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❖ I didn’t make myself heard because a lot of people cried in the hall.
❖ 许多人在大厅里喊叫,所以我不能让自己被 听见。
❖ 注意: ❖ 1. 后接宾语再接分词做宾补的常用动词:
感官动词:hear see notice watch feel find 使役动词:make let have get
❖ The problem being discussed is very important.
❖ The problem which is being discussed is very important.
❖ 注意: ❖ 1. 单个分词做定语,放在所修饰的名词之前。
◆ Not knowing her address, we couldn’t visit her in person.
◆ Having found the cause, the doctors were able to treat the disease and cure it.
◆ Not having been invited, she had to stay at home.
◆ Considering your health, you’d better have a rest.
2. 过去分词作状语 (时间、条件、原因、让步、伴随) ◆ Faced with difficulties, we must try to
overcome them. ◆ Given another hour, I can also work out this
3.They knew her well. They had seen her__g_ro_w_ up from the childhood. (grow)
4.The meeting __to__be__h_el_d_ tomorrow is important. (hold)
5. She was the first woman__to__w_in_ the gold medal in the Olympic Games. (win)
children to look after. ◆Reading carefully, you’ll learn something new. ◆Traveling by car, we visited many places. ◆He stayed at home, cleaning and washing.
manager set out for the airport in a hurry.
A. Reminding B. Reminded
C. To remind D. Having reminded
(09四川) 2. __D____ many times, he finally understood it.
seller. 6. I won’t attend his wedding party unless invited.
❖ 注意 ❖ 1. 分词做状语可以还原为状语从句。 ❖ 2. 运用此类句型时,前后主语要保持一致。
高考英语语法分类汇编 -- 分词
(09福建)1.___B___not to miss the flight at 15:20, the
having been done 动宾(被动)关系 先于谓语动作的发生
主语 表语 宾语 宾补 介宾 定语 状语


❖ 表语,定语,宾补或状语 ❖ 1)定语 ❖ a sleeping baby ❖ a baby who is sleeping ❖ a running dog ❖ a dog which is running
❖ 2.动词不定式、现在分词、过去分词做宾补区别: 动词不定式做宾补,表示动作全过程; 现在分词做宾补表示动作正在进行; 过去分词做宾补表示被动概念。
1. 现在分词作状语 (时间、结果、条件、方式、伴随)
◆Hearing the news, they all jumped with joy. ◆Her husband died ten years ago, leaving her three
间是被动关系,如果是否定,用not done。
★ 分词作状语还可由连词引起,表示各种意义:
1. Please take notes while listening to the report. 2. When given a medical examination, you
❖ When I woke up, I found my mother sitting beside me.
❖ 我想找人秤这个包裹的重量。
❖ I’d like to have this package weighed.
❖ 我听到铃在某个地方正在响起。 ❖ I hear a bell ringing somewhere. ❖ 我找人把牙给拔了。 ❖ I had a tooth pulled off.
★generally speaking(一般地来说)
judging from/by(根据……判断) considering…(考虑到) taking...into consideration(把......考虑进 去) providing…(如果), supposing…(假设),
◆Judging from his accent, he must be from the south.
6. With two bad teeth _to__b_e_p_u_lle_d_o_u_t , my father has to see the doctor tomorrow. ( pull out)
Step two:分词的用法 现在分词
❖ 一、分词分类
❖ 二、分词的性质及功能 具有Hale Waihona Puke Baidu形_容__词__或__者__副__词__性质,可以再句子
A. Told
B. Telling
C. Having told
D. Having been told
(09安徽)3. The play__C____ next month aims mainly
to reflect the local culture.
A. produced
B. being produced
M5 U2 Grammar and usage 分词的用法
Step One : Revision (不定式复习)
to do
to be done
to be doing
to have done to have been done
完成进行式 to have been doing
❖ His father seems pleased with his score. ❖ 我的表不见了
❖ My watch is gone.
❖ 注意: ❖ do+ ing 令人….. ❖ do+ ed 感到……
❖ (分词作表语具有形容词特征,没有动作意义)
❖ 3) 宾补 ❖ 当我醒来的时候,我发现妈妈正坐在我旁边。
❖ 动名词做定语,表示某种功能;现在分词 做定语,表示动作正在进行。
❖ a hearing aid 助听器
❖ 2)表语 ❖ 这个消息听起来令人振奋
❖ The news sounds exciting. ❖ 他们感到兴奋
❖ The got very excited. ❖ 他的父亲对他的成绩感到很满意。
1. __To__co_m__pl_e_te_ the project as planned, we’ll have to work two more hours a day. (complete)
2.He hurried to the booking office only_t_o_b_e_t_ol_d that all the tickets had been sold out. (tell)
❖ 我发现蛇正在吃鸡蛋。 ❖ I found the snake eating the eggs. ❖ 我看到蛇吃鸡蛋。 ❖ I found the snake (to) eat the eggs. ❖ 我发现鸡蛋被蛇吃了。 ❖ I found the eggs eaten by the snake.
❖ 2. 分词做定语的句子一般能改写成定语从句。 ❖ 3. 区别现在分词做定语和动名词做定语
❖ a sleeping car ❖ a sleeping baby
❖ a reading room ❖ a reading girl
❖ a swimming pool ❖ a swimming player
**过去分词 done(唯一形式)
与句子主语的逻辑 与句子谓动时间先后 关系
主谓关系(主动) 同时或基本同时发生
having done
主谓关系(主动) 先于谓语动作的发生
being done
动宾(被动)关系 同时或基本同时发生
❖ He heard someone calling him. ❖ 他听到有人正在喊他。
❖ He heard his name called. ❖ 他听到他的名字被叫。
❖ I can’t make myself understood because of my poor English.
❖ 因为我糟糕的英语,我不能让自己被理解。
❖ a broken glass ❖ =a glass which is broken ❖ a beaten team ❖ =a team which is beaten
❖ This is the problem discussed at the meeting.
❖ This is the problem which was discussed at the last meeting.
C. to be produced D. having been produced
(09江西) 4. The government plans to bring in new laws
___B__ parents to take more responsibility for the
problem. ◆ Caught in a heavy rain, he was all wet. ◆ Laughed at by many people, he continued his
study. ◆ The old man went into the room, supported by
his daughter.
本同时发生时,用一般体,即用doing sth.形式;如果分词 的动作先于谓语动作发生时,用完成体,即用having done sth.形式;如果是否定,在分词前加not,即用not doing sth.或not having done sth.形式。
should keep calm. 3. Though lacking money, the parents still
managed to send their son to college. 4. Young people should go and work wherever
needed. 5. Once published, the book will become a best-
担任_表__语_,__定__语__,__宾_补__或__状__语__。其中,现在 分词表示主动的含义,或动作正在进行;过 去分词表示被动含义,或动作已完成。

在 分 一般式 doing
being done
词 完成式 having done having been done