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let me begin m speeh ith a repla of senes familiar to most, if not all, of those present here toda.

mum, i'm sorr, but i need 3,000 uan for m tuition this ear.

mum, it is m friend's birthda tomorro, i must bu her a present.

mum, this jaket as out of fashion long ago, ould ou do me a favor?

take. take. take. the relationship beteen a mother and a hild alas seems to follo suh a pattern. i kno m mother is alas there for me, providing me ith everthing i need; from food to lothing, from tuition to poket mone. i never thought tie about all she did until one da she said, ill there be a time that ou'll sa ou have taken enough from me?

like a hild endlessl asking, e humans, throughout histor, have been ontinuall demanding hat e desire from nature. e enjo the fort and beaut of our furniture, et e never bother

to think about the serious soil erosion aused b deforestation.

e take it for granted that e must arm ourselves in inter times, et e seldom realize the burning XX o

f preious natural resoures. e appreiate all the prosperit from the development

of modern industr, et fe ould give the slightest onsideration to the global air and ater pollution aused b industrial astes. our ruthless exploitation has permanentl impaired our mother earth. as e tragiall learned from last summer's floods. e annot ontinue our arelessness.

finall, standing here at the threshold of the 21st entur, e annot help thinking of our posterit. nature is not onl the mother of the present generation, but also the mother of the generations to e. ho severel our desendents ill ritiize us if e leave them a barren and lifeless mother? ho muh more the

ill appreiate us if e give them a orld of harmon to inherit?

let us start respeting and aring for nature from no on. let

us start the ampaign of reating a mutuall benefiial

relationship beteen people and nature right from this moment. ith this ne start, i firml believe, that our hildren, and our hildren's hildren ill live in a brand ne age of green trees, lean air, rstal ater, blue sk and an even more promising orld!






let me begin m speeh ith a repla of senes familiar to most, if not all, of those present here toda.

"mum, i'm sorr, but i need 3,000 uan for m tuition this ear."

"mum, it is m friend's birthda tomorro, i must bu her a present."

"mum, this jaket as out of fashion long ago, ould ou do

me a favor? "

take. take. take. the relationship beteen a mother and a hild alas seems to follo suh a pattern. i kno m mother is

alas there for me, providing me ith everthing i need; from

food to lothing, from tuition to poket mone. i never thought

tie about all she did until one da she said, "ill there be a time that ou'll sa ou have taken enough from me? "

like a hild endlessl asking, e humans, throughout histor, have been ontinuall demanding hat e desire from nature. e

enjo the fort and beaut of our furniture, et e never bother

to think about the serious soil erosion aused b deforestation.

e take it for granted that e must arm ourselves in inter times, et e seldom realize the burning XX o

f preious natural
