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Part III Reading Comprehension(45 minutes,25 points)

Section A

Directions:In this section,there are four passages followed by questions Or unfinished statements,each with four suggested answers A,B,C and D.Choose the best answer and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

Passage One

Researchers analyzed the diet of 1 6, 000 people in 52 countries and identified three global eating patterns.The typical Western diet, high in fat, salt and meat, accounted for about 30%of heart attack risk in any population.A “prudent’’diet high in fruit and vegetables lowered heart risk by a third.An Oriental diet,high in tofu, soy and other sauces, made no difference to heart attack risk.

People who ate a Western diet had a 35%greater risk of having a heart attack than those who ate little or no fried.The typical Western diet has been widely linked to heart disease.High salt in the diet can raise blood pressure and the wrong type of fat can clog(阻塞)blood vessels.Ellen Mason, a cardiac nurse for the British Heart Foundation, said: “This study shows that it doesn’t matter whether you live in Bolton or Bombay, or whether you like to eat British, African Caribbean or Asian foods.The vital thing is to reduce your intake of salty, fried, fatty food to a minimum but increase the amount of fruit and vegetables you eat.’’

(21) Which of the following was NOT one of the three global eating patterns?

A.A Western diet.B.A “prudent" diet.

C.An Oriental diet.D.A popular diet.

(22) In what way does the typical Western diet do harm to our health?

A.It makes people eat little or no foods and meat.

B.It is high in salt without fried foods and meat.

C.It can block blood vessels with the wrong type of fat.

D.It leads to the connection between foods and heart attack.

(23) What is the most important message the writer intends to get across in terms of keeping a healthy diet?

A.Try to eat more British foods and vegetables.

B.Eat less fruit and fewer vegetables.

C.Try to eat more African Caribbean foods.

D.Eat less salt and fat but more fruit and vegetables.

Passage Two

Before Moko the dolphin turned up,the beached whales were in clear distress.But when Moko arrived at Mahia beach on the east coast of New Zealand?S N orth Island,their mood changed and they followed him to safety.

The ability of some animals to communicate is well known. What?s less well documented,however,is the communication between species.Justin Gregg, vice president of the Dolphin Communication Project,said it is possible that a dolphin and a whale could communicate in some way.“But it wouldn?t be instructions like …Hey,buddy,the open ocean is over here.Follow me, ?"he says.

Dolphins use three forms of signaling to other dolphins—whistles,clicking and postures.A whale might have signals in common with a dolphin,just as different species of dolphins are known to share signals which might theoretically allow a form of basic inter species communication.But just as it?s possible that Moko the dol phin and the stranded whales shared a signal,it is also possible that the whales just saw a vaguely similar creature and followed it.There are many reasons why different species communicate,says Vincent Janik,lecturer at the Sea Mammal Research Unit at St Andrew?s University.“The animals exploit the systems of others for their own benefits.Sometimes the benefits are the same for each,therefore they share information.Sometimes they are trying to take advantage of the other.Getting food may not be to the advantage of the one giving up the food.”

(24) What happened after Moko the dolphin appeared at Mahia beach?

A.The beached whales still felt distressful.

B.Moko 1ed the whales back to the sea.

C.The whales were still stuck on the beach.

D.Moko and the whales swam together ashore.

(25) Scientists engaged in animal studies have collected .

A.enough data on how animals speak human languages

B.none of the data on animals’ability to communicate

C.1ess data on how animals communicate between species

D.some data on animals’tendency to talk to humans

(26) Dolphins communicate with one another, using all the following types of signaling


A.gestures B.whistles

C.clicking D.postures

(27) The whales stranded on the beach followed the dolphin to safety probably because .

A.they understood the dolphin’s instruction “Follow me’’

B.they had signals in common with one another

C.they recognized some other animals not far away

D.they shared those inter-species signals with the dolphin

(28) Why do animals of different species communicate with one another?

A.Because they like to set up their own communication systems.

B.Because they want to take advantage of the other species.

C.Because they tend to keep more food to themselves.

D.Because they benefit from using the information from other species.

Passage Three

Competition breeds excellence.Ask anyone who pays attention to the car industry and they will tell you that the family-sedan segment is just brutal,with manufacturers fighting tooth and nail over every sale.In fact,that market has become more competitive in recent years.It used to just be the Camry and the Accord fighting for supremacy,but now you have new(Hyundai)and old(Ford)competitors,among others,joining the fight with interesting,well-made,compelling products.It’s a great time to be shopping for a new family sedan.

Compare that with the state of the tablet market today.Hewlett-Packard is in retreat.Research in Motion is in a holding pattern.Motorola has been sold and its tablet is now an afterthought.Samsung fights the good fight,but it trails Apple’s market share by 50 percentage points.

Apple is not just ahead of the pack,it almost is the pack.Now,some would say that this is also a simple result of economic laws at work:Apple makes a superior product,therefore it gets most of the sales.But what would be really great is that,Apple,Google,Microsoft,and H.P.,locked in an epic battle for tablet supremacy,are each releasing new and better products at a furious pace,and each dropping prices substantially at a steady clip.

Apple is driving innovation and creativity with each upgrade of the iPad it releases.But this isn’t about whether you prefer Apple or Android for your tablet.This isn’t about picking sides.As a consumer,I want there to be robust competition across the board.I want Coke and Pepsi,Target and Wal-Mart,Engadget and Gizmodo.

If you’re a fan of Apple,you want there to be a worthy rival to push it,to keep its feet to the fire.If you don’t like Apple,you want someone else in the game so that Apple doesn’t suck all the air out of the room.And you want Apple to do the same pushing and foot scorching to its competitor that another company would do to it.

(29) The phrase “fighting tooth and nail”(Para.1)means that car makers are .

A.competing fiercely with one another

B.beating one another with their tooth and nail

C.extremely careful about the family-sedan segment

D.paying more attention to their tooth and nail

(30) Why is it a great time to be shopping for a new family sedan?

A.Because competition is more interesting and compelling.

B.Because Hyundai and Ford are joining the competition.

C.Because customers have enough quality cars to choose from.

D.Because the Camry and the Accord are competing for supremacy

(31) What are the tablet makers strategically doing,facing the brutal competition?

A.Developing new products and reducing prices.

B.Analyzing the results of the economic laws.

C.Adapting to the furious pace of development.

D.Providing best possible services for their products.

(32) The author brings in the pairs of Coke and Pepsi.Target and Wal-Mart,Engadget and Gizmodo’’(Para.4)to make .

A.a comparison B.a contrast

C.an abstraction D.an exemplification

(33) What does the phrase “to keep its feet to the fire”in the last paragraph mean?

A.To place Apple’s feet close to the fire.

B.To pressure Apple into intensifying its competition.

C.To force Apple to dance hard on the fire.

D.To advise Apple to strategically drop its side products.

(34) Why does the author start with the car industry before he focuses on tablet market?

A.Because he treats the car industry as the key point for his writing.

B.Because the car industry is more important than tablet market.

C.Because he uses the car analogy for a more effective argumentation.

D.Because the model of the car is far more popular in the market.

Passage Four

So what are books good for ? My best answer is that books produce knowledge by encasing it.Books take ideas and set them down,transforming them through the limitations of space into thinking usable by others.In 1959,C.P.Snow threw down the challenge of “two cultures.’’

the scientific and the humanistic,pursuing their separate,unconnected lives within developed societies.In the new-media ecology of the 21st century,we may not have closed that gap,but the two cultures of the contemporary world are the culture of data and the culture of narrative.Narrative is rarely collective.It isn’t infinitely expandable.Narrative has a shape and a temporality,and it ends,just as our lives do.Books tell stories.Scholarly books tell scholarly stories.

Storytelling is central to the work of the narrative-driven disciplines—the humanities and the nonquantitative social sciences—and it is central to the communicative pleasures of reading.Even argument is a form of narrative.Different kinds of books are,of course,good for different things.Some should be created only for download and occasional access,as in the case of most reference projects,which these days are born digital or at least given dual passports.But scholarly writing requires narrative fortitude,on the part of writer and reader.There is onthing wiki about the last set of Cambridge University Press monographs(专著)I purchased,and in each I encounter an individual speaking subject.

Each single-author book is immensely particular,a story told as only one storyteller could recount it.Scholarship is a collagist(拼贴画家),building the next road map of what we know book by book.Stories end,and that,I think,is a very good thing.A single authorial voice is a kind of performance,with an audience of one at a time,and no performance should outstay its welcome.Because a book must end,it must have a shape,the arc of thought that demonstrates not only the writer’s command of her or his subject but also that writer’s respect for the reader.A book is its own set of bookends.

Even if a book is published in digital form,freed from its materiality,that shaping case of the codex(古书的抄本)is the ghost in the knowledge-machine.We are the case for books.Our bodies hold the capacity to generate thousands of ideas,perhaps even a couple of full-length monographs,and maybe a trade book or two.If we can get them right,books are luminous versions of our ideas,bound by narrative structure so that others can encounter those better,smarter versions of us on the page or screen.Books make the case for us,for the identity of the individual as an embodiment of thinking in the world.The heart of what even scholars do is the endless task of making that world visible again and again by telling stories,complicated and subtle stories that reshape us daily so that new forms of know1edge can shine out.

(35)According to the author,the narrative culture is .

A.connectable B.infinitely expandable

C.collective D.nonquantitative

(36) Storytelling can be regarded as the essence of all the following EXCEPT .

A.the humanities B.the reference books

C.the social sciences D.the pleasures of reading

(37) What does the phrase “nothing wiki about’’(Para.2)mean according to the passage?

A.Nothing casual about.

B.Nothing stimulating about.

C.Nothing referential about.

D.Nothing controversial about.

(38) Why is each single-author book immensely particular according to the passage?

A.Because it enriches and restructures our knowledge in its own way.

B.Because it puts together the particular stories we need.

C.Because it tells single-handedly how we should perform.

D.Because it helps to make the map for our travel in particular places.

(39) We may think highly of a writer if his or her work helps .

A.to haunt us like a ghost in the knowledge-machine

B.to publish books in a narrative structure

C.to review a book on the page or screen

D.to illuminate us in a new form of knowledge

(40) Why does the writer think that even argument is a form of narrative?

A.Because it can be accessed and downloaded anywhere anytime.

B.Because it is born digital or it might have dual passports.

C.Because it has the 1imitation of time both for the writer and the reader.

D.Because it will remain a better and smarter version for us on the page.

Section B

Directions:In this section,you are required to read one quoted blog and the comments on it.The blog and comments are followed by questions or unfinished statements,each with four suggested answers A,B,C and D.Choose the best answer and mark your answer on the answer sheet.

“Years ago,a friend of mine observed that 80 percent of the people in this country have too much self-esteem and 20 percent have much too little.That struck me as pretty accurate,but psychologists will tell you that self-esteem is not a constant.People?s appraisal of their own worth varies....I have the impression that more people have unstable self-esteem than before.I say this because some of the traditional standards people used to measure their own worth have

eroded(middle class respectability),whereas more people now seem to measure themselves against celebrities and superstars.It would be interesting to know if anybody has studied changes in the criteria we use to measure self-worth.”


You bring up an interesting point because I do believe values and beliefs have changed.It would be very interesting to see the criteria used for self-worth.I find it hard to believe that only 20%of people have low self-esteem.I?ve been following Brene Brown?s thoughts on the subject of self-worth,and low self-worth (on some level) seems much more common.

Comment 2:

If the quality of one?s self-esteem is going to be judged by comparisons with those who are celebrities and superstars,then the entire exercise is really pointless.

Comment 3:

Self-esteem solution:A happy marriage.

Comment 4:?

Ego(self-worth)is proportionate to wealth.The more wealth,the more self-worth.Comment 5:

Benjamin Franklin said it best,and it applies to all facets of life.“Contentment will make a poor man rich just as discontent will make a rich man poor.”It does not mean not try to do your best,or be the richest.It simply means once you?ve done your best be content with yourself,just as if you don?t give your best effort discontent is sure to follow.

Comment 6:

I?ve “retired??from 30 years of expensive,if interesting,“personal growth??and “self-improvement.”much probably motivated by trying to “fix”myself.Hanging out with friends at a local cafe is way more satisfying.

Comment 7:

A related concept you may be interested in is the “sociometer theory" of self-esteem,pioneered by Mark Leary(Wake Forest).Basically it states that our self-esteem is determined by the amount of perceived social acceptance/rejection,and that determination is full of cognitive biases and errors.Awesome stuff.

(41) The main idea of the quoted blog is that .

A.most people in the country have too much self-esteem

B.it is urgent to help those who have too little self-esteem

C.the criteria for people to measure their self-worth are changing

D.the traditional standards make people feel unstable

(42)Among all the comments,which of the following choices brings in authoritative sources in their discussion?

A.Comment 1 and Comment 2.

B.Comment 3 and Comment 5.

C.Comment 1 and Comment 7.

D.Comment 4 and Comment 6.

(43)What all the commentators try to respond to in their writing is

A.the respect for the traditional values

B.the standards of self-worth measurement

C.marriage,celebrities and social activities

D.ego,contentment and social judgment

(44) Why does the writer of Comment 5 try to clarify Benjamin Franklin?s saying?

A.Because Franklin?s saying is universally applicable.

B.Because contentment means “rich”and discontent means “poor.??C.Because if you do your best,you will be the richest.

D.Because misunderstandings might occur of Franklin?s saying.

(45) What is the writer?s attitude toward the “sociometer theory?? in Comment 7?




Part III Reading Comprehension(45 minutes,25 points)

21-25 D C D B C

26-30 A D D A C

31-35 A D B C D

36-40 B C A D C

41-45 C C B D D


2018年同等学力申硕英语 2018年同等学力申硕英语?面对同等学力考试,相信每一位考生都做好了充足的准备,相信每一位考生的心中各不相同。但是提醒考生切勿兴奋过头,要保持一颗清醒的头脑,冷静答题。尤其是英语考试,考生要注意一下几方面: 一、不要“抢”答,要做好答题前的准备 按照英语考试的组织规程,考试两个阶段正式开始答题前几分钟,同学们就会拿到英语试卷。首先要快速地整体浏览一下试卷,大致判断一下对于自己来说试卷的难度。这里要特别注意留意两个部分: 第一个是阅读理解,第二个是看一看书面表达题目 二、不要“长”答,要合理分配答题时间 在第一个阶段的英语考试中,控制好答题节奏,合理利用时间,这一点非常重要。不要在一道试题上耽误太多时间。阅读理解部分由于语篇多,词汇量和阅读量都大,因此比较耗时,但千万不能在这里“恋战”。 三、调动语感做到“一答”准确 英语考试考查语言的运用,因此,考试中有没有语感,就变得非常重要。答题时,不要一味地想语法,想考点,要把考试变成“调动语感”和进行“语言交流”。要自觉运用平时训练所形成的答题技巧。对应试卷各个题型,在回答问题时要注意:

(1)单项选择; (2)完型填空; (3)阅读理解; (4)翻译的重要一步就是一定要理解原文,然后在用自己的语言通顺的表达出来,英语重在意合,英语重在形合;(5)书面表达 四、仔细填涂答题卡避免“非能力失分” 英语考试不仅检验平时训练是否“有素”,“功力”是否“完满”,也体现临场发挥的程度和水平。 温馨提示:考试们在面对考试的时候不用有太多的担心,这2018年同等学力申硕英语其实英语考试除了考查学生英语知识,也是考查学生的应试能力,所以考生在考试中,一定要沉着冷静,保持一个稳定的心,希望同学们关注考试注意事项,注意答题的每一个细节,稳定心理,正常、甚至是超水平发挥,以期在考试中取得优异成绩。 附:在职研究生热门招生院校推荐表


我们格外重视2016同等学力统考。 原因一,2016是同等学力30分漏洞的最后一年。自从有同等学力以来,考试大纲都是每4年一改,2013/2014/2015过去了,就只有2016了。 原因二,由于在职类中,同等学力的‘姐妹篇’GCT于2016并入了12月底的国家研究生统招考试,故2016的同等学力虽侥幸未并入其中,毋庸置疑难度肯定会同比加大。 原因三,2017同等学力的国家政策尚未明朗,如果届时同等学力也像GCT一样那就 惨了。据此,不管自身现有基础如何当然是越早备考越保险,切不可以胆试运,心存侥幸。一句话,试不起,也赌不起。因此,市面各培训机构学生购买各种辅导课程的数据显示,今年我们同等学力备考的学生也明显较往年早3-5个月不等。望备战2016同 等学力统考的同学们,即日起就投入到2016同等学力备考当中,但是切不可盲目选择辅导课程,除了要关注机构历年统考过关实情外(而非无法考实的过关率),还须充分试听相应辅导课程。你比如说英语科目,因为大家毕竟多年不接触英语了,各方面基础已忘乎殆尽,如果辅导课程不能帮助大家迅速获补基础,巧妙而直接的解决‘纯拼词汇语法题海式的传统备考方案’所带来的各种痛点,确实是很难确保帮助大家一次通关。不要忘了,2016是最后一年了! 2015年同等学力英语考试真题 Part I Oral Communication(10 points) Section A Directions: In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A, B and C, taken from the dialogue. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete


2015年同等学力人员申请硕士学位外国语水平全国统一考试 英语试卷一、卷二真题及参考答案 考生须知 1.本考试分试卷一和试卷二两部分。试卷一满分75分,考试时间为100分钟, 9:00开始,10:40结束:试卷二满分25分,考试时间为50分钟,10:40开始,11:30结束。 2.请考生务必将本人姓名和考号填写在本页方框内。 3.请将试卷一答案用2B铅笔填涂在试卷一答题卡上,答在试卷上的无效。 4.在答题卡上正确的填涂方法为:在代表答案的字母上划线,如[A] [B][C][D]。 5.监考员宣布试卷一考试结束后,请停止答试卷一,将试卷一和试卷一答题卡反扣在自己的桌面上,继续做试卷二。监考员将到座位上收取试卷一和试卷一答题卡。 6.监考员收卷过程中,考生须配合监考员验收,并请监考员在准考证上签字(作为考生交卷的凭据),否则,若发生答卷遗失,责任由考生自负。 Paper One (100minutes) Part I Oral Communication (15 minutes,10 points) Section A Directions:In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A,B and C,taken from the dialogue. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. Dialogue One A. Do you know what a handicapped space is? B. The signs always tell you how long you can park there and on what days. C. Then you also need to be aware of the time limits on the street signs. Student: Can you tell me where I can park? Clerk: Are you driving a motorcycle or an automobile? Student: I drive an automobile. Clerk: Fine. You can either park in the student lot or on the street. 1 Student: Yes, I have seen those spots. Clerk: Well, when you see the blue spots with the handicapped sign, do not park there unless you have a special permit. Are you going to be parking in the daytime or evening? Student: I park in the evenings. Clerk: 2 Have you seen those signs? Student: Yes, I have seen those signs. Clerk: 3 .


2013年(第六版大纲)英语要求 一词汇: 掌握约6000个英语词汇和约700个常用词组。对6000个词汇中的2800个左右的积极词汇要求熟练掌握,即能在口语交际和写作中准确地运用;其余词汇则要求能在阅读、语篇完型填空和英译汉等中识别和理解。 二题型: 分试卷一和试卷二 试卷一考试分数占75分值考试时间100分钟 1 口语交际 10道题 10分 2 词汇 10道题 10分 3 阅读理解 25道题 25分 4 完型填空 10道题 10分 5 短文完成 20道题 20分

试卷二考试分数占25分值考试时间50分钟 6 英译汉 100词左右 10分 7 写作不少于150词 15分 2015年同等学力英语真题解析 英语试卷一 Paper One (100minutes) Part I Oral Communication (15 minutes,10 points) 命题规律: 规律一:把握语篇关系(词汇、句子、篇章基础之上的综合能力)(1)逻辑关系:转折、条件、因果等。 (2)语义走向:句子与句子之间、段落与段落之间、或者分句与分句之间的关系。会出现没有任何连接词,但具有某种语义关系的情况。比如,表示态度色彩的褒贬语义走向,表示支持或是反对的语义走向,表示顺承、递进、解释、说明、强调的语义走向。 规律二:把握场景语境(固定用语是重点考查对象) 具体场景:对话、旅游、就餐、图书馆、邀请、道歉、恭贺、支持等。

规律三:把握句型结构(疑问句、感叹句、强调句、倒装句)。 解题方法: 第一步:抓住谈话双方的身份 具体有:师生之间、父女之间、夫妻之间、图书管理员与学生之间、医生病人之间、来电者与接线员之间、服务员与就餐者之间。第二步:读懂首句的关键词 第三步:分析空格前后线索 同义词、反义词反复出现;逻辑关系;固定搭配与特殊句型。第四步:代入空格通读检查。 Section A Directions:In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A,B and C,taken from the dialogue. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 总体印象:


2013年同等学力人员申请硕士学位 外国语水平全国统一考试 英语试卷一 ENGLISH QUALIFICATION TEST FOR MASTER-DEGREE APPLICANTS Paper One (100 minutes) Part I Oral Communication (10 points) Part II Vocabulary (10 points) Pan III Reading Comprehension (25 points) Part IV Cloze (10 points) Part V Text Completion (20 points) 考生须知 1. 本考试分试卷一和试卷二两部分,试卷一满分为75分,考试时问100分钟,9:00开始10:40结束;试卷二满分为25分,考试时间为50分钟,10:40开始,11:30结束。

2. 考生务必将本人考号最后两位数字填写在本页右上角方框内。 3. 本试卷为A型试卷,请将答案用2B铅笔填涂在A型试卷一答题卡上,答在试卷上或其 他类型的答题卡上无效,答题前,请核对试卷一答题卡是否为A型卡,若不是,请要求监考老师予以更改。 4. 在答题卡上正确的填涂方法为:在代表答案的字母上划线,如[A][B][C][D]。 5. 监考员宣布考试结束后,请停止答试卷一,将试卷一和试卷一答题卡反扣在自己的桌上, 继续做试卷二。监考员将到座位上收取试卷一和试卷一答题卡。 6. 监考员收卷过程中,考生须配合监考员验收,并请监考员在准考证上签字(作为考生 卷的凭证),否则,若发生答卷遗失,责任有考生自负。 Part 1 Oral Communication (10 points) Section A Directions: In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A,B and C, taken from the dialogue. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. Dialogue One A. It sounds like a flu. B. I also advise resting for a couple of days. C. Boy, when it rains, it pours.


同等学力申硕英语如何有效进行复习? 近些年随着十月联考取消,报考同等学力申硕的人越来越多了,同等学力考试内容简单,但是英语很多人都不会复习,也不知道难度,下面小编为大家讲解一下, 同等学力申硕英语难度如何? 同等学力申硕的英语考试难度与四六级相当,所以是大家很容易通过的,但是也要注意对在职研究生英语单词的复习,首先大家要了解考研英语与四六级对词汇的要求不同。四六级考试是水平性考试,考试的目的是测验在校大学生的英语水平,直白的说,这种考试,是为了让大多数考生通过的,因此,词汇的复习要有针对性,把考研大纲5500个单词划分出个三六九等来,区别对待。对于你认为熟悉的初高中词汇,要重点记忆它的第二个,第三个,甚至第四个你不熟悉的意思。 同等学力申硕英语该如何复习? 每次都背单词 对于在职研究生英语单词,我们每天一百个是最低限,其实背到后来你会发现这个要求并不高,一个月后,你可能自然而然地就背到三百或者五百,时间上可以平均分配开来,第二天早晨复习以前没背下来的词。大家要一边看一边读每个词的读音,默读也成。看完后回忆一遍,回忆不起来的再看。 多和单词“约会”

对于在职研究生英语单词是否“一见钟情”都是无所谓的,关键在于有更多不同类型的见面机会,因为一个单词能不能记住,取决于和它在不同场合见面的频率,不在于每次看着它的时间长短。一般想记住一个单词,每星期要和它在不同场合见三到四次面,具体问题一定要具体分析;另外,大家在背单词时,还要把握住最基础的部分,也就是所谓的词根,对付这些词根的最好方法,就是进行大量的,不间断的,简单的初级听力练习。因为阅读材料中,还有百分之二十其他词汇,所以光凭这个等级的词还看不懂那些阅读材料。 附:在职研究生热门招生院校推荐表


2013年同等学力英语语法专项复习练习题(四) 1. Politics ______ the art or science of government. A. is B. are C. be D. being 2. My friend was very unhappy for not ______ to the concert. A. to be invited B. have been invited C. to have been invited D. inviting 3. The noise was caused by a dog ______ a cat through the garden. A. chasing B. fighting C. running D. following 4. I must get up earlier tomorrow morning ______ late again. A. not to be B. not being C. so as not to be D. for not being 5. Because of her peculiar characteristics, she has a lot of difficulty ______ friends with her classmates. A. to make B. making C. of making D. for her to make 6. I consider ______ more knowledge than his brother of biology. A. him having B. him to have had C. him to have D. his having had 7. Excuse me, but it is time to have your temperature ______. A. take B. taking C. to take D. taken 8. The stars are ______ when there is no moon. A. brightest B. the brightest C. more brighter D. much brighter . The experts feel that there would be fewer problems underground than ______ in case of an earthquake. A. on the surface B. surface C. the surface D. that on the surface 10. The observation deck at the World Trade Center ______ in New York. A. was highest than any other one B. was higher than any other one C. was highest that any other one D. was higher that any other one 2. We are all working hard to fulfil the ______ plan. A. country B. country’s C. the country of D. of the country 12. He said that he’d sooner die than ______ his motherland. A. betray B. to betray C. betrayed D. betraying 13. The seats in the second plane ______. A. had been almost all filled B. had all been almost filled C. had almost all been filled D. had almost been filled all 14. His office is within ______ from the post office. A. a stone’s throw B. a throw of a stone C. stone’s throw D. the stone’s throw 15. I’m sorry ______ so long. I forgot to tell you in advance where I had put my key. A. to keep you wait B. to keep you waiting C. to keep you waited D. to have kept you waiting 16. ______ deeply moved by his speech. A. Every of us were B. Everyone of us was C. Everyone of us were D. Each one of us was 17. The opportunity was almost ______ grabbed. A. too good to be B. too good not to be C. so good to be D. too good


2015年同等学力英语真题答案 PartⅠ Dialogue 1 A C B Dialogue 2 B C A Dialogue 3 D C A B PartⅡ 1-5 A D A B C 6-10 D C A C B PartⅢ Passage one: 21-25 D B A A D Passage two: 26-30 D A C C B Passage three 31-35 D A A B C Passage four 36-40 A D A B D Section B 41-45 C C D D B Part ⅣCloze 1-5 B A D C C 6-10 B A D C D PartⅤText completion Text 1 A B C A B C Text 2 D A B C B A D C Text 3 A C B C B A Part ⅥTranslation Should work be placed among the causes of happiness or be regarded as a burden? Much work is exceedingly tiresome, and an excess of work causes stress and even disease. I think, however, that, provided work is not excessive in amount, even boring work is less harmful than idleness. We sometimes feel a little relief from work; at other times work gives us delight. These feelings arise according to the type of work we are doing and our ability to do that work. Work fills many hours of the day and removes the need to decide what one should do. 参考译文: 我们应该把工作当成快乐的源泉呢?还是视它为一种负担?大量的工作让人极为不爽,超负荷的工作给人造成巨大压力,甚而积劳成疾。然而,我认为:如果工作量不是很大,即便没什么乐趣,也比无聊空虚对身体健康有益。有时我们从工作中获得慰藉;有时工作给我们带来快乐。这些感觉的产生取决于我们所从事工作的类型以及我们自身的工作能力。工作占去了我们一天当中大部分的时间,也不允许我们需要决定应该做什么。 PartⅦWriting 范文 Nowadays, more and more people are concerned about the problem of environmental protection, for the pollution has brought us so many bad influences. It is important for us to realize that it is everyone’s duty to protect our environment. To cope with this nation-wide problem, our government has started to take a series of effective measures. The most effective way is to save energy and reduce carbon emission. Because every


在职研究生同等学力申硕英语备考经验汇总 一、复习方法篇 1、如何高效增加词汇量 1)不要背书 大部分人背书都是背了后面忘了前面,正襟危坐几个小时,其实记住的单词没几个,为什么?因为人的瞬时记忆力只能记忆5-7个东西,比如你妈妈叫你去买菜,七样以内你能记住,要是十几样你就得用笔记了。因此背书没用,那怎么办?就是分组背,记一组,测试一组,再记下一组。(刘毅的背单词的书就是按照这个原理来设计的) 2)不要用整段时间来背单词 我看过很多人的每日计划,什么几点到几点是背单词时间。这个没用,你花几个小时光背单词,记忆效率绝对很低,脑袋都木掉,合上书一个字也想不起来。一些英语牛人就一个背单词方法——小卡片。每天没事就拿出来看一下,坚持不懈,效果绝对好。 3)在遗忘临界点复习 有个伟大的艾宾浩斯记忆曲线,非常厉害,只要按照那个曲线在遗忘临界点复习,5次复习就可以终身不忘。可以在第1、2、5、15、30、60天把单词再重复看一遍! 4)语境记忆 背单词绝对不能没有例句,中文的一个词你可以对他有很多种解释,英文也一样,如果没有例句帮你体会单词用法,光背词意在真正阅读的时候一定会抓瞎。(刘毅的背单词的书每个单词都有例句) 5)巧用学习工具 现在科技发达,学习工具很多,巧加利用才能事半功倍。我用的是Nokia N73手机,里面有英汉词典,遇到不懂的单词随时用来查,同时也可以把一些单词作为提示有空的时候拿来看。 6)背记单词必须和做真题结合起来 因为单词必须得放到文章中能够认知才叫记住了单词这样单词的记忆会达到事半功倍的效果。传统的每天只是拿着单词书死记硬背是不科学的也是效率最低的。

在单词有了进步之后,你会发现不管是汉译英还是英译汉都不在害怕。但是前提仍然是,多多练习。熟能生巧,翻译多了,跟好的翻译答案对照之后,你会发现好多“的字结构”“使字结构”“无主句”等等之类的句子其实翻译方法是很有章可循的,翻译多了,你会知道什么情况下用被动结构,什么情况下用强调结构,这些能力的前提是必须得多多练习。 2、疯狂做往年的真题并且做后花长时间认真分析 认真做每年的真题,尤其是一些有考验经验的人推荐的真题。争取三天一套,做的时候要卡着时间。做完后要理科对照着正确答案认真分析。做完一套真题可能只需要三个小时的时间,但是做完之后的分析却需要6个小时。所以按照在职学习人的时间来算,三天做一套真题节奏刚好。即便是你做过一遍之后,答案已经背下来了,也仍然要认认真真地做真题,把真题的阅读理解和完形填空作为精读的材料去认真详细地分析每一个句子,攻下你在真题里碰到的每一个生词。 做真题有几大好处,一是通过反复做真题,你可以记住大纲里80%的单词;二是通过反复做真题,你可以熟悉阅读理解完形填空的文章风格和真题出题思路,到考试的时候才不会不适应,尤其是近5年的试题;三是真题的阅读理解其实就是很好很地道的说明文和议论文,熟读之后你会发现里面有好多很精美很地道的句子,拿来用到自己的作文里非常的出彩。三是通过精读真题的阅读理解和完形填空,基本上你第二卷的英译汉已经不成问题了。(第二卷的作文和英译汉通过做真题完全可以搞定了)。 3、针对09新大纲复习对策 今年的英语考试大纲试卷一考试内容与以往相比,去掉了辨识错误部分,保留了会话技能、词汇、阅读理解、综合填空4部分内容。也就是说在考试时间不变的情况下,考试内容减少,试卷难度也就相应降低,对考生而言是好消息。以往,辨错题是试卷中唯一直接考查语法结构题目,新大纲调整后,考生就不需要记忆细小语法知识,更利于考生的英语复习。 专家认为辨识错误部分的5分可能会加到阅读理解部分或词汇部分。根据新大纲中的样题看,2009年英语考试阅读理解部分分值预计会增加,由25分变成30分,题目数量也相应从25个增至30个。同时,新大纲删除500多个旧词增加1220多个新词和50个常用词组。词汇量要求提高预示着今年的英语水平考试难度可能比以往会加大。 面对新大纲词汇量增加的问题,考生可以采用像滚雪球一样的方法记忆。在复习词汇时,首先从掌握大学英语四六级考试要求的词汇入手,每天定时定量地完成背诵内容,第二天,将学过的单词默写几遍,以加深印象。这个阶段大概需要3个月的时间,然后进入背诵考研词汇阶段,考生可选择一本考研核心词汇作为辅助记忆参考书。但是不要认为单词一遍就记住了,记单词的关键是重复记忆。按照记忆曲线,记忆7次一般就差不多记住了,但是还有很少的一部分单词不能记住。他在记完7次以后,把仍然记不住的单词抄在卡片上。正面写着英文单词、词性、音标;背面写着意思、助记法等。


2013年同等学力人员申请硕士学位英语水平 全国统一考试试题参考答案与解析 Paper One 试卷一 Part I Oral Communication (10 points) Section A Dialogue One 1. A。很明显这是医患之间的对话。病人描述自己的症状为:鼻塞(stuffy nose),嗓子疼(sore throat),咳嗽很频繁。对自己病情细节的总结,因此A选项(听上去像是感冒)符合题意。 2. C。医生根据病人的描述进行初步诊断。同时,空格后面的it必须指代上文出现的名词单数形式,flu (感冒)符合这个要求。故本题选C选项(啊,不病则已,一病什么都来)符合语义要求。“When it rains,it pours”是个习语,意思是“不下雨则已,一下倾盆”,表示事情的严重程度。 3. B。医生给开了处方(prescribe),同时给出了另外一条建议,空格后病人问到自己是否不能上班。由此可推理医生给出的建议是“休息”。故本题选B。通过排除法也可得知本题答案为B。 Dialogue Two 4. C。通过空格后Joshua提到的数字可知,父亲问到有关钱的数量。故本题选C (我欠你多少钱),owe在这里是“欠”的意思。 5. B。父亲重复了“lots of money”,推理可知空格处填写“你有很多钱”是符合意义的。 6. A。Joshua说他用这些钱的一部分购买图书,一部分存起来,另一部分则施舍给穷人。可推理得知父亲问儿子将如何处理这些钱。因此A为正确选项。 Section B 7. C。空格后讲到美国的店铺晚上十点还开着门,由此可以推理受访者表达努力工作的同时还能享受便捷的服务。故本题选C (我最喜欢的是在努力工作的同时还能过正常的生活)。同时,like best 与enjoy也有语义承递的关系。 8. D。空格前讲到所有的店铺都关门很晚,空格后说公共节日时,只有银行是关门的,因此D选项(一些超市24小时营业)符合语义,supermarket与空格前的Food shops (食品店),chemists (药店),and department stores (百货商店)形成并列关系。故本题正确答案为D。 9. A。上一句的问题是“纽约是不是一个像伦敦一样的多民族城市”,空格前的回答是:“当然是,但是并不混居(mixed)。”空格处紧跟对“不混居”的解释才是符合语义走向的,故A选项(各民族居住在自己的区域里)是正确答案。 10.B。空格前讲到纽约人在街上、巴士上争抢座位方面都表现得比较粗鲁(rude), 空格处一定是跟


2013同等学力申硕考试英语真题(A卷) 英语试卷一 Paper One (100minutes) Part I Oral Communication (15 minutes,10 points) Section A Directions:In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A,B and C,taken from the dialogue. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. Dialogue one A. It sounds like a flu. B. I also advise resting for a couple of days. C. Boy, when it rains, it pours. Doctor: What has been bothering you? Patient: I have a stuffy nose and a sore throat. Plus, I’ve been coughing a lot. 1 Doctor: Any stomach pains? Patient: Actually, yes. My stomach’s been upset for a few days. Doctor: 2 . It’s been going around lately. Patient: Anything I can do for it? Doctor: I’ll prescribe some medicines for you to take. 3 . Patient: Does that mean I shouldn’t go to work? Doctor: Only when you feel up to it. You should stay home for at least a day or two. Dialogue Two A. So, what are you going to do with the money? B. You have lots of money. C. How much do I owe you? Joshua: Dad. Allowance day. Can I have my allowance? Father: Oh, I forgot about that. Joshua: You ALWAYS forget. Father: I guess I do. 4 Joshua: Just $13. Father: We ll, I’ m not sure if I have that much. Joshua: Go to bank. 5 Father: Lots of money, uh? Uh, well, I think the bank is closed. Joshua: Then, what about your secret money jar under your bed? Father: Oh, I guess I could do that. 6 Joshua: I ’m going to put some in savings, give some to the poor people, and use the rest to buy books. Father: Well, that sounds greats great, Joshua.


2015 同等学力人员申请硕士学位外国语水平全国统一考试 英语试卷一 Paper One (100minutes) Part I Oral Communication (15 minutes,10 points) Section A Directions:In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A,B and C,taken from the dialogue. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. Dialogue One A. Do you know what a handicapped space is? B. The signs always tell you how long you can park there and on what days. C. Then you also need to be aware of the time limits on the street signs. Student: Can you tell me where I can park? Clerk: Are you driving a motorcycle or an automobile? Student: I drive an automobile. Clerk: Fine. You can either park in the student lot or on the street. 1 Student: Yes, I have seen those spots. Clerk: Well, when you see the blue spots with the handicapped sign, do not park there unless you have a special permit. Are you going to be parking in the daytime or evening? Student: I park in the evenings. Clerk: 2 Have you seen those signs? Student: Yes, I have seen those signs. Clerk: 3 Dialogue Two A. The hours and limitations are printed on the card and this handout. B. May I have your driver‘s license, please? C. Are you familiar with our rules and fines? Student: Excuse me. I am interested in getting a library card. Librarian: Sure, let me give you an application. You can fill it out right here at the counter. Student: Thank you. I‘ll do it right now.


同等学力人员申请硕士学位英语水平全国统一考试大纲(第六版) 一、指导思想 本考试大纲要求通过教学使学生具有较好的用英语获取信息的能力和一定的用英语传递信息的能力。这就要求考生具有较强的阅读理解能力,一定的口语交际能力和语篇信息处理能力,同时也必须具有一定的英译汉能力和写作能力。本考试旨在测试考生是否达到大纲所规定的各项要求和具有大纲所规定的各项语言运用能力。 二、评价目标 本考试重点考查考生的英语口语交际、阅读、语篇完形处理、英译汉和写作等技能(由于技术上的原因,本考试暂时取消听力测试,口语交际技能的测试采用书面形式进行。考生听力能力的测试由各院校在考生学习期间进行)。考生应在词汇知识、语法知识、口语交际能力、阅读理解能力、语篇完形处理能力、英译汉能力和写作能力等方面分别达到以下要求: (一)词汇 掌握约6 000个英语词汇和约700个常用词组。对6 000个词汇中的2 800个左右的积极词汇要求熟练掌握,即能在口语交际和写作中准确地运用;其余词汇则要求能在阅读、语篇完形处理和英译汉等过程中识别和理解。 (二)语法 掌握英语的基本语法知识、常用句型和结构,能正确理解包含这些知识、句型和结构的句子和语篇。 (三)口语交际 能用英语进行日常口语交流。对于生活、学习和工作中的常见英语交流,能理解交流情景、说话人的意图和会话的含义,并能运用相应的知识和判断进行恰当的交流。能正确理解英语口语中常见的习惯用法。 (四)阅读 能综合运用英语语言知识和阅读技能读懂一般性题材的文章、广告等应用性文本和博客及跟帖等互动形式的阅读材料。要求能抓住大 意,读懂细节,能理解上下文的逻辑关系,并能领会和分辨作者或话语参与各方的主要意图和态度及其异同等。 (五)语篇完形处理


绝密*启用前 2013年同等学力人员申请硕士学位 外国语水平全国统一考试 英语试卷一ENGLISH QUALIFICATION TEST FOR MASTER-DEGREE APPLICANTS Paper One(100minutes) Part I Oral Communication (10 points) PartⅡVocabulary (10 points) Part III Reading Comprehension (25points) Part IV Cloze (10 points) Part V Text Completion (20 points) 考生须知

1.本考试分试卷一和试卷二两部分。试卷一满分为75分,考试时间为100分钟,9:00开始,10:40结束:试卷二满分为25分,考试时间为50分钟,10:40开始,11:30结束。 2.考生务必将本人考号最后两位数字填写在本页右上角方框内。 3.本试卷一为B型试卷,请将答案用2B铅笔填涂在B型试卷一答题卡上,答在试卷上或其它类型答题卡上的无效。答题前,请核对试卷一答题卡是否为B型卡,若不是,请要求监考员予以更换。 4.在答题卡上正确的填涂方法为:在代表答案的字母上划线,如:[A][B][C][D]。 5.监考员宣布试卷一考试结束后,请停止答试卷一,将试卷一和试卷一答题卡反扣在自 己的桌面上,继续做试卷二。监考员将到座位上收取试卷一和试卷一答题卡。 6.监考员收卷过程中,考生须配合监考员验收,并请监考员在准考证上签字(作为考生交卷的凭据),否则,若发生答卷遗失,责任由考生自负。

Part I Oral Communication (10 points) Section A Directions: In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A, B and C, taken fro m the dialogue. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to co mplete the dialogue and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. Dialogue One A. You have lots of money. B. How much do I owe you? C. So, what are you going to do with the money? Joshua: Dad. Allowance day. Can I have my allowance? Father: Oh. I forgot about that. Joshua: You ALWAYS forget. Father: I guess I do. 1 Joshua: Just $13.

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