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It is a technique in film editing in which a series of short shots are edited into a sequence to condense space, time, and information. The term has been used in various contexts. The term "montage sequence" has been used primarily by British and American studios, which refers to the common technique

The montage sequence is usually used to suggest the passage of time, rather than to create symbolic meaning as it does in Soviet montage theory.From the 1930s to the 1950s, montage sequences often combined numerous short shots with special optical effects dance and music. They were usually assembled by someone other than the director or the editor of the movie.

二.The Plot of Beautiful Creatures (2013 film)

In Gatlin, South Carolina, Ethan Wate awakens from a recurring dream of a girl he does not know. In voice-over narration, he describes his enjoyment of reading banned books, his despair of his small-town existence, and his dreams of leaving for college. Arriving for his first day of junior year, Ethan notices newcomer Lena Duchannes, who resembles the girl he has been dreaming about.

On a drive home, Ethan nearly runs over Lena, whose car has broken down. He gives her a ride home and the two bond over their shared love of poetry and having both lost their mothers.

The touch of a locket triggers a shared flashback to the American Civil War, after which Ethan awakens at his home. Matters are complicated by the arrival of two immensely powerful dark casters who aim to push Lena to the dark: Ridley, Lena's provocative cousin/childhood friend, and Sarafine, Lena's mother, who has possessed Mrs. Lincoln, the mother of Ethan's friend Link.

Ridley seduces Link and gives him a bullet to use in an upcoming Civil War reenactment of the Battle of Honey Hill which will take place on Lena's birthday. Months later, a still-amnesiac Ethan stops by the library to visit Amma before leaving for a college campus tour with Link. He apologizes to Lena for not having got to know her during their time in Gatlin. the movie ends.

三.The Plot of Little Man (2006 film)

Calvin is a very short thief and convict. With the help of his goofball cohort Percy, Calvin plots a jewellery shop robbery to steal one of the world's largest diamonds. After the successful robbery, the duo are almost arrested, but not before Calvin manages to stash the diamond in a nearby woman's handbag. The thieves follow the handbag's owner to her home where they discover a couple, Darryl and Vanessa, who are eager to have a child.

Calvin and Percy hatch a plot to pass Calvin as a baby left on the couple's doorstep. Darryl and Vanessa, wanting a child, immediately

adopt the baby as their own. However, V anessa's dad Pops has a bad feeling about Calvin. Friends of the couple find Calvin odd as well. A local goon, Walken, discovers the deception and demands the diamond from Percy. Percy sells out Darryl and now Calvin, in a series of comedic maneuvers, manages to rescue Darryl and have Walken arrested. They are given a substantial reward for the recovery of the diamond.

Before he leaves, Calvin thanks Darryl for taking care of him even though he wasn't really a baby. Calvin is about to be out of Darryl's life for good, as Darryl watches him leave. Calvin is crying hysterically, so Darryl decides to let Calvin stay around and from that point on, the two men become the best of friends. The film ends with Calvin and Pops playing with Darryl and Vanessa's new baby, who looks exactly like Darryl .

Calvin is a very short thief and convict. With the help of his goofball cohort Percy, Calvin plots a jewellery shop robbery to steal one of the world's largest diamonds. After the successful robbery, the duo are almost arrested, but not before Calvin manages to stash the diamond in a nearby woman's handbag. The thieves follow the handbag's owner to her home where they discover a couple, Darryl and Vanessa, who are eager to have a child.Calvin and Percy hatch a plot to pass Calvin as a baby left on the couple's doorstep. Darryl and Vanessa, wanting a child, immediately adopt the baby as their own. However, Friends of the couple find Calvin

odd as well. A local goon, Walken, discovers the deception and demands the diamond from Percy. Percy sells out Darryl and now Calvin, manages to rescue Darryl and have Walken arrested. They are given a substantial reward for the recovery of the diamond.

Before he leaves, Calvin thanks Darryl for taking care of him even though he wasn't really a baby. The film ends with Calvin and Pops playing with Darryl and Vanessa's new baby, who looks exactly like Darryl .

一.The main plot of Oz the Great and Powerful

In 1905 Kansas, Oscar Diggs works as a small-time magician in a traveling circus. As a storm approaches, the circus strongman learns Oscar has flirted with his wife and goes to attack him. Oscar escapes in a hot air balloon, but is sucked into a tornado that takes him to the Land of Oz. They encounter the flying monkey Finley, who pledges a life debt to Oscar when he saves Finley from a lion.

Upon reaching the Emerald City, Oscar meets Evanora, Theodora's sister, who is skeptical of Oscar being the foretold wizard. Evanora tells Oscar that the Wicked Witch resides in the Dark Forest and can be killed by destroying her wand.

Glinda brings Oscar's group to her domain in Oz to escape Evanora's army of Winkies and flying baboons. he realizes they can fight using prestidigitation.

Glinda and her subjects mount a mock attack on the Wicked Witches' castle using an automated army of scarecrows blanketed by thick fog. Oscar then secretly reveals himself to his friends, having faked his death. Oscar uses a hidden smoke machine and image projector to present a giant, holographic image of his face as his "true" form, and a fireworks display to attack and intimidate the Wicked Witches.

The film concludes with Oscar, now king of Oz, using his projector to sustain the belief that he is still a powerful wizard and keep the citizens of Oz united against the Wicked Witches.

五.Disney's history with Oz ?

After the success of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in 1937, Walt Disney planned to produce an animated film based on the first of L. Frank Baum's Oz books. Roy O. Disney, chairman of the Walt Disney Studios, was informed by Baum's estate that they had sold the film rights to the first book to Samuel Goldwyn, who re-sold it to Louis B. Mayer in 1938.

Disney's history with the Oz series continued with the 1985 film Return to Oz, which performed poorly, both critically and commercially, but has developed a cult following since its release.

After Return to Oz, Disney lost the film rights to the Oz books and they were subsequently reverted to the public domain.

六.The main plot of “The Three Stooges”

The film is composed of three acts, which are referred to as episodes

Act 1: More Orphan Than Not

In 1934, the kids at the Sisters of Mercy Orphanage were playing soccer with an old soda can in the frontyard. But then, Sister Mary-Mengele the meanest nun in the orphanage gets their attention by telling them to go inside and do their work.

25 years later, the trio are adults and are still living and working as janitors. When Monsignor Ratliffe arrives to give everyone an important message, he gets attacked by Moe, Larry and Curly, who think that Monsignor Ratliffe was making out with the nuns.

Act 2: The Bananas Split

A subplot involves a woman named Lydia , who wants to kill her husband so she can be with her lover, and inherit her husband's considerable fortune. She offers to pay the trio the money they need to take care of the job. However, they botch the job .

Final Act3: No Moe Mister Nice Guy

Larry and Curly are getting along well without Moe, but decide to go find him, where they find out a girl named Murph is very sick, but has not been taken to the hospital because the orphanage has no medical insurance. Sister Mary-Mengele blames the Stooges for causing the orphanage to close down. Harter with Lydia & Mac and realize that Teddy is the husband Lydia wanted to murder.

In the end, the trio run away and bounce off trampolines out of the

orphanage onto mules, where they ride away from the orphanage, off into the sunset.

七.The main plot of “the devil wears Prada”

Andrea "Andy" Sachs is an aspiring journalist fresh out of Northwestern University. Despite ridiculing the shallowness of the fashion industry, she lands the job "a million girls would kill for"

At first, Andy fumbles with her job and fits in poorly with her gossipy, fashion-conscious coworkers. However, she gradually learns her responsibilities and begins to dress more stylishly.

One day, Andy hesitates to take this privilege away from Emily, but she is forced to accept the offer after being told by Miranda that she will lose her job if she declines. Later, Emily is hit by a car and Andy faces the task of having to break the Paris news to her.

When Andrea tells Nate she will be going to Paris, he is angered by her refusal to admit she's become what she once ridiculed, and they break up. Andy finally succumbs to Christian's charms.Despite the suffering she has endured at her boss's behest, she attempts to warn Miranda. Later, back in New York, she meets Nate for breakfast. He has accepted an offer to work as a sous-chef in a popular Boston restaurant. Andy is disappointed, but her hope is rejuvenated when he says they could work something out. At the film's conclusion, she is interviewing for a newspaper job.


《经典英语影视赏析》课程教学大纲 课程名称(中文):经典英语影视赏析 课程名称(英文):Appreciation of English Classic Films and Television Plays 课程类型:历史与文化类适用范围:贵州大学各专业本科生 学时数:32 其中:实验/实践学时:课外学时:无 周学时:2 学分数: 2 考核方式:考查 制订单位:外国语学院制订日期:2014-07-10 执笔者:张涛 【课程性质】 本课程是各专业本科阶段的一门选修课程。 【教学目的】 本课程旨在提高学生对语言真实度的各类视听材料的理解能力和口头表达能力。以经典英语影视为对象,通过“视”、“听”、“说”、“写”的结合,以直观画面和情节内容为基础开展有针对性的口语训练,运用复述、总结、对话、口头概述等活动形式,提高学生的听力理解和口头表达能力,同时通过论文写作的形式,加深他们对英语国家的政治、经济、社会、文化等方面的认识和了解,从文化层面上更好的把握语言这门艺术。 【教学任务】 此课程教学旨在使学生在提高英语语言能力的同时对西方的电影和文化有更多的了解和认识。 【教学内容】 1.阐述当代原版电影的一般知识,即通俗地介绍电影的文化特征和艺术特征,同时比较完整地介绍英美电影的历史和特点。 2.精心挑选了在世界上具有广泛影响的影片作为读解素材,其中大部分影片曾获得过奥斯卡奖。在理解剧情的基础上,领略电影作品从独特的美学价值和文化性格所展现出不同民族的艺术风格。 3.介绍部分当代英美电影的著名导演和演员,了解各种电影手法和创作技巧。 【教学原则和方法】 教学原则: 英语影视课的教学既要注意结合各门课程所学内容,打好扎实的语言基本功,又要突出语言交际能力的培养,注重培养学生的跨文化交际能力。在教学中,要正确引导学生学习中西文化的差异,处理好欣赏和批判的关系以及如何正确接受西方文化的方法。 教学方法: 课堂教学采取学生为主体、教师为主导的教学模式。在教学中,利用音像环境所提供生动的英语语境训练听力和口语,分析英语经典影片,长、短片结合。多开展以任务为中心的、形式多样的教学活动,通过“视”、“听”、“说”的综合训练,提高学生的英语语言运用能力。 【先修课程要求】 以语音、语法、词汇、听力、口语等为基础的综合能力培养的大学英语课程。 【教材与主要参考书】 教材: Andrew Lynn Appreciating Cinema 《英语电影赏析》外语教学与研究出版社, 2005年参考书: 徐志英邓杉赵蓉英语电影视听说外语教学与研究出版社, 2009年


《英语影视赏析》课程教学大纲 (2003年制订,2006年修订) 课程编号:100190 英文名:English Movie Appreciation 课程类别:专业选修课 前置课:基础英语 后置课:无 学分:2学分 课时:34课时 主讲教师:李丽萍褚玉襄 选定教材:Andrew Lynn,英语电影赏析,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2005年。 课程概述: 本课程针对英语专业高年级学生开设。主要目的是为了顺应我国当前政治经济形势发展的需要,满足大学生迫切需要通过电视、电影等媒体来直接了解世界各国的政治、经济、文化和社会发展动态的需要。通过涵养学生的影视艺术感觉,提高学生英语水平和影视艺术鉴赏的审美品位。 学习语言的过程很大程度上是文化习得的过程。语言只有放置于一定的文化背景和语言环境的情况下才有其意义,学生才能够将语言认知能力转化为语言运用能力,达到学习语言的能力。 教学目的: 通过对影视英语的分析与欣赏,让学生能够身入其境地了解影视中各种人物的对话,了解各国的风土人情、特有的文化背景、历史与现状、科学技术的发展、地理地貌等特点。本课程借助现代媒体手段,充分利用各种可能的途径,获得各种特点的素材和资料,在课堂上和学生一起分析其中所用语言和其使用的环境,尤其是英文经典和热门电影的赏析和解读帮助学生领略电影大师们特色各异的创作韵趣,进一步认识电影思维、电影语言的独特规律,并从欧美和中国不同民族和地域的社会文化背景深入了解作品的文化学内蕴,通过教师分段的各种提问与讲解,使学生能对影片的内容有个透彻的了解,从而能逐渐培养起他们独立欣赏原版片的习惯与能力。学生通过本课程的学习,可以提高自身通过听觉获取信息的能力,可以较为顺利地听懂有一定难度的英语电影、电视片段等,了解英语国家的人文特点,提高英语文化素养,能够在日常生活中灵活运用所学知识进行交流。


曾经和ing《经典英文电影赏析》由10个章节组成。每一章节包括电影背景、故事简介、主要演员阵容及导演介绍、精彩部分节选、对影片的评论及注释五大部分。相信许多读者会在观赏优美电影或阅读《经典英文电影赏析》的过程中重温自己过去的电影体验,获得新的感悟和理解。 英汉对照是《经典英文电影赏析》的一大特点。《经典英文电影赏析》既有英文原文,也提供了中文翻译,有助于英语爱好者能更好地理解书中的内容。同时,《经典英文电影赏析》还提供了注释,为读者的自学提供了参考。 ·查看全部>> 前言 在“信息爆炸”的今天,随着国际文化交流的不断深入和推进,英语作为世界通行语的优势越来越显示出她的“英语帝国”风貌。一方面中国正逐步地同世界接轨,日益频繁的国际交往,使国家和社会对大学生的英语综合应用能力尤其是听说技能提出了更高的要求。另一方面,目前全国大学英语教学改革正在各高校尝试并推广,基于计算机/网络+课堂教学的教学模式日渐普遍。 教育部2007年颁布了《大学英语课程教学要求》。为贯彻其原则和方针,遵循其提出的“加强听说能力,提倡自主型的个性化学习”要求,大学英语教学课时数在一定程度上进行了缩减,包括听力课课时。而全国大学英语四、六级考试在这一改革的背景下进行了很大程度的调整,加强了应用能力的考查,听力所占的比例也由原来的20%提高到了35%。大学英语教学也面临着新的挑战。 因此,如何在学时减少、对听说能力要求提高的情况下,加强对学生学习能力的训练,培养学生自主学习的新模式,也是大学教师应该探讨的新问题。 电影一直以来就是人类漫漫旅途中的精神伴侣。在电影中,人们可以获得心灵的安慰,得到情感的滋润,寻求生活的力量,体验人生的快乐。而英语电影不仅能把学习者带入到一个非常好的语境中培养语感,而且有利于学生熟悉国外的社会、文化、生活方式以及异国风情,为他们了解西方提供了一种影像解读的窗口。中国著名英语语言学教育专家刘润清曾说过,“电影是社会文化的浓缩,看一部电影胜似在国外生活一天”。 借此我们编写了《经典英文电影赏析》这部书。在对近几年英美国家上演的大片精挑细选的基础上,我们选择了既适合英语学习,又集知识性、趣味性、观赏性、时尚性、体验性为一体的10部电影。目的是通过提供真实的英语语言环境,让英语学习者和爱好者能直接了解英美人的思维方式、文化和生活习俗,锻炼和提高英语视、听、说、读、写、译的综合应用能力。这10部电影涉及不同的类型:爱情片、励志片、喜剧片、动作片、友情片、动画片等。

北语 19秋《英语电影赏析》作业_1234

19秋《英语电影赏析》作业_1 一、单选题( 每题4分, 共20道小题, 总分值80分) 1.What was Andy's job? A. Banker B. reporter C. lawyer D. clerk 答案:A q:‘80500’‘9261’ 2.What is the time of the penny in Ghost? A. 1988 B. 1898 C. 1876 D. 1889 答案:B 3.Whose song does Ike like? A. Avil B. Jackson C. Miles D. Madonna 答案:C 4.Where did Andy go after breaking prison? A. Washington B. South America C. Mexico D. Brazil 答案:C 5.What is the nationality of Grace's father? A. Indian B. Korean C. South American D. German 答案:A 6.What is Uncle Max's last name? A. Schraeder B. Zeller C.Detweiler D.von Trapp 答案:C

7.Who told Maria that the von Trapp family dances? A. Louisa B. Kurt C.Brigitta D.Friedrich 答案:B 8.Which word has the same meaning with “murdered”? A. set down B. set on C. set out D. set up 答案:D 9.Did Scarlett really love Ashley? A. yes B. no C. no clear D. I don't know 答案:B 10.Which line follows this quote: "And do you or do you not have trouble following these simple instructions?" A. Only in pyjamas B. Only during thunderstorms C. Only when children are concerned D.Only at night time 答案:B 11.Where did the princess and Joe meet for the first time? A. on a bench in the street B. at a shop C. on the bus D. at a conference 答案:A 12.What is the horse's name? A. luck B. baby horse C. pilgrim D. Sam 13.How long had Jane and Edward been married at the end of the book? A. 2 years


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 《欲望号街车》女主人公悲剧性命运的女性主义解读 2 论《阿甘正传》中的美国梦 3 英汉关于“愤怒”隐喻的分析 4 英文小说中的中国文化认同——《京华烟云》赏析 5 英汉习语渊源对比及其常用分析方法 6 从模因论角度研究中文新闻标题中的流行语 7 詹姆斯鲍德温《桑尼的布鲁士》中男主人公桑尼的自我救赎 8 南方时代变迁中的胜利者与失败者——《飘》中主要角色的性格与命运对比 9 小学英语单词情趣教学初探 10 浅析电影《阿甘正传》中的美国价值观 11 浅谈当代大学生炫耀性消费文化 12 少儿英语学习中的情感因素分析 13 《荷塘月色》的两个英译版本的比较研究 14 从文化差异角度来分析习语的翻译 15 英语毕业论文)从利益最大化的角度分析商务谈判中的报价策略 16 中西方空间观对比研究 17 侠客精神和骑士精神折射出的文化差异—《七侠五义》和《亚瑟王之死》之比较 18 迷失的童年——从成长小说的角度解读伊恩?麦克尤恩的《蝴蝶》 19 通过姚木兰和斯嘉丽形象的对比看中西文化的异同 20 国际商务中的跨文化沟通 21 On Dickinson’s Choice of N ature as the Theme of Her Poems 22 中西饮食文化对比研究 23 浅析《到灯塔去》中女性主义思想在两位女主人公身上的体现 24 中英公益广告修辞手法和效果的对比研究 25 从凯特肖邦的“觉醒”中映射出的女性自由 26 A Preliminary Study on Christianity 27 论伍尔夫《到灯塔去》女权主义主题思想及对中国女性文学之影响 28 中西节日习俗之比较 29 浅谈在华跨国公司的本土化策略 30 The Comparison of Marriage Traditions between China and America 31 论奥斯卡?王尔德的矛盾性——从传记角度解读《奥斯卡?王尔德童话集》 32 Comparaison entre l’Histoire d’A Q et l’Etranger 33 探究希腊神话对英国戏剧及诗歌的影响 34 汉英招呼语的对比研究 35 中英文幽默映射的语言与文化差异 36 劳伦斯《马贩子的女儿》中人物与社会的冲突 37 《红与黑》中司汤达的爱情观 38 从精神分析学的角度论劳伦斯小说《查泰莱夫人的情人》 39 从校园官方网站角度对比研究中美校园文化 40 论《看得见风景的房间》中女性自我意识的觉醒 41 A Comparative Study of Jane Eyre and Vanity Fair——From the Perspective of Governess in Victorian Age


Review of the Wreck-it Ralth Compared with the movies we have seen this semester,Wreck it Ralth is my favorite.It is the work of the Disney.we had a lot of fun in this film as well as moving. For this film, I want to write lots and lots, but feel my lack of language. Watched this movie ,Ithink that many people will have the feeling of fondly remembering. Exactly said, I am not a game fan, but it still aroused the memories of my childhood ,the street machine that in childhood played..In addition,I have never played Super Mario and PAC-man, and other classic games of figures I have just seen.But that's it, I still love this movie because it has put us in a game which always appears in a dream world. Therefore the angle of view of this movie gives people the fresh feeling At the beginning ,we all know that ralph is a good man but play a bad role.according to this,the story begins.In the hero duty,we knew the ralph's weakness.Fortunately,he overcomed his weakness and gain a sincere friendship. At the end of the film ,Ralth destroies the king with his huge fist,When he used the stone from the top of the volcano hit Coke fountain. his destruction has reached an extreme. And I am looking forward to this destruction, and adored this destruction,And my heart silently said: to make it ! Very humorous scene of the film, no matter how hard Felix tried,it only makethe Iron Prison firmer, and Ralth had become a savior. When your heart is full of love, the damage is also with personal happiness. The film is told in the usual frame of thinking, we have hidden things we can not see, such as the identity of the person,


英语电影赏析 The analysis of film —The Truman Show The Truman Show is a comedy film. It is a film within a film. The following is the cinematic analysis in three aspects: character, narrative and critical perspective. 1.Characters and performance Cast Design in The Truman Show Characterization in films is sometimes novelistic, in the sense that novels typically seek to convey depth and intricacy of characters. In The Truman Show, Truman Burbank is the protagonist who is a happily married insurance salesman living in a normal life in a small town named Seahaven Island. But Truman still pursues his first love—Sylvia. It is in conflict between the two situations. Conflict is that which causes problems for the character in the pursuit of his goal. In essence, the engine driving character development and the “transformational arc” come from the change that occurs within a character when his intentions are confronted with an obstacle and he must adapt to deal effectively with it. The outer motivation (what the character wants to achieve) plus the outer conflict (conflict against external forces), develop the new abilities of protagonist in the face of challenge. Many different factors block Truman to go to Fiji to find Sylvia, on the contrary, Truman has stronger desire to get out off Seahaven Island and find the truth of obstacle. He lives up to his name Truman (true), at the end of the film, he risks his neck to conquer the storm which is made up and then, go out. Truman often says “In case I don’t see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night.”This hints Truman is a man breaks the normal procedure, so the outcome doesn’t come as a surprise—Truman breaks away from the Christof’s controlling. Meryl, Truman’s wife, seems virtuous. Everyday she goes to hospital for her work—nursing. When she comes back, she always brings new products back, and then she introduces them with a way for the promotion of the product. Meryl is a professional actress but not a good wife. She


电影,也称映画(motion picture):是由活动照相术幻灯放映术结合发展起来的一种现代艺术,是一门可以容纳文学、喜剧、摄影、绘画、音乐、舞蹈等多种艺术的综合艺术。 艺术界把电影称为是继文学、音乐、建筑、美术、雕塑、舞蹈之后的第七艺术。 西方电影经历了四个时期: 电影艺术萌发期(1895-1907)无声故事片创作时期(1908-1926) 有声故事片创作时期(1927-1945)电影艺术新发展时期(1945- ) (一)电影艺术萌发期 这一时期,存在着两种不同的摄影倾向;一种以卢米埃尔兄弟为代表,主要在现实中区捕捉生活现象,银幕上展现的就是人们身边的琐事;一种以梅里埃为代表,主要记载舞台上经过加工的虚构的生活图画。沿着这两种创作方式,发展呈后来的记录片和故事片两种片种。卢米埃尔兄弟的作品,均为纪实主义电影,银幕上展现的就是们身边的琐事。题材和内容大致可分为四个方面:劳动和工作的生活场景;家庭生活情趣的记录;政治、文化、新闻纪录;自然风光和街头实景。代表作品:《工厂的大门》《火车进站》《水浇园丁》《耶路撒冷教堂》《儿童吵架》《婴儿的早餐》。 1895年12月28日,卢米埃尔兄弟《火车进站》、《工厂大门》等标志着电影的诞生。 梅丽爱(1861-1938)对电影的贡献:1.把戏剧手法移植到电影中,完成了电影同戏剧首次“联姻”,丰富了电影表现力。2.自觉运用了人工布景,大摄影棚拍摄,重点虚构创造艺术效果。3.灵活运用停机拍摄,场面转换等拍摄技巧和方法。4.开创多种电影特技,如多次曝光、合成摄影、渐隐渐显、慢速摄影等。 (二)无声故事片创作时期: 这一时期的代表人物和电影流派包括:大卫·格里菲斯查理·卓别林德国表现主义电影法国印象主义电影超现实主义电影前苏联蒙太奇学派电影 大卫·格里菲斯:被誉为“现代电影观念的奠基者”。1.他将电影从依附于戏剧的形式中独立出来,采用文学观念进行创作,将电影从简单的记录层面提升到复杂点的叙事层面,使电影真正成为一门独立的艺术。2.他首创巨型片的先河,制作场面宏大,形式新颖,使用时空跳跃和蒙太奇对比手法,创造了世界电影史上著名的”最后一分钟营救发”,至今仍在电影创作中广泛使用。最著名的代表作品,包括:1915年《一个国家的诞生》(the birth of a nation)1916年的《党同伐异》(intolerance) 查理·卓别林:生平简介:英国电影演员,制片人,导演,不列颠帝国勋章佩戴者,1889年4月16日出生于伦敦,1977年12月25日卒于瑞士科西耶。代表作品:从1919年开始,卓别林独立制片,一生共拍摄80余部喜剧片,其中在电影史上著名的影片由《淘金记》《城市之光》《摩登时代》《大独裁者》《凡尔杜先生》《舞台生涯》等。创作特点:1.影片有着深刻而尖锐的现实主义批判精神,完全不同于以前的庸俗闹剧。2.卓别林的喜剧电影大都是带有悲剧色彩的喜剧,善于把一些对立的因素在艺术创作中有机的集合起来,这种对立关系的桥面处理发人深省,具有很强的艺术感染力,使悲喜交集达到高度的融合。3.卓别林用艺术夸张手法构成情节和人物动静的造型,构思巧、手法新,完全超脱了一般庸俗闹剧的旧模式,因而在创作上达到深刻的现实主义和卓越的浪漫主义想结合,从而使得卓别林的喜剧电影取得了很高的艺术成就。 德国表现主义电影:是20世纪一、二十年代在德国出现的把文学、戏剧、和绘画上的表现主义原则,运用于电影创作的电影流派,认为:“电影的画面应该像绘画作品一样”,创作者把本人的内心骚动,情绪外化于所免回的形象之中。创作特点:用荒诞离奇的手法,曲折而精确的反映出一战给德国人民带来的极度恐慌和惶惑的心情。银幕上呈现的是高度夸张、变形、主观化的世界。艺术特征:1.总体风格沉郁、灰暗、冷酷。2.内容倾向于黑暗题材的表现,人物往往具有象征含义。3.用变形、荒诞、失真、扭曲等手法反映现实。4.空间安排热衷舞


英语影视赏析论文 《指环王》与《冰雪奇缘》比较分析 姓名:周博文 学号: 20124281 院系:计算机科学与工程

电影简介 1.1《指环王》简介 在《魔戒》这部电影中构建一个包含了多个种族的世界——中土上的故事。第二纪时,邪恶的黑暗君主索隆制造了至尊魔戒并企图控制整个中土世界。人类与精灵等种族联合起来,共同对抗黑暗的势力。人类的君主埃西铎砍下了索隆的手指。然而不幸的是,埃西铎被魔戒诱惑,并没有将它丢进末日火山摧毁。千年之间,魔戒多次易主,落入住在地下的怪物咕噜姆的手中后,被探险的霍比特人毕尔博抢到手中。在毕尔博将魔戒作为礼物赠与侄子佛罗多之后,一系列风波席卷而来…… 魔戒,具有蛊惑人心力量的魔物,必须投入末日火山销毁。勇敢的佛罗多担负起了这艰巨的任务。同行的还有他的族人,山姆,梅里,皮平;杜内丹人,埃西铎的直系后代,刚多王位继承人——阿拉贡;黑森林精灵族王子,瑟兰迪尔之子——莱格拉斯;来自孤山的矮人族贵族,吉穆利;刚多摄政王的长子,博罗米尔;灰袍巫师——甘道夫。九位不同种族的使者,为避免人类乃至整个中土世界的毁灭而组成魔戒远征队,向复活后的索隆所在地——莫都进发…….. 1.2《冰雪奇缘》简介 在四面环海、风景如画的阿伦达王国,生活着两位可爱美丽的小公主,艾尔莎和安娜。艾尔莎天生具有制造冰雪的能力,随着年龄的增长,她的能力越来越强,甚至险些夺走妹妹的生命。为此国王紧闭宫门,也中断了两个女儿之间的联系。悲哀的海难过后,艾尔莎终于到了加冕的年龄,各国王宫纷纷前来祝贺。艾尔莎皇后战战兢兢,唯恐被人识破隐藏了多年的秘密。然而当听说安娜将要和初次见面的南群岛王子汉斯结婚时,依然情绪失控露出了马脚。在此之后她逃到山中,构建了属于自己的冰雪王国,而阿伦达也陷入可怕的寒冷之中。安娜独自来到山中,在拉冰青年克里斯托弗的帮助下总算来到姐姐的宫殿,之后由于姐姐艾尔莎害怕自己的能力而拒绝妹妹的请求,因为一些激进分子的捣乱,艾尔莎误伤了安娜,之后经历重重的困难,姐姐和妹妹安娜感情依旧,回到阿伦达王国,使王国回复往日的绿荫。 二.电影分析 2.1《指环王》角色分析 在这部电影中,一直有一个巨大的反派势力,那就是安格玛萨鲁曼 索隆,同样,也会有一群反抗并且打败他的正面角色,对于这些角色来说,有主次之分: 主要角色佛罗多摧毁魔界的主角 阿拉贡人类的领袖 次要角色镜像角色甘道夫, 精灵莱格拉斯 矮人吉穆利 护戒队成员 共同保卫魔界直至摧毁 团结和带领人类抵抗和消灭 索隆的黑暗势力 浪漫角色精灵公主阿尔文阿尔文与阿拉贡的爱情 反面角色安格玛萨鲁曼 索隆 企图控制整个中土世界


英文电影赏析之 ——ForrestGump 院系:技术物理系 年级: 姓名: 学号:

英文电影赏析之 ——ForrestGump 一学期的英文电影赏析课程就要结束了,在这一学期中我们看了各种题材的经典电影。比如说励志题材的《ForrestGump》,动作题材的《007系列之明日帝国》,爱情题材的《英国病人》还有恐怖题材的《七宗罪》等等经典之作。这些电影都给我留下了深刻的印象,让我对英文电影有了更加深刻的了解。在这些电影中给我留下印象最为深刻的还是励志题材的《ForrestGump》。 《Forrest Gump》一开始就利用一个场景:在蓝色的天空中,一片羽毛随风飘舞,飘过阿甘所居住的城市,一会随风飘落了下来,一会又被风吹向了高空。经过在空中的起伏飘荡,最终飘落在故事主人公的脚下。这是导演运用长镜头对羽毛随风飘舞的描写,留给观众的是对羽毛产生的无尽想象,为故事情节的发展作了铺垫。随着羽毛的降落,镜头特写了阿甘的那双沾满泥很破旧的球鞋,用特写镜头代替导演抒发了感情,暗示了将把鞋作为推动情节发展的因素。 "Life is like a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what you're going to get. "阿甘母亲的这一理解,向我们阐明了:每一个人的生命轨迹都是存在,而且是独一无二的。阿甘,正是听着这样的教诲,一步一个脚印地踩出属于自己的生活的奇迹。从智商只有75分而不得不进入特殊学校,到橄榄球健将,到越战英雄,到虾船船长,到跑遍美国,阿甘以先天缺陷的身躯,达到了许多智力健全的人也许终其一生也难以企及的高度。


华北科技学院 “英语电影赏析”课程论 文 题目 学院 专业班级 学号 学生姓名 任课教师 完成时间

【Theme】 Titanic an epic romance, directed by James Cameron, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet, American 20th Century Fox and Paramount Pictures Corporation jointly funded. Film in 1912, the Titanic in the virgin sail rocks an iceberg and sank in the event as the background, describes in different sectors of the two - the poor painter Jack and noble woman Ruth abandon worldly prejudice fall in love and eventually Jack put the chance of life to the Ruth's touching story. 【Genre】 Obviously, the Titanic is a Hollywood blockbuster, but also can be said to be a disaster movie and love film mixed. The smart Cameron with the 3D version of the Titanic successfully opened up a new commercial film type - conversion film. This film completely abandoned the approach taken, directly in have into a piece of film fabrication, analysis and processing every frame image, to import set in advance good depth of field scene, so that the original three-dimensional image plane. This film is the original new trees flower, transformed into a stylish 3D



英语电影欣赏教案 【篇一:英文电影欣赏校本课程】 英文电影欣赏校本课程教案 执教人:何菲 课时说明: 一、教学目标 在教学中注重引导学生了解隐含在语言内部的一个民族的生活方式、思维方式、价值观念、风俗习惯、审美情趣等;指导学生提高对西方文化的鉴别能力,汲取精华,去其糟粕;使学生在学习语言的同时,情感受到真善美的陶冶,心灵受到激荡,人格得到升华,提高认识能力,从而树立正确的人生观和价值观。 二、教学重点与难点 通过观看电影中的其精彩部分(highlight),在“质感”的英语中感受体悟原汁原味的英语,逐渐培养学生独立思考的能力,让学生大胆表达自己对电影的真实感悟,从真实的交流中体会语言的文化内涵。 三、教法、学法及教学手段 1. 学情分析 从学生的认知水平和能力状况来看,学生已初步具备了一定的查找材料和信息的自主学习能力,但学习的方法和习惯还有待养成。在此基础上引导学生自主、探究、合作学习,大多数学生喜欢思考,能积极参与学习交流活动,但他们也需要老师适当引导。 2. 教法 (1)采用问题教学法

采取实践、参与、合作、交流的学习方式,如:教师引导、查阅资料、分析探究、小组讨论、模拟对白,情景剧表演 (2)谈话教学法 设置情境——引导思考——交流互动 3. 学法 自主探究学习法,在课前,学生查阅相关资料课上教师扮演学生领路人的角色,学生在教师的引导下探究并自我总结,形成知识结构。引导学生学会独立地思考问题并能流利地表达自己的观点。 4. 教学手段 多媒体教学 四、课时安排 本课程共4课时。欣赏4部影片:《里约大冒险1》、《冰河世纪2》《哈利波特与魔法石》、《驯龙高手2》 课程内容: 第一时《里约大冒险1》电影欣赏 2. plot outline(故事梗概) 《里约大冒险》的故事讲述一只生活在美国明尼苏达州小镇上的 蓝色金刚鹦鹉,一直是世界上仅存的一只公金刚鹦鹉。直到有一天,一个鸟类研究博士图里奥来到了这里,告知鹦鹉的主人琳达要是再不给它们进行人工繁殖那么蓝色金刚鹦鹉可能就会灭绝,而他们研究所就有一只母蓝色金刚鹦鹉。于是,为了拯救蓝色金刚鹦鹉,他们从美国出发飞往巴西里约热内卢,一段充满异域风情的冒险之旅就这么开始了。 3. movie time带问题看电影



Legally Blonde KEY WORD: Genre Characters Narrative Style Critical Perspective Genre: This amusing movie deals with the ordinary characters in everyday situations. Its ending was happliy and encouraging. Beside ,its attitude towards life basically positive. This movie belongs to the Cinderella , the story of the “dream comes true”. Beauty and wisdom are despised at the beginning but recongnised at last. The protagonist of this story begins in a lowly position ,but Elle’s effort and good virture convince all doubters and are rewarded. Characters: Hero: The main character was Elle, who was easy to identify emotionally with. She shared her dreams that to become a law school student and eventually turn to be a lawyer. Besides, she shared her elation when her action is successful concluded. At the same time, the problems she came across made the audience sympathetic. Mentor: the role of mentor was her professor Stromwell and her colleague Emmett. They gave Elle advices and helped her when she met with obstacles. Threshold guardian: the role of threshold guardian were Elle’s previous boy friend Warner and his girl friend Vivian. They temporarily block the Elle’s advance at any of the key moments in the course of the narrative .The function of them was to test whether Elle was really ready to accept the challenge of the narrative. Shadow: the shadow was her previous boy friend Warner who creates conflict in the story by opposing Elle. Trickster: the trickster was Elle’s friend who brings comic relief to the film through joking and mischief. They embody the energy of mischief and desire for change. Narrative: The narrative of legally blonde is basically in sequence .It described the cause of going to Harvard and how she became successful through a series of challenge. Repetitions: The blonde hair occurred frequently in the movie. It is a symbolism of beauty, passion, energy, courage, conviction, and enthusiasm. The pink color (pink dress ,pink navy hat, pink decoration)is also a symbolism of vigour , energy and optimism. Style: The style of a film is based primarily on two factors:the cinematic shot and the editing process.


英语电影赏析选修课课程标准撰写人:审核人: 撰写日期:2011-12-14 审核日期:2011.12.14 一、课程的地位与任务 本课程是针对英语专业学生所开设的选修课程,每周两节。 该课程强调“文化鉴赏和评论”,精选历史文化价值高、思想内涵深刻、观赏性较强、贴合本班学生实际的经典影视作品供学生欣赏讨论,另辅以影视类型、艺术手法、电影奖项庆典的适当介绍,最后布置学生撰写评论。本课程通过对不同类型的英文经典影视作品的欣赏,促进学生从不同的角度提高对语言的运用能力,从而进一步提高学生的独立审美能力和人文素养。 二、教学目标及教学要求 《英语电影赏析》课程汇视、听、说为一体,熔英语语言学习及西方文化历史了解于一炉,是英语专业高年级学生英语课程的有益补充和延伸。本课程旨在帮助学生于异国文化氛围中熟悉地道的英语,以求开拓视野、拓宽胸襟;不仅利于英语语言的学习,更能帮助学生提高文化素养,跟上文化交流时代的步伐。1.通过本课程的学习,使学生进一步了解西方历史、文化(主要是英语文化),掌握一些影片中使用的经典表达,学习地道的英语口语; 2.通过本课程的学习,使学生掌握影视欣赏的一般方法,掌握对影视作品做出一般性评论的技巧,并从口头和书面两方面提高对影视作品进行分析和评论的一般能力;

3.通过本课程的学习,使学生了解主要英语影视类型,理解影视语言和方法;4.通过本课程的学习,使学生了解英语影视文化在主要英语国家大众文化发展中的地位; 5.通过本课程的学习,使学生了解世界性电影盛典和奖项。 三、本课程的重点和难点 本课程的重难点在于影片所涉及传达的英美文化学生能否理解和掌握。 四、教学方法与手段 1.提醒学生课前收集有关影片的相关内容。 2.课堂中让学生去分析经典片段意思,以及对这段影片的理解。 3.让学生课后去反思你观赏这部电影的感想,从影片中或人物身上能学到什么。 4.学习影片中的经典歌曲,培养学生对英语的学习兴趣。 五、教材与主要参考文献 这个教学以多媒体为主,教材只是配套。大致分为一下几部分: 一.影片介绍(背景,人物,评价等) 二.经典对白的讲解。 三.经典歌曲欣赏。 四.对于影片主题的理解和对人物个性的挖掘。 参考:奥斯卡获奖影片 六、考核形式与成绩计算 不再依照传统的以考试为主的形式,本课程考核方法如下: 1.课堂出勤率占20% 2.课堂表现占10%


英文电影欣赏校本课程教案 执教人:何菲 课时说明: 一、教学目标 在教学中注重引导学生了解隐含在语言内部的一个民族的生活方式、思维方式、价值观念、风俗习惯、审美情趣等;指导学生提高对西方文化的鉴别能力,汲取精华,去其糟粕;使学生在学习语言的同时,情感受到真善美的陶冶,心灵受到激荡,人格得到升华,提高认识能力,从而树立正确的人生观和价值观。 二、教学重点与难点 通过观看电影中的其精彩部分(highlight),在"质感"的英语中感受体悟原汁原味的英语,逐渐培养学生独立思考的能力,让学生大胆表达自己对电影的真实感悟,从真实的交流中体会语言的文化内涵。 三、教法、学法及教学手段 1. 学情分析 从学生的认知水平和能力状况来看,学生已初步具备了一定的查找材料和信息的自主学习能力,但学习的方法和习惯还有待养成。在此基础上引导学生自主、探究、合作学习,大多数学生喜欢思考,能积极参与学习交流活动,但他们也需要老师适当引导。 2. 教法 (1)采用问题教学法 采取实践、参与、合作、交流的学习方式,如:教师引导、查阅资料、分析探究、小组讨论、模拟对白,情景剧表演 (2)谈话教学法 设置情境--引导思考--交流互动 3. 学法 自主探究学习法,在课前,学生查阅相关资料课上教师扮演学生领路人的角色,学生在教师的引导下探究并自我总结,形成知识结构。引导学生学会独立地思考问题并能流利地表达自己的观点。 4. 教学手段 多媒体教学 四、课时安排 本课程共4课时。欣赏4部影片:《里约大冒险1》、《冰河世纪2》《哈利波特与魔法石》、《驯龙高手2》 课程内容: 第一时《里约大冒险1》电影欣赏 1. 电影简要介绍 《里约大冒险》是一部2011年3D动画片。影片由《冰河世纪》系列的导演卡洛斯·沙尔丹哈执导,由好莱坞演员杰西·艾森伯格、安妮·海瑟薇和杰米·福克斯配音。 2. Plot outline(故事梗概) 《里约大冒险》的故事讲述一只生活在美国明尼苏达州小镇上的蓝色金刚鹦鹉,一直是世界上仅存的一只公金刚鹦鹉。直到有一天,一个鸟类研究博士图里奥来到了这里,告知鹦鹉的主人琳达要是再不给它们进行人工繁殖那么蓝色金刚鹦鹉可能就会灭绝,而他们研究所就有一只母蓝色金刚鹦鹉。于是,为了拯救蓝色金刚鹦鹉,他们从美国出发飞往巴西里约热

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