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Chinese Food Kitchen Management Service Agreement

签约日期:年月日 Date of Signature:


第一条、协议期限 Article 1 Term of agreement

第二条、乙方人员岗位及人数 Article 2 Posts and number of dispatched employees 第三条、乙方员工工作时间和休息休假 Article 3 Work time and off time of employee 第四条、管理费结算

Article 4 The management fee

第五条、乙方相关管理规定 Article 5 Management provisions relevant to Party B


Article 6 Settlement criteria, payment time and liability for breach of contract

第7条、甲方的权利和义务 Article 7 Rights and obligations of Party A

第8条、协议的变更和解除 Modification and Termination

第9条、争议的解决 Dispute Resolution

第10条、其他 Miscellaneous

甲方(酒店):Party A (hotel)

乙方:餐饮管理有限公司Party B: Food Kitchen Management Service Co., Ltd.


Through friendly negotiations and according to the Employment Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China as well as relevant laws and regulations, Party A and Party B (hereinafter referred to as both parties) reach the following agreement and agree to abide by its terms and conditions.

第一条、协议期限Article 1 Term of agreement


The term of the agreement shall be year(s), specifically from to . Either party shall give a one-month written termination notice to the other party prior to expiry of the agreement, otherwise the agreement will be automatically renewed for a year.

第二条、乙方人员岗位及人数 Article 2 Posts and number of dispatched employees 甲、乙双方经协商确认,乙方于本协议有效期内向甲方提供中厨管理服务并派遣中厨房工作人员。乙方负责派往甲方人员明细,请见“中厨房岗位编制表”,见附件1 。Both parties negotiate and confirm that Party B shall provide Party A with the Chinese food kitchen management services and dispatch its Chinese food kitchen employees within the term of the agreement. See Annex 1 Arrangement of Posts for Chinese Food Kitchen Employees for the details about such employees.

第三条、乙方员工工作时间和休息休假 Article 3 Work time and off-duty of employee 1. 工作时间:乙方员工在甲方工作期间执行不定时工时工作制。实行综合计算工时工作制或不定时工时工作制的,由乙方负责报经劳动行政部门批准,并告知派遣员工。 On-duty arrangement: The employees dispatched to Party A shall follow the flexible working hour system within the contracted working period. No matter either the combined or the flexible working hour system is followed, Party B shall be responsible for reporting it to the Labor Administrative Department for approval and such employees shall be informed.

2. 休息休假:派遣员工每周休息一天,将依法享受国家规定的法定节假日和用工单位规定的休假待遇。工作满半年之后,派遣员工每年可享有一次七天带薪年假。

Off-duty arrangement: The dispatched employees are entitled to enjoy one day off on a weekly basis, and all official holidays and the off-duty schedule developed by Party A. After working for half a year, the employees are entitled to enjoy a 7-day paid leave on a yearly basis.


Article 4 The management fee shall be settled according to the following scheme