lots of educational institutions are seriously considering reforms and some of them have already brought about reforms in one way or another. Your university / college / institute is surely no exception. What part should students play in the educational reform? Have you ever thought of this problem? Perhaps it is too complicated a problem for you to cope with. But at least you can make some suggestions to your Department on the teaching reform. In the following grid there are some topics concerning teaching on which you may give your views and make suggestions. Fill in the grid truthfully.

My Views about English Teaching and My Suggestion

My views

My suggestion




Teaching method

Now exchange opinions with your partner and discuss what specific suggestions you two can make and present to the Department. Write down the suggestions in the following grid.

Our Suggestions to the Department on the Teaching Reform





Now combine with two other pairs and have a group discussion. Sort out the more important issues first and concentrate on two problems only. After the group discussion, have a whole class discussion. Decide on some feasible reforms and give your suggestions to the Department as a class.



1. I’ve been feeling a bit off colour –l’ ve been feeling a bit unwell

2. Why don't you change your mind and come with me?--This is a question in form, but the speaker is not really asking for information, rather, she is making a suggestion.

3. Ouch, my toes! - Can you think of the situation under which Stanley says this?

4. the Alumni Dinner-Alumni is American English.lt is the plural form of alumnus, which