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Correspondence :Jian 2ping L IU ,MD ,Professor ;Tel :010*********;E 2mail :jianping_l @

Editorial 专论 






Liu J P.J Chin I nteg r Med.2009;7(6):5052508.

Received April 13,2009;accepted April 24,2009;published online J une 15,2009.

Indexed/abstracted in and f ull text link 2out at PubMed.Journal title in PubMed :Zhong X i Yi J ie He X ue B ao.Free f ull text (H TML and PDF )is available at .Forward linking and reference linking via CrossRef.DOI :10.3736/jcim20090602Open Access

Evi de nce 2bas e d m e dici ne a n d i n di vi d ualiz e d heal t h care

J ian 2ping L IU

Center for Evidence 2Based Chinese Medicine ,Beijing University of Chinese Medicine ,Beijing 100029,China

Abstract :In 21s t century ,clinical me dicine moves toward a model of individualize d health care.The

develop ment of the individualize d model is bas e d on the res earch findings of human genomics project including genotyp e and single nucle otide p olymorphis ms (SNPs ),as well as the new health care model ,that is ,biological 2p s ychological 2s ocial 2environmental 2spiritual.It reflects the ide a of p atient 2centere d care ,and corresp onds to the tra ditional practice of Chines e me dicine ,which a ddres s e d the individualize d therap y on the basis of s ymptom p attern differentiation.Howe ver ,the era of e vidence 2bas e d me dicine affords new meanings of individualize d he alth care and promotes the res e arch on the practice.The practice bas e d on evidence would happ en up on the inte gration of external res e arch evidence ,the exp ertis e and exp erience of practitioners ,and the value and preference of p atients ,s o the decision of health care will be cons cientious ,explicit and judicious.This as s ay des cribes the me anings of individualize d health care in different me dical contexts ,the characteris tics of individualize d practice in Chines e me dicine ,and prop os als for further res earch in practice.

K eyw ords :evidence 2bas e d me dicine ;

clinical practice p atterns ;individualize d me dicine ;s yndrome

differentiation treatment

世界卫生组织(W HO )指出21世纪的医学将从疾病医学向健康医学发展,从群体治疗向个体治疗发展。个体化医疗的模式,反映了医疗卫生领域学科发展的前沿,在未来医学发展中具有举足轻重的作用。个体化医疗也是传统中医诊疗实践的基本


1 中西医两种医疗体系下个体化医疗的含义
