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Unit 2 Lesson 13 why are plants important?

【课题】: why are plants important?











【教学目标】: 语言知识:掌握本课的单词及植物植物在我们生活中的重要





Teaching Aims:

A: Learn the importance of the trees.

B: Learn to how to express the usage of the trees.

Learning aims:

1. Remember the new words: air, energy, die, heat,

nothing, bamboo, kilogram, shade, carry away, make …in to.

2. The important sentences:

①Trees help clean the air.

②Donuts don 't grow on the trees!

③All plants take energy from the sun and make it into food.

④Without food, they would have nothing to eat and they would die.

Language Focus:

1. Trees can help clean the air.

help …(to) do sth. / help …with sth. 帮助…做…

2. Donuts don 't grow on trees!

on the tree (on trees) 与in the tree (in trees) :

on the tree (on trees): “在树上”,指树本身所长的东西,

如树叶,花等。(用on 表示在树的枝叶中。)

in the tree (in trees):"在树上"f表示不属于树本身生长的』


3. Then the wind and water don f t carry the soil away.风和水就不能把土壤带走。

carry away: 拿走(2)使着迷;激动

carry back:⑴运回「拿回⑵ 使回想起

carry on:(1)继续进行(2)吵吵闹闹

carry through: (1)iS行倒底)(2)使度过(困难”危险等)°

cairy off: (1)轻而易举地完成(2)夺去(某人)生命,拐去。[教学重点及难点]:



Learning important and difficult points:

1. 区分短语in trees 与on trees,

2. Master “Why are plants important?"

[教学方法]:任务教学法”学生中心教学法’多媒体教学°Learning method: Listen, say, read and write*

Teaching times :one class

Preparation of teaching aids: tape recorders, tapes T multi-media.

Teacheing times:one class

Time: 45 minutes

Teaching Process :

Step 1: Greetting

Step2: Talking

Talk about: Why do we need trees? What kind of things can plants do?

Step 3: Revision.

Ask some questions:

1.How many main parts do plants have? What are they?

2. What do plants need to grow? Why do plants need them?

3. Do you think plants are important?

Step4:. Learning

Learn new words.

Step 5:Think about it .

Step6: Listion to the tape and answer quitions:

1. What are Danny, Jenny and Brian talking about?

They are talking about trees and the reason why we need them .

2. Donuts don 't grow on trees, do they? No, they don


3.Why do we need trees ?

Ask some students answer and the teacher correct

Step7: Reading

Read the dialogue first. Then find out the useful expressions.

1. talk about

2. clean the air

3. on trees/in trees

4. carry - - away

Step 8 : look at the picture .know the fascinating

facts. Step9: studing language points

1、Let 's = Let us

2 、help sb. (to) do sth. 和help sb. with sth.

3 、pleasant 与pleased 的区别

Among 与between 的区别

4 、on the tree (on trees)

in the tree (in trees)

5 、also, too 与either

6 、carry away 把搬(移)走

carry back 运回,拿回

carry off 轻而易举地完成

carry out 执行

carry forward 发扬,推进

7 、make into 把制成用于主动语态,

be make into 用..... 制成,用于被动语态

Step10 :Practice

Practice the dialogue in pairs.

Step 11: project

Step12: Do exercises

Step 13: Homework

Write a diary about why we need trees.

Preview Lesson 14


Review the text is very important. The students know what they will take to the class, what is useful to the study. Let them to talk about Why Are Plants Important? Why do we need trees? What kind of things can plants do?

1、 help …(to) do sth. / help …with sth. 帮助…做…

2、 on the tree (on trees) 与 in the tree (in trees) : on the tree (on trees):

in the tree (in trees):

3 、 carry away: (1) 运走,拿走 carry through:(1) 进行(到底)(2 )使度过


carry off:(1) 轻而易举地完成( 2 )夺去生命,拐去 . 4、Let 's = Let us

let sb. do sth. “

肯定回答一般用“ 0K ” “All right. ” “Yes, let ' s …”。 否定回答用” Sorry, I …”。

5、辨析: also, too 与 either

also 较正式,位置靠近动词,不置于句末。

too 用于口语,常置于句末,边用逗号,也可用于句中,前后 均用逗号。

either 一般用于否定句中

5、make into 把制成用于主动语态,

be make into 用 ..... 制成,用于被动语态。

2)使着迷;激动 carry back :(1)运回,拿回 2)使回想起

carry on: (1) 继续进行 2)吵吵闹闹

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