当前位置:文档之家› 历年英语翻译资格考试笔译三级翻译真题




Section 1 English-Chinese Translation ( 50 points )

Translate the following passage into Chinese.

This month, the United Nations Development Program made water and sanitation the centerpiece of its flagship publication, the Human Development Report.

Claims of a “water apartheid,” where poor people pay more for water than the rich, are bound to attract attention. But what are the economics behind the problem, and how can it be fixed? In countries that have trouble delivering clean water to their people, a lack of infrastructure is often the culprit. People in areas that are not served by public utilities have to rely on costlier ways of getting water, such as itinerant water trucks and treks to wells. Paradoxically, as the water sources get costlier, the water itself tends to be more dangerous. Water piped by utilities - to the rich and the poor alike - is usually cleaner than water trucked in or collected from an outdoor tank.

The problem exists not only in rural areas but even in big cities like Manila and Jakarta, said Hakan Bjorkman, program director of the UN agency in Thailand. Further, subsidies made to local water systems often end up benefiting people other than the poor, he added.

The agency proposes a three-step solution. First, make access to 20 liters, or 5 gallons, of clean water a day a human right. Next, make local governments accountable for delivering this service. Last, invest in infrastructure to link people to water mains.The report says governments, especially in developing countries, should spend at least 1 percent of gross domestic product on water and sanitation. It also recommends that foreign aid be more directed toward these problems. Clearly, this approach relies heavily on government intervention, something Bjorkman readily

acknowledged. But there are some market-based approaches as well.

By offering cut-rate connections to poor people to the water mainline, the private water utility in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, has steadily increased access to clean water, according to the agency’s report. A subsidy may not even be necessary, despite the agency’s proposals, if a country can harness the economic benefits of providing clean water.

People who receive clean water are much less likely to die from water-borne diseases - a common malady in the developing world - and much more likely to enjoy long, productive, taxpaying lives that can benefit their host countries. So if a government is trying to raise financing to invest in new infrastructure, it might find receptive ears in private credit markets - as long as it can harness the return. Similarly, private companies may calculate that it is worth bringing clean water to an area if its residents are willing to pay back the investment over many years.

In the meantime, some local solutions are being found. In Thailand, Bjorkman said, some small communities are taking challenges like water access upon themselves. “People organize themselves in groups to leverage what little resources they have to help th eir communities,” he said. “That’s especially true out in the rural areas. They invest their money in revolving funds and saving schemes, and they invest themselves to improve their villages. “It is not always easy to take these solutions and replicate them in other countries, though. Assembling a broad menu of different approaches can be the first step in finding the right solution for a given region or country.

Section 2 Chinese-English Translation ( 50 points )

Translate the following passage into English.








河南省2014年普通高等学校对口招收中等职业学 校毕业生考试 语文、英语试题卷 考生注意:所有答案都要写在答题卡上,写在试题卷上无效 一、选择题(语文1-10;英语:词汇判断11-20;选择填空21-30;补充对话31-40;阅读理解41-50;完型填空51-60。每小题中只有一个选项是正确的,请将正确选项涂在答题卡上) 语文1-10(每小题2分,共20分) 1.下列词语中,与加点字的注音完全相同的一组是 A.供.ɡōnɡ供给供应提供供不应求 B.鲜.xiān鲜红新鲜鲜亮鲜为人知 C.转.zhuàn转动转向转摘转折点 D.着.zhāo着落着凉着调着重号2.下列词语中,没有错别字的一组是 A.蹒跚拗口不落裹臼B.粗糙桎枯博览群书 C.熔化情操深谋远虑D.惨淡无恙摧山拆地 3.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是 他把奖券___在腋下,___出那双油污的手,要来___我扣扣子,我___了一下,但没有退避。 A.夹拿替迟疑B.放拿替犹豫 C.夹伸帮迟疑D.放伸帮犹豫 4.下列作家、作品和体裁对应不正确的一项是 A.曹雪芹——《红楼梦》——小说 B.王蒙——《春之声》——小说 C.林清玄——《哦,香雪》——散文 D.宗璞——《紫藤萝瀑布》——散文 5.下列古诗词默写错误的一项是 A.昔我往矣,杨柳依依 B.静女其姝,俟我于城隅 C.君不见高堂明镜悲白发,朝如青丝暮成雪 D.千呼万唤始出来,犹抱琵琶半折面 6.下列对文学知识的解说,正确的一项是 A.曹禺,原名万家宝,中国二十世纪最优秀的剧作家之一,戏剧教育家。代表作有《雷雨》、《日出》、《茶馆》、《原 野》,历史剧《王昭君》等。 B.《史记》是我国第一部纪传体通史,由我国古代伟大的史学家、文学家 司马迁创作,曾被艾青誉为“史家之绝唱,无韵之离骚”。 C.贾祖璋,我国著名的小说家,浙江海宁人。代表作有《鸟与文学》等等。 D.莫泊桑,十九世纪法国批判现实主义作家,被誉为“世界短篇小说巨匠”。 代表作有长篇小说《漂亮朋友》,短篇小说《项链》、《我 的叔叔于勒》等等。 7.下列各句,没有语病、句意明确的一项是 A.北京奥运会开幕式雅致且壮观,弥漫着浓郁的中国文化,受到全世界瞩目。 B.为了防止这类交通事故不再发生,我们加强了交通安全的教育和管理。 C.我们将永远记忆着孔繁森的名字。 D.事实告诉我们,环境灾难是没有国界的,全人类应努力保护我们的家园。 8.下列句子中,没有使用比喻修辞手法的一项是 A.绝不像攀援的凌霄花,借你的高枝来炫耀自己 B.仿佛永远分离,却又终身相依 C.我有我红硕的花朵,像沉重的叹息,又像英勇的火炬 D.你有你的铜枝铁干,像刀,像剑,也像戟 9.下列各句中,破折号使用不正确的一项是 A.每年——特别是水灾、旱灾的时候,这些日本厂子里有门路的带工…… B.我们在天安门深情地呼唤:“周——总——理——,你在哪里?” C.我本来不想去,可是俺婆婆非叫俺再去看看他——有什么看头啊! D.我国古代的四大发明——造纸术——火药——印刷术——指南针——对 世界历史的发展有伟大的贡献。 10.下列各句中,没有通假字的一项是 A.天下云集响应,赢粮而景从 B.张良出,要项伯 C.距关,毋内诸侯 D.群贤毕至,少长咸集 词汇判断11-20(每小题1分,共10分) 11.承认 A.admit B.advise C.allow D.address 12.每日的;天天的 A.day B.daily C.diary D.dry 13.训练 A.travel B.try C.trip D.training 14.判断;断定 A.just B.judge C.join D.joy 15.覆盖;掩饰 A.cover B.crowd C.cause D.chair


河南科技大学 2013年硕士研究生入学考试试题考试科目代码:357 考试科目名称:英语翻译基础 (如无特殊注明,所有答案必须写在答题纸上,否则以“0”分计算)I. 词汇短语或习语英汉互译(40分) 1.disintegration 2.ardent 3.far-sightedness 4.careful consideration 5.perfect harmony 6.feed on fancies 7.with great eagerness 8.lack of perseverance 9.make a little contribution 10.on the verge of destruction 11.黄头发 12.小心台阶13.百里挑一14.一饮而尽15.赤字 16.吃一堑,长一智17.覆水难收18.进退维谷19.顺其自然20.不可否认…… II.句子英汉互译。(30分) 1.Balance is the key to life. Focus is the key to success. Contentment is the key to happiness. 2.You can’t make progress until you get clear as to where you currently are.Remember, success is not a sprint, it is a marathon. 3.Don’t read more than what was intended into what he said. 4.Timeout is better than burnout. Learn to rest before you get exhausted. 5.Focus on the critical tasks that will give you the results you need. Postpone everything else. 6.你休想欺骗我。 7.夺取这个胜利,已经是不要很久的时间和不要花费很大的气力了;巩固这个胜利,则是需要很久的时间和要花费很大的气力的事情。 8.他很厚黑啊! 9.人在屋檐下不得不低头。 10.你和他简直有一拼! III.请写出下列缩略词英文全称并译为汉语。(20分) 例如:PC:Personal Computer 个人电脑 1.ICU 2.BRT 3.CBD 4.W.W.W. 5.AIDS 6.D/P 7.IOC 8.SCI 9.SOS 10.I.P. IV.篇章英汉互译。(60分) A. 英译汉(30分)


英语翻译基础历年真题试卷汇编88 (总分:50.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、词语翻译(总题数:27,分数:50.00) 1.英译汉 __________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析: 2.civil law (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:民法) 解析: 3.mass transit (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:公共交通;大容量公共运输(工具)) 解析: 4.wage theory (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:工资理论) 解析: 5.mock epic (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:讽刺史诗) 解析: 6.counterespionage (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:反间谍活动) 解析: 7.high seas (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:公海;远海) 解析: 8.CYO (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:首席元老(Chief Yearly Officer)) 解析: 9.irrigation and drainage (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:灌溉与排水) 解析:


河南省2018年普通高等学校对口招收中等职业学校毕业生考语文考生注意:所有答案都要写在答题卡上,写在试题卷上无效 一、选择题(每小题中只有一个选项是正确的,请将正确选项涂在答题卡上,每小题2分,共20分) 1。下列词语中,加点字的注音全都正确的一项是 A.刮痧(shā) 奖券(juàn) 佳肴(yáo) B 饿殍(fú) 眉黛(dài) 流岚(lán) C家当(dàng) 晌(shǎng)午吮(shǔn)吸 D.积淀(diàn) 宁谧(bì) 点缀(zhuì) 2。下列词语中,没有错别字的一项 A。搔首缥缈怯弱仗义直言 B。敷衍栖息、稠密自惭形秽 C。寒喧威仪攀援不经之谈 D。灌概睿智侍弄锲而不舍 3。下列作家、作品、体裁,对应有误的一项是 A 关汉卿—《窦娥冤》一小说 B 舒婷—《致橡树》—诗歌 C曹禺—《雷雨》—话剧 D海明威—《老人与海》—小说 4。下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一句是

A。李明的语言表达能力很强,总是把故事讲得绘声绘色的 B。他的演讲让人触目伤怀,大家都感动得流下了眼泪。 C。王老师动情地说:“你们是明日黄花,是祖国的未来和希望,一定要好好学习呀!” D。我和李敏是好朋友,多年来我俩一直相敬如宾。 5。下列古诗词默写不正确的一项是 A。别有幽愁暗恨生,此时无声胜有声。 B。人生得意须尽欢,莫使金尊空对月。 C。昔我往矣,杨柳依依。今我来思,雨雪霏霏。 D。静女其姝,俟我于城隅。爱而不见,搔首踟蹰。 6。下列对文学常识的解说,不正确的一项是 A。莫泊桑是法国19世纪批判现实主义作家,被誉为“世界短篇小说巨匠”,《羊脂球》是他的第一部作品,也是他的成名作、代表作。B。莎士比亚是欧洲文艺复兴时期英国伟大的戏剧家和诗人,是浪漫主义的杰出代表。他的喜剧有《威尼斯商人》。 C。苏轼是北杰出的文学家、书画家,“唐宋八大家”之一,与父苏洵、弟苏辙并称“三苏”,其词开豪放一派 D。李白是唐代伟大的诗人,字太白,号“青莲居士”,被后人称为“诗圣”。 7。下列各句,没有语病、句意明确的一项是 A。通过机动车限号的措施,可以使郑州的空气更加清新。 B、中国人民有信心有能力把自己的国家建设得更加美好。


英语翻译基础历年真题试卷汇编74 (总分:50.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、词语翻译(总题数:27,分数:50.00) 1.英译汉 __________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析: https://www.doczj.com/doc/8c6412586.html,ernment watchdog (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:政府监督) 解析: 3.carbon footprint (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:碳足迹,碳排放) 解析: 4.Twitter (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:推特) 解析: 5.funemployment (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:失业乐活) 解析: 6.Diesel oil (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:柴油) 解析: 7.汉译英 __________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析: 8.借词 (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:loanword) 解析: 9.全球暖化 (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:global warming) 解析: 10.经济不景气 (分数:2.00)


2010考研翻译笔记(主讲:唐静) 一、考研翻译的三大基本问题 (一)考研翻译的解题“奥秘” 做真题,而不是看翻译 做翻译=写汉字 (二)考研翻译的题型、命题原则和考试容 1、题型 ①大的方面:主观题——汉字书写工整 ②小的方面:阅读题 没有必要通读全文 有些情况下,需要阅读划线句子的上下文 划线句子有代词,需要读上下文 2、命题原则 ①体裁偏向学术文献,比较抽象 ②题材偏向文科领域(1998年理科的) ③划线的句子长30个字左右,为长难句 3、考试容=考点 1)考察专有名词、词组和多义词的解释 (1)专有名词 人名、地名、国家名称、术语、组织机构名称(2)专业术语 Big Bang大爆炸理论 inflationary universe theory宇宙膨胀理论(3)学科术语 anthropoloist人类学家 anthropological人类学的 inflationary universe theory宇宙膨胀理论 SARS非典 (4)词组 as……as by means of home appliances家用电器die out灭绝 (5)多义词: school 学派before以前serve起作用 life 生命、生活 (6)熟词生义 set (成套)设备;集、集合 offend 冒犯;排污超标;污染超标particle 粒子(7)生词:超纲词 2)考察一般性翻译技巧,包括词序调整、词义选择 A、词序调整:即改变英语单词在汉语译文中的先后顺序 46)Television is one of the means by which these feelings are created and conveyed—and perhaps never before has it served so much to connect different peoples and nations as in the recent events in Europe. 在联系不同民族和国家方面,电视也许以前没有像在最近欧洲事件中起如此重大的作用。 例如:I studied very hard in the classroom at 6 every morning. 我每天早晨六点钟在教室认真学习。 B、词义选择:即选择一个单词的意思来翻译,解决单词问题(单词不认识怎么办) 词义选择的方法: a、分析词根、词缀 multimedia 多媒体,传媒determinism 决定论methodology 方法论anthropological 人类学的 b、分析上下文来翻译: ①借生词的上下文来造句 人类有能力______环境(改造/征服/适应)Television is one of the meas.(电视是一种工具/方式/媒介)②借助上下文或根据汉语习惯做同义替换 aspect方面 P1-74) However, the world is so made that elegant systems are in principle unable to deal with some of the world's more fascinating and delightful aspects. deal with 处理,解决aspect在这里为“问题” P10-50) In dealing with a challenge on such a scale, it is no exaggeration to say “Unit ed we stand, divided we fall” 处理挑战?deal with在这里为“应对/解决” 在应对(面对/解决)如此大规模的挑战的时候,… P1-74) However, the world is so made that elegant systems are in principle unable to deal with some of the world's more fascinating and delightful aspects. 优雅的系统?elegant“完善的、完美的、优良的”3)考察具体句型的翻译 包括定语从句、状语从句、被动结构 (三)考研翻译的方法 直译为主,适当意译直译不等于死译 考研翻译的标准和步骤: 1、标准:准确、通顺、完整;严复:信、达、雅 傅雷:神似;钱钟书:化境 2、衡量的方式:读 3、翻译步骤: 第一步:通读全句、查找连接 第二步:分析成分、划分意群 第三步:选择词义、表达贴切 第四步:适当调整、书写译文 考研翻译步骤例题:P7 61)One difficulty is that / almost all of what is called behavioral science / continues to trace behavior to / states of mind ,feelings ,traits of character ,human nature ,and so on. 第一步:通读全句、查找连接 第二步:分析全句,划分译群 主语:one difficulty 谓语:is that引导的表语从句从句的主语:almost all of what is called behavioral science(被动)谓语:continues 第一个to:不定式的符号第二个to:介词的符号,后接名词4个名词:states of mind ,feelings ,traits of character ,human nature作并列宾语 第三步:选择词义表达 1、one 一个difficulty 困难is 是that almost 几乎all 所有what is called 被称之为behavioral science 行为科学continue 继续trace sth. to sth. ;trace:追踪、跟踪behavior 行为第二个to 到states of mind 心理状态feelings感觉、感情、情感character 性格train 特征human 人类nature大自然;本性and so on 等等 第四步:适当调整、书写译文 2、one 一个difficulty 困难is 是→在于that almost 几乎all 所有what is called 被称之为→所谓的behavioral science 行为科学……(不通顺) 3、one 一个 is 是→在于that almost 几乎what is called 被称之为→所谓的行为科学……(不通顺) 4、将all放在behavioral science 后:一个困难在于所谓的行为科学几乎全部都(加上)continue继续trace sth. to sth. ;trace:追踪、跟踪behavior 行为第二个to 到……(不对劲) 5、第二个to 到换为根据:一个困难在于所谓的行为科学几乎全部都continue继续trace sth. to sth. ;trace:追踪、跟踪behavior 行为第二个to 根据……(还不对劲) 6、第二个to 根据放到trace跟踪前:一个困难在于所谓的行为科学几乎全部都根据心理状态情感性


河南省2018 年普通高等学校对口招收中等职业学校毕业生考语文考生注意:所有答案都要写在答题卡上,写在试题卷上无效 一、选择题(每小题中只有一个选项是正确的,请将正确选项涂在答题卡上,每小题2 分,共20 分) 1。下列词语中,加点字的注音全都正确的一项是 A.刮痧(shā)奖券(ju àn)佳肴(y áo) B 饿殍(f ú)眉黛(dài)流岚(lán) C 家当(d àng) 晌(sh ǎng) 午吮(sh ǔn)吸D.积淀(di àn)宁谧(b ì)点缀(zhu ì) 2。下列词语中,没有错别字的一项 A。搔首缥缈怯弱仗义直言 B。敷衍栖息、稠密自惭形秽 C。寒喧威仪攀援不经之谈 D。灌概睿智侍弄锲而不舍 3。下列作家、作品、体裁,对应有误的一项是A 关汉卿—《窦娥冤》一小说B 舒婷—《致橡树》—诗歌C 曹禺—《雷雨》—话剧D 海明威—《老人与海》—小说 4。下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一句是 A。李明的语言表达能力很强,总是把故事讲得绘声绘色的 B。他的演讲让人触目伤怀,大家都感动得流下了眼泪。 C。王老师动情地说:“你们是明日黄花,是祖国的未来和希望,一定要好好学习呀!” D 。我和李敏是好朋友,多年来我俩一直相敬如宾。 5。下列古诗词默写不正确的一项是 A。别有幽愁暗恨生,此时无声胜有声。 B。人生得意须尽欢,莫使金尊空对月。 C。昔我往矣,杨柳依依。今我来思,雨雪霏霏。 D。静女其姝,俟我于城隅。爱而不见,搔首踟蹰。 6。下列对文学常识的解说,不正确的一项是 A。莫泊桑是法国19 世纪批判现实主义作家,被誉为“世界短篇小 说巨匠”,《羊脂球》是他的第一部作品,也是他的成名作、代表作。B。莎士比亚是欧洲文艺复兴时期英国伟大的戏剧家和诗人,是浪漫主义的杰出代表。他的喜剧有《威尼斯商人》。 C。苏轼是北杰出的文学家、书画家,“唐宋八大家”之一,与父苏洵、弟苏辙并称“三苏” ,其词开豪放一派 D 。李白是唐代伟大的诗人,字太白,号“青莲居士” ,被后人称为 诗圣” 7。下列各句,没有语病、句意明确的一项是 A。通过机动车限号的措施,可以使郑州的空气更加清新。


英语翻译基础历年真题试卷汇编6 (总分:12.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、英汉互译(总题数:6,分数:12.00) 1.英译汉(分数: 2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析: 2.The 1992 Rio conference was a high watermark for environmental law. Despite all the many accomplishments since then, we must now acknowledge that Rio has not fulfilled the promises with which the world invested it. After 50 years of diligent and sophisticated work by environmental lawyers on legislation, regulation, principles, treaties, and judicial decisions, how is it that the " actual landscape" of the world"s resources is still "slipping two steps backward for each forward stride"? Part of the explanation for that disappointing result can be found in the statements issued by a distinguished international collection of prosecutors, judges, and legal scholars at the Rio + 20-re-lated World Congress on Justice, Governance, and Law for Environmental Sustainability. They focused almost exclusively on matters of substantive doctrine and legal procedure. Recommitment to enhancing "law" in this narrow sense—a body of formal rules and principles and the judicial and prosecutorial mechanisms for their application and enforcement—certainly has great value, and that work should go forward vigorously. But the ongoing ecological deterioration is traceable in large part to pervasive social and political attitudes favoring a growth-based model of economic "development" that steadily intensifies human appropriation of planetary resources. To address the root of the problem, it will be argued here, environmental law needs a more expansive society-based conception of "law", one that activates law as a social institution engaged broadly with the habits and customs, the expectations and aspirations, of people and organizations in their daily lives. Environmental lawyers, then, need a fresh and bold reimagination of their mission, to hone and use their persuasive and analytical skills in creative ways to alter the social dynamic underlying environmental change and to foment a deep commitment to effective stewardship of resources. (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案: 1992年的里约会议标志着环境法达到了最高水平。尽管此后环境保护硕果累累,但我们现在必须承认,对于世界人民给予资金支持的诺言,里约会议并未实现。50多年来,环境法的律师制定或修改法律、规章、准则、条约并做出司法判决,他们勤奋地做着这些高深复杂的工作,但是世界资源的“现状”仍然“每前进一步都倒退两步”是怎么回事? 这一结果令人失望,其中部分原因可以在全世界杰出的检察官、法官和法律学者发布的言论合集中找到,他们在里约+20的相关世界会议上就司法、管理和环境可持续发展的法律发表了看法。他们几乎完全侧重于实际法令及法律程序等事宜。他们再次决心加强狭义的“法制”——一整套正规的规定和准则以及实施、强化这些法律的司法和执法机制——这当然意义重大,这项工作也应如火如荼进行。但在很大程度上,持续的生态恶化应归结于普遍存在的社会和政治态度,这一态度支持以增长为基础的经济发展模式,而这又使人类不断加强对地球资源的利用。为了从根源上解决这一问题,我们将在这里讨论环境法需要“法律”概念在社会上得到更广泛的普及,这样才能促使法律作为一种社会制度广泛地融人到习惯和习俗、期望和愿望以及人和组织的日常生活中去。然后,环保律师需要对自己的使命有着全新的明确认识,锻炼自己的说服技巧和分析技巧,并创造性地利用其来改变环境变化的基础,即社会动力,以此激发人们深深致力于资源的有效管理。) 解析: 3.Never before had the world such a tremendous scientific-technical potential, such a capacity to generate wealth and well-being. Authentic technological wonders that have made any place in the world to be always close with regard to distances and communications have not been capable of bringing well-being for everybody, but only for a meager 15% living in the countries of the


育明考博 免费咨询报名电话:400-668-6978咨询QQ:493371626(李老师) 2015考博QQ交流群105619820 2015考博QQ英语群335488903 2015考博QQ专业课群157460416 2015长安大学考博英语分析 一、招考介绍 从整体上看,由于博士生招生形势的不断发展各院校博士生入学考试的难度越来越大,对考生的外语水平要求也越来越高,特别是听、说能力。攻读博士学位的学生,一方面应该具备坚实的专业理论基础和扎实的科研能力,另一方面还应该具备较高水平的外语能力。 二、联系导师 在初步定好考博学校之后,就要和所报考院校中意的老师取得联系,询问是否有招生名额,能否报考,这是我们考博成功的关键第一步。 大多数考生会在九月中下旬与导师取得联系。因为太早,学校里面直博名额什么的还没有确定,报考的导师也不清楚是否有名额;太晚的话,怕别的学生比你早联系就不好了。一般情况下,导师对一个学生很中意的话,后来联系的学生,导师一般也不会答应其报考了。在此说点题外话,联系导师的过程中,如果读研期间的导师有关系,可以尽量利用。如果没有,也没关系,凭着自己的本事也是可以和考博导师很好的沟通的,这就要看自己了。 通常跟导师初次联系,都是发邮件。导师回复邮件的情况一般有几种: (1)、欢迎报考。这种答复最笼统,说明不了问题。我们可以接着努力和老师多沟通,看看具体的进展,避免出现初试之后却没有名额的情况。 (2)、名额有限,可以报考,但有竞争。很多人说这样的回复不满意,认为希望很小一般会被刷。其实这样还是比较好的一种回答,最起码导师没有骗你而且给你机会去证明自己,考的好就可以上。 (3)、你的研究方向和我一样......各种一大堆他的研究方向和你相关,欢迎报考什么的话。不


英语翻译基础历年真题试卷汇编79 (总分:12.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、英汉互译(总题数:6,分数:12.00) 1.汉译英(分数: 2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析: 2.2010年12月,为了向年轻一代普及航天科学教育,海南省开始在文昌市建设航天主题公园。公园占地1800亩,紧邻文昌卫星发射中心。工程预计花费30亿元,在2013年完工。这个航天主题公园将分四个展览区,包括地球、月球、火星和太阳。游客甚至可以进入发射台,实地观看火箭发射。 (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:To promote aerospace science and general aviation knowledge among the younger generation, in December 2010, Hainan province begins to build a Space Flight Theme Park in Wenchang Cit-y. Covering an area of 1,800 mu (120 hectares) , the theme park is located at Wenchang Satellite Launch Center. The whole project is estimated to cost 3 billion yuan (455 million U. S. dollars) and is expected to be finished in 2013. The park will have four exhibiti-on sections, featuring the earth, moon, Mars and the sun. Visitors can even enter the launch station and watch the actual rocket launch.) 解析: 3.1957年10月苏联成功发射第一颗人造卫星,揭开了人类历史由地球迈向太空的第一页。此后短短半个世纪里,人类的外空探索活动突飞猛进,取得了辉煌的成就。人类不仅成功登陆月球,而且还将研究的触手伸向火星等更为遥远的星球。截止到2006年底,环绕地球飞行的各类人造物体,包括人造卫星、航天飞机、国际空间站、空间实验室等接近6000个。 (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:On October, 1957, the Soviet Union successfully launched the first artificial satellite, which turned the first page in human history of entering the space. During the half century coming after, humans" explorations in outer space have grown by leaps and bounds and have made brilliant achievements. Humans not only successfully landed on the moon, but also reached toward even more distant planet such as Mars. At the end of 2006, the number of the various types of artificial objects flying around the Earth, including satellites, space shuttles, international space stations, space laboratories, etc. is already close to 6,000.) 解析: 4.博鳌论坛的经历给了刘晓宁不小的打击,生活上的拮据让她开始反思自己做公务员两年多的经历。都说公务员舒服,但刘晓宁每天的工作时间都在10小时以上,加班到晚上八九点钟,是很正常的事。如果有活动,赶工到夜里12点,也是家常便饭。 (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:The experience in Boao Forum is not a small blow to Liu Xiaoning. The bare livelihood forced her to reflect on her life as a civil servant for more than two years. Every one says that civil servants enjoy a comfortable life, but Xiaoning works more than 10 hours everyday. Working overtime until eight or nine in the evening is perfectly normal. When there are activities, staying up to 12 at night is also not uncommon.) 解析: 5.我国人口老龄化对经济增长的潜在影响理论研究认为,老龄化会减少劳动力供给,降低社会储蓄率,导致产出和资本形成能力下降,最终影响经济增长。同时,发达国家的实际表明,随着人口老龄化,养老费用及人均医疗费用均会大幅上升,加重政府财政负担。与发达国家“富老同步”或者“先富后老”相比,


v1.0 可编辑可修改 2017高职分类考试、对口考试英语考纲词汇 A a(an)art. ability n. able a. *aboard prep. & ad. about ad. & prep. above prep. & a. abroad ad. *absent a. accept v. *access n. & v. accident n. account n. accountant n. ache v. & n. across prep. & ad. act n. & v. action n. active a. activity n.actor n. actress n. actually ad. ad(=advertisement)n. add v. *addition n. address n. *adjust v. *administration n. *admire v. adult n. *advanced a. advice n. advise v. *afford v. afraid a. Africa n. African n. & a. after prep. & conj. afternoon n. again ad. against prep. age n. *agency n.ago ad. agreement n. ahead ad. aid n. & v. aim n. & v. air n.


B baby n. back ad.& a. backache n. background n. *backward ad. *bacon n. bad a. badly ad. badminton n. bag n. *baggage n. bake v.bakery n. balance n. ball n. balloon n. banana n. *band n. bank n. bar n. bark v. & n. *baseball n. basic a. basin n.


英语翻译基础历年真题试卷汇编39 (总分:50.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、词语翻译(总题数:27,分数:50.00) 1.英译汉 __________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.dynamic equivalence(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.miss the boat(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.spill the beans(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.semiotic dimension(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.postscript(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 7.outsourcing(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 8.transliteration(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 9.tit for tat(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 10.black sheep(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 11.over-translation(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 12.MOU(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 13.GDP(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 14.POW(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 15.CPU(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ LC __________________________________________________________________________________________ 17.汉译英 __________________________________________________________________________________________ 18.电子商务(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 19.对冲基金(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 20.次贷危机(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 21.山寨手机(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 22.暗箱操作(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________

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