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I still remember my first Christmas adventure with Grandma. As we walked into a store, Grandma

1 me ten dollars. “Take the money and 2

something for

someone who needs it. I 'll 3 for you in the car, ” she said. Then she turned and walks out of the store.

I was only eight years old then. I had often gone 4 with my mother, but I had never shopped for myself. For a few 5 , I just stood there. I wondered what to buy and who to buy it for. I thought of everybody I knew. 6 , I thought of Bobby Decker. He was a kid 7 mother had died.

Bobby Decker didn 't have a coat. I held the ten-dollar bill with growing 8 . I would buy Bobby Decker a coat! I chose a red one. It looked 9 , and he would like that.

That evening, Grandma helped me wrap the coat in Christmas paper and


“To Bobby, From Santa Claus ” on it. Then she drove me over the Bobby Decker 's

11 .

Grandma parked down the street from Bobby

's house, and she and I 12 in the

bush by his front yard. Then Grandma said to me, “All right, Santa Claus, get going. I took a deep breath, ran to his front door, threw the 13 down on his doorstep, and ran back to Grandma. Together we wait for the front door to

14 . Finally it


and there stood Bobby.

That night, I realized that Santa was 15 , and we were on

his team. I was so

( )15. A. wrong B. tall C. lucky D. alive


The Bucket List is a 2007 comedy film. It

tells us a story about

a worker Carter

Chambers and a billionaire Edward

Cole. They meet for the

first time in the hospital after both



)1. A. made B. posted C. gave D. drew (

)2. A. lend B. borrow C. try D. buy (

)3. A. call

B. wait

C. ran

D. take


)4. A. shopping B. swimming C. skating D. skiing (

)5. A. days B. months C. minutes D. hours


)6. A. Suddeny B. Luckily

C. Happily

D. Unusually (

)7. A. whose

B. who

C. what

D. whom


)8. A. surprise



C. sadness

D. fear (

)9. A. big B. small C. cold D. warm (

)10. A. read B. hear C. wrote D. said


)11. A. house B. school C. bed D. chair (

)121. A. appeared

B. hid

C. slept

D. moved (

)13. A. book B. pen C. box D. letter (

)14. A. open

B. close

C. move

D. give

find out they have lung cancer. Edward doesn 't want to share a room with Carter and keeps complaining that he “looks half-dead already ”. But later, they become friends.

Carter has a secret notebook. He writes all the things he wants to do before he dies and all his dreams on the book, which he calls the Bucket List. He often takes the notebook out and reads the list and adds something more. After hearing he has less than a year, Carter looks at the list sadly and decides to give up on these dreams. Edward finds it the next morning and asks Carter to do everything on the list. As a rich man, he adds more things of himself to the list. He can

afford the trips for the both of them. They begin an around-the-word vacation. They experience all kinds of exciting and strange things together.

During the journey, both of them understand the meaning of life. After carter 's death, Edward

crosses off “help a complete stranger for the good ” from the list.

( )1. According to the passages, the two men first meet .

A.when they have a dream

B. when they are both children

C. when Edward looks half dead

D. when they are in the hospital

( )2. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.Carter writes all the things he wants to do before he dies.

B.Edward asks Carter to do everything on the Bucket List.

C.Edward adds more things of himself to the Bucket List.

D.Carter gives up his Bucket List in the end.

( )3. What do the two men experience together during the journey?

A.Strange and interesting things.

B. Strange and exciting things.

C. Warm and exciting things.

D. Warm and interesting things.

( )4. What do the two mean learn from the journey?

A.They find that money is very important.

B.They understand that dreams are great.

C.They understand the meaning of life.

D. They find that helping others is also a pleasure.

( )5. From the last paragraph, we can infer that the “stranger ” means .

A. Carter

B. Edward

C. a friend of Carter

D. A friend of Edward


The New Year is a time for celebration all over the world. However, not everyone celebrate it in the way Americans do.

In Spain, it is a tradition to serve everyone twelve grapes just before midnight on New Year 's Eve. When the clock starts to chime everyone puts the grapes into their mouth one by one until all twelve chimes have struck and all 12 grapes are eaten. The New Year can 't start until everyone has finished his or her grapes.

It is pretty hard to eat 12 grapes that fast, so a lot of people look like chipmunks. That gets everybody laughing and the New Year gets a cheerful start.

In Korea, children try to stay awake through the entire night. They are afraid that if they fall asleep, their eyebrows will turn white! New Year ay is

celebra'tesd Dwith family gatherings that

include everyone! The children must bow to parents and elders. When this custom has been observed they go outside to fly kites.

In Turkey, New Year 's Eve is spent with close family and friends. A specials m

seh a lr eid, and

many people go to restaurants to celebrate. And just as in the US, there are lots of special TV programs to watch at home.


2. a

3. stars

4. eaten

5. or

6. It

7. children

8. elders

9. kites 10. restaurants

假如你是刘明,你的英国笔友托尼今年署假要来中国旅游,请根据如果提示,给他写一封电子邮件,向她介绍一下黄果树瀑布( Huangguoshu Waterfall ) .

1. 中国第一大瀑布,世界上最美丽的瀑布之一。

2.位于贵州省安顺市,距贵阳市137 公里。

3.高77.8 米,宽101 米;响声震天,几公里之外仍可闻其声。


Dear Tony,

Last time you told me that you would come to China this summer, and now I 'd like to tell you something about Huangguoshu Waterfall in my hometown because ________

Look forward to seeing you in China.

Yours, Liu Ming Dear Tony,

Last time you told me that you would come to China this summer, and now I 'd like to tell you something about Huangguoshu Waterfall in my hometown because it is

really a good place that

many tourist don 't want to miss.

Huangguoshu Waterfall is the biggest waterfall in China and it is also one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world. It is in Anshun, Guizhou, 137 km away from Guiyang. People will be surprised at how big it is: 77.8 metres high and 101 meters wide. Its loud sound can be heard miles away. People can choose to take a bus, a

train or a plane to get there. Every year, especially in summer, a large number of tourists from China and abroad visit it.

Look forward to seeing you in China.


Liu Ming

Antonio and Julio were twins. They shared everything. They shared the same birthday, the same bedroom, and the same friends. They both played on the same football team, and both boys shared all the same toys.

One Saturday, Antonio and Julio went outside to play with their red wagon. The twins loved the wagon. “ I want to give mtyo y animals a ride, said” Antonio.

“ I want to collect rocks, ”said Julio. Both twins wanted to do different things with the same wagon. Antonio and Julio ' s mother heard th aen bdo cyasme outside.

“ You boys must share the wagon, ” said Mother. Mother told Antonio and Julio

to take turns with the wagon. The twins did not want to share the wagon.

A few days later, A ntonio and Julio ' s m borothuegrht home a pet cat for the

t we boys. Can

each have our own cat? ” asked the twins. They were tired of sharing everything.

“I'm sorry, but you must share onec at,” Mother said. You will have to feed the cat and make sure she does not get into anything wrong. ” Now Antonio and Julio were even sharing a job.

A few days later, the cat got into Mother se'wsing basket. In just a few minutes, the cat had made balls of yarn (纱线) all over the room. Julio saw the cat playing with the yarn. He quickly went to find Antonio to tell him what the cat had done.

“ Oh, no! It ' s our job to clean up the me”ssc,ried Antonio. The boys quickly picked up the yarn and put it back in the basket.

“ Just think, Julio, two cats would have made a bigger mess, ” said Antonio.

“ That' s righ”t, laughed Julio. Maybe sharing isn so bad' atfter all! ” ( )1. Which question does paragraph 1 answer?

A. Where did the twins live?

B. What kind of birthday party did the twins have?

C. Who were Antonio and Julio?

D. Why did the two boys want another cat? ( )2. What is the

first thing Antonio and Julio do in the story?

A. They go to football practice.

B. They carry water together.

C. They go outside to play.

D. They receive a pet cat.

( )3. What was the first thing the twins did when their mother gave them a cat?

A. They thanked her for the kitten.

B.They put the cat in their red wagon.

C.They gave the cat a toy made of yarn.

D.They asked if they could have two cats. ( )4. What does the underlined word “mess” mean

in Chinese?

A. 优美的环境

B. 脏乱的现场

C. 优雅的风度

D. 糟糕的心境( )4. What do the twins learn in this story?

A. Having to share is good in some ways.

B.It is better to have two pet cats than one.

C.When you make a mess, you have to clean it up.

D.It's good to have different toys.

“ Do I have to go, Mom?" Peter asked the question for the fourth time.

“ Peter, ” his mother said. pla“nnWede t h aisv efo r weeks. I

thought you were looking forward to it. ”

“ But fish areb oring , Mom! ” Peter was complaining about the family ' s trip to a nearby aquarium.

“ Peter, Sam is just one goldfish. You will see much more than that at the aquarium. ” Peter tceollu hldis mother was becoming impatient.

He joined his sister Sarah in the back seat of the car.

A short time later, the family reached the aquarium. Peter tried to look bored as they reached the main building, but he was starting to feel the excitement of the people around him.

Peter and Sarah followed their parents into the building. The air inside was cool, and the only light seemed to come from the blue water in the huge fish tanks.

Peter and Sarah were amazed as they watched the interesting animals move about the tank.

The family watched the strange fish a little longer, and then Peter caught his father ' s hand.

“ Come on, Dad, ”sa ihde. “ Lest e 'e tsh e rest of the fish! ” “ Wait a minute, ” laughed his mother. “ I thought fish were boring!

Peter felt shy when his mother repeated his earlier words. “ I ' m

sorry , Mom, ” he apologized. w “ronI gw.a Ts his place is really great! ” ( )1. A. planned B. began C. continued D. finished (

)2. A. beautiful B. exciting C. boring D. happy (

)3. A. hear B. see C. feel D. smell (

)4. A. bed B. road C. table D. seat (

)5. A. reached B. left C. made D. built (

)6. A. smell B. hear C. look D. sound (

)7. A. and B. but C. so D. or (

)8. A. parents B. teachers C. friends D. (

)9. A. outside B. inside C. into D. onto (

)10. A. lamp B. earth C. water D. dirt (

)11. A. angry B. sad C. boring D. amazed (

)12. A. move B. fly C. run D. walk (

)13. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little (

)14. A. comfortable

B. shy

C. happy

D. angry (

)15. A. OK B. Right C. Wrong D. Fine ACBDA CBABC DADBC

One Sunday morning, Mr. Hardy woke up with an empty stomach. He went to make some breakfast but found his 1 empty. He decided to go to the 2

It was a sunny day. He and his dog Bruce got into the car happily. 3 they reached the shop, Mr. Hardy told Bruce to stay in the car as 4 were not allowed to enter the shop. He left a car window open for Bruce and left. 5 he forgot to take the car keys.

While Mr. Hardy was 6 , a man came along. He saw the keys and tried to 7 the car. He jumped into the car as 8 as lighting, and started the car. He did not 9 Bruece in the back seat. Bruce growled at him. The thief 10 of the car and tried to close the door but Bruce followed him out.

Mr. Hardy heard his dog 's barking and came out to see 11 was happening. When Mr. Hardy 12 his car keys in the thief 's hand, he shouted “Get the police. This man 's a thief.”

Soon the policemen 13 and caught the thief. Mr. Hardy was very 14 because his car did not get stolen. Bruce was happy because he got a lovely medal 15 the police.

)1. A. house )2. A. shop

)3. A. Before )4. A. dogs )5. A. But

)6. A. watching )7. A. lock )8. A. hardly )9. A. ask )10. A. looked out )11. A. which )12. A. saw )13. A.

changed )14. A. happy )15. A.


C. bag C. zoo

C. So C. policemen C. For C. shopping C. make C. quickly C. return C. got out C. that C. gave

C. watched

C. angry C. at

D. fridge

D. school

D. When D. drivers D. Because D. playing D. buy

D. luckily D. reply

D. turned out

D. where D. moved

D. arrived D. brave D. to


I had a very special teacher in high school many years ago. Her 1 died of a heart attack. About a week after his 2 , she shared some of her feelings with us. As the late afternoon sunlight came through the classroom windows and the class was 3 over, she moved a few things aside on the edge of her desk and sat down there. With a gentle look on her 4 , she said, “Before class is over, I would like to

share a thought

with all of you. Life is great. 5 of us knows when this fantastic experience will end. It can be

6 at any moment. Perhaps this is God 's way of

7 us that we must make the most of every single day.”

Her eyes 8 to water as we went on, “So I would like you to make me a 9 . From now on,

on your way to school, or on your way home, find 10 beautiful to notice. It could be good smell or an autumn leaf falling to the ground. Please look for these things, and cherish them. We must make 12 important to notice them, because at any time, it can all be taken away. ” 13 that teacher and remember her words, and I try to cherish

all of those overlook. As we get 15 , we won 't regret the things we didn 't do.

( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

B. bottle

B. hospital B. If

B. thieves B. If B. sleeping B. steal B. suddenly B. notice B. put

out B. what B. took B.


B. famous

Now, I often

think things that ( )1. A. husband

)2. A. illness B. arrival C. birth

D. death )3. A. actually B. finally

C. nearly

D. suddenly )4. A. head B. nose C. hand

D. face

)5. A. None

B. All

C. Neither

D . Both

)6. A. put away B. run away C. taken


D. thrown

away )7. A. telling B. believing C. asking D . comparing )8. A. began

B. wanted

C. decided D . asked

)9. A. suggestion B. decision C. promise

D .

choice )10. A. something B. nothing C. anything

D. everything )11. A. and B. but C. so

D. or

B. sister

C. mother

D. daughter


( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

B. beat

C. reply

D. chrish B. that C. it D. one

Rachel stared at the blackboard. Was that a five or an eight? Her friends were copying the maths problems into their notebooks, but Rachel couldn 't see the blackboard from the back of the classroom. “Rachel, is something wrong? ” Mr. Grimes asked. “No, Mr. Grimes. ” Rachel turned her head left, trying to copy the problems from Jenny 's paper.

“Rachel, would you please come to my desk? ” Mr. Grimes said.

Rachel stood up and walked to Mr. Grimes ' desk in the front of the classroom. “I wasn 't trying to cheat.” Rachel said, “I just couldn 't see the blackboard. ”

“Oh, that is a problem. Don 't you have glasses?” asked Mr. Grimes.

Rachel felt nervous. Her parents bought glasses for her two weeks ago, but she didn 't want to wear them in class where everyone would see.

Mr. Grime said. “I think I see the problem. You don 't want your friends to know you need glasses. Is that right? Well, I can move your seat to the front of the classroom. ”

“But then I won 't sit by Jenny and Amanda, ” Rachel said.

“You have to choose one, Rachel. Either you wear your glasses or I move your seat. It 's up to you.”

Rachel turned to look at Jenny and Amanda. They were good friends, and Rachel wanted to continue sitting by them. “I think I 'm going to keep my seat in the back, ” Rachel said.

“Mr. Grimes said. “Okay, but if I don 't see you wearing your glasses when you are copying problems from the blackboard, Il 'l move your seat. ” “I understand. ” Rachel walked back to her seat.


)1. A. may not B. shouldn 't C. mustn 't D. couldn 't (

)2. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything (

)3. A. head B. ears C. mouth D. hands


)4. A. go

B. come

C. move

D. run (

)5. A. sat down B. put up C. stood up D. went down (

)6. A. pens B. shirts C. coats D. glasses


)7. A. excited B. sorry C. happy D. nervous (

)8. A. and

B. so

C. but

D. or


)9. A. brothers B. sisters C. friends D. parents (

)10. A. front B. back C. middle D. left (

)11. A. didn 't B. don 't C. may not D. won 't (

)12. A. buy

B. protect

C. wear

D. mend (

)13. A. continue B. stop C. finish D. start (

)14. A. if B. while C. unless D. although (

)15. A. sell B. move C. buy D. get



( )12. A. forget

( )12. A. this ( )13. A. on B. of C. at D. from ( )14. A. never B. seldom C. even D. sometimes ( )15. A. younger B. older C. sadder D. happier 1-5ADBAB 6-10CAABB


来自美国的 Davis 是你们学校篮球队的队长 ,最近篮球队需要买些体育用品, 他向你写信向你


乘301 路公共汽车


Dear Davis

I was glad to hear from you. Here is some information about Tianyu sports store.

I hope this helps.

Yours Li Wei

Dear Davis

I was glad to hear from you. Here is some information about Tianyu sports store.

Tianyu sports Store is not far from our school. You can take the number 301 bus to get there. The business hours are different on weekdays and at weekends. From money

to Friday, the store is open from 9:00 to 18:00. On Saturday, it is open until 20:00. And it is closed during holidays. On weekends, there are special goods for sale. They have T-shirts at a very good price —only ¥40. ou can also buy sports shoes for ¥25. If you have any other questions, please call the store at 58873651.

I hope this helps.


Li Wei

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