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On the other hand, I think we can agree that we should have more women in politics. They are certainly under-represented in this field. The more points of view and various backgrounds we have in politics, the healthier our system and society will be.
Human beings are standing at the top of the food chain of this planet. As big fishes eat small ones, mankind uses animals for its own benefits, which is consistent with natural law. So, it is hard to state that we are doing wrong when exploiting animals for our interests.
This is not to say that it is always right for people to use animals for whatever purpose. Some people hunt wild animals just for fun; others kill rare animals for their expensive furs. Indeed, these behaviors are not only cruel and unnecessary, but actually against long-term interests of human race. Humans should shoulder their responsibilities of maintaining the diversity of wild animals and the balance of ecosystem.
So in the end, if we are serious about achieving world peace and reducing violence, we must focus on the root problems and not the gender of our leaders. What we need is for all citizens to become more involved in making societies better instead of just relying on leaders to solve our problems for us.
(287 words)
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答几个疑 恐龙足迹 生物钟

The second point to consider is that the root of the problem is much deeper than gender. Violence and wars usually take years and sometimes even decades to handle properly. If we are serious about fixing these problems, we need to look at the underlying issues: racism, poverty, religious tension and so on. Focusing on these problems would be more effective.
In sum, using animals rationally for the benefit of humans is justified. Meanwhile, some behaviors that are harmful for both animals and humans have to be prohibited. By doing so, we can ensure that our next generation should also exploit the animal resource.
Some people think we need more female leaders to create world peace and reduce violence. To what extent do you agree?
Looking at world leaders it is clear that women are under-represented. Equally clear is that while our world has made progress in many areas, we still have lots of wars and social inequalities. So there exists the perception that if only there were more female leaders, the world would be a better, more peaceful place. Unfortunately, such a conclusion is naive.
1. 按照评分标准写作
V. VI.
2. 15句框架思路模板
3. 简化无效学习内容 4. 逐步淡化框架痕迹
Some people think it is acceptable to use animals for the benefit of humans. Other people think it is wrong to exploit animals for human purposes.
Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about animal protection and animal rights. However, whether we should utilize animals for the human purposes has caused heated debate recently. In my view, it is acceptable to reasonably exploit animals for the benefit of mankind and impossible to completely cut down the human’s dependence on animals.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
自然法则natural law/ the law of the jungle 动物对人类文明贡献大。KFC, MacDonald’s even pets 当然,滥用是不对的。打猎取乐,穿毛皮衣服
First of all, countries with female leaders are no more peaceful on the whole. The reason for this is politics is a tough life. In order for a woman to gain respect and power she has to be aggressive and tough, even tougher than most men. Therefore, in the end, the decisions she makes aren’t likely to be any different from those of a man.
Moreover, it is unrealistic to ban using animals. We raise cattle for food; the outcomes of animal experiments have saved many lives; people even keep pets to satisfy their psychological needs. If it is wrong to exploit animals for human interests, we should first close thousands of KFC’s and MacDonald’s franchises around the world, because they are slaughtering lovely chicken to make money! (And everyone in this world should become a vegetarian.)