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List ening Answer Sheet 78 | IELTS Specimen Materials ? ? 1IELT S Li st e n i ng A nsw e r Sh ee t C e ntr e numb e r : P le as e wr i t e your nam e b el ow, 090807060504030201th e n wr i t e your s ix d i g i t Cand i dat e numb e r i n th e bo xe s and shad e th e numb e r i n th e gr i d on th e r i ght i n P EN C IL. Te st dat e (shade O NE box for the day, O NE box for the month and O NE box for the year: Day : M onth : P EN C IL must b e us e d to comp le t e th i s sh ee t 191817161514131211102928272625242322212031 3009080706050403020112 1110L ast 2 d i g i ts o f th e

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International English Language Testing System WRITING ANSWER SHEET Candidate Name:____________________ Candidate Number: ____________________ Centre Name: ______________________ Date: _______________________________ Module: Academic (Tick as appropriate) General Training Version: _____________________________ Task 1 _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ EXAMINER’S USE ONLY EXAMINER 2 NUMBER:_________________ CANDIDATE NUMBER:_________________ EXAMINER 1 NUMBER:_________________


Do not write below this line ! OFFICIAL USE ONLY Candidate Number: Examiner 2 Number: TR Underlength CC No. of words LR Penalty GRA Off-topic Memorised Illegible Candidate Number: Examiner 1 Number: TR Underlength CC No. of words LR Penalty GRA Off-topic Memorised Illegible IELTS Listening and Reading Answer Sheet 6 6 6 6 6 6 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 Centre number: Pencil must be used to complete this sheet. Please write your full name in CAPITAL letters on the line below: 5 4 6 5 4 3 2 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 8 7 6 5 4 3 9 8 7 6 5 4 9 8 7 6 5 9 8 7 6 9 8 7 9 8 9 3 2 0 1 0 1 0 Then write your six digit Candidate number in the boxes and shade the number in the grid on the right. Test date (shade ONE box for the day, ONE box for the month and ONE box for the year: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Day: Month: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 16 17 18 Listening 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Marker 2 Initials IELTS L-


雅思写作答题卡填写与注意事项 雅思写作答题卡 雅思写作答题纸与雅思听力或阅读答题纸最大不同之处是一共分为两页,就是两张纸。其中第一张纸是写Task1的,分为正反面。 第二张纸是写Task2的,也分为正反面。 考场的黑板上面有告诉考生怎么填写信息,监考老师也会引导着你填写信息,但是监考老师阅读考场规则和引导的时候说的都是英语。但是如果你听不懂可以举手示意,老师会用缓慢的语速重复,不要紧张。打开试卷一定要听从老师的安排,老师说可以了再打开,否则也有作弊嫌疑。 雅思听力答题卡 雅思考试阅读和听力在一张答题纸的正反面 试卷的颜色是不一样的,听力是浅粉色,阅读是灰色的,写作白色,有时还会出现黄色。答题卡就和剑桥雅思后面附的答题卡是一样的,答题卡上没有中文,考官不会说中文。 答题卡上要填涂的信息有:名字(拼音,姓的下面要划线)、考试日期、第一语言(中文)的代码、考试号(涂数字前要在前面框框里写数字)。同时试卷上要写名字。 雅思阅读答题纸如何填写?

1. 首先要选择Are you Female male(你是女还是男)?然后把自己对应性别的方框涂黑即可; 2. 之后是Your first language code(你的母语代码)这与听力部分的考试准考号的填法一样,先填数字然后把对应的方框涂黑; 3. 最后一项Module taken Academic General training (考试类型 A类还是G类)是哪种考试即把那个选项涂黑即可;也就是说无论是A类考生还是G类考生都是同一答题纸。 4. 剩下部分和听力一样把答案誊写到题号后的空格即可,后面的√与×这个标志栏是由考官来完成的,大家不必理会。 注意事项:在听力和阅读答题纸的最后一排内容是考官评卷时填写的,大家不必填写。


雅思写作答题纸 International English Language Testing System WRITING ANSWER SHEET Candidate Name:____________________ Candidate Number: ____________________ Centre Name: ______________________ Date: _______________________________ Module: Academic (Tick as appropriate) General Training V ersion: _____________________________ Task 1 _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ EXAMINER’S USE ONL Y EXAMINER 2 NUMBER:_________________ CANDIDATE NUMBER:_________________ EXAMINER 1 NUMBER:_________________

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