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1. The scientific method is not applicable to the study of economics because economics is not a true science.

A) True

B) False

2. Hypotheses derived from economic analysis can be validated through empirical analysis, but hardly ever with absolute certainty.

A) True

B) False

3. Which of the following statements relates to the concept of efficiency?

A) The absence of waste.

B) Using resources as effectively as possible.

C) Being able to produce more of one good only by producing less of something else.

D) All the above.

E) b. and c. only.

Use the following to answer question 4:

Figure 1

4. Figure 1 displays the production-possibilities of two countries. Given that both countries produce five units of x, which of the following best describes country B's production of y?

A) Less than country A's production of y.

B) The same as country A's production of y.

C) More than country A's production of y.

D) Cannot be determined from the graph.

E) None of the above.

5. Mass unemployment of resources means society operates inside its production-possibility frontier.

A) True

B) False

6. If two goods use the same resources and the same technology, the production possibilities curve between the two goods will have a positive slope.

A) True

B) False

7. It is scarcity that makes goods economic goods.

A) True

B) False

8. Which of the following is the most basic of the subjects with which the study of economics must try to deal?

A) Markets.

B) Money.

C) Profit seeking.

D) The price mechanism.

E) Scarcity.

9. Poor money management by the government, aside from increasing the unemployment rate, will have a relatively small effect on the economy.

A) True

B) False

Use the following to answer question 10:

Figure 2

10. In Figure 2, what is Country B's cost of producing 1 unit of x in terms of y?

A) 10 units of y.

B) 1/2 units of y.

C) 5 units of y.

D) 2 units of y.

E) None of the above.

11. Barter is inconvenient because:

A) bargaining power is unequal between rich and poor.

B) without money, who can define "fair" values?

C) my wants and supplies do not match your supplies and wants.

D) it leads to imperfect competition.

E) all of the above.

12. The economic role of government in mixed economies can include:

A) provision of public goods.

B) tax collections.

C) income redistribution.

D) all of the above.

E) none of the above.

13. By the "invisible hand," Smith meant the influence and lobbying of the hidden interest groups.

A) True

B) False

14. A society which forgoes present consumption:

A) is forced to do so because of excessive consumption within the country in the past.

B) may be devoting new resources to new capital formation.

C) is merely devoting resources to the replacement of capital.

D) expects to consume only that amount tomorrow which was foregone today.

E) does none of the above.

15. An economic good is valued in part by its scarcity.

A) True

B) False

16. The statement that roundabout methods of production are often more efficient than more direct methods:

A) means that roundabout methods use the same inputs as more direct methods, except for time, which is not a scarce economic good.

B) means that consumers ought to choose those goods which most lend themselves to roundabout methods of production.

C) means that the most roundabout method is always the most efficient method of producing any output.

D) is false, for direct and indirect methods of production are usually the same in terms of efficiency.

E) suggests that foregone consumption devoted to investment sometimes increases future output in ways that more closely match individual and/or social desires.

17. Which of the following statements is true of specialization?

A) Specialization is inconsistent with the idea of individual freedom.
