当前位置:文档之家› 2018年考研英语小作文必背11篇范文




(一) 2005-2009大纲样题:

Dear Sir or Madam,

As I am planning to take the National Entrance Test of English for MA/MS Candidates (NETEM) , I have decided to place an order of some NETEM books with due consideration of the good reputation of your bookstore and the high quality of your books.

Firstly, please give me particular accounts as regards names, authors, publishing houses and prices of these books. Secondly, I also need to know the terms of payment and after-sell service. Thirdly, I wonder if it is convenient for you to deliver these books by EMS to the headquarters of Beijing New Oriental School by September 1, 2008.

I would like to express my gratitude for your kind consideration of my requests. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming







Dear Mr. Wang,

I am much grateful to be employed by you two months ago as an editor for your magazine Design & Fashions. I appreciate the opportunity of having worked here with you and other colleagues. The experiences will be unforgettable throughout my life.

However, as a young man whose primary interest is in computer science rather than fashion designing, I find my present job doesn't fall in with my previous training and strength. I therefore decide to quit this job for something else that may conform to my former preparation.

Please accept my sincere apologies for any inconveniences my leaving may occur.

Yours truly,

Li Ming







Dear Sir or Madam,

Moved by the noble cause of Project Hope and encouraged by what has been achieved so far, I would like to contribute my bit to the project by offering financial aid to a child in a remote area of your province.

I would be much grateful if you could help me seek out a girl who has just started schooling but whose fa mi ly cannot afford her education. My plan is to pay for her tuition on an annual basis till she finishes her secondary education. I would like to remit my donation directly to a bank account opened by her family in her local area.

Yours truly,

Li Ming






Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a student in this university who regularly come to the library to spend my spare time. Generally speaking, the services you offer here is quite good; however, I have some suggestions for you to adopt. And I would like to extend my greatest appreciation if you are so kind as to take my suggestions into consideration.

To begin with, will you please prolong the time for reading? In the daytime, most of the students are having class, so they can’t come to the library. Moreover, some of the books on shelves are out of date. If you are so kind as to provide us some books such as the latest magazines, we will be greatly honored.

I really wish to have a more co mf ortable library. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming 尊敬的先生/女士:






Chinese-Speaking Contest

January 8, 2011

To improve students’ability to speak Chinese and enrich after-class activities, the Students’Union of Department of Chinese Language and Literature is organizing a school-wide Chinese-speaking contest to be held on Saturday next week (15 January) at the Students’Auditorium. Those who are interested in taking part in it may sign up with the monitor of their classes before Tuesday next week. Five professors will be invited to be judges. The first six winners will be given awards. Everybody is welcome to be present at the contest.

The Students’Union

Department of Chinese Language and Literature





Contributions Wanted

January 8, 2011

To celebrate the 18th anniversary of the Beijing New Oriental Education and Technology Group, this journal has decided to publish a special issue on our great achievements in the teaching and research activities in the past 18 years. Articles,

photos, mem oirs and other writings related to this topic are invited. Faculty members and students are welcome to send in their contributions in whatever forms or styles to our office before the 30th instant. They may also send their writings and photos electronically to the following address:


The Editorial Office

New Oriental English Journal 征稿启事





Teachers Wanted

Beijing New Oriental School is looking for 10 teachers. Applicants should have a strong professional spirit and a good command of English.

Location: Beijing

Education: University graduate

Requirements: Candidate must have outstanding skills at English teaching and the ability to speak Chinese and English fluently. The candidates must have Chinese nationality and be aged under 35.

Those with relevant professional experience are preferred.

Contact: Candidates should send their resume, cover letter, record of formal schooling and a copy of their transcripts, along with two 2-inch photo to:

Beijing New Oriental School

B-5F Zhongguancun Finance Center, 6 Haidianzhong Street, Haidian District

Beijing 100080, China (Please mark: Application)

Email: bj-hr@https://www.doczj.com/doc/8518599989.html,

















Financial Crisis

Financial crisis, also known as financial tsuna mi, refers to the dramatic deterioration of the financial indicators of a certain country or several countries and regions in the world. It can be classified as currency crisis, debt crisis, banking crisis, sub-loan

crisis, etc. The feature of the crisis is that people are pessimistic about the economic future because of monetary depreciation occurring throughout the region. The causes for the crisis are complicated with multiple reasons, mainly from three aspects,

i.e., the U.S. consumption habits of borrowing, the idea of free economic management, and the economic environment and specific policy instruments. (99 words)





On Telling the Truth

In recent years, there is much talk about “telling the truth”, but criteria are quite different. There are at least two criteria to distinguish the truth. One is to speak out what one thinks arbitrarily, the other is to be realistic without any exaggeration and one-sided view. Different criteria may bring about various meanings when “telling the truth”. Accordingly, we should not only advocate the practice of saying what one thinks, but more importantly, the spirit of seeking truth from facts. The pursuit of truth does not contradict speaking out one’s mi nd. We may talk freely with comrades and friends, while in writing or making speeches, we should be prudent, taking various realistic factors into consideration. (116 words)





调动了人力和物资,支持救援。第三,我们正采取措施,确保美国政府统一行动。最后,这次灾难提醒了我们共同拥有的人性。(144字) 参考范文

President Obama's Remarks on the Earthquake in Haiti

I want to extend to the people of Haiti the deep condolences and unwavering support of the American people. I have directed my ad mi nistration to respond with a swift, coordinated, and aggressive effort to save lives. Right now our efforts are focused on several urgent priorities. First, we’re working quickly to account for many American citizens who live and work in Haiti. Second, we’ve mobilized resources to help rescue efforts. Third, we are taking steps to ensure that our government acts in a unified way. Finally, this is a time when we are reminded of the common humanity that we all share. (102 words)


2018考研英语作文模板必背20篇:大作文(3) As is shown in the picture, on arriving at the finishing line of a race on the playground, the lovely young man has to continue his new journey in no time instead of stopping to take a rest. He has successfully settled the puzzle of “stopping or going on” which might have confused many others. With the increasing pace of modern life, perhaps no change has characterized the past decade more dramatically than that of people's view on their own life. It is generally agreed upon that people have to adjust themselves to this new change. On the one hand, no doubt, people will gain a lot by setting new goals in their daily life. Take the famous scientist Thomas Edison for example. He had done very well in his early life, but continued to pursue something more difficult all through his life. On the other hand, if one is obsessed with the success he has achieved, he would lose the chance to pursue new success. What is more, he may become the slave of his success. There are many cases showing that people lose their courage to better themselves after becoming successful. To sum up, one's view on his success determines his future. In my opinion, it is necessary to carry out a nation-wide campaign publicizing people who have a burning desire for more and ever greater achievement when they are already well-known. So that people in the society will develop a forward-looking attitude and make their life worth living and the world more beautiful as well. 以上是中公考研为大家准备整理的2018考研英语作文模板必背20篇:大作文(3)的内容。中公考研提醒大家2018考研招生简章、2018考研招生目录、2018考研参考书目以及2018考研大纲已陆续公布,中公考研将为大家及时提供相关资讯。另外,为了帮助考生更 好地复习,中公考研为广大学子推出2018考研VIP1对1、秋季集训营、保研课程系列备考专题,针对每一个科目要点进行深入的指导分析,还会根据每年的考研大纲进行针对性的分析哦~欢迎各位考生了解咨询。同时,中公考研一直为大家推出考研直播课堂,足不出户就可以边听课边学习,为大家的考研梦想助力!


suppose your cousin LI MING has just been admited to a university write him/her a letter to:(1)Congratulate him/her,and(2)give him/her suggestions on how to get prepared for university life you should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. DO not sign your own name at the end of the letter,Use "zhangwe 考研教育网考研英语二小作文范文: Dear friend, I am writing to congratulate you on your being successfully admitted to Harvard University,which enjoys an international reputation for its academic excellence and give you some suggestions as to how to make preparation for the coming college life. In order for you to adapt yourself to the university life,you are advised to get prepared physically and intellectually. First and foremost,you need to build a strong body for the future academic pursuit,so you can take some exercises during the breaks. Secondly,since the study in university is more demanding than in your secondary school,you are highly suggested to find some introductory books from the library so as to have a good idea of the specialty you are going to take in your college life. Given your sound ability,you are sure to have a successful college life. Congratulate you again and wish you a fruitful college life. Sincerely yours, Zhang Wei


考研英语一小作文真题解析 2018考研英语已结束,总体而言,今年英语难度并不大,不管是英语一还是英语二的学生都普遍反映难度并未超出预期。相对而言,今年英语试卷命题人在小作文上动的脑筋比较多,很多考生对2018考研英语的小作文感觉最为棘手。 咱们先来说说英语一,今年英语一小作文题目是: Directions: Write an email to all international experts in your university inviting them to attend a graduation ceremony. In this letter you should state the time place and other information about the ceremony. 翻译是:给你们学校的国际专家写封邮件,邀请他们参加毕业典礼。信中应说清楚时间、地点和其他典礼相关信息。 这篇题目在英语表述上没有任何的陷阱,一如既往地简单直接,完全符合考前跨考老师对英语一小作文特点的分析,说好听点叫题目要求但是部分学生考完后还是反映有失手的情况,究其原因,很多人其实还是因为题目理解不准确。虽说出题人本身并未特意设置难点,但是英读明白了题,咱们来写文章,这篇小作文要求写Email,也就是电子邮件,所以格式按照信件来就行了。 首先是要有称呼,这篇文章的称呼是有一点难度的,既然是给专家(experts)写信,那么称呼就写Dear Experts就可以,要是当陌生人来写,写成Dear Sir or Madam也没问题。注意称呼之后的标点是逗号。 正文部分肯定还是分三段来写。第一段必须要写的是写信目的,这封信的写信目的自然就是邀请专家参加毕业典礼。套用I am writing this email on the purpose of inviting···就可以,甚至不用理解ceremony一词的意思,照着写就行。由于这群专家可以被认为是陌生人,所以理所应当的应该加一个自我介绍的部分,这里就可以套用咱们课上讲的I a m a···who···的句型了。合理的填充内容是:学生会的一员以及正要举行一场毕业典礼。 第二段总是需要分条去阐述的。题目中明确的给出了一个要求,需要写毕业典礼的时间和地点,举办活动用hold或者host表达。所以这理所当然地可以成为第二段的第一个层次。第二个层次写题目的第二个要求,也就是其他典礼相关信息。一般情况下我们邀请信都会写到邀请理由,也就


考研英语作文范文10篇 范文1 "Good Health" 1.身体健康的重要性。 2.保持健康的途径。 3.我自己的实践。 Good Health The desire for good health is universal. In our competitive society it is important to maintain good health. On the one hand, people with good health can do work with full confidence and their progress in work in turn contributes to their health and happiness. On the other hand, a sick person is usually not interested in everything around him and therefore he loses many opportunities to become successful. There are many ways to keep it. First, those who are always on the go from morning till night should find time to relax because too much stress will affect their health. Second, enough time should be left for sleep because that will help one become rested and refreshed. Finally, regular physical exercises benefit one's health a lot. So one should always keep in mind that a certain amount of exercise is not a waste of time. As for me, I like playing tennis in the morning. I also attach much importance to enough sleep and relaxation. I believe this will ensure my good health for the rest of my life. <评析> 这篇文章语句通顺,语言流畅,句式变化多样,用词面比较宽。就内容来说,则很切题,包括了提纲中的所有要点。第一段的第二句即主题句是从提纲发展而来的,第二段的首句,即主题句也是由提纲中的第二点发展而来。 范文2 Hope Project Education plays a very important role in the modernization of our country. However, because of historical factors, there are still a lot of people in China who are undereducated, especially among youngsters in rural areas. They cannot afford the expenses of schooling and need help. At the same time, China is not able to invest too much money in the matter at present time. It is in this particular situation that the authorities carry out the "Hope Project ". This project is necessary to our country. It is an urgent measure that the government has taken. In the first place, this project will provide conditions for the youngsters to go back to school, which will contribute to their future success. Thus it will lead to the enhancement of the intelligence level in our country. Secondly, education makes it possible for people to acquire knowledge, which is useful to their future work. Hence, this Project benefits the modernization of our country a lot. Finally, it can make more people educated. Therefore, it may indirectly


2018考研英语(一)大作文真题范文及译文 2018考研英语(一)大作文是让考生描写关于一位同学选择课程的图画,并且对背后的含义进行解读。针对本题,文都考研教学研究院英语教学研究中心提供参考范文一篇如下: 【题目】 52.Directions: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the picture below. In your essay, you should 1)describe the picture briefly 2)interpret the meaning, and 3)give your comments. Write your answer neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points) 2018考研英语(一)大作文真题范文及译文: As is vividly depicted in the graph that sitting in front of a computer, a student is selecting the curriculum, taking numerous elements into consideration including the innovation, the freshness of knowledge and the level of difficulty as well as the scoring, the qualified rate and burden of assignment. The caption says: The course selecting is on the way, indicating the importance of well-rounded consideration while making a choice. We can deduce from the portrayal that well-rounded contemplating, a significant quality, serves as an indispensable capability bringing about positive influence toward different aspects of our lives. It


S e c t i o n I V W r i t i n g Part A 51. Directions: You are going to host a club reading session. Write an email of about 100 words recommending a book to the club members. You should state reasons for your recommendation. You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use Li Ming instead.

Do not write the address. (10 points) 【参考范文】 要点归纳: 1.题目要求写一封信,书信格式要完整; 2.收信人为俱乐部成员,是自己的朋友,用语要友好、亲切; 3.写信内容必须包括:推荐一本书,陈述推荐理由,可以从书的名气、内容和意义等方面构思理由。 Dear friends, There will be a big even for book lovers next week --- a book reading session will be hosted. For its

efficiency and effect, I’d like to recommend a book. The book deserving praise and attention is The Road Less Traveled. It is about how to be spiritually healthy and has been a best seller of psychology category for nearly 30 years. The secret of life achievement the author listed stands the test of time and proves to be more meaningful in the modern time when there are an increasing number of people suffering emotionally. It is definitely a highly informative and readable book and hopefully you will love it.



Section A 1. Dear Mr. Wang, I am much grateful to be employed by you two months ago as an editor for your magazine Design & Fashions. I appreciate the opportunity of having worked here with you and other colleagues. The experiences will be unforgettable throughout my life. However, as a young man whose primary interest is in computer science rather than fashion designing, I find my present job doesn't fall in with my previous training and strength. I therefore decide to quit this job for something else that may conform to my former preparation. Please accept my sincere apologies for any inconvenience my leaving may cause.

Li Ming 译文: 亲爱的王先生, 非常荣幸两个月前能够称为贵杂志Design & Fashions.的一名员工,我非常珍惜与您以及其他同事公事的机会,这将是我终身难忘的经历。但是,作为一个兴趣在计算机科学而不是时尚设计的年轻人,我发现我的工作与我之前的培训和自身长处不一致。因此我决定放弃目前的工作,转作其他与我兴趣一致的工作。 如果我的工作带来了任何不便,请接受我真诚 3


2018年考研英语大作文高分 答题步骤 新东方在线推荐:2018年考研一次顺利提分课程!!一科不过,全科免费英语一的大作文主要考查图画类作文。在整个写作过程中,我们要写三段。 首先,我们要先把题干审读清楚。看看题干的要求有没有变化。但基本上2007年之后的题干要求都比稳定,一般是写1.describe the drawing briefly ;2.interpret its intended meaning;3.give your comments。所以我们应该这样安排每一段的写作内容:第一段:描述图画;第二段:阐释寓意;第三段:给出个人评论。 其次,先来考虑第一段如何去写。同学们需要注意考查图画,会考一幅图也会考两幅图。而一幅图和两幅图的写作方法不太一样。所以同学们在看图的时候,应该先看清是几幅图。有明显框架隔开的就是两幅图。反之则是一幅图。而两幅图又分为内容相同和内容相反。所以同学们再去根据图画进一步确定。而为了使整个的段落结构比较好,无论是哪种情况我们都要写4句话。一幅图:1.直观评价2.整体描写3.细节描写4.过渡句;两幅图:1.直观评价2.第一幅描述3.第二幅图描述4.过渡句。 再次,考虑第二段如何去写。为了方便大家快速地明确第二段的写作内容,我们对所考话题进行了分类。分为三大类:社会问题类话题,社会现象类话题和抽象品质类话题。三类话题的特点是:社会问题类话题完全是负面的话题,社会现象类话题是有利有弊的话题,抽象品质类话题则是完全正面的话题。同学们可以根据这些特点进行区分。然后再明确写作内容。社会问题类话题,第二段要分析这个社会问题产生的原因。社会现象类话题,需要写此现象的利或弊,但是同学们需要注意,为了保持鲜明的立场,我们只写一方面即可,即:利或弊。抽象品质类话题,我们则要写这种品质的重要作用。 最后,考虑第三段的写作思路。第三段写作的主要内容也是由所属话题决定


考研英语真题一:小作文邀请信范文 .table{border-left:1px #99CCFF solid;border-top:1px #99CCFF solid} .table td{border-right:1px #99CCFF solid; border-bottom:1px #99CCFF solid; text-align:center;FONT-SIZE: 12px; COLOR: #000000; LINE-HEIGHT: 22px; FONT-FAMILY: ‘微软雅黑’} 2013年考研真题、考研答案汇总 2013考研真题考研英语真题考研政治真题考研数学真题 考研专业课真题 2013考研答案考研英语答案考研政治答案考研数学答案考研专业课答案考研英语作文 考研英语大纲考研政治大纲考研数学大纲考研专业课大纲 >>>>点击查看更多考研真题、考研答案信息笔者为广大考生整理了2013年考研英语真题一:小作文邀请信范文,供广大考生参考:Dear professor, I am the chairman of the Students’ Union of Foreign language school in Peking University. We are to hold an English speech contest next week. I am writing to ask whether you can honor us to be a judge for the competition. The contest will be held next Sunday, Dec, 20. 2012 in


2021年考研英语:小心小作文的几种套路 2021考研英语:小心小作文的几种套路 小作文它对写作的语句要求不是很高,并不需要多么高的写作水准和过于华丽的词语,只要意思表达清楚和格式规范就可以了。想要做好小作文,需要同学们平时自己多看一些 范文,并根据这些范文进行整理,了解并掌握各种类型问题的书信的书写格式和写作规律,经过练习把小作文各个类型的信件整理出来一个模板,并自己多加练习,达到考试的时候 不管什么类型的东西都能有思路写出来。 格式 书信格式:要求采用缩进式,缩进可以 4 或 8 个字母 书信结构:称呼顶格 Dear Sir/Madam/Judy/Jack,注意后面用逗号 机构:Dear Sir or Madam, /To whom it may concern, / To those concerned, 专业:Dear Mr. Wang, / Dear Professor Wang, / Dear Editor Wang, 用于对认识但是关系很正式的个人、组织或团体负责人的称谓:Dear Ms.... or Dear Mr. ... 用于对关系亲密的人的称谓:Dear Tom/Lucy 或者其他材料中给出的名字 正文缩进4字. 通常分三段,首段:写信目的 1 句,中段:写信详情 4 或 5 句,通常 1 句总述,3 到 4 句分述尾段:收尾 2 句,S1:感谢看信,S2:期待回信 常用开头 因为是信件,所以开头可以用一个套路。 1. I’m writing to…直截了当型 2. I’m writing to seek your assistance in …请求型 3. I’m writing in response to your advertisement in …回应型 4. I’m writing to express my views on … 建议型 5.I’m writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding…咨询类型


2021考研英语一写作终极预测10篇 1. 建议信 Direction:write an email to the international students in your university to propose some measures on how to reduce the possibility of the spread of COVID-19. 范文 Dear international students, I am writing to propose some measures on how to reduce the possibility of the spread of COVID-19. The measures are as follows. First, medical masks, with the function of preventing the spread of the virus, should be worn when going out. Second, youare supposed to wash hands frequently, because it is pivotal to the prevention of the virus. Third, it is necessary to open your windows to breathe fresh air. Fourth, being easy to be infected in gathering, you are advised

to keep a safe social distance. It is my earnest hope that my suggestions can be accepted. Sincerely yours, Li Ming 译文 小作文 1. 建议信 说明:给贵校的留学生写一封邮件,提出一些减少冠状病毒传播可能性的措施。 范文 各位留学生同学: 我写这封信是为了提出一些措施来减少冠状病毒传播的可能性。


2018考研英语作文写作万能模板50句 1.is now being questioned by more and more people. 正受到越来越多人的质疑。 2. Although many people claim that, along with the rapidly economic development, the number of people who useare decreasing andis bound to die out. The information I've collected over the recent years leads me to believe thatwill continue to play extremely important roles in modern society. 尽管许多人认为随着经济的高速发展,用的人数会减少,可能会消亡,然而,这几年我收集的一些信息让我相信仍然会继续在现代社会发挥极其重要的作用。 3. experts point out that increasingnot only causes serious problems such as global warming but also could threaten to end human life on our planet. 专家指出:持续增加的污染不仅会导致像全球变暖这样严重的问题,而且还将威胁到人类在这个星球的生存。 4. In view of such serious situation, environmental tools of transportation likeare more important than any time before. 考虑到这些严重的状况,我们比以往任何时候更需要像这样的环保型交通工具。 5. Usingcontributes greatly to people's physical fitness as well as 使用有助于人们的身体健康,并。 6. Despite many obvious advantages of, it is not without its problem. 尽管有许多明显的优点,但是它也存在它的问题。 7.is more than just an electronic appliance; it is a means of expression, as well as a vehicle for communication, and as such becomes a powerful tool for reaching other human beings. 不仅仅是一件电器;它是表达的手段和交流的载体,并因此成为联系他人的有力工具。 8. From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that advantages offar outweigh its disadvantages and it will still play essential roles in modern society. 通过以上讨论,我们可以得出结论:的优点远大于缺点,并且在现代社会它仍将发挥重要作用。 9. There is a general discussion these days overin many colleges and institutes. One of the questions under debate is whetheris 当前在高校和研究机构对教育存在着大量争论,其中一个问题就是是否是个10. This issue has caused wide public concern. 这个问题已经引起了广泛关注。 11. It must be noted that learning must be done by a person himself. 必须指出学习只能靠自己。


书信类一 (一) 2005-2009大纲样题: Dear Sir or Madam, As I am planning to take the National Entrance Test of English for MA/MS Candidates (NETEM) , I have decided to place an order of some NETEM books with due consideration of the good reputation of your bookstore and the high quality of your books. Firstly, please give me particular accounts as regards names, authors, publishing houses and prices of these books. Secondly, I also need to know the terms of payment and after-sell service. Thirdly, I wonder if it is convenient for you to deliver these books by EMS to the headquarters of Beijing New Oriental School by September 1, 2008. I would like to express my gratitude for your kind consideration of my requests. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely,


2019考研英语热点作文十篇范文集锦 赞同新建一所学校吗 It has recently been announced that a new high school may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details in your answer. I oppose having a new high school built in my neighborhood. Although I know there’s a real need for a new facility, I have to say that I don’t want one built so close to me. I think it would cause a lot of problems. First of all, there are very few teenagers in this neighborhood, or in our suburban subdivision, for that matter. Most of the residents here are either retired or are just starting out with young children. This means that the kids coming to the new high school wouldn’t be walking. They would come on buses or would be driving to the school. Either way, this would mean a lot more traffic on our streets. In addition to the traffic on school days, there also would be traffic whenever there was a sporting event, such as a basketball or football game, or activities at the school. Would there be enough parking in the school lot for everyone attending those events? Probably not. Consequently, those extra cars would end up our neighborhood. My neighbors and I would also be upset about the loss of the park, which is the site that’s been selected for the high school. Mothers with young children gather there every morning for their kids to play together. People my age like to take a walk after dinner. On weekends, that park is a place for picnic and relaxation. We’d be sorry to lose our neighborhood park. I also have some concerns about all those young people being in our neighborhood. Would there be problems with drugs or fights? Could the school district guarantee us that security would be a priority? These are concerns that I don't think can be addressed sufficiently for me to support a new high school in my neighborhood.


考研英语一小作文真题及范文3篇 英语一小作文真题:51.direction You are to write an email to James Cooka newly-arrived Australia professorrecommending some tourist attraction in your city .Please give reason for your recommendation. You should write nearly on the answer/sheet. Dot not sign your own name at the end of the email .use "li ming"instead Do not write the address.(10 points) 参考范文1(网友版): Dear Prof. James Cook Welcome to China. I know you love tra veling so I’m writing this letter to recommend to you one of my favorite scen I think you must like it for the reasons as follows. To begin with there are an amount of beautiful scenic spots such as the Ice and Snow Kingdom in winter the Sun island the Central Street and so on. In addition you could taste a great number of snacks on the average street. Last but not least the people of Harbin are overwhelmingly hospitable and enthusiastic which is famous all over China. Owing to the reasons discuss ed above I won’t hesitate to recommend this scenic spot to you. I am sure you will enjoy it. Best wishes for you! 【参考范文2(网友版)】 Dear Mr. Cook I am writing this letter to recommend you one of the tourist attractions in my city —The Great Wall. The detailed reasons for my recommendation are listed as the following. At the top of the list the Great Wall is one of the oldest historic interests in China. In addition there are a large number of tourists in China and abroad touring the Great Wall and appreciating its grandness and

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