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1.What can I do for you? 需要我帮忙吗?

Would you like me to help you ? 需要我帮忙吗?

Can/May I help you? 你买什么?

2.I'd like to buy/ I want to buy/ I'm looking for 我想买……

3.What size/ color do you want? 你要哪个型号/颜色的?

I’m sorry. We have sold out the coats in your size/color.

4.Do you like this one? 你喜欢这个吗?

What/How about this one? 你喜欢这个吗?

Which one would you like best? 你最喜欢哪一个?

What do you think of this one?/ How do you like this one? 你认为这件怎么样?

5.It's nice. 它看上去很漂亮

I'm afraid it's much too expensive. 我想这个太贵了。

6.Anything else? Do you have any other kind/size/color?

Have you got anything cheaper? 还有别的吗?

7.Can I try it on? Yes, please. 我能试穿一下吗?可以。

Can I try them on? Yes, please. 我能试穿一下吗?可以。

8.Is that all? 没有什么再买的了吧?

9.How much / many do you want? 你想买多少?

10.How much is it / are they? 这个(些)多少钱?

How much does it/ do they cost? 多少钱?11.

11. I’ll take it. 我买了。I'll have it. 我买了。

12.Here is the money. 给你钱。


I. 医生看病,检查身体:

1. What’s the matter? /What’s wrong? / What’s the trouble? 怎么了?

How do you feel? / How are you feeling now? 你感觉怎么样?

I have a cold / I have a headache. / I have a fever. 我感冒了/头痛/发烧。

2. When did it start? 什么时候开始的?About 8:00 this morning.

3. How long have you been like this? 你像这样多长时间了?Since last night. / For 2 hours.

4. Have you taken your temperature\Have you taken your medicine? 你量过体温/服药了没?

I want to take your temperature.我想量一下体温。

5. Open your mouth and say "Ah".张嘴说“啊”。

6.Let me listen to your heart. 我听一下你心脏。

Ⅱ. 病人:

1.I don't feel very well. / I'm not feeling well. 我感觉不舒服。

2.My … hurts. 我某部位痛。

This place hurts. 这个地方疼。

I've got … (a cough) 我有点咳嗽

3.I don't feel like + doing. 我不想…

4.Is there anything serious?/ Is it serious? 是不是很严重?


1.There is nothing much wrong with you. / It’s nothing ser ious. 没有什么大问题。

2.You (He, She) will be all right soon.你不久就会好。

3.Don't worry. 别着急


1.How often should I take?

Take this medicine … times a day. 一天吃 … 次药。

2.Drink enough (plenty of) water and have a good rest. 多喝水,好好休息。

3.You'd better stay in bed till … 你最好卧床直到……

4.You'd better take him (her) to the nurse, and she'll give (him) her some pills. 你最好带她去护士那里,她会给他一些药片。

5.Try this medicine, take it after breakfast. 试一下这个药,饭后吃。

Ⅴ. 其他:

1. I ’m sorry to hear it..

2. You should go to see a doctor/…. 你应该去看医生。

3. Have you seen the doctor? 看过医生了没?

What did he say? (医生)说什么了?


How can I get to…?

Can / Could you tell me the way to the …? Could you tell me how to get to the …?



. It’s at the end of the street.

. At the end of the road you’ll see the…. It will take you about half an hour.

. It’s next to/ in front of /behind th e / between… and / across from/ at the corner of …

. You can’t miss it. / You’ll find it. / You’ll see it on the left.


It’s about 15 minutes’ walk. It’s about 100 meters along on the right..


me to the …? 哪路车能带我去…?

Which bus can I take? 我可以坐哪路车?

Which number do I need?

You’d better take a bus.

The no.3 bus will take you there.

You’d better take the No.3 bus to the park.

Take the No. 3 bus and it will take you there.


拨电话方:1. C ould / May / Can I speak to …, please?