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首次分享者:Levana已被分享121次评论(0)复制链接分享转载举报Talk or Conference 访问与会谈

To mark the beginning of closer ties 标志更为密切的关系的开始

News / press meeting / conference 新闻发布会

News / press briefing简要新闻发布

Internal affairs 内政

External intervention / outside interference 外部干涉

To confer with / to hold talks with 与…会谈

To open / start (another round of ) talks with 开始与…的(又一轮)会谈

Minister-level meeting 部长级会谈

Summit 首脑会议

To mediate / to help settle difference between … 调停/帮助解决…与…之间的分歧To play a … role in settling the conflict 在解决争端中扮演…的角色

To ex press concern over … 对…表示担忧

To brief sb on 简要向某人介绍…

To maintain high-level contact 保持高层接触

To normalize the diplomatic relations between … 使…与…的外交关系正常化

To condemn the occupation of … as a threat to peace 谴责对…的占领,称之为对和平的威胁

To elaborate 详尽阐述

To block / boycott the talks 中断/抵制会谈

The highlights of the summit 此次峰会的重要部分

Negotiation 谈判

National sovereignty 国家主权

Political opponent 政敌

Counterpart (会谈中)对手,对等官阶的人

Senior aide 高级助理

All parties concerned 有关各方

Disputed region 有争议地区

To charge each other with launching the border attacks 相互指责对方袭击边境地区To negotiate a ceasefire / truce 谈判停火问题

To seek a negotiated settlement 寻求通过谈判解决问题

To call for a negotiations 呼吁进行谈判

to iron out / clear up misunderstanding between … 消除…之间的误解

to reduce differences between the two parties over major questions 在主要问题上减少双方分歧

to honor an agreement / truce / peace treaty 恪守协议/停战协议/和平条约

to break the deadlock 打破僵局

to make a concession to … 对…让步

to reach a compromise with … 与…达成协议

to mediate between the two parties 在双方之间斡旋

shuttle diplomacy 穿梭外交

(In diplomacy and international relations, shuttle diplomacy is the use of a third party to serve as an intermediary or mediator between two parties who do not talk directly. The third party travels ("shuttles") between the two primary parties. Shuttle diplomacy is often used when the two primary parties do not formally recognize each other but still want to negotiate.)

To settle / resolve the present crisis 解决目前的危机

To stage a rally 举行集会

Armed clash / Riot / Strike 武装冲突/暴乱/罢工

To be injured in the scuffle 在扭打中受伤

The continuing buildup of forces on the borderline 边界线上不对不断集结

Heavy weapon 重型武器

Artillery 大炮

Exchange of artillery 互相炮击

Conventional weapon 常规武器

Military demarcation line 军事分解线

Military base 军事基地

Militant 武装分子好战分子

Separatist 分离主义分子

Insurgent 反叛者叛乱者

Guerrilla attack 游击队袭击

Joint forces 联合部队

Allied forces 盟国部队

Relief supplies 救援物资

Contested region 双方争夺地区

Armed intervention 武装干涉

To issue sound a serious / stern warning 发出严正警告

Casualty figure / casualties 伤亡人数

Death toll 死亡人数

To concentrate troops 集结军队

To call a halt to attack 停止进攻

To take retaliatory measures 采取报复性措施

To declare / accept/ violate the ceasefire 宣布/接受/违反停火(规定)

Missile defense system / shield 导弹防御系统

Economy & Trade

Bad debt 呆账

Bilateral free-trade agreement 双边贸易协定

Economic slowdown / down-turn 经济增长缓慢

Trade barriers 贸易壁垒

To put tariff on 对…征收关税