当前位置:文档之家› 江苏省 二年级英语 期中测试卷2(1)

江苏省 二年级英语 期中测试卷2(1)

江苏省 二年级英语 期中测试卷2(1)
江苏省 二年级英语 期中测试卷2(1)



(1)father nurse brother

(2)big small bright

(3)desk pen chair

(4)tomato apple carrot

(5)door star sun


A. doctor

B. worker

C. teacher


A. sun

B. moon

C. star


A. bean

B. carrot

C. potato


A. mother

B. brother

C. father


A. right

B. big

C. bright



B. chair

C. sofa


1.这些是什么? a. All right.

2.她是谁? b. It’s bright.

3.谢谢你 c. What are these?

4.好的 d. Thank you

5.它是明亮的 e. Who’s she?

6.看星星 f. Look at the moon.


1. 早上好,妈妈 A. They are carrots.

2. 你好,王兵。 B. These are my books.

3. 这些是我的书。 C. Good morning, mum.

4. 它们是胡萝卜。 D. How do you do?

5. 你好吗? E. Hello, Wang Bing.

10.What can you see?- I can see_______

A. a potato

B. potato

11.What are these? They are _________.

A. bean

B. beans

12.Who’s she?- She’s my ________

A. mother

B. father

13.What’s ____? It’s a tomato.

A. this

B. these

14.______ is your father?-He’s a doctor.

A. Who

B. What

15.Can you see beans?-Yes, I ___

A. do

B. can


A. Thank you.

B. All right.


A. She’s my sister.

B. She’s a nurse.


A. Clean the door, please.

B. Clean the window, please.

参考答案1. (1)nurse





2. B

3. C

4. C


6. C


8. cedabf


10. A

11. B

12. A

13. A

14. B

15. B

16. A

17. A

18. B


光亚学校小学二年级上期英语期末测试题 一、Listen and circle.听一听,圈出你听到的图片。 ( 20分) 1、 A.brother B.sister 2、 A. boat B.hill 3、 A. flower B.tree 4、 A.bookshop B.hospital 5、 A. thin B.short

二、Listen and choose.听一听,选一选,将听到的图片序号填在括号内。( 20分) ()1、A. B. ()2、A. B. ()3、A. B. ()4、 A. B. ()5、 A. B. 三、Listen and number.听一听,给图片用1、2、3、3、4、5排序。( 10分) ()()()()()

四、Read and choose.为下列句子选择正确的图片,将对应的图片序号填在括号内。( 6分) A. B. C. D. E. F. ( ) 1、There is a lake in the park. ( ) 2、I’m going to the supermarket. ( ) 3、This is my brother. ( ) 4、Andy is going to school. ( ) 5、She is a girl. She is tall. ( ) 6、Merry Christmas! Here is a present for you. 五、Read and choose.选择英文单词对应的中文意思。( 10分) ()1. sister A. 姐;妹 B. 兄;弟 ()2. woman A. 小女孩 B. 女人 ()3. he A. 他 B你 ()4. mother A. 妈妈 B.祖父 ()5. family A. 同学 B. 家庭 ()6.brother A.兄弟 B.父亲 ()7. thin A. 瘦的 B. 矮的 ()8. park A. 书店 B. 公园 ()9. flower A. 花 B. 树 ()10. card A. 贺卡 B. 飞机


三、今后努力的方向 1、加强词汇教学。包括单词拼写,词义记忆,语用功能的训练,在平常的教学中一定要常抓不懈。词汇是文章、句子的基本单位,词汇量的大小,将直接关系到学生能否流利地运用英语进行交际;能否熟练地用英语读和写;能否顺利地用英语思考。从阅卷所反映的问题看,在今后的教学中,在加强拼读与拼写的同时,应帮助学生进行有意识记,应加强对词的用法及内在含义的理解,要培养学生用英语解释单词的能力,逐步启发引导学生用英语思考。单词教学一定要做到词不离句,这样,学生在学会了单词的同时,也学会了词的一些基本用法。 2、基本的语法教学一定要与语境相结合。进行语法操练时,要坚持“四位一体”,即话题、语境、结构、功能相结合。抓住话题,联系语境,确定语法结构,明确语法功能(交际功能)。要重视语法知识对于培养语言运用功能的基础作用,又要注重改革教法。课堂上一定要有生动活泼的教学活动。 3、进一步培养阅读能力。阅读能力的培养是英语教学的又一重点。《课标》规定“学生应达到一定量的课外阅读量”。其实,试卷上每一题都要求学生阅读。我们常说,“这类题目已讲过x遍,y个学生不会做。”这不是因为学生没有听懂老师所讲的题目,而是因为学生不会阅读试卷上的题目,对不上适用的语法结构。阅读能力的培养在于平时。教师在平时讲解阅读理解题时,应着力帮助学生分析语言材料,而不是核对答案。 英语作为一种语言,首先要实践,其次要注意知识的积累,要经常地接触,反复运用。要明白实践越多,提高也就越快。

童年时,家是一声呼唤。那时的我似乎比今日的孩子拥有更多的自由。放学后,不会先在父母前露面,而是与左右相邻的小朋友聚在一起,天马行空,玩的天昏地暗,直至街上的人散去,听见焦急的父母在四处:“回家了,吃饭了。” 这样的声音伴着我的童年,月复一月,迄今仍在我的耳畔回响。 我常常在思考“家”究竟是什么?有人说:家是酝酿爱与幸福的酒坊,是盛满温馨和感动等待品味的酒杯。是在疲惫时回到家后爱人真情的拥抱,是彼此相守默默注视的目光…… 还有人说:家是风雨中的一间小屋,家是大雪天里的一杯热酒,家是一次次失败后的鼓励…… 家是忙碌奔波疲惫时。最想回去好好休息的温床。家是在外面受委屈回来后,可以痛痛快快哭一场而没人笑你软弱的地方。家是日行千里夜走八百后。离你最远却始终与你记忆最近的画面。无论你的人生是如何的辉煌或者是落魄。家。永远是你最牵挂的地方。太平时,家是一座博物馆,又是一个加油站。家里的一本书一封信一帧照片,都可以引出一段属于你们家的故事,流传天南与地北;一把茶壶一顶帽子一把椅子,都储存着家的文化传统和信息,绵延一代又一代。 家,一个多么温馨的港湾,承载了多少人的梦。烦恼的时候,想到它,豁然开朗;忧郁的时候,想到它,微微一笑;沉闷的时候,想到它,如释重负。 家,简简单单的一个字,却包含了太多,只有亲情才是无法泯灭的永恒。自古以来,无数诗人咏唱过游子的思家之情。“渔灯暗,客梦回,一声声滴人心碎。孤舟五更家万里,是离人几行情泪。”家是游子梦魂萦绕的永远的岸。


育苗小学二年级英语第一、二单元测试卷 班级__________ 姓名_______________ 成绩________________ 一、听老师读,圈出你听到的单词。(18分) 1、bus house 2、now go 3、bite jump 4、rabbit fox 5、cat dog 6、happy sad [、抄一抄,写一写。(28分) Kids are going to Merry Tow n. Cone on come rabbit brow n Get on the bus and take a seat Happily happily we go around

1、Dog 2、Elephant 3、graffe 4、Bus 三、写出下面单词的意思(30 分)、 Big ——( ) Long ——( ) Sharp ------- () 四、连一连。(24分) Bus ------- ( ) Baby ——( ) Cute ------- ( )

育苗小学一年级英语第一、二单元测试卷 班级__________ 姓名_______________ 成绩________________ 一、听老师读,圈出你听到的单词。(18分) 1、boy house 2、hand go 3、bite count 4、rabbit fox 5、great dog 6、happy sad [、抄一抄,写一写。(28分) Where are you from , Mr Mouse? Please show me your little house . Sorry sorry sorry Mrs Cat . I don ' want you to get fat .


2015-2016学年二年级下学期期中测试题 (时间:35分钟 满分:50分) 卷面 书写 请同学们在答题时认真书写,做到规范、端正、美观,让你的试卷拥有 一张清秀、漂亮的面孔! 听力部分(30 分) 一、听音,选出你所听到的单词,听两遍。(10分) ( ) 1. A.sunny B.windy C.weather ( ) 2. A.cap B.sofa C.snow ( ) 3. A.camera B.picture C.letter ( ) 4. A.homework B.sleep C.sad ( ) 5. A.skip B.ski C.flower 二、听音,选择正确的图片,听两遍。(10分) ( ) 1. A. B. ( ) 2. A. B. ( ) 3. A. B. ( ) 4. A. B. ( ) 5. A. B. 三、听音,选出你所听到的句子,听两遍。(10分) ( ) 1. A. It ’s warm now. B. It ’s hot now. 题号 听力部分 笔试部分 总分 得分 考生姓名 班级 统考号 学号 ………………………………装……………………订……………………线…………………

( ) 2. A. Sam is reading a newspaper. B. Lingling is reading a newspaper. ( ) 3. A. What are you doing? B. What’s he doing? ( ) 4. A. Are you sad? B. Are you happy? ( ) 5. A. They are playing hide and seek. B. They are playing clapping games. 笔试部分(20分) 四、选出所给单词的汉语意思。(10分)( ) 1.weather A. 天气 B. 有风的( ) 2.picture A. 图片 B. 信 ( ) 3.skip A. 说话 B. 跳绳 ( ) 4.cap A. 帽子 B. 照相机 ( ) 5.newspaper A. 报纸 B. 房间 五、根据汉语选择正确的英文句子。 ( ) 1. 天气怎么样? A. What are you doing? B. What’s the weather like? ( ) 2. 她正在读报纸。 A. She’s reading a newspaper. B. I am playing basketball. ( ) 3. 请笑一笑。


小学二年级英语下册期中试卷(外研版一起)听力部分(共计60分) 一、选出你说听到的单词(20分) ()1. A. sofa B. stone C. seek ()2. A letter B. like C. let ()3. A. sleep B. smile C. secret ()4. A. write B. windy C. where ()5. A today B. talk C take ()6 A those B these C tidy ()7. A. card B. kid C. hide ()8. A. catch B. camera C. colour ()9. A. sad B. cap C. clap ()10. A. weather B. white C. well 二、听录音,选句子。(10分) ()11. A. Let’s go to the zoo. B. Let’s go to the park. ()12. A. He is listening to the radio. B. He is drawing a picture. ()13. A. Amy is tidying his room. B. Amy isn’t tidying his room. ()14. A. It’s sunny today. B. It’s winy today. ()15. A. They are running. B. They are swimming.

三、听录音,选答语。(10分) ()16. A. It’s summer. B. It’s sunny and hot. ()17. A. I like skiing. B. I am making a snowman. ()18. A. Yes, he does. B. Yes, he is. (). No, I am not B. No, she isn’t. ()20. A. I am singing. B. she is tidying her room. 四、听录音判断正误,对的画T,错的画 F.(每题2分,共10分) ()21. Those girls are playing clapping games. ()22. Lingling and Amy are skipping. ()23. Sam is playing with his car. ()24. She is writing a letter. ()25. It’s cold and it snows in winter. 笔试部分(共计50分) 五、找出不同类单词(每题2分,共计10分) ()1. A. weather B. rain C. sunny (). radio B. write C. draw ()3. A. picture B. photo C. drink ()4. A. catch B. skip C. kid ()5. A. sunny B. cap C. windy 六、根据汉语选单词。(每题2分,共计10分) ()1. 街道 A. stone B. noise C. street ()2. 写 A. write B. letter C. game ()3. 科学 A. secret B. science C. card ()4. 花 A. drink B. flowe C. behind


四年级英语期中测试试卷分析 期中试卷分析 一、试题的特点: 本次试题考察的范围较为全面,涉及的知识面较广,基本覆盖了学习的知识点,题目具有典型性和代表性,题型灵活多样,注重基础知识的考察,符合英语课标的精神,注重听说读写各方面的能力。 二、卷面分析 本次的四年级英语期中试卷有十三道大题.主要考查学生的语言基础知识 和基本技能,包括词汇、词组、语音和语法等方面的考查。现分述如下:听力部分相对较好,一三四五六题失分较少。二题考察了学生对前三单元重点句子的听读和理解,其中自行车那幅图,孩子们失分较多,听力原文出自复习一,孩子们掌握的不是很好。 1.笔试部分共七道题。第七题学生掌握较好,鲜有失分。第八题选出不同类的单词,此题1、2小题失分较多,第一小题A. wall B. board C.window D.door应选A wall,其他三个是室内陈设。第九题失分较少,考察了学生对四会单词的认读和理解,有图片提示,较为容易。第十题,单项选择,考察了孩子们对前三单元重点句型的运用和理解,错误较多的是1、5、11、15题,I have two _____ .A. friend B.book C.books学生对于名词复数形式考虑欠缺,导致失分。 5.My friend_____strong.A.is B.has C.likes此题孩子们对于has,is运用不熟练,语感意识也不强。11.How many ____do you have ? A.notebook B.crayons C.maths How many后面加名词复数,15.How many ______do you have? A.maths books B.maths book C.a maths book 数学书的名词复数应该是maths book的后面加s。学生得不扎实或是马虎选错。第十一题孩子们掌握较好,失分不多,


小学二年级英语测试卷 班别 姓名 座号 得分 一、找出下列单词中含有的首字母,并将此字母写在横线上 1 pple 2 at 3 range 4 ouse 5 ion 6 oo 官方网站:哈佛大学英语教授研究组提供 二、英汉连线 … vase 小提琴 violin 冬天 winter 花瓶 pencil 春天 spring 铅笔 English 英语 plane 轮船 ship 大象 train 火车 elephant 飞机 · 三、填所缺的词 1、I (起床) at six in the morning. A. gut up B. play football C. go to school D. go to work 2、He _______ (足球) in the afternoon. A. play basketball B. play the flute C. plays football D. sing 3、We (去上学) by bike. A. walk to school B. go out C. go to school D. go home 4、We have (数字和语文) in the morning. A. Maths and English B. Maths and Chinese C. Music and Chinese 5、My father goes to work (骑自行车)。 < A. by bike B. by bus C. by plane D. by train 6、They (吃午饭) at twelve. A. have breakfast B. have dinner C. have lunch D. have sweets 7、He plays the (笛子) in the classroom. A. drums B. flute C. play pingpong 8、Do you (去游泳)Yes,I do. A. go to swimming B. go swimming B. go swim


上学期二年级英语期中考试试卷1.看图写出单词首字母的大小写。(注意手写体)(5’) _________ _________ __________ _________ 2.用正确的手写体形式写出所给字母的左右邻居。(10’) Aa ____ _____ ____ Gg ____ _____ Oo ______ _____ Jj _____ _____ _____ Uu 3.正确书写下列字母.(注意手写体)(10’) Hh Rr Nn Ll Ff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.根据中文意思勾出正确的英文单词。(15’) 母鸡 (hen, duck) 绵羊 (shoe , sheep) 鼻子 (nose, eye) 朋友 (fly, friend) 大的 (big, bag) 大象 (panda, elephant) 铅笔 (pen, pencil) 关 (open, close) 房间 (road, room) 桌子 (taxi, table) 窗户 (wind, window) 兔子 (rabbit, rubber) 动物园 (park, zoo) 爬 (swing, climb) 骑 (ride, walk) 5.看图勾单词完成句子。(10’) 1. I see a . ( ) A. pig B. bear 2. There is a on the table. ( ) A. lamp B. rubber


人教版四年级英语上册期中考试测试卷 一.选择题 1.选出每组中单词画线部分读音不同的一项。() A.nose B.note C.not 2.选出每组中单词画线部分读音不同的一项。() A.five B.six C.his 3.选出每组中单词画线部分读音不同的一项。() A.lost B.storybook C.Coke 4.选出每组中单词画线部分读音不同的一项。() A.window B.English C.Chinese 5.选出每组中单词画线部分读音不同的一项。() A.maths B.candy C.make 6.-______ is my schoolbag? -It is on your desk.() A.What B.How C.Where 7.-What colour is it? -It's ____.() A.New B.White C.big 8.-What is your brother's name? -____name is Mike.() A.He B.Her C. His 9. -What is in your schoolbag? -____() A.Boys and girls. B.Many books. C. I have a new schoolbag 10.My father_____ a big nose and big eyes.()

A.is B. Have C. has 11.-Let's clean the classroom. -____() A.Sorry. B.OK. C.Thank you. 12.-I lost my Chinese book. -Look! _____() A.Thank you ! B.Here it is. C. It's nice. 13. _____ has glasses and_____ hair is short.() A. He; his B. His; his C. His; he 14. Mike has three____and an____.() A. storybook; candy B.toys; English book C.pencils; ruler 15.-Is he John? -____() A.Yes, he isn't. B.Yes, it ls. C.Yes. You're right. 二.阅读理解 1.阅读短文.选择正确的项。 Wang Jun is my good friend. He is ten. He has short black hair. He has big eyes and big ears. He has a small nose and a big mouth. He is quiet and friendly. He likes maths and science. He has a big schoolbag.It's blue and white. Many books, a notebook, a pencil box and some keys are in it. He often cleans the classroom with his classmates.Look, he is cleaning the teacher s desk now. ()1. Wang Jun is _____ years old. A.8 B.9 C.10 ()2. Wang Jun has _____ . eyes and a____ nose. A.small; big B.big; big C. big; small ()3. Wang Jun is____. A.quiet and friendly

二年级英语下册 期中测试题及听力材料(无答案)人教新起点

二年级英语下册期中测试题及听力材料(无答案)人教新起点 姓名:__________ 班别__________ 分数____________ 一、听录音,圈出所听到图片的序号。(15%) 1. 2. A B A B 3. 4. A B A B 5. A B 二、听录音,用阿拉伯数字1、2、3、4给下面图片排列顺序。(22%) 1. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 3. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 4. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听录音,对的画“√”,错的画“×”。(18%) 1. 2. 3. ( ) ( ) ( ) 4. 5. 6. ( ) ( ) ( ) 四、听录音,选择你所听到的图片,并把其字母编号写在括号里。(15%) 1. ( ) A B 2. ( ) A B 3. ( ) A B 4. ( )

A B 5. ( ) A B 五、听录音,画画。(15%) 1 2、 3、 4、 5、 六、听录音,涂上正确的颜色。(15%) 1、 2 3、 4、 5、 二年级英语期中测试题 一、听录音,圈出所听到图片的序号。(15%) 1. hand in hand 2.papaya 3. family 4. river 5. wide 二、听录音,用阿拉伯数字1、2、3、4给下面图片排列顺序。(22%) 1. grandpa mother father grandma 2. river farm park highway 3. strawberry mango grapes peach 4. beef egg potato rice pork 5. bump slide down pick climb wash your hands


四年级英语期中测试 第一部分听力(40) 一、听录音选择听到的单词(10) ()1.A.class B.clean C.clothes D.cloud ()2.A.water B.warm C.wash D.walk ()3.A.hill B.will C.still D.pill ()4.A.invent B.instead C.interest D.ink ()5.A. fall B.fell C.tall D.tell 二、听录音,选择听到的句子(10) ()1.A.They went to the Buckingham Palace. B.They went to the Great Wall. C.They went to the Summer Palace. ()2.A.He didn’t walk to school. B.He didn’t go to the park . C.He didn’t go home. ()3.A.She usually gets up at half past six. B. She usually walks to school at eight o’clock. C.She usually learns English and Maths. ()4.A.We saw lots of people. B. We saw lots of animals. C. We saw lots of mountains. ()5.A.I washed my clothes yesterday.

B. I watched TV last Sunday. C. I helped my dad yesterday. 三、听问句,先择答句(10) ()1.A.I am reading my book. B.I go there by bus . C.I was ill yesterday. ()2.A.No,he doesn’t. B.Yes,I was. C.Yes,I did. ()3.A.Chinese people invented phone. B. Chinese people invented paper. C. Chinese people invented bicycle. ()4.A.We ate noodles. B.We bought noodles. C.We cooked noodles. ()5.A.She went to work by car. B.She bought a new car. C.She painted a car. 四、听音补全短文(10) Yesterday, Mr Smart noodles. Tom him. Ms Smart grandma. Sam TV. Amy a picture.


小学英语测试题 听力部分 一、听音,选出正确的图形,在其编号下圈圈。(10分) 1.2. A B A B 3.4. A B A B 5. A B 二、听录音判断对错,对的打“√”,错的打“×”。(20分) 1. 2. 3. 4. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 5. 6. 7. 8. ()( ) ( ) ( ) 9.10. ( ) ( )

三、听录音标号,并把数字填在括号里。(10分) 四、听录音,选出你听到的词,将其编号写在括号里。(10分)( ) 1.A.ear B.eye C.nose ( ) 2.A.face B.foot C.hand ( ) 3.A.hand B.head C.mouth ( ) 4.A.leg B.arm C.finger ( ) 5.A.body B.foot C.head 五、听录音,选出你听到的图形,在下列()里打“√”。(10分) ( ) ( ) ()() ()()()()

六、听录音画画。(10分) 1.()A.Good morning.B.Good night.C.Bye Bye.2.()A.He’s John.B.My name is John . C.This is John.3.()A.Nice to meet you. B.You’re good.C.Goodbye.4.()A.Hello! B.My name’s Sarah. C.I’m Sarah.5.()A.OK.B.Nice to meet you.C.Thank you. 笔试部分 八、看图连线。 Hi,this is Mike. Nice to meet you. Good afternoon Let’s go to school. Touch your foot.


人教版二年级英语期中测试题 以下是WTT为大家整理的【人教版二年级英语期中测试题】,供大家参考!听力部分(50分) 一. 听单词,辨别图片与单词是否相符,相符的打√,不相符的打×。(2*10) 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( ) 6. ( ) 7. ( ) 8. ( ) 9. ( )10. ( ) 二.听单词,选择与它相符的图片的代号。(2*5) 11. ( ) A. B. C. 12. ( ) A. B. C. 13. ( ) A. B. C. 14. ( ) A. B. C. 15. ( ) A. B. C. 三.听录音,用√和×判断句子正误。(2*5) 16. ( )17. ( )18. ( ) 19. ( )20. ( ) 四.听录音,完成下列单词。(1*10) 1. tab___e 2. j___mp 3. s____eet 4._____rass 5. bic____cle 6. ____ly 7. li____e 8. cle____n 9. ____ose10. b_____rd 笔试部分(50分) 一. 读单词,在相应图片的方框内写上序号。 cow sofa walk rabbit umbrella 二.读单词,圈出不同类的词。 1. panda horse bird bear 2. skip climb fly bed 3. ferry plane train car 4. lamp vain bed table 5. duck sleep pig elephant

三.看图,在正确句子的前面打√。 1. 2. 3. Spotty can climb.I like to write.It‘s a table. Spotty can swing.I like to dance.It’s a lamp 4. 5. The pencil is under the book.I can ride. The pencil is on the book.I can fly. 四.读上句,圈下句,在正确句子前面的括号里打√ 。 1. What can Spotty do?( ) Spotty can run.( ) I can run. 2. What do you see?( ) I see a duck.( ) I hear a duck. 3. How are you?( ) Thank you.( ) Fine,thank you. 4. Do you like winter?( ) Yes,I don‘t.( ) No,I don’t. 5. Where do you live?( ) I live in Shiyan.( )I love Shiyan. 五.写出下面句子的书写形式。 1. Don‘t ride a bicycle here. 2. Kitty is under the sofa. 3. Close the window,please. 4. Spotty! Come here. 5. I’ve got four eggs.


小学英语二年级上册期中试卷 1.圈出不同类的单词。10% (1)father nurse brother (2)big small bright (3)desk pen chair (4)tomato apple carrot (5)door star sun 2.工人 A.doctor B. worker C. teacher 3.星星 A.sun B.moon C.star 4.土豆 A.bean B.carrot C.potato 5.妈妈 A..mother B.brother C.father 6.明亮的 A.right B.big C.bright 7.沙发 A.ant B.chair C.sofa 8.中英文连线。6% 这些是什么? All right. 她是谁? It’s bright. 谢谢你 What are these? 好的 Thank you 它是明亮的 Who’s she? 看星星 Look at the moon. 9.从B栏中选出A栏相对应的英文选项,把序号写在提前括号内。10% 10.从选项中选出相对应的回答,把序号写在括号内。5% 11.What can you see?- I can see_______ A. a potato B. potato

12.What are these? They are _________. A. bean B.beans 13.Who’s she?- She’s my ________ A. mother B. father 14.What’s ____? It’s a tomato. A. this B.these 15.______ is your father?-He’s a doctor. A. Who B. What 16.Can you see beans?-Yes, I ___ A. do B. can 17.当别人祝你生日快乐时,你应该说__________. A.Thank you. B. All right. 18.当别人问你身边站的是谁时,你可以对别人说________. A.She’s my sister. B. She’s anurse. 19.当你想让别人擦窗户时,你可以说________. A.Clean the door,please. B.Clean the window,please.


2019---2020学年度第一学期期中课程改革教学质量测试 四年级英语试卷 1.Peter has a green T-shirt . 2.This is your new classmate. 3.What can you do,Supergirl? 4.The bird cannot drink the water. 5.What does your mother do? Ⅱ.找出画线部分读音不同的单词。(5分) ( )1. A.cake B.table C.sad ( )2. A.ten B.she C.pen ( )3. A.his B.bike C.kite ( )4. A.dad B.has C.class ( )5. A.red B.Chinese C.me Ⅲ. 读一读,选出不同类的单词。(10分) ( )1. A.morning B.afternoon C.new ( )2. A.fast B.hungry C.sad

( )4. A.grandfather B.who C.aunt ( )5. A.people B.teacher C.nurse ( )6. A.my B.I C.his ( )7. A.short B.shirt C.skirt ( )8. A.run B.ride C.kite ( )9. A.green B.Black C.brown ( )10. A.cat B.mouth C.bird Ⅳ.判断每组图和单词是否一致,用”√“或“×”表示。(20分) 1. 2. 3. doctor ( ) morning ( ) shirt ( ) 4. 5. 6. full( ) jump ( ) bus driver ( ) 7. 8. 9. 10. skirt ( ) aunt ( ) sad ( ) read ( ) Ⅴ. 单项选择。(20分) ( )1. She ’s my new friend , name is Kitty . A. His B.Her C.My ( )2. --- What can she do ?


小学四年级英语期中测试编号:姓名:得分:等第: 听力部分40% 一.根据所听顺序,给单词排队(20%) 1. rubber brush book pencil ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2. dog monkey elephant panda ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 3. crayon ruler copybook bookmark ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 4. zebra bear tiger koala ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 5. his my her your ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二.听录音,完成下列对话(20%) 1. A: What’s that English? B: It’s a . A: Do you like it ? B: Yes, do. A: ,too. 2. A: Look, this is a . B: Can I have a look? A: Sure. Here you . B: Thank you. A: you it? B: Yes. Lovely! 笔试部分60% 一、判断每组单词画线部分读音是否相同,相同的打"Y ",不同打"N " (6%.) 1. ruler rubber ( ) 2.panda purse ( ) 3. cap cat ( ) 4. fat five ( ) 5. bike kite ( ) 6. key kitchen ( ) 二、中英互译(8 %) 1. 进来_______________________ 2. 我的扇子____________________ 3. 这个老虎___________ ______ 4. 用英语_____________________ 5. Here you are________________ 6. in the classroom____________ ____ 7 have a look___________________ 8. How lovely! ___________________ 三、选择填空10% ( ) 1. What’s that English? A. to B. for C. in ( ) 2. Here’s a new puppet you.. A. to B. for C. in ( ) 3. ----I like dolls. ----___________. A. Me, too.. B. Thank you C. Sorry. ( ) 4. ----Nancy, is this your umbrella? ----No, it’s , I think. A. Yang Ling B. Yang Ling’s C. Yang Lings ( ) 5. ----Look my balloon. ---- It’s nice. A. in. B. on C. at. ( ) 6. ----Is that your water bottle?


笔试部分 五、给单词归类 duck shorts noddles monkey sweater draw shirt write bread drink 1.动词---,---,--- 2动物---,---,--- 3食品---,---,--- 4衣服---,---,--- 六、单项选择()1.A:What are you doing? B:We are making_____cake. A.a B.an C.the D./ ( )2.Please ____quiet! Your father is working. A.is B.am C.be D.are ( )3. Children,please go ____your room! A.in B.to C.and D.for ( )4.It's hard____English people to use chopsticks. A.with B.to C.for D.of ( )5.Do you use chopsticks____England? A.from B.in C.for D.to ( )6.Amy is a girl.She is playing _____flute. A.she B.her C.hers D./

( )7.My father is listening _____music. A.to B.for C.at D.in ( )8.Tom is doing _____homework. A.he B.his C.him D./ ( )9.Mum ____watching TV now. A.am B.are C.is D.be ( )10.Let's make a kite____Tom. A.to B.for C.at D.of 七、问答连线 ()1.What are those? A.Yes,it can. ( ) 2.What are you doing? B.Yes,I can. ( ) 3.Can you run fast? C.Yes,here you are. ( ) 4.Can I have an ice cream? D.I'm eating chips. ( ) 5.Can this dog run? E.They are dragoboats. 八、连词组句(2点×5=10点) 1.ducks/are/these/naughty/very _____________________________. 2.these/are/what _____________________________. 3.sweater/Sam's/this/is _____________________________.

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