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5A 语法知识点复习

M1U1 My birthday

1. what time = when 什么时候what time 通常提问具体时间;when提问具体某一天

2. 时间介词:

at某一时间点e.g. at two o’clock 在两点;at noon 在中午;at night在夜晚

on 具体时间 e.g. on the 19th of September在9月19日;on Sunday在周日;

on Monday evening 在周一傍晚;on New Year's Day 在元旦节

in 一段时间in the afternoon 在下午;in January 在1月;in winter 在冬天

3. bring sth. to sb, 带某物东西给某人

4. an orange party 一个橘色的晚会

5. sb. be tired某人很累

6. favourite = like… best 最喜欢

7. That sounds interesting. 那一定很精彩8. a birthday invitation 一张生日请柬

9. What’s the date today? 今天是几号?It's August 31. 今天是8月31号

What day is it today? 今天是星期几?It's Friday. 今天是星期五

10. put on 表示“穿上”的动作,wear表示“穿着”的状态

11. When is your birthday? 什么时候是你的生日12. a pair of orange trousers 一条橘色的裤子13. at Peter’s birthday party 在皮特的生日晚会上14. Have some fun = have a good time 玩的很高兴15. the next morning. 第二天的上午,第二天早上16. on one’s bed 在某人的床上

17. January comes first一月份在一年中的第一个月

M1U2 My way to school

1. go to school on foot = walk to school 步行上学

2. go to school by bicycle = ride a bicycle to school 骑自行车上学

3. by + 交通工具= take + a/an + 交通工具 e.g. by bus = take a bus 乘公交车

4. leave home 离家

5. a quarter to eight 在七点四十五

6. What about = How about 怎么样

7. get up 起床

8. 地点介词:

in 大范围,大地方 e.g. arrive in Beijing 到达北京; in the street在街上

at 具体位置,小地方e.g. arrive at school 到达学校; at traffic lights在红路灯处; at zebra crossings 在斑马线;

at Rainbow Road Bus Stop 在彩虹路站

on在某物的表面上 e.g. wait on the pavement 在人行横道上; live on Green Road 在格林路上

9. cross the road 穿过马路10. wait for the green light 等绿灯

11. look left and then look right 向左向右看12. That’s right = That’s correct 很正确

13. get off the train 下地铁14. from …to…从哪里到哪里

15. How do you come to school? 你怎样去学校?

M1U3 My future

1. want to do sth. 想要做某事

2. What do you want to do/ be? 你想做什么?

3. help sick people 救治病人

4. give lessons to student 给学生们上课

5. sell things to people 卖东西

6. do a survey 做一个调查

7. in the future 在将来8. dream job梦想的职业

9. What’s your job? = What do you do? 你是做什么的?(提问职业)

10. travel around the world 环游世界11. be good at doing sth擅长做某事

12. be afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某事

be afraid to do sth. 害怕去做某事

13. jump into the lake跳进湖中14. in the lake 在湖里面

15. help sb. do sth. 帮助某人做某事

M2U1 Grandparents

1. ask sb. about sth. 问某人某事

2. once a week 一周一次

3. at weekends = at the weekend 在周末

4. play chess 下棋

5. write an e-mail to them写电子邮件给他们

6. talk to them on the Internet 在网上交流

7. go shopping 去购物8. do the housework 做家务活

9. 体育器材前不加the e.g. play badminton 打羽毛球

乐器前加the e.g. play the piano 弹钢琴

10. on ones way to 在去哪里的路上11. knock at the door 敲门

12. run away 逃跑13. a traditional Chinese festival 一个传统的中国节日14. 节日the Double Ninth Festival 重阳节New Year's Day 元旦

the Spring Festival 春节the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节

the Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节

15. see a flower show看花展16. eat Double Ninth cakes吃重阳糕

17. a festival for old people 一个老人的节日18. in Old People’s Homes 在敬老院

19. How often…多久(提问频率)

标志词:always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never , every day ,once a week等
