当前位置:文档之家› 雅思写作分类高分词汇与句型







以上后面的要求同时包含前面的要求,也就是说,如果你的字数不到250,即使句型不错,一般很难得到7分,除非写出了9分的句型和词汇, A类同学不要吝啬字数。

























Arguments for zoos:

1. Preserve the rare species/endangered animals/wildlife. The habitats of some animals are being destroyed and therefore they are in real danger of dying out. Provide better conditions and professional care and


2. Act as an ideal scientific research center. Conduct experiments.

3. Play an educational role. Enrich our knowledge and widen our horizon.

4. As a tourist attraction, zoos boost the local tourism and generate tourist dollars by attracting people for a visit.

5. As a place of entertainment and recreation.

Arguments for tourism:

1. Boost the local economy, increase the government revenue, earn foreign currency and improve the living standard of the locals. Relieve the pressure of unemployment.

2. Enhance mutual understanding, remove hostility and prejudice, promote good will and strengthen ties. Maintain world peace.

3. Showcase the brilliant culture and glorious history. Promote

cross-cultural communication. Improve the image of a place. Increase reputation and upgrade the status in the international community. 4. Improve the living environment and better the basic facilities. Increase investment in infrastructure.

5. Improve the quality of the locals. Expose them to the outside world. Widen their vision and develop a broader mind.

1 conserve v.保存,保藏,保护(强调节约)。

"People have to learn to conserve water anytime, especially during the drought."

2 preserve v.保护;维持;保养;防止(食物)腐败(强调使不受破坏)。

The government preserves the rights of the individual person.

spent a lot of money to preserve the old castle and other places of historic interest.

保存;保藏You can preserve meat or fish in salt.

保持;维持preserve peace.

It is one of the duties of the police to preserve public order.

防腐Salt preserves food from decay.

3 reserve v.保留,储备(强调为某一特殊目的);订(座位),预定。

We are reserving these seats for my parents.我们把这些座位留给我的父母。


acquire knowledge传授impart 高等higher education 远程tele-education

素质quality-oriented education source of knowledge

课外活动extracurricular activities 奖学金grant 男女同校co-education school uniform take an entrance examination improve teachers' performance 培养能力foster one's capability 塑造性格 shape(mold) children's characters 有助于个性的发展facilitate the development of individuality 接受必要的教

育receive adequate education well -educated适应性强well-adapted l取长补

短learn from each other ~ s strengths to offset their own weaknesses 充分发挥bring into full play have a wide range of skills 发挥创造潜能use one's creative potential;· ad d to our knowledge about 设施齐全

(kindergarten)well-equipped facilities学习成绩academic performance 平均分average score从事兼职工作 take part-time job 差生inferior students 把孩子看扁condemn a child 为…负责be held responsible for 承担义务assume the obligation 推卸责任pass the buck(to), shirk one's obligations 父母子女关系parent-child relationship 报答父母repay one's parents 人才talented person 精英elite


不断进步的技术advancing technology

掌握新技术master new technology

跟上科学的发展keep ahead of scientific advances

2. telephone

交流工具communication tool电信telecommunication

方便快捷convenient and efficient 处理紧急事情deal with emergencies

被一些意外的电话所打扰be disturbed by some unwanted calls 闲聊casual talk,

(2) television

娱乐方式a way of entertainment 电视观众TV viewer 大量的电视报道massive television coverage 有教育意义的instructive keep us informed 呈现生动而真

实的画面present a vivid and real picture 了解国内外发生的一切learn what总happening at home and abroad 拉进了人们之间的距离shorten the distance between people 使家庭关系更加紧密make family relationship even closer,促进家庭的团结foster family cohesion, strengthen the让family ties占用许多时间 make up much time 上瘾be addicted to, indulge in , abandon oneself to 处于被动be passive使人变得更加被动make people more passive忽视户外活动neglect outdoor activities与外界隔离be isolated from the outside world 变得不善交际m unsociable近视眼 near-sighted 接触不良信息be exposed to some negative information误导青少年misguide teenagers 破坏健康的家庭关系undermine a sound family relationship

(3) advertisement

大众市场mass market 广告业advertising industry 广告费advertising expenses 传播信息disseminate information来源于derive from

obtain knowledge about where to buy the product

audiences be very annoyed about a long 1V advertisement 突然打断节目interrupt the programs abruptly 电视明星television personality 虚假广告fake(false) advertising 掩盖真相musk the truth 呈现生动的画面present vivid pictures 夸大exaggeration 盈利 make profits 为了追求利润for the pursuit of profit引人注目catch one's eyes 误导消费者misguide mislead consumers 迎合大众的口味( cater for the needs and taste of) journalist

(5) computer

computer literacy 便携 portable 多媒体multimedia 信息产业information Industry随着电脑的日益普及 with the increasing popularity of computers广泛使用计算机也e widespread use of computers创造奇迹create a miracle 前景广阔be promising 奇特的功能marvelous functions 准确性 accuracy 完美地完成任务accomplish the task perfectly


.A child usually has no knowledge of good and evil.孩子通常不懂善恶,Children have the ambiguous boundary between true and false,孩子没有能力分真假与善恶。

C hildren are innocent and ignorant.孩子是纯真无知的.

3.Children are naturally curious about what are happening around them,,

for example,drug abuse.

4.Children are self-centered, selfish, inconsiderate and rebellious. S. Children are so addicted to PC games Juveniles usually lack in the sense of judgment to' distinguish right from wrong, so they may be more likely to be distracted from study by the lure也at comes along with mass media.

7.Youngsters are the most responsive members of PC game players.青少年是


~Children are often obsessed with numerous fantasies.孩子们经常沉迷于各种幻想之中.


老人 the aged(elderly), old (aging) people, senior, senior citizens敬老院 nursing(retirement) home 代沟generation gap,大家庭a extended family 核心家庭

(小家庭) a nuclear setup 住在一起 live under the same roof 四世同堂(our generations under one roof 度过余生spend the rest of his life, live the rest of his days感到自在〈孤独) feel at ease(lonely) 退休年龄retirement age 暮年in one's twilight (later) years 工作权力受法律保护right of working that i~ given legal protection胜任be qualified for寿命life expectancy 退休金pension 社会保险费用social security payment积累经验accumulate experience年资深 seniority 睿智wisdom 保守conservative 老练sophisticated 可靠reliable 被(人们)尊为gain reputation as

、Social problems 社会问题

1. Crime犯罪社会稳定social stability 犯罪commit a crime 犯罪率高high crime

rate犯罪率惊人的增高alarming increase e青少年犯罪juvenile delinquency有罪be guilty of偷盗stealing盗窃robbery,劫持hijack行凶抢劫mugging 强奸raping 卖淫prostitution凶杀,谋杀murder, homicide, assassination 大屠杀

manslaughter, massacre纵火arson暴力violence色情pornography 赌博 gambling 欺诈cheating走私smuggling贪污corruption民embezzlement间谍活动espionage恐怖terrorism社会安全social security引诱seduce 溺indulge in抵挡不住诱惑 can not resist the lure惩罚punishment拘留detention无辜的be innocent染上坏习惯

acquire a bad habit误入歧途lead somebody astray走向极端go to an extreme走向犯罪head for crimes青少年犯罪juvenile delinquency 不良分子bad guy, evil people,死刑capita! punishment( death sentence)宠爱孩子spoil也.e child溺爱permissiveness, excessive care单亲家庭single-parent family双亲之间的利益冲突a conflict of interests缺乏家庭关爱the lack of parental love监护人

guardian, supervisor, custodian监管不严slack supervision引导; guide净化社会环境purify the social environment.


谋生make a living 靠.. 过活 take one’s living from 养家糊口:support one’s family 激烈的社会竞争: fierce(intense) social competition 社会负担:social burden provide more employment opportunity 着迷: be obsessed

with/revel in

找到一份称心如意的工作: hunt(find) a


洞察: have an insight into 做好充分准备:make adequate preparations 创业:build a career 渡过难关: pull through 跟上:keep abreast with 充分发挥:give a full play for 最大限度地发挥某人的潜力: maximize the potential of sb 关心物质得失:be concerned about material gains


公共交通:public transportation 汽车旅馆:motel 乘车者:commuter 汽车工业的

蓬勃发展:the drastic boom in car industry 以惊人的速度发展: grow at an alarming/amazing/staggering rate 涌进城市:flood the cities 大都市:metropolis 交通高峰:in rush hour 交通设施: transport facilities 抛锚: break down 伤亡:casualty 排出废气:spew/give off/emit waist gas 不可忍受的噪音:unbearable noise 严格的控制:rigid control 肇事者:perpetrator

遏制:halt/curb 松懈的法律:lax laws


tobacco industry non-smoker 被动吸烟者:a passive smoker 令人作呕的气味:an offensive odor 嗓子痛: have a sore throat 养成。。的习惯:get into the habit of 产生吸烟的欲望:spark the desire to light up 金钱的巨大浪费:tremendous extravagance of money

潜在的火灾:potential fire accidents 税收:tax income 提神:refresh oneself

缓解焦虑:soothe anxiety 增添生活的乐趣: spice up one’s lives


均衡的饮食:balanced diet 素食主义者:vegetarian

致命的疾病: fatal disease 营养不良:malnutrition 节食:on diet 方便食品:instant food 延长生命: extend life expectancy 心血管疾病:cardiovascular disease 精神疾病:mental disease 无法医治的疾病:incurable diseases


经历爆炸性的人口增长:experience an explosive growth in population

提高生活质量: improve quality of life/improve standard of living

减轻国家负担:ease/release/alleviate strain on the country


政府拨款:government funding 投入更多资金: allocate4 more funds on 减少预算:cut budget 资金紧张:financial strain 公共设施:public facilities

经济资助?financial aid 有很多空白需要探索: there are any blank fields waiting fro exploration 造福人类:welfare of mankind 传播知识和文化:disseminate knowledge and culture 起到教育作用:serve as an educational role 优惠政策:favorable polices


旅游业:tourist industry 观光:sightseeing 引人入胜的:intriguing 历史遗迹:historic relics 自然保护区: natural reserves 避暑胜地:summer resort 异

国风情:exotic scenes 民俗风情:folklore 风味小吃:local flavor snack 不同的文化背景:varied culture backgrounds 促进当地经济的发展:boost the growth of local economy 赚取更多外汇:earn more foreign exchange

消除偏见和敌意:dispel prejudice and hostility 增进国与国之间的友好感情:encourage international brotherhood 展示光辉灿烂的文化和悠久的历史:display the brilliant culture and long history 提高知名度: increase reputation 提

高国际地位:upgrade the international status 破坏生活环境:destroy the living environment 在有价值的文物上乱写乱画:scribble on the valuable relics


文化不同:culture diversity 不相容:incompatible 文化冲突:culture conflict 盲目随从:follow blindly 拆除旧房子:tear down old building 古代建筑: ancient architecture 民用建筑:civil architecture 吩咐精神生活:enrich spiritual life 优良传统:fine tradition 元宵节:lantern festival 端午节:dragon boat festival 中药:chinese herb 精华: essence 和叛逆个性出:live in harmony 因循守旧:adhere to old ways 冒犯某人的信仰: offend one’s faith 缩短文化差距: bridge cultural gaps 保护他们自己的传家宝:preserve their own heirlooms


男女平等:男女生来就平等:men and women are born equal 性别歧视:sexual discrimination 优于/劣于 superior to/inferior to 婚姻破裂:marital breakdown 经济独立: be financially independent 具有同样资格:be equally qualified 与share the same right as men

make great contribution to 付出更多的努力:exert more efforts than ,social status


1 animal:

栖息地: habitat 自然资源:natural resources 保持生态平衡:maintain the ecological balance 保护濒临的野生动物: preserve the endangered wildlife

人类和动物的共存:the coexistence of human beings and animals 实用价值:utilitarian value 过度开发:excessive exploitation 灭绝:extinction

逃脱不了被残杀的厄运:can not escape the adversity of being killed 虐待:maltreat 残忍:cruel inhumane barbarous 剥夺动物的生存权利:deprive the survival rights of animals 满足人们的胃口: satisfy people’s appetite

给盲人领路:guide the blind 抓捕罪犯:arrest criminals 传递信息:transmit messages 培养爱心:nurture a loving care 缓解压力:release one’s pressure 孩子的替代 the substitute of children 接触自然:get in touch the nature 培养环境意识:cultivate a sense of environmental consciousness 随地大小便:litter everywhere 咬伤和抓伤:bites and scratches 疫苗:vaccine


污染严重的:highly polluted 塑料袋:plastic bags 温室效应:greenhouse effect 浪费自然资源:squander natural resources 消毒剂:disinfectant 适者生存:survival of the fittest 商业化: commercialization 滥用:abuse

毁林:deforestation 不可弥补的损失:irreparable damage 生态灾祸:ecological disaster


education is playing a significant role in one’s life

●It is +adv(commonly, widely, generally, universally)+P.P.(believed, held,

argued, noted, accepted, recognised, acknowledged)+ that

It is universally acknowledged that water is indispensable to human beings ●One of …

One of the most pressing problem university graduates are confronted whith in today’s world is how to hunt decent job

One of the most frequently heard complaints today is that there is an increased work-related stress

●When 句型

When it comes to(asked about), the majority of people

maintain(contend,contradict) that

When it comes to whether children are engaged in some kind of paid work,some people contradict that it may exert an negative impact on the their study

●Whether 句型

Whether women should join the armed force or not has become a controversial issue A vigorous debate over the issue whether teachers are no longer important in pedagogy field or not has intrigued the general public

People often find themselves caught in such dilemma whether or not。。。。


Nothing in the world is more important than health

Nowhere in the world has the issue of tobacco been so much debated in our society Never before in history has the issue of treating animals been more evident than nowadays.

●There be

There is no +doing=it is impossible to do=no one can

There is no denying that the quality of our living are becoming better and better

There is no (use,good,jneed,point,harm) in doing 作某事(没用,不必要的。。)There is no use/need in further exploring space

There is no one but 。。。。(恐怕没有人不…)

There is no one but to succeed in his career.


Only when(if , in this way, by this means)+主语

Only in this way can the problem be tackled properly

Adj(adv,verb, preposition phrase) as + 主语+动词

Rich as our country is , the quality of our living are by no means satisfactory ●否定句

On no account(by no means, in no way, under no circumstances) can we + v(我们决不能)

On no account can we ignore the immense value of knowledge

Be far from satisfactory …

What the government have done is far from satisfactory


It is high time that 该是…. 的时候了

It is high time that the government regulated the amount of violence on mass media


It is fierce social competition that drives modern people to keep working hard ●插入语

常用表达( for example, in my opinion, as far as I am concerned, however, in most cases, to some extent, in the long run, to be honest

Space exploration, some people believe, will bring some unexpected discoveries Nowadays teenager crime rate, believed it or not, in on the rise in many countries


Let’s compa re two answers to a question.The topic is as follows: International tourism has brought enormous benefit to many places. At the same

time, there is concern about its impact on local inhabitants and the environment. Do the disadvantages of international tourism outweigh the advantages?

A Poor Essay - The following is a band 5 essay.

International tourism has brought enormous benefit to many places. At the same time, there is concern about its impact on local inhabitants and the environment. Do the disadvantages of international tourism outweigh the advantages?

In my opinion advantages outweight the disadvantages. Firstly, many countries like Egypt or Tailand live from tourism Lots of people work there as a seilsmens or tourist guides. These countries withou t support of tourists wouldn’t be able to funtcion properly.

Secondly, in countries visited by tourists are plenty of places where people just can’t pass because of rare animals or plants.

Another thing is that people like traveling and seeing new exotic places. They like lie on the beach or swim in ocean.

Furthermore, tourism is now more growing industry highering tousands of people. There are makeing new places to work and to have fun.

But on the other hand, people often forget that they aren’t the only beings on the planet.

Many tourists are living garbage just anywhere. Some of them wan’t an exotic souvenir so they pay for illegal things like dead or live animals or

some sculpture.

To sum up I think international traveling is a good thing but people must realise that there is something else besides them. They need to know that flora and fauna needs to be protected. People have to enjoy their holidays but alsow protect environment.

A Good Essay - The following is a band 7 essay.

Tourism is a very big industry in the modern time and is growing quite rapidly. Thousands of people travel everywhere to various destinations every year. Arguments have come up regarding the benefits and negative impacts of tourism in places and on its local inhabitants and environment; however, I believe there are more advantages than disadvantages of international tourism.

People travel for various reasons; we travel for business purposes, holidays, visit friends and relatives etc. Travelling is mostly seen as a recreational activity. Tourism has many advantages. Tourism can play a tremendous part in a countrys economy, the more tourists visit a country and spend money there, the better it is for the country; that way more money is circulated within the

country and even the stability of their currencys rate of exchange persists if not improve. Vendors and shops get to sell more goods and make an income. Tourism also has its non-monetary advantages; it brings cultures and people closer. People from all around the world get to share their culture with each other and even learn more. This is a good opportunity in education.

Tourism seems to have some disadvantages too; However, I believe the problems caused by tourism are not something that cannot be solved or prevented. A lot of people believe that tourism can destroy or deviate culture and causes quite an impact on visited locations, such as pollution and littering. People can adhere to their own beliefs and way of life if they want to; no one can really forcefully influence someone to change from their morals and ethics. Pollution can be avoided by increasing usage of environmental friendly vehicles used for tours and rents, warnings and visual education on littering and smoking, specific times can be allocated for tours to certain areas, such as peak times where local inhabitants feel uncomfortable due to too many foreigners.

Where there are problems there can always be solutions. Tourism brings great amount of advantages for any place in many ways and is a “win-win” exchange process. The very few problems caused can always be avoided or taken care of.


雅思真题范文精选高分黄金句型及例句 笔者(胡义祥--南京新航道人气写作主讲)注:以下12种黄金句型为雅思写作大作文核心句型。熟练掌握以下句型的使用,并灵活运用雅思写作大作文精准定位法,大作文得分7分左右(考生写作时要求不偏题,词汇使用恰当)。 一:被动句 1:As a result, the quality of the whole population had been influenced, and a country could never be expected to develop fast with a low education rate.(28) 2:Nowadays, a large percentage of young people being admitted into universities can be witnessed and a country`s population is instilled with a fresh flow of well educated people, which can lead to the prosperity of a country.(37) 3:Firstly, by setting up a special day, an organization can better promote a specific activity, thus more people would know what it is trying to tell them and their perception of caring and social responsibility would be further woken.(39) 二:形式代词IT 1:However, some of them begin to notice that international travel also makes it possible for criminals to conduct some illegal actions like evading arrest. (24) 2:Especially with the easy access to computer technology, it has been increasingly noticed that a growing number of people prefer to work or study from home. (26) 3:It can be seen everywhere that people in the modern world are under huge pressure and have to spend most of their time on their work or study, which, consequently, hardly does any good to the family relationship.(插入语)(38) 三:限定性定语从句 1:Dating back to 30 years ago when scientific technology was not accessible to everyone, children were more interested in traditional games such as playing poker or playing chess.(28) 2:On the contrary, a company or a school is a place where lots of people are bunched together and asked to do the same thing at the same time.(29) 3:Due to the large number of students` graducating from universities, more people seek for good jobs and the job market becomes the arena where fierce competition can be seen all the time. (32)


句型1: 前进类(用来论证好的方面) 1 profit from People the world over can profit from the advancement in motorized flight. ★2 A is an indispensable part of B. Advertising has become an indispensable part of our lives and it has been exerting pro- found influence on the way we live, work, play and learn. ★★3 something plays a pivotal role in… It is universally acknowledged that education plays a pivotal role in individual success. ★★4 enable somebody to do something Cultural assimilation enables newly-arrived immigrants to get ahead in the new society successfully. 5 get accustomed to something New immigrants must get accustomed to the local culture to succeed. 6 Someone can utilize something In this day and age, many individuals can utilize the Internet via computers or mobile phones. ★7 something is in the best interests of someone (最符合某人的利益) Preserving the endangered animals is in the best interests of humanity. 8 contribute to… Various factors contributed to his downfall Students should not only learn academic knowledge but also do volunteer work in com- munities, thereby making contribution to their cities. 9 something consolidates its status as the … English has been consolidating its status as the dominant language in the world. 倒退类(用来论证负面的方面) 1 …is attended by … (伴随着) The staggering advancement of technology is attended by severe pollution of the ecosys- tem. 2 The more…the more… The more vehicles on the roads; the more traffic congestion to occur. ★3 A can be attributed to B The proliferation of traffic accidents can be in large measure attributed to the traffic law not being stringent\strict enough. ★4 be afflicted with In present-day society, a host of countries are afflicted with chronic poverty. 5 deprive someone of something Modern cities deprive city-dwellers of fresh air and the comfortable pace of life. 6 something impels somebody to do … Peer pressure often impels youngsters to spend excessively on fancy clothes and accesso- ries(饰品). ★7 A has rendered B + 形容词或者名词, We must ensure that technological innovations will not render us slaves to high technolo- gy. The fast-paced way of life has rendered many people alienated from one another. 8 A recent study conducted by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences revealed that…(如果是教育问题用UNESCO,如果犯罪问题可以用the Chinese Ministry of Justice ,交通问题可以用the Chinese Ministry of Transportation,建筑问题可以用the Chinese Ministry of Con-struction,环境问题可以用HSUS and Greenpeace ) A recent study conducted by HSUS and Greenpeace suggested that there were over one million mammals(哺乳动物)in lab cages(笼子)today. 一个数据就说明了人类现在虐待动物的情况有多么严重。当然,请注意这里的数据编得不能太夸张,否则考官就会怀疑数据的真实性了。 9 be addicted to something In present-day society, many individuals are addicted to / preoccupied with various forms of gambling. 10 something is the root cause of…


第二部分、用于雅思小作文中间部分经典句型 1.最明显的原因_______,因此_________ The most obvious reason for this phenomenon is that ______________. Consequently, ______________. 2. 无论你喜欢与否,_____已经变得越来越流行,这是有原因的 No matter you like it or not, AAA has become more and more popular and there are many reason for it. 3. 对我们来说,改变这个不利的环境________是非常紧急的 It’s an urgent task for us to change this unfavorable situation: ______________. 4. 这个图片会让你想起一些奇怪的东西,这种现象还是会继续存在这个社会 The picture can reminds you of some strange, yet familiar phenomena existing in our society. 5.提供了大量的解决方案,一些人建议______,另一些人建议______ A great number of solutions are being offered. Some people suggest that ______________. Others argue that ______________. 6. 对于____,我们应该____ Confronted with AAA, we should take a serious of effective measures to cope with the situation. 7. 然而,______引起了许多为问题, However, _____________ may cause some problems. First, it is ______________.


雅思写作话题分类词汇 教育与学业 考试频率:★★★★★ Education and study 教育与学业 1、Teaching methods 教学方法 7、Generation gap 代沟 2、Educational facilities 教育设施8、Adolescents’/Teenagers’problems 青少年问题 3、Academic subjects 学校科目9、Studying abroad 留学话题 4、Computer and learning(teaching) 电脑与学习(教学)10、Taking a part-time job 兼职工作 5、Personal development 个人发展11、Parents’/Teachers’responsibilities 父母/教师责任 6、Physical and mental growth 身心成长12、Functions/tuition of university 大学功能/学费 真题重现 In schools and universities, some girls tend to choose arts subjects, while boys choose to study science subjects. What are the reasons? Do you think this trend should be changed? Some people think that the main purpose of school is to turn children as a good citizens and workers, rather to benefit them as individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 分类词汇加油站 1. scope of knowledge 知识面 2.lighten the burden of 减轻了…的负担 https://www.doczj.com/doc/8f11463720.html,prehensive knowledge 广博的知识 4.long-distance education 远程教育 5.enrich the teaching method 丰富教育手段 6.teaching\pedagogical methodology 教学方法 7.schooling 学校教育parenting、upbringing 家庭教育8.impart\inculcate knowledge 传授知识 9.multi-media teaching 多媒体教学10.vocational education 职业教育11.down-to-earth, practical 切合实际的12.enlightening 予以人启迪的13.perplexing 令人困惑的 14.the cultural diversity 文化的多元性15.insightful 富有洞察力的,有深刻见解的16.undertake the due obligations 承担责任17.exam-oriented education 应试教育 18.develop our creative mind 培养我们创造性思维19.widen one’s knowledge 拓展知识面20.realize the value of life 实现生命价值


与大家分享7个雅思写作高分倒装句句型,雅思写作高分需要大家能够用到一些比较复杂的句型,倒装句就是一个。倒装句句型在考生的雅思写作中并不常见,所以大家如果能把倒装句恰当的应用到雅思写作中就会产生一种意想不到的效果。 1. But unpopular as red has been in the past, at the moment it is a favorite hair dye. 结构:全句有2个谓语动词:has been和is.其中,as引导的让步状语从句是一个部分倒装句,按照正常语序应该是Although red has been unpopular in the past.句子可被拆分为, 1). Red has been unpopular in the past. 2). But at the moment it is a favorite hair dye. 翻译:尽管过去红色不怎么流行,现在却是一种备受欢迎的染发颜色。 2. Only when he has lost his way does he realize that he wasn't careful enough to make sure that he really did understand. 结构:全句有4个谓语动词:has,does realize,wasn't和did understand..其中主句的是does realize.本句话是以only开头的强调句,其所强调的是when引导的条件状语从句。第一个that引导的是realize的宾语从句。第一个that引导的是make sure的宾语从句。 翻译:只有当他迷了路,他才明白到当时自己不够谨慎,没有确定自己是否真的懂了。 3. Only by becoming wealthier can countries correct these conditions. 结构:全句只有1个谓语动词:can correct.本句话是以only开头的强调句,其所强调的是方式状语by becoming wealthier.按照正常语序应该是:Countries can correct these conditions only by becoming wealthier.由only引导的倒装句句型是可以在雅思写作中发挥很大作用的,因为only表达的意思的唯一性和句式的复杂性都可以吸引考官。 翻译:一个国家只有通过变得富强才能纠正这些问题。 4. Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. 结构:全句有3个谓语动词:were,should have和should hesitate.其中主句的是:should hesitate.本句是一个条件式虚拟倒装句。前半部分是一个if引导的条件状语从句,按照正常语序为:If it were left to me to decide…。whether引导的是decide的宾语从句。 翻译:如果由我来决定是有政府无报纸还是有报纸无政府,我会毫不犹豫选择后者。 5. Out of our emotional experience with objects and events comes a social feeling of a greement that certain things and actions are “good” and others are “bad”.


EVA句型团笔记 DAY 1(主系表句型) 平庸,甚至错误句型: there are more and more peopl e study abroad [2个谓语动词] with the d evel opment of technol ogy, friends become more and more important [没有逻辑关系] 英文思维:主次分明,注重逻辑;(效率/不会产生歧义) 主语:发出动作宾语:动作的接受者 思维决定了语言表达 中英文句型直观的差异: 1.语序——先主干,后次要 2.词性和成分一一对应——动词 五大句子基本类型: 1. 主谓 2. 主谓宾 3. 主系表 4. 主谓宾1宾2 5. 主谓宾宾补 核心思维: 主系表句型 eg1:新鲜空气对健康有益 Fresh air is beneficial to health. Health can benefit from fresh air a lot. Fresh air contributes to promoting health. 注意:有许多系动词可以使用,be动词是其中较为简单的一种。 句型一:A(人/物)+ be. + adj.(怎么回事)+ to B(针对于谁来说) 注意点:1. Be 2. 位置,语序 A is beneficial/harmful/d etrimental/superior/inferior to B eg2.过度的工作对工作者的身体有害(overwork v.) Excessive work is d etrimental to worker’s health. Working for excessive hours does harm to worker’s health. It is unhealthy for workers to work excessively. Overworking throws shad ow on worker’s health. 英文基本原则:一个句子有且只有一个谓语动词


雅思写作高频词汇分类汇总 1.advanced science 尖端科学 2.scientific invention 科学发明 3.exert a far-reaching impact on…对…产生一种深远的影响 4.double-edged sword 双刃剑 5.earth-shaking changes 翻天覆地的改变 6.pay the way for the future development 为未来的发展铺平道路 https://www.doczj.com/doc/8f11463720.html,y a solid foundation for…为…打下良好的基础 8.energy crisis 能源危机 9.depletion of resources 能源消耗 https://www.doczj.com/doc/8f11463720.html,estone 里程碑 11.sophisticated equipment 尖端设备 12.technical innovation 科技创新 13.expediency 权宜之计 14.antithetical 与…背道而驰的 15.over-commercialized 过渡商业化的 16.a heated discussion 热烈的讨论 17.exhaust gas 废气 18.disastrous 灾难性的 19.overshadow 使…相形见绌 https://www.doczj.com/doc/8f11463720.html,pared to/with…与…相比 https://www.doczj.com/doc/8f11463720.html,her in 引领 22.speedy and comfortable 既快捷又舒适 23.opposite forces 负面影响 24.a fatal breakdown 致命故障 25.potential hazards 潜在危险 26.pose a threat to…对…有一种威胁 27.promote relative industries 促进相关产业发展 28.accelerate 加速… 29.means of transportation 交通方式 30.transportation tools 交通工具 31.social status 社会地位 32.environmentally-friendly resources 环保的能源 33.make people’s life easier 使人们生活更方便 34.alternative fuel 可替代燃料 35.sustainable development 可持续性发展 36.scientific exploration 科学探索 37.air travel 航空旅行 38.ridiculous 可笑的 39.absurd 荒唐的 40.substitute 取代



关于雅思写作句式:14种句式变换(高分内容) 谁都知道写作文句式单调不是好事,但却很少有人能参透到底怎样才能让句子丰富多样。传说中的句式多样化一直高深莫测,让考生们想当郁闷。 如果你的写作单项目标是6.5或者7分的话,请把下面这些剑桥范文变化句式的不宣之秘熟练掌握而且积极使用。对于只需要6分的同学,如果今天还不是很累,也不妨很快地看看以便有个印象。考官们,不好意思,是pat出卖了你们“压箱底”的宝贝…… A句首状语提前 雅思写作里状语提前是一种相当拿分的句式,遗憾的是很多同学却没有意识到: 所谓状语提前就是把一个由副词、介词、现在分词或动词不定式形成的小短语放在句首。这种句式最大的好处就是在一堆长句子里突然出现一个短语,让句子产生一种长短结合的节奏感。 剑桥考官范文中的状语提前能够用“海量”一词来形容,请大家认真体会下面的剑桥例句中

放在句首的状语所产生的效果: ◆B ecause it is more likely(更有可能的) now that both parents work,there is little opportunity for children to stay in their own home up to that age. instead, they will probably go t a nursery school (幼儿园,与nursing home 不同) when they are much younger. ◆O verall, i think an ability to keep clear perspective(视角) in life is a more essential(重要的,核心的) factor in achieving happiness. ◆U nfortunately, professionals from other fields who make a much greater contribution to human society, are paid so much less that it is hard to disagree with the statement. ◆I n spite of this, the obvious benefits of computer skills for young children cannot be denied. ◆I n addition to the financial benefits, some jobs bring intellectually rewards

雅思小作文必备词汇和句型 (基础版)

雅思小作文基础词汇句型 Yicheng 必备同义词替换: 展示,提供(首句谓语动词): show/ describe/ indicate/ illustrate/ provide 占百分之多少:Account for/ make up/ provide/ represent/ occupy … with… 趋势:trend/ tendency 数据:number/ data/ figure 百分比,比例:percentage/ proportion 类别:category / type/ kind/ group 然后:thereafter(替换then), after that e.g. Thereafter, the number of cases dropped slowly to about 2800 in September. 从前,过去:formerly (代替past) e.g. Many formerly inaccessible places are now reached by road and rail. 段落中的连接词: 同样的:likewise 同时:meanwhile 并且:moreover 但是:however,whereas 相反:conversely 相比之下:by comparison, in contrast, compared with sth, comparatively 四大趋势灵活表达总结:上升,下降,波动,不变

Task 1 的六大句型 (一) 开头段 The table / line graph / bar chart / pie chart / graph / chart shows / illustrates /describes / … 这个表格/ 曲线图/ 柱状图/ 饼图/ 图表/ 显示了… … (二) 描述“上升、下降、不变、波动” (各个对象在一段时间内进行变化) 1.There was / is / wil be a (+adj.) + n. in the number / percentage of A(数据+) 时间 A是对象的名字(图表中肯定有,照着写) n. 是表示“上升、下降、不变、波动”的名词 (1) 表示“增加(上升)”的名词increase / rise / growth / jump / surge / boom (2) 表示“减少(下降)”的名词decrease / decline / fall / reduction / drop / slump (3 )表示“波动”的名词fluctuation (4 )表示“不变”的名词no/little change adj.是形容词 (1 ) 表示“快速的,剧烈的,显著的”的形容词rapid/ sharp/ significant/ dramatic/ drastic (2 ) 表示“逐步的,适度的,稳定的,慢的,一点点的”的形容词Gradual / moderate / steady / slow


雅思写作基础段教学大纲 课程名称:雅思写作基础段 课程周期:16小时 课程安排:2小时 / 次;共8次 教学目标: 教学安排: 第一次:雅思写作task 1整体介绍;task 1常用词汇及运用 第二次:雅思写作task 1常见图表介绍及相应的表达 第三次:雅思写作task 2整体介绍和常用词汇及运用 第四次:雅思写作task 2分类介绍与背景构建 第五次:雅思写作task 2常用表达运用及强化进阶 第六次:雅思写作task 1 和task 2 混合基础分场景共建 第七次:雅思写作task 1和task 2混合表达及词汇共建 第八次:雅思写作基础段总结及强化段铺垫与衔接 雅思写作强化段教学大纲 课程名称:雅思写作强化段 课程周期:12小时 课程安排:2小时 / 次;共6次 教学目标: 在进行了起步段和基础段之后,通过强化段的课程来帮助学生更深入地理解雅思写作考试。帮助学生解决备考中的关键性问题——思维发散。通过强化段的课程来提高学生在雅思写 作方面的应试能力。 教学安排: 第一次:雅思写作task 1图表分类强化 第二次:雅思写作task 1图表分类强化 第三次:雅思写作task 1图表分类强化 第四次:雅思写作task 2分类强化 第五次:雅思写作task 2分类强化 第六次:雅思写作task 2分类强化篇二:定制雅思教学计划 雅思阅读【总学时】 24学时 教材选用 《剑桥雅思考试全真试题4-9》外语教研社 第一阶段:第一个月(4次*2h) 教学重点:基础词汇积累&定位信息,关键词的基本能力 授课内容: 1,扩充雅思基础阅读词汇。 2,学会寻找关键词,在原文中快速定位,教授雅思阅读中常见的3种题型:1heading sentence(找标题)summary(摘要填空) ture/false/not given(是非题) 再陈述与推理及true, false, not given 题的技巧。 培养学生雅思判断题需要的逻辑思维 4,教会学生读文章的步骤,利用文章中的图片图表信息做题。 模考安排:每4次课一次单科模考和分析反馈 第二阶段:第二个月(4次*2h) 教学重点:猜词与复杂句,基本题型的操练 授课内容:1,词根,词缀,词性,利用上下文猜词的能力;十大句子关系。 学会如何判断词性,句子成分,如何判断区分有用与无用的生词。 3,快速找到复杂句的重点,根据复杂句完成简单的问题;


雅思大作文高分句型 I. 不要总是以有生命的名词或者人称代词开头。 屌丝:People experience many great changes in the last half century. 高分:文章原句 技巧:找到原句中的非生命名词短语,把它变成主语。 屌丝:Because the rich and powerful people impose the changes (such as in working conditions or property developments) that depends on them. 高分:文章原句 技巧:使用强调结构。在强调的内容前加上it is,强调的内容后加上who/that, 公式就是It is + 强调内容+ that + 非强调内容 屌丝:Many people think birth control is quite necessary in China. 高分:It is widely(commonly) thought/believed/held/accepted that birth control is quite necessary. 技巧:使用主语从句。Many people think...= It is widely(commonly) thought/believed/held/accepted that..... 屌丝:Many Chinese people have gone to the Unite States in the past 15 years. 高分:The past 15 years have bought many Chinese people to the United States. 技巧:用时间做主语,效果非常好。The last half of the 20th century has seen/witnessed many great breakthrough in every aspect. 练习: 1.In many of these countries, this increasing number of visitors (mostly from western countries) has caused problems like drug abuse and alcoholism. 2.Because only rich people have enough money to travel overseas, poorer countries such as Thailand and Indonesia have become the playgrounds of wealtheir nations. II.英语中被动使用频率远远高于汉语 屌丝:They make a lot of innovations to make money for a few people. 高分:文章原句 技巧:宾语变主语 屌丝:We may think more of the elderly who live apart from their children. 高分:More thought may be given to the elderly who live apart from their children. 技巧:动词变名词。 练习: 1.We produce millions of tons of pollutions every day. 2.Nowadays sophisticated computer games fascinate every child. III.不要总是用“如果”、“因为”、“当”等口语意味较重的句子。不要对动词过于依赖,要


Topic one 1.to cultivate one's independence 培养独立性 2.to develop a strong sense of responsibility 培养强烈的责任感 3.to foster a sense of competition and cooperation 培养竞争和合作感 4.be necessary to sth 对...是必要的 5.in one's future career/development 在未来的事业发展中 6.to enhance one's social awareness/consciousness/realization 提高人们的社 会意识 7.to become more socially adaptable 更具社会适应性 8.to keep pace with the outside world 跟上外面世界的步伐 9.to build up/ establish one's confidence 建立自信 10.offer somebody a sense of achievement/ accomplishment 给与成就感 11.to actualize/realize one's value and capability 实现价值与能力 12.to make money/earn money 挣钱 13.to form a good habit of frugality/thrift 养成勤俭的习惯 14.to provide a chance/opportunity for sb 提供机会 15.to apply A into B 把A应用到B 中 16.to apply for sth 申请 17.in return/in reward 作为回报 18.obtain/acquire/reap/gain/attain 获取 19.cooperate and compromise 合作与妥协 20.to master interpersonal skills 掌握人际关系技巧 21.to ease/lessen/relieve financial strain/burden 缓解经济压力和负担 22.to enjoy a more colorful and interesting campus life 享受多彩和有趣的校园 生活 23.to widen one's horizon 拓宽视野 24.to shape one's character 塑造性格 25.to exert a negative/adverse impact on one's study and life 对学习很生活产 生负面的影响 26.to have a positive influence on sth/sb对学习很生活产生正面的影响 27.take up/occupy one’s space and time 占用时间和空间 28.the sole task/ the main task 主要任务 29.to make the best of/ to make full use of/ to take the advantage of 充分利用 30.be essential to/be fundamental to/ be basic to 对...是很根本的 31.be mature and rational/be immature and irrational 成熟和理性的/或相反 32.be vulnerable to/ be exposed to 对...是敏感的/暴露在... 33.social evils 社会罪恶 34.to go astray/be led into traps/to become lost sheep/to fall down the slippery slope 误入歧途 35.to tell/distinguish/differentiate right from wrong 明辨是非


常用万能句型: 1、Nothing has received more praise and abuse than something 译文:没有什么能像…这样毁誉参半。 2、There is no doubt that 译文:毫无疑问 3、The reason why + 句子~~~ is that + 句子 译文:之所以…主要在于 4 、So + 形容词+ be + 主词+ that + 句子(如此…以至于…) 译文:如此…因此 5、It is conceivable that + 句子 译文:可想而知 6 、Leave much to be desired 译文:…远不能令人满意 7、The most obvious reason for this phenomenon is that 译文:造成该现象的最主要原因在于 8 、A is to B what C is to D 译文:A 对于B 就恰如C对于D 9 、There are probably many reasons contributing to this phenomenon 译文:造成该现象的原因有许多。 10、When it comes to ……, 译文:一谈到… 11、No one can deny the fact that…

译文:没有人能否认 12、To be sure, the topic concerning ……can always attract our eyes 译文:无疑,有关…话题总是能够引起人们的关注 13、Never has …failed to fascinate us in modern society 译文:在当代社会…总是能够引起人们的关注 14、Simply put,… 译文:简而言之, 15、It is no overstatement to say that 译文:可以毫不夸张地说 16、…is a good case in point 译文:…就是一个绝佳的例子 17、People assume different attitudes towards this issue 译文:人们对该问题的观点不一而同。 18、As is widely-accepted,… 译文:众所周知, 19、To conclude,… 译文:总之, 20、Nothing is further from the truth than this opinion 译文:没有任罕菊净种说法比这种观点更加荒唐了。 21、There is an element of truth in both opinions 译文:这两种观点都有其可取之处。 22、Another consideration in this case is that…

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