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Ask & Answer
What do you think of Corinne Maier’s opinions about work? Do you agree or disagree with her ideas? Why?
Lesson A Work issues
Lesson B Job choices
(Track 5-1-6)
1. Cristina Resende’s true calling is probably __c__. a. becoming the president of a technology company b. traveling throughout the Mediterranean region c. working with food
Lesson A Work issues
Lesson B Job choices
Pretending to work Listen to the rest of the interview. Which statements would David agree with? Which ones would Marc agree with? Circle your answers.
Yes No
2. The book encourages people not to try hard at work.
Yes No
Lesson A Work issues
Lesson B Job choices
Pretending to work Now listen to the whole interview. Circle the correct words or phrases to complete each sentence according to what each speaker says.
8. Marc: Maier’s view is too negative because she encourages people (to do as little as possible at work / to find out what else they could be doing with their lives).
WKRZ Cynthia Marques David Sorenson City Times
Corinne Maier Bonjour Paresse
Marc Pryce
Bower University
Other words and phrases
social psychology little chance of think of
(Track 5-1-2)
1. We go to work because it’s necessary.
Yes No
2. Most readers can’t understand the book.
Yes No
3. The book was very funny.
Yes No
1. The book had a positive tone.
Language Notes Proper names
Tim Warner Cristina Resende Thai The Mediterranean
Alex Kanellos Suki
Other words and phrases
pursue true calling passion experiment with torte pasta
(Track 5-1-3)
1. Cynthia: Maier’s book, Hello Laziness, takes a (sympathetic / humorous ) look
at the corporate workplace.
2. Cynthia: Maier’s book encourages people to do as little as possible when
Lesson A Work issues
Lesson B Job choices
Optional Listening
Your true calling
Here are some words and phrases you will hear in A, B and C. Read them aloud.
culinary arts
specialize in deli an opportunity in disguise
I have butterflies in my stomach.
lead to
be open to
come around
apron turn over
so to spea源自文库 can’t stand
Lesson A Work issues
Lesson B Job choices
Pretending to work David and Marc are being interviewed about a book that was recently published in France. Listen to the host’s introductory remarks and complete the information about the book and the interviewees.
(Track 5-1-4)
1. _P_re_t_e_n_d_ to be a smoker. 2. Hide a _m_a_g_a_z_in_e__ inside a work _m_a_n_u_a_l_. 3. Be nice to _te_m_p_o_r_a_r_y_ workers. 4. Never accept a position of _re_s_p_o_n_s_ib_i_li_ty_. 5. Go for the most _u_s_el_e_s_s_ position. 6. __________________________. 7. __________________________.
1. Pretend to be a smoker. 2. Hide a magazine inside a work manual. 3. Be nice to temporary workers. 4. Never accepted a position of responsibility. 5. Go for the most useless position. 6. ____________________________. 7. ____________________________.
11. David: Maier’s book (gives people serious practical advice / is kind of a joke).
Lesson A Work issues
Lesson B Job choices
Pretending to work Pair Work. Listen to the whole interview again. What tips does the author give? Complete each one below. Would you do each one? Why or why not? Explain to a partner.
ones who do any real work.
Lesson A Work issues
Lesson B Job choices
Pretending to work
(Track 5-1-3)
7. Marc: In other words, the permanent staff are all doing things that are (meaningful / meaningless).
Lesson A Work issues
Lesson B Job choices
Pretending to work Here are some words and phrases you will hear in A, B, C and D. Read them aloud.
Language Notes Proper names
Lesson A Work issues
Lesson B Job choices
Optional Listening
Your true calling
Listen to the first part of the interview. Then choose the correct answer to complete each sentence below.
9. Marc: Maier’s book encourages people (to try to change things in the workplace / to give up ).
10. Marc: Maier’s message is that you (can’t / can) get ahead in today’s workplace.
5. David: I thought that Maier dealt with the subject of office work
( in an amusing way / in a practical way).
6. Marc: The book says that (temporary workers / permanent staff) are the only
What kind of book is it: □ self-help □ historical fiction □√ satire
The interviewees: David Sorenson’s job: _a_j_o_u_r_n_al_i_st_f_o_r_C__it_y_T_i_m_e_s_m__a_g_az_i_n_e__ Marc Pryce’s job: _a_p_r_o_f_es_s_o_r_o_f_s_o_c_ia_l_p_s_y_c_h_o_l_o_g_y_a_t_B_o_w__e_r_U_n_i_v_e_rs_i_ty__ Keys
(Track 5-1-1)
The book: Author: _C_o_r_in_n_e__M_a_i_e_r___ Name of the book in English: _H_e_l_lo__L_a_z_in_e_s_s_ What the book is about: _th_e__c_o_rp_o_r_a_te__w_o_r_k_p_la_c_e___
they’re (at work / at home).
3. Cynthia: According to Maier, we work because we (love our jobs /
need money to live ).
4. David: I completely (disagree / agree) with the view that we work for money.
temporary workers work extra hard figure out
get at
claim it’s pointless to
self-help book
go for being serious
in places goof off why bother kind of a joke
Pretending to work Add one or two tips to the list in D. Then share your ideas with another pair.
You should pretend to be sick. That way you can take a lot of time off.