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1. 当句子的主语是动作的执行者时,谓语的形式称为主动态;当句子的主语是动作的承受者时,谓语的形式称为被动语态,被动语态由助动词be+过去分词构成,时态通过be的各种形式表现出来。

一般现在时:You are asked to do this . 你被要求做此事。

一般过去时:The story was told by her . 这个故事是她告诉我的。

一般将来时:The problem will be discussed tomorrow . 明天将要讨论这个问题。

现在进行时:The road is being widened . 那条路正在加宽。

过去进行时:The new bridge was being built last year . 在去年一直在建这座新桥。

现在完成时:The sitting room has been cleared up . 客厅已被整理好了。

过去完成时:He said that the work had been finished . 他过去曾说过那工作已被完成。

过去将来时:He told us that the trees would be planted soon . 他已告诉我们那些树即将种上。

2. 一些特殊的被动语态结构:


The problems must be solved soon . 这些问题必须很快解决。

These words should be copied down in your notebook . 这些话应该抄在笔记本里。


The room is going to be painted . 这间房子即将被粉刷。

The house needs to be built on with care . 应该小心仔细地盖这所房子。

① to be built on 是不定式的被动式。一般来说,当不定式的逻辑主语是这个不定式所表示的动作的承受者时,不定式一般用被动形式。即to be + 过去分词。


It is an honor for me to be asked to speak here . 我很荣幸被邀请在这里讲话。

He expressed a wish to be left alone . 他说他希望被独自留下。

She was too young to be given such work . 她太年轻了,不宜把这样的工作交给她。

He didn’t like himself to be praised in public . 他不喜欢当众受到表扬。

② 如果句子的主语是不定式的动作承受者,不定式也要用被动形式。


These shoes are to be washed . 要刷一刷这些鞋。

This form is to be filled in ink . 这张表要用钢笔填。

③ 当名词或代词不仅作句子的主语,还作不定式的逻辑主语时,则不定式一般用主动形式。


I found the text hard to understand . 我觉得课文很难理解。

I think the poem easy to learn by heart . 我认为这首诗容易记住。

④ 不定式还可以有完成时的被动式,其形式是to have been done .


Mary was the first woman to have been elected president of the university .


We know him to have once been put in prison for stealing .


⑤ 当不定式的动词是不及物动词时,应在其后加上介词。


Parents usually expect their children to be taken good care of .


He doesn’t like himself to be laughed at . 他不喜欢被人嘲笑。

⑥ 动词不定式to blame,其主动形式常表示被动的意义。

He had himself to blame . 他责怪他自己。

The children were not to blame for the accident . 那事故的发生不该责怪孩子。



1. 不定冠词:不定冠词a(an)用于单数可数名词前,表示泛指,说明其名称和种类,具有“一个”的意思。注意下列不定冠词的用法:(1)(非特指的)一(个):There is a pen in the pencil box . 铅笔盒里有一支钢笔。

(2)(一类事物中的)任何一个:A square has four sides . 正方形有四条边。

(3)每一(个):The mails come three times a day . 邮件每天来3次。

(4)同一(个):They are of an age . 他们是同一年龄的。


a green tea一种绿茶 a heavy rain一场大雨 a glass一个玻璃杯

(6)用于不可数的抽象名词前,表示某种具体的情况或概念:It’s a great pleasure to meet you . 见到你非常高兴。


A Mr Smith wanted to see you . 一位叫史密斯的先生要见你。

He is an Einstein of China . 他是中国的爱因斯坦。


a few weeks 几个星期 a little water一点水

a great many books许许多多的书 a lot of friends 许多朋友

▲ 注意不定冠词在下列搭配的位置:在half,such,what,rather,many之后;在as,so,how,too修饰的形容词之后I’ve never seen such a nice girl .

或I’ve never seen so nice a girl . 我从未见过这么好的女孩。

What a cold day !(或How cold a day it is !)多么冷的天啊!

2. 定冠词:



<1> 指特定的人或事物:the river这条(或那条)河

The lunch has well cooked . 这顿午饭烧得不错。

<2> 指已提到或正谈到的人或事物:

I have bought a book and a pen . The book is for my brother ; the pen is for my sister .


Who is the visitor ? 来访者是谁?

<3> 指与前面提到的东西有关系的事物:

At last we came to a small town . The houses were new , and the streets were wide .


<4> 指双方都能体会到的或心中有数的人或事物:

Close the door , please . 请把门关上。

<5> 指独一无二的事物:the sun太阳;the moon月亮;the earth地球;the world世界;the universe宇宙;the sky天空(这类名词前如有形容词时,可用不定冠词;如a blue sky蓝色的天空。)

<6> 指方位:the east东方;the southeast东南方

<7> 用于表示自然现象的名词前:

The wind was blowing hard . 风刮得很大。

The rain was falling . 下着雨。

<8> 用于可数名词单数前,统指类别。

The horse is useful animal . 马是有用的动物


Horse are useful animals .

<9> 用于乐器的名称前:

I can play the violin . 我会拉小提琴。

<10> 用于发明物的单数名词前:

Who invented the wheel ? 谁发明了轮子?

<11> 用于被限制性词或短语、从句修饰的名词前:

the same man同一个人;by the 9:00 a.m. train 上午9时的火车(注意与by train不同)

the music of the film这部电影的音乐

<12> 用于序数词前:I like the first book . 我喜欢第一本书。

<13> 用于集合名词前,指一个整体:the people人民;the public 公众

<14> 用在形容词前面表示一类人:the poor穷人,the rich富人

<15> 用于河流、运河、海、洋、海峡等名称前:

the Yellow River 黄河 the Mississippi(River)密西西比河

the Suez苏伊士运河 the English Channel英吉利海峡

<16> 用于半岛、山脉等名称前:the Himalayas喜马拉雅山脉

<17> 用于姓的复数前,指全家人或全家中的人(如夫妇二人):

The Browns are on holiday . 布朗一家正在度假。

<18> 用于复数国名、群岛、党派、团体的名称前或由普通名词组成的专有名词前:

the People’s Republic of China 中华人民共和国

the United States美国 the United Nations联合国

<19> 用于形容词的比较级前,表示两者中“较……”,“更……”,“最……”的一个

3. 零冠词:


<1> 复数可数名词前,表示人或物的类别,或泛指不定量的人或物:

Horses are useful animals . 马是有用的动物。

<2> 球类运动,棋类游戏等名称前:

play football 踢足球 play chess下棋

<3> 名词前有this,that,these,those以及形容词性物主代词时:

this book这本书 his bike自行车

<4> man或woman指类别时:

Man is mortal. 人总有一死。

<5> 物质名词前,表示物质的种类或泛指事物的不定的量:

Can man live without air ? 没有空气人能生存吗?

Our country is very rich in oil . 我国石油资源非常丰富。


There was a heavy rain last night . 昨晚下了一场大雨。

Please bring me a black coffee . 请给我来一份清咖啡。

<6> television或TV,指抽象概念时,一般不用the:

What’s on television tonight ? 今晚有什么电视(节目)?

<7> 日常饮食的名称前:

Have you had breakfast / lunch / supper ? 你吃过早饭(午饭、晚饭)了吗?

Will you stay for tea with us ? 请你和我们一块来品茶好吗?


The breakfast was well cooked . 这顿早饭烧得不错。

<8> 在一些固定搭配中:

be in bed(church , prison , hospital , class)卧床(祈祷、坐牢、住院、上课)

go to bed(class , school , college)上床(上课,上学,上大学)

at school(college)上学(上大学)

at home在家 in town在城里 on foot步行

<9> turn,go作“变成”解时,后面的表语名词前:

He was a medical student before he turned writer .


He has gone socialist . 他已成为社会主义者。

<10>“专有名词 + 普通名词”前

Beijing Airport北京机场 Yole University耶鲁大学 Nanjing Road南京路

Zhong Shan Park中山公园

<11> 语言名称前:Chinese 汉语 English英文

<12> 形容词最高级前有形容词性物主代词修饰时:

Please accept my greatest thanks . 请接受我最诚挚的谢意。

一. 单项选择:

1. Maths still difficult for me , though I never give up trying my best .

A. is

B. are

C. were

D. was

2. These visitors are from . They are and they speak .

A. German ; German ; German

B. Germany ; Germen ; German

C. Germany ; Germans ; German

D. German ; Germans ; Germany

3. of the family are here at the party .

A. Every

B. Everyone

C. Every one

D. All

4. —I’m very hungry . I want to eat .

— What would you like ? — will do .

A. anything ; Something

B. something ; Anything

C. something ; Something

D. anything ; Anything

5. This camera offers the most the best price .

A. on

B. in

C. with

D. at

6. It’s our first time to go to the Great Wall .

A. a

B. the

C. /

D. an

7. For several years it grew quite slowly .

A. thousand

B. thousands

C. thousand of

D. hundreds

8. You make the same mistake next time Remember . You’ve been 16 years old .

A. don’t need to

B. mustn’t

C. needn’t

D. don’t have to

9. His uncle in Tianjin since he came back to China .

A. has lived

B. had lived

C. lived

D. is living

10. I want to know if it tomorrow . If it , I’ll go for a picnic .

A. rains , won’t rain

B. rains ; doesn’t rain

C. will rain , won’t rain

D. will rain , does n’t rain

11. When that the meeting was put off ?

A. were you told

B. did you told

C. will you tell

D. did you tell

12. Please send an e-mail to me as soon as you Seattle .

A. arrive

B. reach

C. got to

D. come

13. You won’t arrive at the station on time you don’t hurry .

A. when

B. because

C. until

D. if

14. It is larger and farther west any other province or

region in the country .

A. than

B. then

C. as

D. so

15. Last year , Class One top of school sports meeting .

A. were

B. was

C. are

D. is

二. 完型填空:

Last Sunday , my mum decided to take us for a walk in a nearby park . Some volunteers lead the tour .

“ But not today ! ” I said . It is the day after 1 . It has been very cold for about a week . What can you see there ? Who wants to drive half an hour to tour a bog(沼泽)?

But mum didn’t 2 . We have been doing almost nothing out of doors for too long .

To my 3 , about ten people are there already . There are many fathers and sons and two tour guides . The tour guides are volunteers , Cathy and Jane . They are 4 us how to us binoculars (双筒望远镜).

“ 5 , people say there is nothing to see . So , we 6 a list of things we might see –who will be the first people to find them ? 7 finds them first writes his name on this piece of paper . ”

My little brother and two other kids looked 8 , but not me . Would there be anything to see ?

The park is a bog , the only open water bog in Illinois .

When we are standing on a boardwalk , Cathy tells us to look at the cattails(香蒲). She explains 9 their seeds are flying around in the wind . When we are studying a special 10 , Jane shows us how its leaves can catch food . How kind of them , to come and show people around the bog , how wonderful , to teach nature .

1. A. Christmas B. Summer C. May D. school

2. A. know B. agree C. go D. feel well

3. A. happiness B. surprise C. sadness D. amazement

4. A. asking B. ordering C. showing D. advising

5. A. Some times B. Some time C. Sometimes D. Sometime

6. A. wrote B. gave C. took D. made

7. A. Whoever B. Whatever C. However D. Whenever

8. A. nervous B. grateful C. calm D. excited

9. A. why B. where C. how D. what

10. A. animal B. plant C. person D. fish

三. 首字母填空:

There is nothing more important to l 1 than the sun . Without the sun all living t 2 on the earth would die .

The sun is a s 3 . In the sky there are t 4 of stars like the sun . They are as large as the sun and as hot as the sun . At n 5 you can see many stars , but in the daytime you can only see one star , the sun .

The sun is much n 6 to us than any other stars . That’s why it looks the biggest and b 7 of all the stars . The distance(距离)of the sun from the earth is as much as 110 million kilometers . Most of the stars are thousands of light years a 8 from the earth .

Do you k 9 the light year ? Nothing in the world travels f 10 than light . It travels 300,000 kilometres a second . And one light year is the distance that light travels in one year .



1. A

2. C

3. C

4. B

5. D

6. C

7. A

8. B

9. A 10. D

11. A 12. B 13. D 14. A 15. B


1. A

2. B

3. B

4. C

5. C

6. D

7. A

8. D

9. C 10. B


1. life

2. things

3. star

4. thousands

5. night

6. nearer

7. brightest 8. away 9. know 10. faster