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Logistics Outsourcing—A Means Of Assuring The Competitive Advantage For An Organization














物流过程的目的是制定物流的基本规则 - 7R原则:要在正确的时间和正确的地点,以正确的客户在正确的成本交付正确的产品在正确的数量与质量。无视上述条件的任何一个,都可能导致客户的流失。因此,减少了公司的竞争优势,并降低了其市场份额。









据推测,外包物流服务(第三方物流的物流外包)是作为一个活动传递的一部分或全部物流功能,基本上是从非生产性质,外部物流组织即第三方物流供应商上定义的。物流供应商(LP)可以进一步被称为物流服务供应商或第三方物流服务提供者(LSPs, 3PLs, TPLs)。他们是在物流领域提供服务的贸易组织,执行单独的操作或复杂的物流功能(如仓库库存,运输,订单管理,物流等)及完成客户组织的物流链综合管理。






根据Armstrong&Associates 公司(1999)的要求,在仓储领域中的增值服务领域及运输优化的企业收入超过1/3,则属于非资产型物流供应商。


- 高品质服务的专业公司;





















原作者:George Baker

出版物名称:The Journal of Economic Perspective

出版时间:June 2006

Logistics Outsourcing—A Means Of Assuring The Competitive Advantage For An Organization

The Journal of Economic Perspective

George Baker


The logistics approach suggests integration of separate units in the delivery supply chain into a unified system of direct management of material and information flows targeting the accomplishment of the desired result with a minimum loss of time and resources.

The implementation of an up-to-date logistics management in companies provides more effectiveness. This means to use outsourcing. Logistics outsourcing brings to the reduction of stocks, order-to-delivery lead-time reductions and an increase of quality, expansion of production flexibility, lowering the cost of production, accelerated capital turnover. This guarantees lower production costs and better quality of deliveries, which is a decisive competitive advantage. The application of logistics outsourcing helps the rational allocation of resources to those types of business, which are worth competing and where the company has distinctive advantages.

So this work debates the application of logistics outsourcing as a means for ensuring competitive advantages for an organization.

Keywords: outsourcing, logistics, provider

1. Introduction

The competitive advantages, connected with the growth of globalization and innovations, begin to lose gradually their originality, and new competitive advantages come up in front-flexibility, order-to-delivery lead-time reductions, reliable and quality deliveries, and choice opportunities. The ability of manufacturers to join the individual consumer preferences together with their production process and system of planning will be a decisive factor in the field of competition. The solution of the problem with individual client orders is possible only by setting up of a flexible

system of production management.

Firstly, it will require the implementation of new and up-to-date concepts of production management like CFM (Customer Focused Manufacturing), SCM (Supply Chain Management) and technologies, based on the same concepts as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), CRM (Customer Relationship Management), etc. It will also require supply handling, synchronized with production and effective distribution based on the interaction of logistics intermediaries.

Secondly, it is necessary to optimize the transportation system both at a micro- and macro-level. The complex development of transport infrastructure is based on the standardization of goods and freight, means of transportation, mechanisms of handling cargo, delivery speed, widening of road and railway networks, improvement of service maintenance.

Thirdly, the information exchange plays an increasing part. Industrial companies have to interact in the field of information so that information can be accessed in the right form, at the right time, by the right authorities and in authentic type, protected from unauthorized use.

The aim of the paper is to examine the application of logistics outsourcing as a means of assuring a competitive advantage for an organization.

2. Contemporary logistics management and outsourcing

The aim of logistics process is formulated by the basic rule of logistics – the 7R principle: the right product with the right quality in the right quantity has to be delivered at the right time and right place to the right customer at the right cost. Disregarding of even one of the above conditions may lead to a loss of customers and, thus, to a decreas e of the company’s competitive advantages and reduction of its market share.

The logistics approach, unlike the traditional one, suggests integration (technical, technological, information and economic) of separate units in the delivery supply chain into a unified system of direct management of material and information flows targeting the accomplishment of the desired result with a minimum loss of time and resources.

The implementation of an up-to-date logistics management in companies

provides reduction of stocks, high predisposition of merchandise towards deliveries, order-to-delivery lead-time reductions and an increase of quality, expansion of production flexibility, lowering the cost of production, accelerated capital turnover. This guarantees lower production costs and better quality of deliveries, which is a decisive competitive advantage.

Besides lowering the operative costs, together with the logistics ones, one of the basic directions of the organization strategy is concentrated on priority types of business and operations. This helps the rational allocation of resources to those types of business, which are worth competing and where the company has distinctive advantages (technology, know-how, special equipment, and trained personnel). This approach can be defined as “core competence”.

The universal practice therefore is to use “outsourcing” more and more widely.

The term “outsourcing” suggests contraction or decline of one’s own business process, usually that, which is not the core one (not the profiling one) and/or that, which is not profitable for the company and passing it to a company, which specializes in this field.

The main advantage in the use of outsourcing is that it lets the organization focus on its basic activity.

Organizations can actually pass to outsourcing each of their functions or activities ranging from human resources management to logistics, information maintenance, payroll processing and even production itself.

3. Types of logistics providers

It is assumed that the outsourcing of logistics services (3PL’s Logistics Outsourcing) is defined as an activity which passes a part or all of the logistics functions, basically from the non-production character, to external logistics organizations – third-party logistics providers. Logistics providers (LP) can be further called Logistics Service Providers or 3PL providers (LSPs, 3PLs, TPLs). They are trade organizations, which provide services in the fields of logistics, execution of separate operations or complex logistics functions (warehoused stock, transportation, order management, physical distribution, etc.) and accomplishment of integrated management of logistics chains of the client-organization.

Companies may leave under the control of an external partner all logistics operations, including consulting, execution of the necessary surveys, and implementation of information systems. These companies frequently possess rich experience in logistics management, have at their disposal qualified personnel and developed infrastructure (terminal or terminal network, car pool, often even international transport agents).3PL providers are predominantly daughter companies, which separate from their headquarters (a freight forwarder, a company providing warehouse services, etc.) in order to satisfy the growing consumer needs and to offer them a wider range of services.

There are five types of 3PL providers: LP – carrier-companies, LP – warehouse operators, LP –freight forwarding & broker companies, LP –optimizing transportation services, and LP – software processing programs.

These companies may also be divided into two categories, bearing in mind another principle: asset-based companies and non-asset based companies, using outsourcing in their activities.

Asset-based companies possess or obtain through lease contracts means of transportation, warehouses, etc. Non-asset based companies conclude contracts with other firms, rendering all or part of the services in the field of physical distribution. Firms providing information services are a variation of non-asset based companies which act as intermediaries in the optimization of company’s logistics systems and interact with other asset-based companies on a contract basis.

According to the requirements of Armstrong and Associates (1999), over 1/3 of the revenue belongs to non-asset based logistics providers, employed in the sphere of rendering value-added services in the field of warehousing and to the companies optimizing transportation.

In addition to the above mentioned general advantages, the use of logistics outsourcing is being extended because of:

- High quality servicing by the specialized company;

- Growing flexibility of the company, using outsourcing;

- Synergic effect;

- Insufficient expertise among employees in the company, using outsourcing;

- Experience in companies, providing logistics services;

- Strategic reasons.

4. Activities that can be passed to logistics outsourcing

In logistics there is a multitude of complex activities, which can be passed for execution to outsourcing companies. These might include: management of inbound material flow (supply management), inventory management, and management of procedures for receiving and handling of customer offers, conventional and special packaging, transportation, JIT (just-in-time) deliveries, warehousing, information and software and hardware maintenance. Yet before a function will be passed to outsourcing company it has to be considered which aspects of the company activity will be influenced (e.g. distribution costs, supervision of the supply chain, company flexibility, customer service, seasonal fluctuations in product demand and/or implementing a new product).

When the issue of outsourcing is being decided, many companies reject it and maintain the distribution function on its own, because companies could possess warehouses, car pool, etc. This way or the other, the possibility of using outsourcing may be treated even in those cases, because the issue of exploitation costs is more important.

Besides personnel costs and costs for maintenance of equipment and premises (e.g. warehouses, etc.) there are other costs that can be difficult to include in the structure of the balance sheet (which are not less important). These are costs for transportation management, security costs, and costs for using means of transportation, information service costs, taxes, costs for regulation of administrative and personnel issues, and legal support.

Information is an important aspect in the company’s logistics activity and a basic source of control in the logistics chain.

There is an o pinion that the outsourcing of company’s logistics will lead to loss of control over the logistics chain. Yet many 3PL providers possess new, tested technologies, with the help of which, the processes of warehousing and transportation can be linked into a unified information flow.

Today the market conditions are changing rapidly and those companies, wishing

to be competitive, require quick reactions both from their subsidiaries and the companies, which are under contract for outsourcing.

The buyer is becoming more demanding and knowledgeable nowadays and his/her choice is wider than ever. The outsourcing organization has the possibility to quickly expand the existing market opportunities without attracting permanent assistants. It can also take advantage of its network of carriers, in order to expand the options for transportation.

The situation in a company may vary from survival to profit in accordance with the extent to which it satisfies customer expectations. It can be expected that the internal departments of the organization identify the situation more quickly and more acutely than the outsourcing company.

Yet for the servicing organizations to render services is a means for survival, hence their success is directly linked with the success of the client-company.

When an external logistics partner is being chosen it should be interested in discussing not only its own needs, but also the needs of the customers of its user organization. The logistics organization has to set standards for key parameters of its activity. Professional providers may implement a number of programs in order to maintain and improve the quality of their services. They usually include performance metrics in their contracts.

When they surpass their customers’ expectations they offer to discuss agreements on the basis of the participation in the division of profit, and when they fail to complete the set assignment they are ready to pay fines and forfeiture.

Many carriers of goods maintain a range of products, characterized by the significant seasonal fluctuations in demand. These fluctuations influence distribution and transportation volumes. The maintenance of own assets is also a prerequisite for generating excess costs. Outsourcing of warehousing and transportation services therefore is an adequate alternative to own car pool and warehouse premises.

When a company introduces a new product on the market this usually causes alterations in the logistics chain. Furthermore, commercialization of the product suggests two alternatives – the product may succeed in prevailing on the market or it may not. The external organization can improve significantly the effectiveness of

distribution by cutting the costs for maintenance of premises (e.g. warehouses), basic equipment (cars) and human resources (personnel).


我国第三方物流中存在的问题、原因及战略选择 熊卫 【摘要】我国物流业发展刚刚起步,第三方物流的理论和实践等方面都比较薄弱。本文指出我国第三方物流存在的问题在于国内外第三方物流企业差距、物流效率不高、缺乏系统性管理、物流平台构筑滞后、物流管理观念落后等。分析了产生上述问题的原因,并提出了精益物流、中小型第三方物流企业价值链联盟、大型第三方物流企业虚拟化战略等三种可供选择的第三方物流企业发展战略。 【关键词】第三方物流;精益物流战略;价值链联盟;虚拟化战略 1引言 长期以来,我国国内企业对采购、运输、仓储、代理、包装、加工、配送等环节控制能力不强,在“采购黑洞”、“物流陷井”中造成的损失浪费难以计算。因此,对第三方物流的研究,对于促进我国经济整体效益的提高有着非常重要的理论和实践意义。本文试图对我国策三方物流存在的问题及原因进行分析探讨,并提出第三方物流几种可行的战略选择。 2我国第三方物流业存在的主要问题 (一)我国策三方物流企业与国外第三方物流企业的差距较大,具体表现在以下几个方面: 1、规模经济及资本差距明显。由于国外的大型第三方物流企业从全球经营的战略出发,其规模和资本优势是毫无疑问的,尤其初创时期的我国策三方物流业,本身的规模就很小,国外巨头雄厚的资本令国内企业相形见绌。 2、我国策三方物流业企业提供的物流服务水准及质量控制远不如国外同行。当国内一些企业还在把物流理解成“卡车加仓库“的时候,国外的物流企业早已完成了一系列标准化的改造。同时,国外的物流组织能力非常强大,例如德国一家第三方物流公司,公司各方面的物流专家遍布欧洲各地。如果有客户的货物需要经达不同的国家,那么欧洲各地的这些专家就在网上设计出一个最佳的物流解决方案。这种提供解决方案的能力就是这第三方物流公司的核心能力,而不像国内公司号称拥有多少条船,多少辆车。 3、我国加入WTO后物流产业的门槛降低。在物流服务业方面:我国承诺所有的服务行业,在经过合理过渡期后,取消大部分外国股权限制,不限制外国服务供应商进入


中英文资料对照外文翻译 最小化传感级别不确定性联合策略的机械手控制 摘要:人形机器人的应用应该要求机器人的行为和举止表现得象人。下面的决定和控制自己在很大程度上的不确定性并存在于获取信息感觉器官的非结构化动态环境中的软件计算方法人一样能想得到。在机器人领域,关键问题之一是在感官数据中提取有用的知识,然后对信息以及感觉的不确定性划分为各个层次。本文提出了一种基于广义融合杂交分类(人工神经网络的力量,论坛渔业局)已制定和申请验证的生成合成数据观测模型,以及从实际硬件机器人。选择这个融合,主要的目标是根据内部(联合传感器)和外部( Vision 摄像头)感觉信息最大限度地减少不确定性机器人操纵的任务。目前已被广泛有效的一种方法论就是研究专门配置5个自由度的实验室机器人和模型模拟视觉控制的机械手。在最近调查的主要不确定性的处理方法包括加权参数选择(几何融合),并指出经过训练在标准操纵机器人控制器的设计的神经网络是无法使用的。这些方法在混合配置,大大减少了更快和更精确不同级别的机械手控制的不确定性,这中方法已经通过了严格的模拟仿真和试验。 关键词:传感器融合,频分双工,游离脂肪酸,人工神经网络,软计算,机械手,可重复性,准确性,协方差矩阵,不确定性,不确定性椭球。 1 引言 各种各样的机器人的应用(工业,军事,科学,医药,社会福利,家庭和娱乐)已涌现了越来越多产品,它们操作范围大并呢那个在非结构化环境中运行 [ 3,12,15]。在大多数情况下,如何认识环境正在发生变化且每个瞬间最优控制机器人的动作是至关重要的。移动机器人也基本上都有定位和操作非常大的非结构化的动态环境和处理重大的不确定性的能力[ 1,9,19 ]。每当机器人操作在随意性自然环境时,在给定的工作将做完的条件下总是存在着某种程


外文文献原稿和译文 原稿 Logistics from the English word "logistics", the original intent of the military logistics support, in the second side after World War II has been widely used in the economic field. Logistics Management Association of the United States is defined as the logistics, "Logistics is to meet the needs of consumers of raw materials, intermediate products, final products and related information to the consumer from the beginning to the effective flow and storage, implementation and control of the process of . " Logistics consists of four key components: the real flow, real storage, and management to coordinate the flow of information. The primary function of logistics is to create time and space effectiveness of the effectiveness of the main ways to overcome the space through the storage distance. Third-party logistics in the logistics channel services provided by brokers, middlemen in the form of the contract within a certain period of time required to provide logistics services in whole or in part. Is a third-party logistics companies for the external customer management, control and operation of the provision of logistics services company. According to statistics, currently used in Europe the proportion of third-party logistics services for 76 percent, the United States is about 58%, and the demand is still growing; 24 percent in Europe and the United States 33% of non-third-party logistics service users are actively considering the use of third-party logistics services. As a third-party logistics to improve the speed of material flow, warehousing costs and financial savings in the cost effective means of passers-by, has become increasingly attracted great attention.


基本电路 包括电路模型的元素被称为理想的电路元件。一个理想的电路元件是一个实际的电气元件的数学模型,就像一个电池或一个灯泡。重要的是为理想电路元件在电路模型用来表示实际的电气元件的行为可接受程度的准确性。电路分析,本单位的重点,这些工具,然后应用电路。电路分析基础上的数学方法,是用来预测行为的电路模型和其理想的电路元件。一个所期望的行为之间的比较,从设计规范,和预测的行为,形成电路分析,可能会导致电路模型的改进和理想的电路元件。一旦期望和预测的行为是一致的,可以构建物理原型。 物理原型是一个实际的电气系统,修建从实际电器元件。测量技术是用来确定实际的物理系统,定量的行为。实际的行为相比,从设计规范的行为,从电路分析预测的行为。比较可能会导致在物理样机,电路模型,或两者的改进。最终,这个反复的过程,模型,组件和系统的不断完善,可能会产生较准确地符合设计规范的设计,从而满足需要。 从这样的描述,它是明确的,在设计过程中,电路分析中起着一个非常重要的作用。由于电路分析应用电路模型,执业的工程师尝试使用成熟的电路模型,使设计满足在第一次迭代的设计规范。在这个单元,我们使用20至100年已测试通过机型,你可以认为他们是成熟的。能力模型与实际电力系统理想的电路元件,使电路理论的工程师非常有用的。 说理想电路元件的互连可用于定量预测系统的行为,意味着我们可以用数学方程描述的互连。对于数学方程是有用的,我们必须写他们在衡量的数量方面。在电路的情况下,这些数量是电压和电流。电路分析的研究,包括了解其电压和电流和理解上的电压施加的限制,目前互连的理想元素的每一个理想的电路元件的行为电路分析基础上的电压和电流的变量。电压是每单位电荷,电荷分离所造成的断电和SI单位伏V = DW / DQ。电流是电荷的流动速度和具有的安培SI单位(I= DQ/ DT)。理想的基本电路元件是两个终端组成部分,不能细分,也可以在其终端电压和电流的数学描述。被动签署公约涉及元素,当电流通过元素的参考方向是整个元素的参考电压降的方向端子的电压和电流的表达式使用一个积极的迹象。 功率是单位时间内的能量和平等的端电压和电流的乘积;瓦SI单位。权力的代数符号解释如下: 如果P> 0,电源被传递到电路或电路元件。 如果p<0,权力正在从电路或电路元件中提取。 在这一章中介绍的电路元素是电压源,电流源和电阻器。理想电压源保持一个规定的电压,不论当前的设备。理想电流源保持规定的电流不管了整个设备的电压。电压和电流源是独立的,也就是说,不是任何其他电路的电流或电压的影响;或依赖,就是由一些电路中的电流或电压。一个电阻制约了它的电压和电流成正比彼此。有关的比例常数电压和一个电阻值称为其电阻和欧姆测量。 欧姆定律建立相称的电压和电流的电阻。具体来说,V = IR电阻的电流流动,如果在它两端的电压下降,或V=_IR方向,如果在该电阻的电流流是在它两端的电压上升方向。 通过结合对权力的方程,P = VI,欧姆定律,我们可以判断一个电阻吸收的功率:P = I2R= U2/ R 电路节点和封闭路径。节点是一个点,两个或两个以上的电路元件加入。当只有两个元素连接,形成一个节点,他们表示将在系列。一个闭合的路径是通过连接元件追溯到一个循环,起点和终点在同一节点,只有一次每遇到中间节点。 电路是说,要解决时,两端的电压,并在每个元素的电流已经确定。欧姆定律是一个重要的方程,得出这样的解决方案。 在简单的电路结构,欧姆定律是足以解决两端的电压,目前在每一个元素。然而,对于更复杂的互连,我们需要使用两个更为重要的代数关系,被称为基尔霍夫定律,来解决所有的电压和电流。 基尔霍夫电流定律是: 在电路中的任何一个节点电流的代数和等于零。 基尔霍夫电压定律是: 电路中的任何封闭路径上的电压的代数和等于零。 1.2电路分析技术 到目前为止,我们已经分析应用结合欧姆定律基尔霍夫定律电阻电路相对简单。所有的电路,我们可以使用这种方法,但因为他们而变得结构更为复杂,涉及到越来越多的元素,这种直接的方法很快成为累赘。在这一课中,我们介绍两个电路分析的强大的技术援助:在复杂的电路结构的分析节点电压的方法,并网电流的方


英文原文出自《Advanced Technology Libraries》2008年第5期 Robot Robot is a type of mechantronics equipment which synthesizes the last research achievement of engine and precision engine, micro-electronics and computer, automation control and drive, sensor and message dispose and artificial intelligence and so on. With the development of economic and the demand for automation control, robot technology is developed quickly and all types of the robots products are come into being. The practicality use of robot products not only solves the problems which are difficult to operate for human being, but also advances the industrial automation program. At present, the research and development of robot involves several kinds of technology and the robot system configuration is so complex that the cost at large is high which to a certain extent limit the robot abroad use. To development economic practicality and high reliability robot system will be value to robot social application and economy development. With the rapid progress with the control economy and expanding of the modern cities, the let of sewage is increasing quickly: With the development of modern technology and the enhancement of consciousness about environment reserve, more and more people realized the importance and urgent of sewage disposal. Active bacteria method is an effective technique for sewage disposal,The lacunaris plastic is an effective basement for active bacteria adhesion for sewage disposal. The abundance requirement for lacunaris plastic makes it is a consequent for the plastic producing with automation and high productivity. Therefore, it is very necessary to design a manipulator that can automatically fulfill the plastic holding. With the analysis of the problems in the design of the plastic holding manipulator and synthesizing the robot research and development condition in recent years, a economic scheme is concluded on the basis of the analysis of mechanical configuration, transform system, drive device and control system and guided by the idea of the characteristic and complex of mechanical configuration,


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. , a . , , o? . 基于互联网的连锁企业的物流管理系统 N. ,. 化工学院,国立技术大学,15780雅典,希腊 收到2003年9月13日,在经修订的形式收到的2003年12月20号,接受 2004年1月27日 可在线二〇〇四年十二月十日 翻译曹蓝 发展基于互联网的应用工具 服务提供的商业景观的新机会,促进全球市场在业务快速推出创新的产品

和客户提供更好的服务。无论是企业需要的是,服务可以灵活地满足需求,并允许加速外包。反过来,开发人员可以专注于构建核心竞争力,创造客户和股东价值。应用程序开发,也更有效,因为现有的服务,无论他们在那里开发的,可以很容易地重用。 对网络服务的技术要求,很多今天存在的,如营业标准,业务应用,关键任务交易平台和安全的一体化和信息产品。不过,为使强大和动态系统的综合应用,行业标准和工具,扩大天的业务能力,对企业的互操作性是必需的。在采取了充分利用网络服务的关键是要了解什么是服务,以及如何在市场可能发生变化。人们需要能够在今天的平台和应用的投资,使开发人员快速而有效地实现这些好处,也能够满足特定需求,提高企业的生产力。 通常,有两种实施处理时,互联网的应用程序,即基于服务器和基本技术,基于客户的。这两种技术 有自己的长处对代码的发展和它们所提供的设施。服务器的应用程序涉及的动态创建的网页的发展。这些网页传送给客户端的网络浏览器和包含在和语言形式的代码。部分的的网页,其中包含形式和用户需求和的部分控制部分是静态页面的动态部分。通常情况下,代码的结构完全可以通过干预机制的服务器上的改变增加 传动部分和服务器实现基于如,,和语言等,这涉及到一个综合的动态网页应用程序开发的用户希望有关问题的特殊性(计算最短路径,执行路由算法,处理与数据库,等)是通过适当援引这些网页的动态内容的不同部分。在基于服务器的所有应用 计算在服务器上执行。在客户端的应用程序,小程序为准。用户的通信保障由著名的的机制,充当用户的代码。 一切都执行在客户端。在这种情况下的数据必须被检索,一次,这可能是费时的交易的一部分。在服务器的应用程序,服务器资源是所有计算中,这就要求有关的硬件和软件功能强大的服务器设施。基于客户端的应用程序与数据传输负担(主要是与道路网络数据)。有一个该补救方法,即缓存。一旦加载,他们留在浏览器的快取档案将在需要时立即召回。 就我们而言,客户端的应用程序的开发。主要的原因是从有关个人资料的


附录A The Cold Chain and its Logistics Authors: Dr. Jean-Paul Rodriguez and Dr. Theo Notteboom 1. Overview While Globalization has made the relative distance between regions of the world much smaller, the physical separation of these same regions is still a very important reality. The greater the physical separation, the more likely freight can be damaged in one of the complex transport operations involved. Some goods can be damaged by shocks while others can be damaged by undue temperature variations. For a range of goods labeled as perishables, particularly food, their quality degrades with time since they maintain chemical reactions which rate can be mostly mitigated with lower temperatures. It takes time and coordination to efficiently move a shipment and every delay can have negative consequences, notably if this cargo is perishable. To ensure that cargo does not become damaged or compromised throughout this process, businesses in the pharmaceutical, medical and food industries are increasingly relying on the cold chain technology. The cold chain refers to the transportation of temperature sensitive products along a supply chain through thermal and refrigerated packaging methods and the logistical planning to protect the integrity of these shipments. Specialization has led many companies to not only rely on major shipping service providers such as the United Parcel Service (UPS) and FEDEX, but also more focused industry specialists that have developed a niche logistical expertise around the shipping of temperature sensitive products. The potential to understand local rules, customs and environmental conditions as well as an estimation of the length and time of a distribution route make them an important factor in global trade. As a result, the logistics industry is experiencing a growing level of specialization and segmentation of cold chain shipping in several potential niche markets within global commodity chains. Whole new segments of the distribution industry have been very active in taking advantage of the dual development of the spatial extension of


外文翻译 题目:电力电子技术二 A部分 晶闸管 在晶闸管的工作状态,电流从阳极流向阴极。在其关闭状态,晶闸管可以阻止正向 导电,使其不能运行。 可触发晶闸管能使导通状态的正向电流在短时间内使设备处于阻断状态。使正向电压下降到只有导通状态的几伏(通常为1至3伏电压依赖于阻断电压的速度)。 一旦设备开始进行,闸极电流将被隔离。晶闸管不可能被闸关闭,但是可以作为一个二极管。在电路的中,只有当电流处于消极状态,才能使晶闸管处于关闭状态,且电流降为零。在设备运行的时间内,允许闸在运行的控制状态直到器件在可控时间再次进入正向阻断状态。 在逆向偏置电压低于反向击穿电压时,晶闸管有微乎其微的漏电流。通常晶闸管的正向额定电压和反向阻断电压是相同的。晶闸管额定电流是在最大范围指定RMS和它是有能力进行平均电流。同样的对于二极管,晶闸管在分析变流器的结构中可以作为理想的设备。在一个阻性负载电路中的应用中,可以控制运行中的电流瞬间传至源电压的正半周期。当晶闸管尝试逆转源电压变为负值时,其理想化二极管电流立刻变成零。 然而,按照数据表中指定的晶闸管,其反向电流为零。在设备不运行的时间中,电流为零,重要的参数变也为零,这是转弯时间区间从零交叉电流电压的参

考。晶闸管必须保持在反向电压,只有在这个时间,设备才有能力阻止它不是处于正向电压导通状态。 如果一个正向电压应用于晶闸管的这段时间已过,设备可能因为过早地启动并有可能导致设备和电路损害。数据表指定晶闸管通过的反向电压在这段期间和超出这段时间外的一个指定的电压上升率。这段期间有时被称为晶闸管整流电路的周期。 根据使用要求,各种类型的晶闸管是可得到的。在除了电压和电流的额定率,转弯时间,和前方的电压降以及其他必须考虑的特性包括电流导通的上升率和在关闭状态的下降率。 1。控制晶闸管阶段。有时称为晶闸管转换器,这些都是用来要是整顿阶段,如为直流和交流电机驱动器和高压直流输电线路应用的电压和电流的驱动。主要设备要求是在大电压、电流导通状态或低通态压降中。这类型的晶闸管的生产晶圆直径到10厘米,其中平均电流目前大约是4000A,阻断电压为5之7KV。 2。逆变级的晶闸管。这些设计有小关断时间,除了低导通状态电压,虽然在设备导通状态电压值较小,可设定为2500V和1500A。他们的关断时间通常在几微秒范围到100μs之间,取决于其阻断电压的速率和通态压降。 3。光控晶闸管。这些会被一束脉冲光纤触发使其被引导到一个特殊的敏感的晶闸管地区。光化的晶闸管触发,是使用在适当波长的光的对硅产生多余的电子空穴。这些晶闸管的主要用途是应用在高电压,如高压直流系统,有许多晶闸管被应用在转换器阀门上。光控晶闸管已经发现的等级,有4kV的3kA,导通状态电压2V、光触发5毫瓦的功率要求。 还有其它一些晶闸管,如辅助型关断晶闸管(关贸总协定),这些晶闸管其他变化,不对称硅可控(ASCR)和反向进行,晶闸管(RCT)的。这些都是应用。 B部分 功率集成电路 功率集成电路的种类 现代半导体功率控制相当数量的电路驱动,除了电路功率器件本身。这些控制电路通常由微处理器控制,其中包括逻辑电路。这种在同一芯片上包含或作


物流配送中心外文文献原稿和译文 北京化工大学北方学院毕业设计(论文)——外文文献原稿和译文 外文文献原稿和译文 原稿 logistics distribution center location factors: (1) the goods distribution and quantity. This is the distribution center and distribution of the object, such as goods source and the future of distribution, history and current and future forecast and development, etc. Distribution center should as far as possible and producer form in the area and distribution short optimization. The quantity of goods is along with the growth of the size distribution and constant growth. Goods higher growth rate, the more demand distribution center location is reasonable and reducing conveying process unnecessary waste. (2) transportation conditions. The location of logistics distribution center should be close to the transportation hub, and to form the logistics distribution center in the process of a proper nodes. In the conditional, distribution center should be as close to the railway station, port and highway. (3) land conditions. Logistics distribution center covers an area of land in increasingly expensive problem today is more and more important. Is the use of the existing land or land again? Land price? Whether to


附录外文文献 原文 Industrial Robots Definition “A robot is a reprogrammable,multifunctional machine designed to manipulate materials,parts,tools,or specialized devices,through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks.” --Robotics Industries Association “A robot is an automatic device that performs functions normally ascribrd to humans or a machine in orm of a human.” --Websters Dictionary The industrial robot is used in the manufacturing environment to increase productivity . It can be used to do routine and tedious assembly line jobs , or it can perform jobs that might be hazardous to do routine and tedious assembly line jobs , or it can perform jobs that might be hazardous to the human worker . For example , one of the first industrial robots was used to replace the nuclear fuel rods in nuclear power plants . A human doing this job might be exposed to harmful amounts of radiation . The industrial robot can also operate on the assembly line , putting together small components , such as placing electronic components on a printed circuit board . Thus , the human worker can be relieved of the routine operation of this tedious task . Robots can also be programmed to defuse bombs , to serve the handicapped , and to perform functions in numerous applications in our society . The robot can be thought of as a machine that will move an end-of-arm tool , sensor , and gripper to a preprogrammed location . When the robot arrives at this location , it will perform some sort of task . This task could be welding , sealing , machine loading , machine unloading , or a host of assembly jobs . Generally , this work can be accomplished without the involvement of a human being , except for programming and for turning the system on and off . The basic terminology of robotic systems is introduced in the following :


1. The Definition of Logistics After completing a commercial transaction, logistics will execute the transfer of goods from the supplier( seller) to the customer( buyer) in the most cost-effective manner. This is the definition of logistics. During the transfer process, hardware such as logistics facilities and equipment( logistics carriers) are needed, as well as information control and standardization. In addition, supports from the government and logistics association should be in place. Three major functions of logistics (1) Creating time value: same goods can be valued different at different times. Goods often stop during the transfer process, which is professionally called the storage of logistics. It creates the time value for goods. (2) Creating location value: same goods can be valued differently at different locations. The value added during the transfer process is the location value of logistics. (3) Distribution processing value: sometimes logistics create distribution processing value, which changes the length, thickness and packages of the goods. Like popular saying, “ cutting into smaller parts” is the most commonly seen distribution processing within logistics create added value for goods. 2. Logistics is a new commercial area, developing from the traditional stage to a modern one. The main differences between these two stage include:


疫苗供应链和冷链物流运输外文翻译2020 英文 Cold chain transportation decision in the vaccine supply chain Benjamin Lev Abstract Vaccines are a special kind of drug, the quality of which is highly sensitive to temperature and directly related to public health. Recently, numerous vaccine-related adverse events have occurred in the world, especially in developing countries, due to vaccines being exposed to inappropriate temperatures during their transportation. This paper considers the vaccine supply chain including a distributor and a retailer (hospital or clinic). The distributor decides to use a cold chain or non-cold chain to transport the vaccines. The retailer performs an inspection when receiving the vaccines. First, a basic model is developed to study the conditions under which the distributor will transport the vaccines via a cold chain or non-cold chain. Then, two common inspection policies (a single-step one and a two-step one) are introduced into the basic model to explore the impact of the retailer's inspection at the end of transportation on the distributor's original decision. We show that the retailer's single-step inspection influences the distributor to choose the cold chain option. Interestingly, we prove that the two-step inspection policy is less effective than the single-step one in this effect. We suggest that the


(文档含英文原文和中文翻译) 中英文资料外文翻译 原文: As the world energy crisis, and the war and the energy consumption of oil -- and are full of energy, in one day, someday it will disappear without a trace. Oil is not in resources. So in oil consumption must be clean before finding a replacement. With the development of science and technology the progress of

the society, people invented the electric car. Electric cars will become the most ideal of transportation. In the development of world each aspect is fruitful, especially with the automobile electronic technology and computer and rapid development of the information age. The electronic control technology in the car on a wide range of applications, the application of the electronic device, cars, and electronic technology not only to improve and enhance the quality and the traditional automobile electrical performance, but also improve the automobile fuel economy, performance, reliability and emissions purification. Widely used in automobile electronic products not only reduces the cost and reduce the complexity of the maintenance. From the fuel injection engine ignition devices, air control and emission control and fault diagnosis to the body auxiliary devices are generally used in electronic control technology, auto development mainly electromechanical integration. Widely used in automotive electronic control ignition system mainly electronic control fuel injection system, electronic control ignition system, electronic control automatic transmission, electronic control (ABS/ASR) control system,

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