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Parkour (Frenc pronunciation: [pa??ku?]) (abbreviated PK), also called as the "art of displacement",[1] is a training discipline that developed out of military obstacle course training.[2][3][4]

Practitioners aim to move from one place to another, negotiating the obstacles in between. The discipline uses no equipment and is non-competitive. A male practitioner is generally called a "traceur", a female a "traceuse".

Developed by Raymond Belle, David Belle, Sébastien Foucan and other members of the original Yamakasi group, parkour became popular in the 1990s and 2000s through a series of documentaries and films featuring these practitioners and others.


Though Sébastien Foucan states in Jump London that "le parkour has always existed, freerunning has always been there, the thing is that no one gave it a name, we didn't put it

in the box," the roots of the modern discipline can be traced.

In Western Europe, a forerunner of parkour was French naval officer Georges Hébert, who before World War I promoted athletic skill based on the models of indigenous tribes he had met in Africa.[11] He noted, "their bodies were splendid, flexible, nimble, skillful, enduring, and resistant but yet they had no other tutor in gymnastics but their lives in nature."[11] His rescue efforts during the 1902 eruption of Mount Pelée on Saint-Pierre, Martinique, reinforced his belief that athletic skill must be combined with courage and altruism.[11]

Hébert became a physical education tutor at the college of Reims in France. Hébert set up a "méthode naturelle" (natural method) session consisting of ten fundamental groups: walking, running, jumping, quadrupedal movement, climbing, balancing, throwing, lifting,

self-defense, swimming, which are part of three main forces:[12] During World War I and World War II, Hébert's teaching continued to expand, becoming the standard system of French military education and training. Thus, Hébert was one of the proponents of "parcours", an obstacle course,[13] which is now standard in military training and which led to the development of civilian fitness trails and confidence courses.[11]

Born in 1939 in what is now Vietnam, Raymond Belle was the son of a French doctor and Vietnamese mother. He was cut off from his parents by the struggle for independence and sent to a military orphanage at the age of 7. Isolated there, he had to become stronger in order to survive. He took it upon himself to train harder and longer than everyone else in order to never be a victim. He would do extra training at night when everyone else was asleep, go for runs, climb trees. He would use the military obstacle courses in secret, but he also created courses of his own that tested his endurance, his strength, his flexibility. Doing this enabled him not only to survive the hardships he experienced during his childhood, but

also eventually to thrive. In 1954, he returned to France and remained in military education until 1958, when someone who was impressed by his abilities suggested that he join the Paris fire-fighters.[14][15]

In the fire fighters, he made a name for himself as someone who would always go first, always volunteer for the dangerous assignments. When others were still hesitating, he would act. He was involved in many rescues, some dangerous and daring, and received both citations and medals. He also involved himself in athletic pursuits throughout his career and was a French military champion several times in more than one event. After leaving the

fire-fighters in 1975, he worked in the private sector, and continued to impress people with his efficiency.[14][15]

David Belle was born in 1973. He was raised by his grandfather, but remained in contact with his father. As a young boy, David was not gifted either physically or academically. He experimented with gymnastics and athletics, but became increasingly disaffected with both school and the sports clubs. As he got older though, he started to read the newspaper clippings that told of his father's exploits and got more and more curious about what had enabled his father to accomplish these feats. Through conversations with his father, he realised that what he really wanted was a means to become truly useful, developing skills that would be useful to him in life, rather than just training to kick a ball or perform moves in a padded, indoor environment.[15][16]

Eventually, through conversations with his father, he learned about this way of training that his father called 'parcours'. He learned of the hours spent on obstacle courses, and of moving from branch to branch in the forest. He heard his father talk of the hundreds and thousands of repetitions he had done in order to find the best way of doing things. What he learned too was that for his father, training was not a game but something vital, something that enabled him to survive and to protect the people he cared about. David realised that this was what he had been searching for and so he began training in that way too. After a time, he realised it was far more important to him than schooling and he gave up his other commitments to focus all his time on his training.[16]

Initially David trained on his own, however later he found other people (including his cousins) who had similar desires and they began to train together. Gradually, the training ideas were passed on to others who came to learn and the number of practitioners expanded slowly, but as the practising became more like a discipline than a pastime, many people would leave the group. The core group that would develop what we today know as parcours, parkour,

l'art du déplacement and freerunning were: Chau Belle Dinh, David Belle, Williams Belle, Yann Hnautra, Sébastien Foucan, Laurent Pietmontesi, Guylain N'Guba Boyeke, Malik Diouf, and Charles Perriére. In the late 1990s, after David's brother sent some pictures and video to a French TV programme, parkour's recognition and popularity began to increase. A series of television programmes in various countries subsequently featured video footage of the group, and as the popularity increased, they began to get more and more offers. Eventually, the original group split apart to pursue different goals, some staying with the discipline and others leaving. The number of practitioners in total though kept on increasing and parkour's

popularity began to spread around the globe through television, feature film and increasing use of online video-sharing methods.[15][17]

Philosophy and theories

According to Williams Belle, the philosophies and theories behind parkour are an integral aspect of the art, one that many non-practitioners have never been exposed to. Belle trains people because he wants "it to be alive" and for "people to use it".[18] Chau Belle explains it is a "type of freedom" or "kind of expression"; that parkour is "only a state of mind" rather than a set of actions, and that it is about overcoming and adapting to mental and emotional obstacles as well as physical barriers.[18]

A newer convention of parkour philosophy has been the idea of "human reclamation".[19] Andy (Animus of Parkour North America) clarifies it as "a means of reclaiming what it means to be a human being. It teaches us to move using the natural methods that we should have learned from infancy. It teaches us to touch the world and interact with it, instead of being sheltered by it."[19]"It is as much as a part of truly learning the physical art as well as being able to master the movements, it gives you the ability to overcome your fears and pains and reapply this to life as you must be able to control your mind in order to master the art of parkour."[20]

A point has been made about the similarities between the martial arts philosophy of Bruce Lee and parkour.[21] In an interview with The New Yorker, David Belle acknowledges the influence of Lee's thinking: "There's a quote by Bruce Lee that's my motto: 'There are no limits. There are plateaus, but you must not stay there, you must go beyond them. A man must constantly exceed his level.' If you're not better than you were the day before, then what are you doing—what's the point?".[13]

Traceur Dylan Baker says "parkour also influences one's thought processes by enhancing self-confidence and critical thinking skills that allow one to overcome everyday physical and mental obstacles".[18][22][23] A study by Neuropsychiatrie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence (Neuropsychiatry of Childhood and Adolescence) in France reflects that traceurs seek more excitement and leadership situations than do gymnastic practitioners.[24]

A campaign was started on 1 May 2007 by https://www.doczj.com/doc/8312536743.html, portal[25] to preserve parkour's philosophy against sport competition and rivalry.[26] In the words of Erwan LeCorre: "Competition pushes people to fight against others for the satisfaction of a crowd and/or the benefits of a few business people by changing its mindset. Parkour is unique and cannot be a competitive sport unless it ignores its altruistic core of self development. If parkour becomes a sport, it will be hard to seriously teach and spread parkour as a non-competitive activity. And a new sport will be spread that may be called parkour, but that won't hold its philosophical essence anymore."[25] According to LeCorre, those who truly practice parkour have the same mind aspect of each other, therefore it brings people to work together rather than compete, it allows them to be united internationally and forget the social and

economical problems which separated them globally, ultimately leading one giant community working and growing together.


A pair of parkour techniques: A wall climb to a top out

There is no official list of "moves". In many cases effective parkour techniques depend on fast redistribution of body weight and the use of momentum to perform seemingly difficult or impossible body maneuvers at great speed. Absorption and redistribution of energy is also an important factor, such as body rolls when landing which reduce impact forces on the legs and spine, allowing a traceur to jump from greater heights than those often considered sensible in other forms of acrobatics and gymnastics.

According to David Belle, the practice is to move in such a way that will help you gain the most ground as if escaping or chasing something. Also, if you go from A to B, you need to be able to get back from B to A, but not necessarily with the same movements or "passements". Despite this, there are many basic versatile and effective techniques that are emphasized for beginners. Most important are good jumping and landing techniques. The roll, used to limit impact after a drop and to carry one's momentum onward, is often stressed as the most important technique to learn.

Risk of harm

Parkour is widely practiced in dedicated public facilities such as skate parks. Although efforts are being made to create places for it, some traceurs do not like the idea as it is contradictory to the philosophy of freedom.[27] Traceurs practice parkour in urban areas such as gyms, parks, playgrounds, offices, and abandoned structures. Concerns have been raised regarding trespassing, damage of property,[28] and the practice in inappropriate places.[29] However, most traceurs will take care of their training spots and will remove themselves quickly and quietly from a public place if asked. One of parkour's values is to respect people and places as well as helping others. One of the first campaigns to preserve this sort of philosophy is the 'Leave No Trace' project, stressing the importance of training safe, respecting the environment and the people around you.[30][31][32]

Concerns have been raised by law enforcement and fire and rescue teams of the risk in jumping off high buildings.[33] They argue that practitioners are needlessly risking damage to both themselves and rooftops by practicing at height, with police forces calling for practitioners to stay off the rooftops.[28][34][35] Some figures within the parkour community agree that this sort of behaviour is not to be encouraged.[34][36][37][38]

American traceur Mark Toorock says that injuries are rare "because participants rely not on what they can't control – wheels or the icy surfaces of snowboarding and skiing – but their

own hands and feet," but Lanier Johnson, executive director of the American Sports Medicine Institute, notes that many of the injuries are not reported.[39] When injuries do occur, many members in the parkour community encourage pursuing the most scientifically sound method to recovery and future prevention.[40]


A traceuse vaults an obstacle.

There is no equipment required, although practitioners normally train wearing light casual clothing:[41][42]

?Light upper body garment such as T-shirt, sleeveless shirt or crop top if anything is worn on the upper body;

?Light lower body garment such as sweatpants, some wear tracksuit bottoms or shorts.

Comfortable running shoes, ones that are generally light, with good grip and flexibility are encouraged. Various sport-shoes manufacturers, such as Nike, with its "Free run" shoes, have developed shoes specifically for parkour and freerunning; and many other companies around the world have started offering parkour-specific products. Some practitioners use thin athletic gloves to protect the hands;[43] most do not, preferring the increased grip and tactile feedback.[44][45] Since parkour is closely related to méthode naturelle, practitioners sometimes train barefooted to be able to move efficiently without depending on their gear. Some traceurs also use the lightweight feiyue martial arts shoes. David Belle notes: "bare feet are the best shoes!"[46]


跑酷俱乐部万圣节活动方案 文章来山课件w w 5k J.cO m文秘跑酷俱乐部万圣节活动方案          活动时间及地点 活动时间:2015年11月01日星期六万圣节活动地点:xx极限运动公园;刷街路线   下午:14:30—15:00(极限运动公园) 选手集中、签到、抽签 下午:15:10—18:00(xx极限运动公园) 竞速赛正赛、颁奖、合照 晚上:18:00—19:30(xx极限运动公园) 休息、晚餐 晚上:19:30—24:00(刷街路线) 奇装异服刷街、拍视频、拍照、吹牛逼   比赛报名及细则

报名方式 1.      微信报名 关注xxNT官方微信,回复“报名”根据提示进行报名 2014年万圣节活动方案   2.      现场报名 提前到达场地,并跟相关负责人报名 (请各位想报名参赛的traceur最好能先网上报名,避免现场报名过于拥挤)   比赛分组 公平起见,我们会对所有报名参赛的选手进行分组,根据训练年限以及整体实力分为新人组和大神组两个组别。新人组和大神组在比赛路线和障碍设置上会略微不同。   比赛规则 1.      指定的路线内,选手从A点出发,穿越各种障碍到达B点,用时最短的为胜。 2.      路线中要在相应障碍上完成动作,不完成的会相对加秒。 3.      每位选手进行两轮比赛,取最好的成绩作为最后成绩。


第三节体能训练的基本常识 一、体育锻炼对人体的影响 体育锻炼中,适宜的运动负荷与心理负荷对人体的刺激,会使机体各组织、器官、系统及心理产生一系列的适宜性变化。这些变化不仅能有效的增强生理功能,而且对于人的心理健康具有积极的促进作用,从而提高人的生命质量。 (一)体育锻炼对生理功能的影响 l、对心血管系统的影响 人体的心脏、血管、血液三部分组成了心血管系统,担负着人体代谢的运输任务。经常进行体育锻炼有利于心脏功能的改善与提高,主要表现在以下几个方面: (1)心脏运动性肥大(心肌营养性粗壮)。经常参加体育锻炼的人,可使心肌壁增厚,心肌力增强,心脏体积与容积增大。因为心壁较厚而有力,每搏输出量就多,所以,运动员的心脏体积较一般人大,这种现象称为“心脏运动性肥大”或“心脏营养性肥大”。 (2)安静时心跳频率减慢。经常锻炼的人,由于心肌收缩强而有力,每搏输出量多,因而安静时心跳频率比一般人慢。一般人每分钟心跳70--80次,经常参加体育锻炼的人可减至每分钟50--60次,优秀运动员更慢,每分钟30--40次。安静时心跳的减慢,使心肌获得更多休息时间,从而使心脏有更大的储备力。

(3)心脏工作的“节省化”。进行轻度运动时,在运动量相同的情况下,经常参加体育锻炼的人,心跳频率与血压变化幅度比一般人小,不易疲劳,而且恢复也较快。由于体育锻炼使血管保持很好的弹性,在剧烈运动时,训练有素的运动员,心跳每分钟可高达200--220次,这就是一般人做不到的。这样就使心脏具备了承担紧张工作的潜在能力,一旦需要就可以承担大强度工作。可见,频率低而有力的心脏搏动不易疲劳,安静时心率低,一般活动时心率升高少,紧张活动时心率升高很多,活动后心率能较快恢复到安静状态,这就是心脏工作“节省化”现象,就是身体锻炼给有机体带来的好处。 2、对呼吸系统的影响 呼吸系统由呼吸道(包括鼻、喉、气管、支气管)与肺组成。其中肺就是气体的交换场所,呼吸道就是气体交换的通道。。 体育锻炼可以促进呼吸系统的健全与完善。使其结构与机能发生良好的变化,同时可保持肺组织弹性,改进胸廊活动度,加深呼吸深度,增大肺活量,提高呼吸系统的通气与换气功能。体育锻炼时,由于需氧量增加,促使大部分肺泡充分张开,对肺泡弹性的保持及改善十分有益,有助于预防肺气肿疾病的发生。 3、对神经系统的影响 神经系统包括中枢神经系统与周围神经系统,就是人体

体能训练教案 (1)

体能训练教案 课目:体能训练 目的:通过训练,增强受训者的速度、力量、耐力、灵敏等素质,为以后的军事训练下坚实的基础。 内容: 一、体能训练常识 二、练习部分 三、练习分类 四、常见训练伤的自我处理 方法:理论讲解、动作练习、考核验收 时间:X小时 地点:体能训练场 要求: 1、认真听讲,好好体会动作要领 2、严格遵守训练场纪律 作业进程 作业准备……………………………………………………………X分钟 1、清点人数,整理着装 2、宣布作业 3、器材保障 作业实施……………………………………………………………X分钟 第一个内容:体能训练常识

现代高技术局部战争的范例己经证明,军人的体能素质是构成单兵战斗力的重要组成部分,体能就是战斗力。下面我就向大家介绍一下体能训练常识。体能训练常识的内容很多,这里主要介绍准备活动与整理活动。 (一) 准备活动 准备活动又称“热身运动”,是预防训练伤病的最重要、最有效的措施之一。它分为全身性准备活动和局部性准备活动。 全身性准备活动,一般以动力性全身整体活动为主,主要内容包括:跑步(慢跑、高抬腿跑、变速跑等)、跳跃(原地跳、跨步跑、蛙跳等)、体育游戏、练习性球类活动。 请看示范:慢跑、高抬腿跑、原地跳、跨步跑、蛙跳。 局部性准备活动,是预防肌肉、韧带、关节损伤的关键环节之一,一般以静力性牵拉和动力性练习为主。主要内容包括:转动关节(如转腰、膝、揉踝等)、动力性牵拉(如踢腿、压腿等)、静力性牵拉(如持续后扳腿)等。 请看示范:转腰、膝、揉踝、踢腿、压腿、持续后扳腿。 (二) 整理活动 整理活动又称“放松运动”,是指剧烈训练后进行的系统调整活动。这是 取得良好训练效果、预防训练疾病最重要、最有效的措施之一。 整理活动以慢跑、调理呼吸、按摩放松肌肉为主。按摩手法包括:抖动、揉捏、拍打、轻踩、牵拉等。按摩方向应与血液、淋巴液流动方向一致。 请看示范: 抖动、揉捏、拍打、轻踩、牵拉。 第二个内容:练习的基本方法 这里我主要介绍几种大家常见的训练方法。 一、上肢练习


第三节体能训练得基本常识 一、体育锻炼对人体得影响 体育锻炼中,适宜得运动负荷与心理负荷对人体得刺激,会使机体各组织、器官、系统及心理产生一系列得适宜性变化。这些变化不仅能有效得增强生理功能,而且对于人得心理健康具有积极得促进作用,从而提高人得生命质量。 (一)体育锻炼对生理功能得影响 l、对心血管系统得影响 人体得心脏、血管、血液三部分组成了心血管系统,担负着人体代谢得运输任务。经常进行体育锻炼有利于心脏功能得改善与提高,主要表现在以下几个方面: (1)心脏运动性肥大(心肌营养性粗壮)。经常参加体育锻炼得人,可使心肌壁增厚,心肌力增强,心脏体积与容积增大。因为心壁较厚而有力,每搏输出量就多,所以,运动员得心脏体积较一般人大,这种现象称为“心脏运动性肥大”或“心脏营养性肥大”。 (2)安静时心跳频率减慢。经常锻炼得人,由于心肌收缩强而有力,每搏输出量多,因而安静时心跳频率比一般人慢。一般人每分钟心跳70—-80次,经常参加体育锻炼得人可减至每分钟50--60次,优秀运动员更慢,每分钟30——40次.安静时心跳得减慢,使心肌获得更多休息时间,从而使心脏有更大得储备力.

(3)心脏工作得“节省化”。进行轻度运动时,在运动量相同得情况下,经常参加体育锻炼得人,心跳频率与血压变化幅度比一般人小,不易疲劳,而且恢复也较快。由于体育锻炼使血管保持很好得弹性,在剧烈运动时,训练有素得运动员,心跳每分钟可高达200--220次,这就是一般人做不到得.这样就使心脏具备了承担紧张工作得潜在能力,一旦需要就可以承担大强度工作.可见,频率低而有力得心脏搏动不易疲劳,安静时心率低,一般活动时心率升高少,紧张活动时心率升高很多,活动后心率能较快恢复到安静状态,这就是心脏工作“节省化”现象,就是身体锻炼给有机体带来得好处. 2、对呼吸系统得影响 呼吸系统由呼吸道(包括鼻、喉、气管、支气管)与肺组成。其中肺就是气体得交换场所,呼吸道就是气体交换得通道。。 体育锻炼可以促进呼吸系统得健全与完善。使其结构与机能发生良好得变化,同时可保持肺组织弹性,改进胸廊活动度,加深呼吸深度,增大肺活量,提高呼吸系统得通气与换气功能。体育锻炼时,由于需氧量增加,促使大部分肺泡充分张开,对肺泡弹性得保持及改善十分有益,有助于预防肺气肿疾病得发生. 3、对神经系统得影响 神经系统包括中枢神经系统与周围神经系统,就是人体


新手跑酷训练计划 关于实行本训练计划,我要说明和大家一定要注意的一些问题: 1.跑酷的体能要求趋向爆发力/耐力素质,各位不要一味追求肌肉外观或者上千个俯卧 撑,练出来有用才是王道。该训练计划遵循体能基本原则,同时还要求高强度无间歇循环练 习,专项体能训练动作也十分接近跑酷技术动作。强度比较高,所以各位需要适应。严重提 醒新人不要跳跃性练习,否则练伤了还没效果不要找我,和北京跑酷公社的童鞋们。 2.确 保每次训练总时间120-150分钟,我是指总时间,如果没有成段的时间,那一天的训练内容 就可以拆开来练习. 3.第1-2阶段,每周安排了3次训练,如果有同学体力充沛可以一周4-5次. 4.每次训练慢跑之前就开始拉伸肌肉,大概6-10分钟所有拉伸动作参照跑酷公社拉伸 教程: 7.训练完之后40分钟到1小时再吃东西,训练完后不要吃太甜的东西,不要立即洗热 水澡,不要坐着。 8.不训练那几天出去跑几圈再做拉伸,还是加速身体恢复一共20分钟就够了. 9.如果按计划训练身体出现任何问题,如腰背痛,肩关节疼痛,先检查自己是否充分 按跑酷公社的要求做好了拉伸和关节力量训练,如果不是这些原因造成我们会给予解答。 10. 一定要耐心,花3周时间去适应训练内容和新的训练方法记录每次训练时间,每个动作训练 次数,要高效练习,训练水平越高,时间越短,就有更多时间练其他东西了。 11.求质量不 求数量,每个动作保持同样的节奏练习,节奏一旦变慢就不要再继续,记录下这个训练次数, 第4次练习时就会变得更轻松。如果不按动作的要求练习,练不好的体能部分是稳定性和肌 肉力量,还可能受伤。 12.如果练起来太难,每个阶段的时间可以延长。多长合理?延长训练时间不要多过总 时间的1/3 训练通用总表: 1-8周 训练时间表 1-8周训练内容: 9-18周训练时间表 9-18周训练内容: 19-24周训练时间表 19-24周训练内容: 篇二:跑酷新手训练计划 最近越来越多的人对跑酷都跃跃欲试,但是看到各种高难度镜头又怕出现危险。很多问 题便集中在跑酷如何训练?如何提高?怎么能安全的练跑酷?目前网上提供的各类教程不尽 如人意,很多重复篇幅的、拿慢动作当跑酷教程的、动作简单拆分说明的、来自健身健美贴 吧的,来自各大论坛的其他项目体能训练帖子也不计其数,很多人练了不管用或见效不明显, 有些人可能还受伤了,肯定也有人放弃。跑酷爱好者的人数在网络和电视媒体的引导下越来 越多,但上述这种情况如果持续下去,跑酷爱好者得不到正确指引和科学训练,跑酷人群就 会大大缩水,最终只是对跑酷发展不利,对那些抱有跑酷梦想的人不利,希望各大团队可以 一起把跑酷的教学工作做好。 好了,如果你是一个没有任何跑酷经验又对跑酷极其有兴趣的新手,如果你看完各种形 形色色的跑酷教程感觉都没有什么收获,如果你对网络上收集拼凑的图文教程已经反感,如 果你对网络上copy其他项目体能训练的帖子已经嗤之以鼻,如果你对跑酷专项体能训练一无 所知,相当迷茫。如果你想提高技术水平又受限于目前的体能状况不能突破,你理应收藏这


2009年3月 湖 北 体 育 科 技 Mar.2009第28卷 第2期 Journal of Hubei Sports Science Vol.28 No.2 收稿日期:2008211223 作者简介:郭立三(19772),男,福建三明人,硕士,讲师,研究方向:体育教学与训练。 作者单位:南京林业大学体育部,江苏南京210037  跑酷运动的体能特点及训练方法 郭立三 摘 要:研究目的:跑酷这项充满挑战性、创造性的运动,能让参与者的灵魂得到自由的伸展,越来越多 的年轻人参与了进来,但跑酷运动是极限运动不同一般的运动,那跑酷运动需要具备哪些体能要求呢? 本文围绕着体能要求进行了多方位的分析。研究方法:文献资料法、专家访谈法、网络调查法。研究结 果:针对跑酷运动的体能特点分析出了相应身体素质的相对训练方法。 关键词:跑酷运动;体能特点;训练方法 中图分类号:G804.49 文献标识码:A 文章编号:10032983X(2009)022******* Cool Running C ampaign of Physical Characteristics and T raining Methods GUO Lisan (Physical Ed ucation Depertment of N anj i ng Forest ry U ni versit y,N anj i ng J i angsu, 210037) Abstract:Cool running is a challenging and creative movement.Participants can be the soul of the free2 dom of stretching and more and more young people get involved in it,but the campaign is different from other extreme sports.What kind of sport requires physical demand?This paper analyzes some training methods according to physical characteristics of cool running sports. K ey w ords:cool running sport s;p hysical characteristics;t raining met hods 跑酷这个不为人所熟悉的极限运动随着人们对自由的渴望,正慢慢地被更多的年轻人所关注所接纳。作为一项另类的极限运动,跑酷它所必须的体能要求也有别于其他运动。体能,是运动员身体素质水平的总称。它包括力量、耐力、速度、柔韧、和灵敏。下面我们就跑酷运动体能的各项要求及这些要求相关的基本动作的练习展开分析。 1 跑酷运动的概念和特点 跑酷是一项街头疾走极限运动,含有Free2running的意思,它们的区别在于Free2running更讲求表演———观赏性,而Parkour是速度———实用性。跑酷的特点,不仅是门运动的艺术,也是一种生活方式,它攀爬中的自由灵魂在运动中无限伸展,可以说它是一门艺术。跑酷动作追求的效果是出其不意,往往超出常人的想象。练习者经过长时间持续的训练然后去灵活的翻越各种障碍物,在翻越中必须做到跑、跳、攀爬、翻滚的动作以及其他一些方法。它的供能特点主要是以有氧代谢为主,在其中也伴有磷酸原和糖酵解的无氧代谢供能。而在完成这些动作需要具备怎样的体能要求呢,下面我们从体能的各项素质及其训练方法进行分析。2 跑酷体能的各项素质的要求 2.1 力量 力量是人体或身体某部分肌肉在工作时克服阻力的能力。在跑酷中是不可或缺的东西,可以说,力量跟不上的话,永远只能停留在某个台阶而不能进步。肩部、臂部、背部、腹部,还有下肢的力量,要全面练习。 力量方面包含的跑酷基本动作及训练方法。1)弹跳能力:可运用杠铃、壶铃、哑铃进行练习,也可以直接的利用蛙跳来锻炼。慢慢地从低到高,从近到远。而且要锻炼着地的准确性。2)手/肘弹跳:在奔跑的过程中碰到角落及障碍物,或要加大跳跃距离时。同时利用手或肘部在墙壁上的推动来增加跳跃的距离。3)单杠练习:可以用来锻炼手抓力量。对一般想练空翻的朋友来说,先从单杠中找出在空中翻身或转身的感觉是最安全的 2.2 耐力 耐力是有机体长时间工作抗疲劳的能力。跑酷相互追逐需要不断的奔跑,在奔跑的同时要做各种各样的跳跃、攀登、悬挂等高难度动作,所以耐力是决定你成败和动作难度系数高低的关键所在。跑酷的耐力应属于有氧耐力和无氧耐力相结合型。 耐力方面训练方法。1)各种形式的长时间跑,如持续跑、变速跑、变换训练环境的越野跑、法特莱克跑、间歇跑。2)长时间重复做某一非周期性运动,可采用重复做跑酷中某一不同难度的动作,如跨越不同距离的水沟、翻越不同高度的障碍 ? 3 9 1 ?


体能训练周计划 篇一:周六体能训练计划表 周六体能训练计划表 时间:6:307:30 地点:北区操场 着装:特勤短袖+黑色长裤(天气较冷,自视情况带外套)值班员:阙昆鹏参训人员:全体成员 训练内容: 一.热身运动(10-15分钟) 全身关节运动,俯卧撑,拉腿 二.中长跑训练(15-20分钟) 绕北校区两圈,返回至操场 三.组合练习(20-25分钟) 原地体能:俯卧撑30*2 仰卧起坐30*2 深蹲30*2 趣味体能:斗鸡,抬轿子,老汉推车,接力赛,信任倒 四.讲评带回(3分钟) 备注: 1.无特殊是由不得请假,请假受理截

至时间为周五23:00,逾期不理。 2.倘若天公流泪,请关注群内通知。 3.迟到一分钟,十个俯卧撑哦~ 4.周六早晨气温略低哦~ 篇二:体能周训练计划 体能训练周计划 教师任务:传授有关专项、力量、灵敏、柔韧的知识。 学生任务:认真思考,积极主动学习有关体能训练的技术。 教育目的:培养学生能更好掌握技术的能力。 周一(乒乓球基本技术) 上午 主要教程:平挡球、推挡球。 主要目的:让学生掌握乒乓球的基本技能 上课主要任务: 1、平挡球:球台中间偏左站位,左脚稍前一点,膝盖弯曲,重心放在前脚掌上,持拍手置于腹前,上臂靠近身体右侧,球拍横着。前臂和手腕顺向前

伸出去接球,打球中间部位,拍子与球台想垂直,拍子触球后立即停止,还原成准备姿势。 2、推挡球:左站位右脚稍微向前,击球时提起前臂上臂后收肘部贴近身体,在上升时期或高点期击球中上部。击球时适当用伸髋转腰动作加大手腕发力,并用中指顶住拍背向前用力。(提示:挡球与推挡球的重点难点是正确的拍面,身体的协调配合和准确的线路落点。) 小结: 教师总结学生的技能掌握情况,并指出问题做得不到位的动作。 教师、学生之间交流技术。 下午 主要教程:搓球 主要目的:乒乓球的搓球能力 上课主要任务: 1.正手慢搓:站在距离乒乓球台约30 - 50厘米,两脚分开,左脚稍微前,腰、髋略向右转,重心落右脚。向右上挥拍,


国内跑酷运动的研究进展与前景综述 跑酷运动的理论研究 1.概念 任何事物或现象的概念是反映其本质属性的内在方式.随着跑酷运动在国内的兴起,学者们也开始关注这项运动,跑酷运动相关的概念越来越多地被推向各种学术论文和著作中.跑酷是一项街头疾走极限运动,含有Free2running 的意思,它们的区别在于Free2running 更讲求表演———观赏性,而Parkour 是速度———实用性[1]“.跑酷”是根据“Parkour”一词的音译而命名的,在法语中表达的是“超越障碍训练场”的意思,通常人们又说成是“街头疾走运动”.它是一种移动的艺术,训练人们在任何时候利用周围的环境快速并且自然地到达目的地.这项运动并不需要特殊的器材,换句话说,身体是从事这项运动的唯一工具[2].本文主要对当前世界的两项极限运动进行一下介绍-Parkour 与Freerunning.Parkour 基本上以城市为主要产所,“运动及生活”将我们的生存环境当着运动的场所. 总的来说,Parkour 与其它极限运动一样,也是一项无既定规则的极限运动,从事此类运动的人群将生活设施当作障碍物或辅助,把城市看做一个大的训练场,在其间速降、跳升,配合跑跳、攀越,攀爬、跳跃、穿梭,根据运动者的自然能力,训练其快速移动速度,创造一种移动的艺术.Freerunning 与Parkour 大致相同,最主要不同的是Freerunning 加入了空翻,在运动中利用空翻穿越障碍或辅助物,或速降,或跳跃,或是在平地上做特技表演,因而Freerunning 比Parkour 更具有观赏性而且难度上更大,

Freerunning 在现实生活中缺少了实用性.这是两种比较典型的概念.在国内跑酷运动没有明确的概念,人们基本上都是把Parkour 与Freerunning 当作结合[3].跑酷运动是将各种障碍物当作可以利用的舞台,跑酷运动配合攀越,攀爬、跳跃、穿梭,把围墙、屋顶等自然物都视为穿越的对象,在运动的过程中加上各种特技动作.跑酷被划归为极限运动,跑酷这项运动对极限运动来说具有革命的意义.跑酷运动可以增强运动者的身体素质,重要的是跑酷运动让人们在城市中产生回归自然的感觉,在城市中可以体会到随意奔跑的感觉.跑酷运动的概念是本质属性的内在方式,对跑酷这项运动的界定,是本次研究对跑酷运动判断、推理和论证的理论基础.跑酷运动研究的学者们从不同的视角对跑酷运动进行论述,但对某一事物或者现象概念的界定,应该从自己的学理基础出发,而不应该是主观推断.跑酷运动的概念是由内涵和外延组成,对跑酷运动概念的内涵和外延的明确,是为了更方便深入讨论全部概念的重要组成部分之一.从近几年跑酷运动的国内研究历程来看,概念是需要在很长一段时期内才能明确,而且概念的内涵和外延在抽象思维的过程中具有相互制约的作用.事物的内涵在规定中进展,其外延的划分就更加明确,相同的道理,其外延发展进一步明确,同样会促进内涵.通过系统抽象法来规定跑酷运动概念,这也达到概念的运动与内在联系的统一.跑酷运动的核心概念是运动,跑酷运动是在这些具体概念和不断改造的基础上发展的,因此跑酷运动在外延上包括了这些概念,同时在内涵上也概括了概念内在的属性. 2.跑酷的起源


跑酷运动的的经典句子 Parkour的简介Parkour是诞生在80年代的法国,而在2002年在英国开始盛行.中文名跑酷。在Parkour的世界里,练习者称为Traceur. Parkour的动作是结合了所有自由的动作,提升创意并且鼓励人们去找到属于自己的信仰.在Parkour的领域里,不少Traceur极力想表现flips.spin,这些未收录的的动作,这也表达出了Parkour并不局限于某些固定的动作.甚至说你也能够拿你的动作加到Parkour里面. Parkour运动把整个城市当作一个大训练场,一切围墙、屋顶都成为可以攀爬、穿越的对象,特别是废弃的房屋,更适合飞檐走壁似的速降、跳升和飞跃.如果你想要多了解Parkour的动作,有几部电影是你非看不可的."RushHour""Barlieue13""YAMAKASI".前两部参与的演员是他的创办人DAVIDBELLE.而后面的则是DAVID所带出来的队伍. #移动的艺术。 #两点之间走直线。 #激情带来活力,谨慎带来长久。

#玩的就是心跳,胆大更要心细。 #挖掘人体灵活与敏捷程度的无限可能。 #生活就就像是由许许多多的障碍和挑战组成的,如果精通跑酷,那么你的人生将会得到更多的东西。 #如果你熟练的掌握了Parkour,那你就获得了生活的剩余价值。 #阴阳的观点:Parkour是由不可分割的两个部分组成,首先是流畅和柔软的动作“蓄备能量”,然后是冲击性动作“能量的爆发”,你必须找到适合你自己的平衡点。 #Parkour运动不是一种流行得现象,而是一种精神的发展。 #在训练中,要把精神集中在你自身,而不是外部世界。 #Parkour最重要的建议是,走自己的路,用你自己认为最恰当的方式练习,一点一点的进步。 #不要张扬,静静地用你自己的速度穿越城镇,注意力集中在你的脚步、你的触觉、你的意识,像猫一样寂静,这就是你的路。 #不要忘记那种有趣的感觉,这是Parkour的核心。


我们通常会把好多种运动混在一起练,因此你需要了解这些运动的定义。尤其是当你看一段视频或者向其别人解释你在练什么的时候,知道各种动作的归类就显得尤为重要了。 跑酷(parkour):这是一门移动的艺术,跑酷时,我们从A点到B点的每一个动作都要尽可能100%有效。因此各种撑跳、降落、跳跃、翻滚、爬墙,还有各类猫挂动作都是跑酷动作中的一部分,但各类旋转,空翻和各种非必须的转变方向,通常不归在跑酷的范畴内。练习者(Traceur)们利用障碍和障碍之间的空间创造出流水一般的位移,选择现实环境训练意味着动作会受到限制,而正是这些障碍可以用来练习穿越。一段跑酷视频中通常会有一个或几个traceur用一连串的动作通过某一个环境,他们要克服各种不同的挑战,如围栏,墙壁,和沟壑。大多数跑酷视频中都很少有体育馆之类的“安全地点”的镜头,因为跑酷的关键是在于与真实外界的互动,追逐,以及参与救援或其他的紧急情况中。 街头特技(Street stunts):也称城市体操。在街头特技中,大多数的招式都是独立的,不是在跑动中做动作。例如,你爬上一堵墙然后做直体后空翻,这个动作就结束了。从攀爬、倒立、速降、空翻到各种旋转都属于街头特技。虽然练习者(stuntmen)可以用跑酷的动作来游移到另一个地点,但是他们常常不这么做。街头特技用的都是大型的固定的障碍,如阳台,栏杆,墙壁或其他城市建筑。街头特技的视频通常会有一个或几个stuntmen用不连续的动作来穿越一个地方,他们在每个障碍附近前停下来再做动作。大多数街头特技视频没有在体操馆或者其他安全环境中的镜头,因为这类视频的吸引人的地方正是这些stuntmen在没有任何保护措施的情况下处于危险环境时控制自己身体的能力。 Tricking(极限特技,极限武术,极腿道):武术腿法和自由体操的集合。技巧涉及旋转和空翻,通常是在有足够大的空间或水平地面上做动作。虽然tricking可以是指单一的一个动作,但通常更强调的是连续动作中持续不断的做动作。因此,tricking要求练习者单腿起跳就能产生足够的爆发力以及身体的协调控制能力。Tricksters通常不需要有任何障碍,但有时会用小的障碍来练空翻或者增加高度。Tricking的视频通常就是一个trickster在各种不同的环境中,一般是在体操馆或草地,因为Tricking注重的是练习者自己做的动作,动作的连贯性,及练习者的空翻、旋转能力,而不是在于危险的自然环境。事实上,Tricksters最希望的是找一个理想的柔软平地,挑战自己极限时免于遭受各种不必要的风险。 PS:XMA有时也做极限武术讲,他和Tricking的不同主要在于它更侧重于套路的展示。 自由奔跑(Free Running):动作的艺术。FR是把上面三种运动的基本技能有机地综合起来而成的一个的运动。练FR是类似跑酷的一种奔跑,但不需要考虑动作的有效性,因此包括旋转,空翻和其他各种翻转,用以增加奔跑过程的整体美感。他们仿效Stuntmen(街头特技练习者)利用单一障碍,有时则会做一些Tricking组合来跃过这些障碍。FR没有任何规则;目标就是通过个人的技术获得自由感和满足感。一个典型的Free-runner熟练掌握各种撑跳技巧,能做中高度的速降接翻滚落地,并且擅长许多种不同的空翻,尤其是前空翻和基本转墙。FR的视频常常是有一或几个Free-runner非常连贯地穿越一个地区,偶尔停下做几个倒立,顺风旗或者从障碍上一些固定的点做些空翻。FR的视频会在任何地点,从安全的健身房,游泳池或沙坑到城市环境,如自动扶梯或天台,再到自然环境,如森林或悬崖。 但是请记住,这些定义并不意味着你要限制你的个人活动。你可以随意地混合搭配,做你最感兴趣的动作。你可能发现自己比较喜欢Tricking,但又喜欢一、两个跑酷动作,或者你可能就是一个喜欢做高处后空翻的跑酷天才。这些定义只是给你提供一个框架,以便与其他人的交流,也是对这4个运动学科的原始划分的尊重。你只有知道他们的区别是什么,知道自己是跨学科练着的,你才真正自由地根据你的优势和选择偏好来玩这些运动。 PS:在国内“跑酷”一词,基本代表parkour,streetstunts和freerunning的集合,为了加以区分一般称为:纯跑(parkour)以及FR(freerunning)街头特技则并入FR的范畴。


Parkour (Frenc pronunciation: [pa??ku?]) (abbreviated PK), also called as the "art of displacement",[1] is a training discipline that developed out of military obstacle course training.[2][3][4] Practitioners aim to move from one place to another, negotiating the obstacles in between. The discipline uses no equipment and is non-competitive. A male practitioner is generally called a "traceur", a female a "traceuse". Developed by Raymond Belle, David Belle, Sébastien Foucan and other members of the original Yamakasi group, parkour became popular in the 1990s and 2000s through a series of documentaries and films featuring these practitioners and others. History Though Sébastien Foucan states in Jump London that "le parkour has always existed, freerunning has always been there, the thing is that no one gave it a name, we didn't put it in the box," the roots of the modern discipline can be traced. In Western Europe, a forerunner of parkour was French naval officer Georges Hébert, who before World War I promoted athletic skill based on the models of indigenous tribes he had met in Africa.[11] He noted, "their bodies were splendid, flexible, nimble, skillful, enduring, and resistant but yet they had no other tutor in gymnastics but their lives in nature."[11] His rescue efforts during the 1902 eruption of Mount Pelée on Saint-Pierre, Martinique, reinforced his belief that athletic skill must be combined with courage and altruism.[11] Hébert became a physical education tutor at the college of Reims in France. Hébert set up a "méthode naturelle" (natural method) session consisting of ten fundamental groups: walking, running, jumping, quadrupedal movement, climbing, balancing, throwing, lifting, self-defense, swimming, which are part of three main forces:[12] During World War I and World War II, Hébert's teaching continued to expand, becoming the standard system of French military education and training. Thus, Hébert was one of the proponents of "parcours", an obstacle course,[13] which is now standard in military training and which led to the development of civilian fitness trails and confidence courses.[11] Born in 1939 in what is now Vietnam, Raymond Belle was the son of a French doctor and Vietnamese mother. He was cut off from his parents by the struggle for independence and sent to a military orphanage at the age of 7. Isolated there, he had to become stronger in order to survive. He took it upon himself to train harder and longer than everyone else in order to never be a victim. He would do extra training at night when everyone else was asleep, go for runs, climb trees. He would use the military obstacle courses in secret, but he also created courses of his own that tested his endurance, his strength, his flexibility. Doing this enabled him not only to survive the hardships he experienced during his childhood, but


跑酷介绍和训练方法 跑酷(parkour):这是一门移动的艺术。跑酷时,我们从A点到B点的每一个动作都要尽可能100%有效。因此各种撑跳、降落、跳跃、翻滚、爬墙,还有各类猫挂动作都是跑酷动作中的一部分,但各类旋转,空翻和各种非必须的转变方向,通常不归在跑酷的范畴内。练习者(Traceur)们利用障碍和障碍之间的空间创造出流水一般的位移,选择现实环境训练意味着动作会受到限制,而正是这些障碍可以用来练习穿越。跑酷的关键是在于与真实外界的互动,追逐,以及参与救援或其他的紧急情况中。 街头特技(Street stunts):也称城市体操。在街头特技中,大多数的招式都是独立的,不是在跑动中做动作。例如,你爬上一堵墙然后做直体后空翻,这个动作就结束了。从攀爬、倒立、速降、空翻到各种旋转都属于街头特技。虽然练习者(stuntmen)可以用跑酷的动作来游移到另一个地点,但是他们常常不这么做。街头特技用的都是大型的固定的障碍,如阳台,栏杆,墙壁或其他城市建筑。 Tricking(极限特技,极限武术,极腿道):武术腿法和自由体操的集合。技巧涉及旋转和空翻,通常是在有足够大的空间或水平地面上做动作。虽然tricking 可以是指单一的一个动作,但通常更强调的是连续动作中持续不断的做动作。因此,tricking要求练习者单腿起跳就能产生足够的爆发力以及身体的协调控制能力。Tricksters通常不需要有任何障碍,但有时会用小的障碍来练空翻或者增加高度。 自由奔跑(Free Running):动作的艺术。FR是把上面三种运动的基本技能有机地综合起来而成的一个的运动。练FR是类似跑酷的一种奔跑,但不需要考虑动作的有效性,因此包括旋转,空翻和其他各种翻转,用以增加奔跑过程的整体美感。他们仿效Stuntmen(街头特技练习者)利用单一障碍,有时则会做一些Tricking组


体能训练基础动作 一、单杠(引体向上) 1.作用:可以发展上肢、腰、背、腹等肌肉群的力量,提高全身肌群的协调能力。 2.动作要求: 提脚跟,身体成半蹲,两臂后张,五指伸直并拢,掌心相对。跳起抓杠成直臂悬垂(双手正握杠),两手用力拉杠,使身体向上,下颌过杠后还原成悬垂,再拉杠做第二次引体。落地时两腿顺势弯屈,两臂前平举,五指并拢伸直,上体保持正直,恢复立正姿势 二、双杠(支撑摆动) 1.作用:可以发展上肢、腰、背、腹等肌肉群的力量,提高全身肌群的协调能力。 2.动作要求: 由支撑开始,举腿前伸获得自然的摆动。前摆时,身体伸直,自然下摆,当摆过垂直部位时用力向前上方摆踢腿(稍屈髋),带动髋部前送,拉开肩角、低头、含胸,眼看脚尖;后摆时,及时展髋,身体伸直自然下摆,当后摆过垂直部位时,用力向后上方甩腿,含胸直臂顶肩,拉开肩角。 三、俯卧撑 1.作用:a.发展力量素质。其主要作用是发展人的上肢力量和腹肌力量 b.提高人体生理机能。对发展平衡和支撑能力起着重要作用 2.动作要求: 双手支撑身体,双臂垂直于地面,两腿向身体后方伸展,依靠双手和两个脚的脚尖保持平衡,保持头、脖子、后背、臀部以及双腿在一条直线上动作重点:全身挺直,平起平落。 四、仰卧起坐 1.作用:卧起坐的主要是练腰腹肌的力量与耐力。 2.动作要求: a.身体平躺仰卧于垫上,双肩胛骨着垫平躺,两手指交叉贴于脑后,用收腹屈背,双臂屈肘前摆内收,低头、含胸的力量起坐,动作协调一致,双肘触及两膝,然后后仰还原成预备姿势。 b.斜面仰卧起坐:头朝下斜躺在仰卧起坐斜板上,双脚勾住支撑板。然后用力将上体向上弯起,直到上体与双腿垂直。整个过程中大腿保持静止。 五、马步冲拳 动作要求: 头平:头要正,只要保持向上顶的感觉头自然就平了。


小班体能训练活动计划 对于幼儿来说,体能锻炼能够提高身体素质,加强其活动能力;能够提高对外界的适应能力以及自我保护能力。体能是体育的基础。对幼儿进行体育教育,其目的便在于增强其体能。为了能让孩子有一个更为强健的体魄,有更好的发展方向,因此,我们小班为了幼儿能有健康的身体特别制定了以下计划: 4月份: 第一周踮脚走(目标:1、学习踮脚走的正确方法。2、培养乐意听指令在指定范围内进行垫脚走,体验体育游戏的乐趣。)第二周上下楼梯(目标:1、锻炼幼儿小腿肌肉的灵活性。 2、上下楼梯守秩序。) 第三周踮脚走(目标:1、熟练的掌握踮脚走。2、积极参与踮脚走的比赛。) 第四周听口令走(目标:1、听口令做动作,按照口令走路。2、锻炼幼儿遵守秩序的行为习惯。) 5月份: 第一周老狼老狼几点了(目标:1、能听信号做动作,做到动作灵敏协调。2、体验游戏带来的乐趣。) 第二周吹泡泡(目标:1、培养幼儿与同伴合作、保住自己和关心爱护同伴的能力。2、通过活动,练习踮脚、蹲跳、后跳。)第三周绕障碍走(目标:1、在游戏活动中学习绕障碍物走。 2、体验与同伴一起游戏带来的快乐。)

第四周顶物走(目标:1、锻炼幼儿的平衡能力。2、逐渐加长头上顶着东西时间) 6月份: 第一周直线爬(目标:1.引导幼儿练习手膝着地自然协调的向前爬,提高动作的灵活性。⒉喜欢参加体育活动,感受集体活动的快乐。) 第二周曲线爬(目标:1、手膝协调顺着曲线爬行。2、爬行时注意保护自己。) 第三周开火车(目标:1、学习一个跟着一个走。2.能遵守简单的游戏规则,体验集体活动的乐趣。) 第四周老鹰捉小鸡(目标:1、培养幼儿合作意识和配合能力,学会去保护自己。2、增强幼儿的自我保护能力, 锻炼幼儿的意志。3、锻炼幼儿快速跑快速闪躲的能力。)7月份: 第一周原地跳(目标:1、引导幼儿练习原地跑和双脚原地跳的动作。2.发展幼儿身体的协调性和弹跳能力。) 第二周单脚跳(目标:1、引导幼儿单脚跳。2、发展幼儿身体的平衡性。)


体能训练理论与方法 一、名词解释 1、体能训练学:又称体能训练理论与方法,是指研究和揭示体能训练的一般规律和基本方法的一门综合性技术理论学科。 2、体能:运动员机体的基本运动能力是运动员竞技能力的重要组成部分。 3、体能训练:运动训练的重要组成部分,是结合专项需要并通过合理负荷的动作练习,改善运动负身体形态,提高运动员机体各器官系统的机能,充分发展运动素质,促进运动成绩提高的过程。 4、身体形态:人体外部与内部的形态特征。 5、身体机能:运动员有机体各器官系统的功能。 6、力量素质:人体神经肌肉系统在工作时克服或对抗阻力的能力。 7、速度能力:人体进行快速运动的能力。 8、耐力素质:运动员克服疲劳的能力。 9、柔韧素质:人体各个关节的活动幅度以及肌肉肌腱和韧带等软组织的伸展能力。 10、运动性疾病:机体对运动过量或缺乏,不适应或训练不当,引起机体内环境紊乱或原有的内环境紊乱加剧,发生身体机能异常或疾病,甚至生命活动障碍而出现的症状和体征。 11、格斗项目特征:运动员双方以徒手或手持兵器的方法,遵循一定的规则,以对方的身体为攻击目标寻求胜利的竞技体育运动项目。 三、问答 1,影响力量能力的因素? 1),中枢神经系统发放冲动的强度与频率 2),肌肉的组织形态结构

a,肌纤维的类型 b,肌肉的生理横截面 c,肌肉内肌纤维的数量 d,肌肉的支撑附着面 e,肌肉纤维的长度 3),肌肉的反应特征 2,发展和提高速度力量要注意的问题? 1),要尽最大可能提高肌肉的最大力量 2),要在已经获得的力量的基础上,在快速完成动作的过程中,培养表现这种力量的能力 3),速度力量练习与单纯发展力量的练习相结合 4),速度力量训练的负荷量要适宜 5),学习动作时,对动作的速度要求应严格区别对待 3,影响速度能力的因素? 1),神经系统的机能状态 2),能源物质的储备及相应酶的活性 3),动作技术的熟练程度 4),肌肉的组成部分 4,速度障碍影响原因与应对措施P42(小题,大概清楚) ①动作的速度和频率都产生较牢固的稳定状态; ②刚参加训练者,不急于搞过细的速度专项训练,先进行预备性的全身身体训练,主要突出速度力量的训练; ③高级运动员,应在一定阶段内减少速度练习,增加速度力量练习及其他一般素质的练习和专项素质的练习; ④破坏速度障碍主要办法是创造一定的补充条件来突破形成的最高速度; ⑤削弱和破坏速度障碍的依据是动力定型的空间特征较时间特征稳定 5,影响耐力素质的因素 1),运动员的个性心理特征 2),有机体活动时能量交换和获得的机能能力 3),有机体机能的稳定性 4),有机体的机能节省化,协调的完善,力量合理的分配 6,耐力训练的主要手段及基本要求? 主要手段: 1),各种形式的长时间跑,如持续跑、变速跑、变换训练环境的越野跑、法特莱克跑、间歇跑。 2),除跑以外的长时间活动及其他周期性活动,如游泳、滑冰、自行车、划船等 3),长时间重复做某一周期性运动,如篮球训练中经常做的各种不规则滑动、跑的训练,排球训练中经常做的滚动救球练习等。 4),多种长时间游戏及循环练习等。 基本要求 1),耐力训练应循序渐进。 2),耐力训练应注意呼吸。 3),无氧耐力训练应以有氧耐力为基础。 4),要加强意志品质培养。

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