职高英语基础模块Unit10Environment 全篇

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× 1.People
in large cities feel that the sky is as blue as it used to be. × 2.There is more fresh air for people to breathe. 3.The death rate is higher than that of traffic √ accidents or AIDS. × 4.The situation of our environment is still not very worrying. × 5. Air is being polluted mainly by car, for they burn fuel and release waste gas.
4. What causes traffic jams everywhere in large cities?
That too many cars are running in the street causes traffic jams everywhere in large cities.
5. How many people a year die of diseases related to air pollution in the United States according to the Natural Resources Defense Council?
6. Is the death rate of diseases related to air pollution higher than that of traffic accidents or AIDS?
7. What would help to protect and to improve the environment?
2. What now harms everyone in the world?
Air pollution now harms everyone in the world.
3. What is coal used for?
Coal is used in industry and also for heating and cooking.
废气 弥漫在空气中
7. less fresh air 更少的新鲜空气 黑色的灰尘 8. black dust 9. makes everything dirty
10. the beautiful little birds
美丽的小鸟 11. flying in the air 飞在空中的 12. are dressed in… 穿上了…的外衣
What now harms everyone in the world? What is coal used for?
What causes traffic jams everywhere in large cities?
How many people a year die of diseases related to air pollution in the United States according to the Natural Resources Defense Council?
13. black and gray

在蔚蓝的天空下 住在大城市里的人们觉得天空不再像以 前那么蓝了。烟雾笼罩着工业城市的上空。
空气中弥漫着烟囱冒出的黑烟和汽车排 放的废气,人们很难呼吸到新鲜空气。
The translation of Para.1
黑色的灰尘弄脏了所有的东西— 植物、 建筑、人们的衣服、房子里的家具, 甚至连飞在空中的美丽小鸟都被披上 了黑灰色的外衣
Under the Blue Sky Useful expressions of Para.1
1. no longer
过去常常 2. used to do 3. a blanket of smog 一层烟雾
4. industrial cities 5. waste gases 6. fill the air
Language points of Para.1
① People in large cities feel that the no longer as blue as it used sky is ________ to be.
大城市的人们都觉得天不再像以前那 么蓝了。
A. no longer
4. 几个关于as…as的常见句型:
⑴ as …as possible “尽可能……” 请尽快回答我的问题。
Please answer my question as soon as possible.
⑵ as…as usual/before “与往常/以前一样… 她看起来和以前一样漂亮。 She looks as pretty as before. 妈妈与往常一样忙碌。 Mother is as busy as usual.
used to do “过去常常”
eg. 他过去常常夏天在河里游泳。
He used to swim in the river in summer.
习惯于做某事 eg. 路西习惯于早晨早起。
be used to doing sth.
Lucy is used to getting up early in the morning.
Little things like reusing, not littering around and walking or biking instead of driving cars would help to protect and to improve the environment.
True or False?
Fill the gap according to the text.
1. Air pollution now _____everyone in the harms world. industry and also for 2. Coal is used in ______ heating cooking _______and _____. burning coal is one of the 3. Smoke from ___________ causes of air pollution. 4. According to the Natural Resources Defense Council in the United States, die of about 50,000 people a year _______ related to diseases _________air pollution.
About 50,000 people a year die of diseases related to air pollution in the United States according to the Natural Resources Defense Council.
6. Is the death rate of diseases related to air pollution higher than that of traffic accidents or AIDS? Yes, it is. 7. What would help to protect and to improve the environment?
Ask and answer
1. What makes it hard for people to breathe the fresh air?
Smoke from chimneys and waste gases from cars make it hard for people to breathe the fresh air.
5. The unreasonable production often ________air pollution, water leads to pollution and much damage ______ to the environment. 6. Not only the government _________ but also we the citizens should work more actively tofight _________ against pollution and to protect ______ the environment. In addition, we should also be aware of __________our own actions.
noise pollution
Under the Blue Sky
What causes the pollution of our environment?
Ask and answer
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
What makes it hard for people to breathe the fresh air?
The sky is so blue …
water pollution 1._________________
air pollution 2._______________ rubbish everywhere 4._____________________
not…any longer
eg. 他不再是一个小孩了。
He was no longer a little boy.
He was not a little boy any more.
B. as … as 意为“ 和…一样”,表示同级比较
1. 其结构为:as + adj./ adv. + as…
eg. This film is as interesting as that one. 这部电影和那部电影一样有趣。
2.其否定形式为: not as/so +adj./adv.+as
eg. This dictionary is not as/so useful as you think. 这本字典不如你想象的那样有用。
3. 当“倍数”作为修饰成分出现时,必须置于 as … as 结构之前,如: a quarter(四分之一)、 half(一半)、 once(一倍)、 twice(两倍) 、 three times (三倍)等 eg.Your bag is twice as expensive as mine.
5. 一些带有as …as 结构的常 见习 语归纳:
as busy as a bee as easy as ABC as deep as a well
像ABC一样容易 像井一样深
as light as a feather 像羽毛一样轻
as soft as butter
像黄油ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu样软
② …even the beautiful little birds flying
in the air are dressed in black and gray. 甚至连飞在空中的美丽小鸟都披上了 黑灰色的外衣。 A. …flying in the air动词ing形式作定语, 修饰 birds。 Note: 现在分词短语作定语表示动作的 主动或正在进行。如: The girl sitting by the door is my sister. 坐在门边的女孩是我的姐姐。
eg. The babysitter dresses the baby
dress是及物动词,意 “为…穿衣”,用法是dress sb.
everyday. 保姆每天都要给宝宝穿衣。 be/get dressed (in)“打扮,穿着…” 她今天穿得很漂亮。 她穿着一条新裙子。