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The Scope and Classification of Communication


1)There are at least two or more people


a)Human communication

b)Animal communication

c)Human-animal communication

d)Human-machine communication

e)Machine-to-machine communication


f)Intra-personal communication 自我传播

g)Interpersonal communication 人际传播

h)Organizational communication 组织传播

i)Mass communication 大众传播

Human and biological/physical communication 树状图略

2)There must be some contact between communicators

a)Two-way contact = direct communication

b)One-way contact = indirect communication

c)Face to face communication 面对面交际

d)Distance communication 远距离交际

3)There must be a language shared by communicators


4)An exchange of information has taken place 判断交际的成功程度

a)Complete success communication

b)Partial success


ponents of communication 交际的组成

1) A message (verbal or non-verbal)

2) A sender



5)Noise 干扰


7)Encoding 编码

8)Decoding 解码

3.Model of communication

1)The linear model 线性模式

Sende r →Message→Channel →Receiver →Effect

There is no feedback in this model 缺点:无反馈

2)The circular model 循环模式

Message+decode/encode= two-way process

This is an exchange model everyone is both a decoder and an encoder

3)The contexualized model 环境模式

Context(环境) refers to the idea that every act of communication must happen in

some sort of surroundings.


a)Physical context 物质环境

b)Social context 社会环境

c)Cultural context 文化环境

4.Characteristics of communication

1)Dynamic 动态的

2)Irreversible 不可撤销的( the original person can’t take it back)

3)Symbolic 符号性

4)Systemic 系统性

5)Self-reflective 自我反应性

6)Interactive 交互性


munication is culture, and culture is communication.when culture differs,

communication also differ.

6.Ingredients of culture

Cultures may be classified by three categories

1)Artifact 人造物品

2)Concepts 概念

3)Behavior 行为


1)Material level 物质文化

2)System level 制度文化

3)Belief and behavior level 观念文化

7.Characteristics of culture 文化的特征

1)Culture is not innate(固有的), it's learned

2)Culture is transmitted from generation to generation

3)Culture is selective

4)The facets of culture are interrelated 相互联系的

5)Culture is ethnocentric 民族文化优越感

6)Culture is subject to change 文化是发展变化的

We learn our culture from folk tales,legends, and myths,through arts and mass media. All of this learning occurs as conscious or unconscious conditioning that leads one toward competence in a particular culture. The activity is called enculturation(文化合群).

8.Cultural patterns 文化模式

1)Dominant culture 主流文化mainstream culture WASP—White anglo-saxon

protestant 为美国主流文化

It involves the cultural components common to most people, including views of politics, conceptions of self and basic roles standard forms which most people in the society are aware of and accept.

2)Subcuture 亚文化(ethnic, regional, occupational, social, economical,

religious or gender-related)

3)Co-culture 共生文化