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3.The three sides reached an a_________ to stop the war.
4.The destination of our journey isgarefaermmen_t_____________
(位于) in the valley. 5.The grocery store was on the o_______ side of the street
2. _lo_c_a_t_e_d_ adj.位于→locate vt.使坐落于;找出……的位置→ l_o_c_a_ti_o_n_ n. 地方, 位置
3. s_y_m__b_o_l _ n.象征;符号→ _s_y_m_b_o_l_ic___ adj.象征的 →symbolize v.象征
4. a_g__re_e_m__e_n_tn.协议, 契约→agree v.同意, 一致→ d_i_s_a_g_r_ee_ v.不同意
第13讲 │ 基础梳理
Ⅱ.短语检测 1.离海岸不远的 2.在……岸边 3.坐落在 4.从事;忙于 5.自古以来;有史以来 6.自此;自从……一直 7.谈及;说起;涉及;查阅 8.与……比较起来 9.就……而言;从……的角度
off the coast on the coast of be situated/located in/on work on of all time ever since refer to compared with in terms of
2.Ilitt’tslenobtyalivttelery nice flat. But _________________, it’s cheap. 3.We met ten years ago and ______o_n_thweeohtahveer bheaennd good
4.—Does what he said _______ eyvoeur?si—ncNe o idea.
syietuaarsteadg/ol.ocated pposite
第13讲 │ 跟踪训练
work on, refer to, on the other hand, ever since, little
by little
1.Working very hard, he is making progress ___________.
高三英语小先生活动 高中英语第三册(必修3)
第13讲 Module 1 Europe
第13讲 Module 1 Europe
第13讲 │ 基础梳理
1. _s_it_u_a_t_e_d adj.位于→ situate vt.使位于→ __si_t_u_a_ti_on. 位置;
第13讲 │ 基础梳理
10.( 一方面…, )另一方面
11.对……控制 12.一点点地;逐渐地
(on the one hand…,)on the other hand have control over little by little
第13讲 │ 跟踪训练
1.His reading covers a wide r____a_nogfe subjects. 2.In the picture the tree is the ____s_y_m_ b标o志l , 象征)of life.
4.He suddenly saw Sue ________ the room. He pushed his
5.He has been ___________ the machine all the day. What’s
wrong with it?
refer to
working on
第13讲 │ 跟踪训练
Ⅲ.单项填空 1.[2010·湖北卷] This restaurant has become popular for its
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3.I would like a job which pays more, but ________ I enjoy the
work I’m doing at the moment.
A.in other words
பைடு நூலகம்
B.on the other hand
C.for one thing
第13讲 │ 基础梳理
5.representative n.代表→ _r_e_p_r_e_s_e_n_t _ v.代表 6. p_r_o_d_u_c_e_ n.产品, 农产品v. 生产→ product n.(工业)产
品→ _p_ro__d_u_c_ti_o_n_ n.产量, 生产 7. _si_g_n___ vt.签署, 签名→ signature n. 签名 8. _g_o_v_er_n__ vt.统治, 治理→governor n.州长, 统治者→
wide ___________ of foods that suit all tastes and pockets. A.division B.area C.range D.circle
【解析】 C 考查名词词义辨析。range名词,这里表示 “一系列”,表示食物种类繁多。
第13讲 │ 跟踪训练
2.Jack is considerate while his wife is just the _______ .
【解析】 C just the opposite恰恰相反。句意为:杰克很 体贴,而他妻子则恰恰相反。
D.as a matter of fact
【解析】 B 句意:我喜欢酬劳更多的工作,但是从另一 方面来说,我很满意我现在正在做的工作。in other words 换句话说;on the other hand另一方面;for one thing首 先;as a matter of fact事实上。
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