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1923年:《三个故事和十首诗》(Three Stories and Ten Poems) 1925年:《雨中的猫》(Cat in the Rain) 1925年:《在我们的时代里》(In Our Time) 1927年:《没有女人的男人》(Men Without Women) 1932年:《乞力马扎罗的雪》(The Snows of Kilimanjaro) 1933年:《胜者一无所获》(Winner Take Nothing) 1938年:《第五纵队与49个故事》(The Fifth Column and the First Forty-Nine Stories) 1972年:《尼克· 亚当斯故事集》(The Nick Adams Stories) 1987年:《海明威短篇故事全集》(The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway) 1995年:《海明威故事选集》(Everyman's Library: The Collected Stories)
情感生活 海明威一生经历了四次婚姻,感情生活动 荡而痛苦。这导致了他对女性的两极态度, 他作品中的女性人物往往缺乏现实感。
Hemingway and his works
• 1926年《太阳照常升起》 (The Sun also Rises) • 1929年《永别了,武器》 (A Farewell to Arms) • 1940年《丧钟为谁而鸣》 (For Whom the Bell Tolls ) • 1952年《老人与海》 (The Old Man and the Sea)
这样一个“硬汉子”形象,正是典型的海明威式的小说人物。《老 人与海》中桑地亚哥的形象就是这种性格的发展与升华。小说中的 大海和鲨鱼象征着与人作对的社会与自然力量,而老人在与之进行 的殊死搏斗中,表现了无与伦比的力量和勇气,虽败犹荣,精神上 并没有被打败。可以说,这样一个形象,完美地体现了作者所说的 “你尽可把他消灭掉,可就是打不败他”的思想。 . Such a "tough guy" image, is typical of Hemingway's fictional. "Old Man" in the image of Santiago is that character development and sublimation. The novel symbolizes the sea and the sharks and the people against the social and natural forces, with whom the elderly in a desperate struggle, the performance of unparalleled strength and courage, glorious defeat, mentally, and not defeated. Can be said that such an image, perfectly reflects the author said, "You can rest wipe them out, but I could not beat his" thinking.
• Hemingway was born on 21 July 1899 in Oak Park, Chicago. • Father: A successful physician, love fishing and hunting. • Mother: Music teacher
1925年:《春潮》(The Torrents of Spring) 1926年:《太阳照样升起》(The Sun Also Rises) 1929年:《永别了,武器》(A Farewell to Arms) 1937年:《虽有犹无》(To Have and Have Not) 1940年:《丧钟为谁而鸣》(For Whom the Bell Tolls) 1950年:《渡河入林》(Across the River and Into the Trees) 1952年:《老人与海》(The Old Man and the Sea) 1970年:《岛之恋》(Islands in the Stream) 1985年:《伊甸园》(The Garden of Eden) 1999年:《初见即真》(True At First Light) 2005年:《乞力马扎罗下》(Under Kilimanjaro)
Ernest Miller Hemingway (July 21, 1899 – July 2, 1961) was an American writer and journalist. He was one of the veterans of World War I later known as "the Lost Generation." He received the Pulitzer Prize in 1953 for The Old Man and the Sea, and the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954.
简略和轻描淡写是海明威独特 的写作风格,这对20世纪虚构 小说的发展产生了重大影响。 “硬汉子”是海明威作品中经常 表现的主题,也是作品中常有 的人物。他的许多作品被认为 是美国文学的经典著作。
Emotional Life
Hemingway had fourth marriages through his whole life with the unrest and painful emotional life. This led to his polar attitude to female, his works of female characters often lack the reality.
The Old Man and the Sea老人与海
这是一场人与自然搏斗的惊心动魄的悲剧。老人每取得 一点胜利都付出了惨重的代价,最后遭到无可挽救的失 败。但是,从另外一种意义上来说,他又是一个胜利者。 因为,他不屈服于命运,无论在怎么艰苦卓绝的环境里, 他都凭着自己的勇气、毅力和智慧进行了奋勇的抗争。 大马林鱼虽然没有保住,但他却捍卫了“人的灵魂的尊 严”,显示了“一个人的能耐可以到达什么程度”,是 一个胜利的失败者,一个失败的英雄。 This is a battle between man and nature‘s soul-stirring tragedy. Each access point victory in the elderly have paid a heavy price, the final failure was irreparable. However, in another sense, he is also a winner. Because he did not bow to fate, no matter how arduous the environment, he by his own courage, perseverance and wisdom were brave struggle. Although not keep the big marlin, but he was defending the “dignity of the human soul”, showing “a person’s ability to reach any level”, is a victory loser, a failed hero .
Ernest Miller Hemingway 欧内斯特· 米勒 尔· 海明威
制作人:周汉杰 演讲人:周汉杰 收集资料:王佳杰 邓万 民 黄巍伟 整理资料:蒋凌 李寨懿 黎启 左承天
Hemingway and his family
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ明威一生写真(二)
Writing style
Hemingway's distinctive writing style is characterized by simple and understatement, and had a significant influence on the development of twentieth-century fiction writing. His protagonists are typically stoical men who exhibit an ideal described as "grace under pressure." Many of his works are now considered classics of American literature.
欧内斯特•米勒•海明威 (1899年7月21日-1961年7 月2日),美国记者、作家。 他是一战后被称为“迷惘的 一代”的退伍军人。海明威 在1953年凭借著作《老人与 海》获得普立兹奖,1954年获 得诺贝尔文学奖。
In 1928, Hemingway left Paris, living in American Florida and Cuba, had a quiet pastoral life. He often went hunting, fishing, watch a bullfight. In another few years, Hemingway's two sons and three son was born. 1928年,海明威离开了巴黎,居住在美 国的佛罗里达州和古巴,过着宁静的田 园生活。他经常去狩猎、捕鱼、看斗牛。 在陆续几年中,海明威的二儿子与三儿 子出生。
1、第一次世界大战期间被授予银制勇敢勋章 2、1953年凭《老人与海》荣获普立策奖 3、1954年凭《老人与海》荣获诺贝尔文学奖 4、2001年, 美国现代图书馆评出的20世纪100部最佳英文小说 中,海明威的两部作品《太阳照样升起》和《永别了,武器》 榜上有名。 1、During World War he was awarded the silver medal for bravery 2、1953 with the "Old Man"won the Pulitzer Prize 3、1954 with the "Old Man"won the Nobel Prize in Literature 4、In 2001, the Modern Library's Top 100 best 20th century English novels, two works of Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises“ and"A Farewell to Arms"List.