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New Generation of High– Power Semiconductor ClosingSwitches for PulsedPower Applications


Solidstate semiconductor switches are veryinviting touse atpulsed powersystems because these switches have high reliability, longlif etime, low costs duringusing, and environmentalsafetyduetomercury and lead are absent. Semiconductorswitches areable to wor kin any position,so, it is possibleto design systems as forstationary laboratory using, and for mobileusing.Therefore theseswitc hes are frequentlyregarded asreplacement ofgas-discharged evices–ignitrons,thyratrons,sparkgapsand vacuum switches thatgenerally use now inhigh-powerelectrophysical systems including powerlasers.

Traditional thyristors(SCR) aresemiconductor switches mostly usingfor pulsedevices.SCR hassmall value of forward vol tage drop at switch-on state,ithashighoverloadcapacity for curr ent, and atlastithas relatively low costvalue duetothe simplebipolartechnology. Disadvantage of SCR is observedat switc hingof currentpulseswithveryhighpeak value and short du ration. Reasonof thisdisadvantageissufficiently slowprocess ofswitch-on stateexpansion from triggering electrode to external border of p-n junction after triggeringpulse applying. This SCR feature is defined SCR usinginto millisecond rangeof current switching. Improvement of SCR pulsecharacteristics can bereachedby usingof the distributed gatedesign. Thisis allowed to decrease thetime of total switch-on and greatlyimprove SCRswitching capacity. Thus, ABB companyis expanded the semiconductor switch using up to microsecond rangeby design ofspecial pulseasymmetric thyristors

(ASCR ). Thes e d evi ces have distr ibuti ng gate stru ctur e like a GTO. T his th yrist or des ign an d force d tri ggeri ng m ode ar e obta ine d the hig h s witchin g capaci ty o f th yris tor (p I =150kA, p T =50μs, di/dt = 18kA/μs, singl e pul se). However , in this de sig n ga te s tructure is c over ed l arge a ctive area of thyristor (more than 50%) th at de cre ase the effi cien cy of S i using and in crease cos t of de vice.

Si-thyri stors a nd IG BT have dem onstrated hi gh s witchi ng charac terist ics at repetit iv e mode. Howe ver, su ch devic es do not int end f or s wit chi ng of hi gh pulse cu rr ents (tens of kiloampere s and more) bec ause of well-kno wn phy sical lim it s a re e xi st ed s uch a s lo w d opi ng of emi tter s, shor t li fetime o f mi norit y c arrier s, s mall si zes of chips et c.

O ur i nvestigati on ha ve obtai ne d th at swi tches ba sed on re ve rse – switc hed din isto rs are more p ers pe ctive soli d-sta te s wi tches to switch sup er high p owers a t micro sec ond and s ubm illis eco nd rang es . R ev er se – sw itched dinis tors (RSD) i s two-electr ode analogue o f reverse con duct ing thyr is tor with mo nolit hica l in te grate d free wheeli ng d iod e i n S i. Thi s di ode is con nect ed in parallel and in t he ba ck dire cti on t o th e thyr is to r part of RS D. Trig ger ing of R SD is prov id ed by sho rt puls e of t rig ger curre nt a t b rief app ly ing of r ev ersal volt age t o RSD. Des ign of RSD is made thus that triggerin g current pas ses throug h dio de ar eas o f RSD qu asiaxially and unif ormly along the Si s tructu re area . Thi s curr ent p rod uc es the onc oming inje ction of char ge ca rri ers f rom both e mitter juncti ons to base r egion s and in itia tes the regenera tive pro ce ss of switch-on for R SD thyris tor areas . Suc h met hod of t rig geri ng f or this spe cial des ign of Si plate is p rovided tot al and uni form sw itching of RSD along all activ e a rea in th e ve ry sho rt time lik e as diod e s witch-o n. Th e fre ewh eeling di ode i ntegr ate d int o th e RSD st ructure could be used as