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1. 汉译英

(1) 没有一种企业结构能够适合所有的企业,每种结构都有利有弊。

There is not one business structure that suits every business and each structure has advantages and disadvantages.

(2) 采用有限责任公司作为企业的介质可以将你的企业与自己的个人事务分清楚,公司结构在顾客和供应商看来也显得更加专业。

Using a limited liability company as your business medium will allow you to keep your business distinct from your personal affairs and a corporate structure might appear more professional to customers and suppliers.

(3) 创办企业最简单的方法就是独资经营。你可以完全控制自己的企业,而且税后的利润也全都归你所有。The simplest way to start up a business is as a sole trader. You will have complete control over your business and all profits after tax will go to you.

(4) 一般情况下公司的运营成本要比合伙经营和独资经营高很多。

Generally, the running costs of a company can be significantly more than those of a partnership or a sole trader.

(5) 你应当依据你的企业性质采用能够使你达成自己企业目标的组织结构。

Depending on the nature of your business, you should adopt an organizational structure that enables you to meet your business objectives.

(1) 要永远记住自己想要成功的决心比其他任何事情都更为重要。

Always bear in mind that your own determination to succeed is more important than any other things.

(2) 大声赞扬是下属很喜欢的一种激励方式。

Praising loudly is a motivation that subordinates like a lot.

(3) 直接公开的交流会营造出一种信任的氛围,这对于成功地完成任务和达成目标是至关重要的。

Open communication develops an atmosphere of trust, essential to successful task completion and goal attainment.

(4) 作为经理,你所能做的就是为团队成员们“营造一种氛围”,使他们能够自我激励。

As a manager, all you can do is “create a climate” in which your team members motivate themselves.

(5) 经理们最常犯的错误就是以为激励的所有形式都是围绕着钱的。

The most common mistake that managers make is to believe that all forms of motivation revolve around money.

(1) 有效培训员工的关键就是要识别员工本人的主要职责,并确保他们了解自己的角色和职责。

The key to effective staff training is to identify the principal duties of the staff members themselves, and to ensure that they are aware of their individual roles and responsibilities.

(2) 研究表明最成功最能干的职员往往是那些接受过广泛训练的人。

Studies have shown that the most successful, productive employees are those who have received

extensive training.

(3) 训练有素、技术精湛、学识渊博的员工对任何公司来说都是最重要的资产。

Well-trained staff with refined skills and depth of knowledge can be the most important asset of every company.

(4) 制订好的培训计划来激励员工对公司来说是很重要的。

It is important for companies to develop a good training program to keep their staff motivated.

(5) 对员工进行培训时一定要清楚地了解自己的角色。

When engaging in coaching employees, it is important to understand and clarify your role.

(1) 任何企业的文化都会决定该企业所提供的产品或服务的数量和质量。

The culture of any organization will determine the quality and quantity of the product or services the company produces.

(2) 很多公司领导人的主要问题不是竞争,而是缺乏对自己企业文化的认识和了解。

In many businesses, the primary problem for leaders is not competition but a lack of understanding of their own corporate culture.

(3) 很多情况下企业的失败是源于其始终不变的文化。

The failure occurs in most cases because the culture of the organization remained the same.

(4) 记住,当你检查和评定你的企业文化时,你实际上是在为将来的成功投资。

Remember, when you are examining and assessing your organizational culture, you are actually making an investment in your future success.

(5) 没有健康的文化,就不可能有非凡的客户体验。

Without a healthy culture, it is impossible to create an extraordinary customer experience.

(1) 新产品最重要的部分就是其品牌。为产品确定一个品牌是关系到其最终成败的关键。

The most important part of a new product is its brand name. Deciding on a brand name for a product is both crucial and influential to its overall success or ultimate failure.

(2) 质量是人们支持并忠实于你的品牌的首要原因。一旦质量出了问题,他们就会涌向你的竞争者。Quality is the number one reason people will support your brand and be loyal. Once the quality is gone, they will flock to your competitor.

(3) 强大的品牌是独特而令人难忘的。名字应该简单,容易拼写。同时也要考虑到很多字都有不同的字面和关联意义,这也很重要。

Strong brand names are unique and memorable. The name should be simple and easy to spell. It’s also important to take into consideration that many words have different literal and associated meanings.

(4) 北京奥运会给中国品牌提供了展示自己、走向世界的机会。

The Olympic Games in Beijing gave Chinese brands a chance to display themselves or introduce themselves to the world.